
In MHA as a martial artist

Izuku midoriya, since he was a kid he learnt that all men were not created equally. in a world were 80% of the population has a superpower called quirk, the 20% being of older generations than deku he was laughed at and bullied for not having one. but one day after trying to save his childhood friend and long time bully, and getting scolded by his idol in life, while he was returning home sad and depressed, he found a wormhole that took him somewhere were he could gain the power he needs to become what he wanted

F1reBeat · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

What Is The Meaning Behind All Of This

izuku looked at the note that the geezer gave him, and it was the most confusing thing he saw in his life, it read as follows: "ok listen to here maggots, I got you two here to train another worthless maggot that I would be sending your way very soon, 5 minutes top, and I want to make that bitch strong, any questions? no, good"

as soon as izuku got over the question part he felt a tingling sensation run down his spine, it made him think that whoever wrote this note was not accepting any questions, and any poor soul that did ask will get thrown off a high place.

"Anyway, even though I won't meet anyone of you worthless maggots, I'm going to give you the pecking order, it goes you, the dirt, the worms inside the dirt, popo's stool, then kami, and then popo, I take it as there are no questions like last time".

izuku again felt the same feeling as before and the odd picture in his head of a bald small guy getting thrown off a large flying shrine of some sort.

he continued reading " anyway I left you, you worthless maggots a jar of senzu beans, instead of giving it to those chmucks that are going to fight cell, and I changed the time dilation so that 2 years in here are 1 day in your worlds, and I gave you enough rations to last you for 6 years, so better make use of that shit quickly while I'm still watering my pots, and now let's go over popo's rules of training".

when izuku read that he got the urge to memorize whatever are these rules no matter what.

"first rule of popo's training, don't talk about popo's training.

the second rule of popo's training, don't cry about popo's training.

the third rule of popo's training only kami and super kami sense can backchat popo.

the fourth rule of popo's training, don't eat popo's stuff, (bitch you're lucky you're endearing or I wouldn't have given you any shit).

the fifth rule of popo's training, don't you dare defy popo's authority.

the sixth rule of popo's training, don't break popo's stuff.

the seventh rule of popo's training, never EVER call popo 'black man'.

the eighth rule of popo's training, if someone ever goes limp, or says stop, even if it's faking it, the training is over."

after reading all of these rules izuku got ahold of one of the truths of this world, the truth that they are all living on 'borrowed time' and that whatever entity that did this could finish him with only a breath, and could care less about him, but he was lucky he found him...endearing? he hopes not in a sexual way, because he doesn't want to meet that thing face to face.

anyway, after finishing reading all the rules and mesmerizing it he found there was more to the note and so he read the rest of it.

"now you better train well you little maggot, and make that sorry excuse of a human being you call your mom proud"

after reading that izuku got inraged to the point he yelled "OK, I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE OR WHATEVER COSMIC BEING, YOU LITTLE SHIT IS BUT NEVER SPEAK THAT ABOUT MY MOM EVER AGAIN YOU HEAR ME!!!" izuku in a fit of rage completely forgot that he just broke the third rule

then a black cloud covered the room and then it formed a short, plump humanoid. His distinguishing features include his markedly dark complexion, red lips, and pointy ears. Interestingly, he doesn't possess a nose. He has a modest stature and appears to be a grade shorter than the average earthling, but his eye felt like an abyss, and man, was that abyss starting harder at him than him staring back at it, that...creature? then slowly began to lift both ends of its lips forming the creepiest smile I have ever laid eyes on while hearing some the sounds of bones breaking and after the entity finished smiling it said "well I say, I like you"

and then everything instantly vanished

which made izuku tremble in fear over what he just witnessed, and then he noticed that line about his mom on the note disappear.

"so not only is the world and my life is loving on 'borrowed time' I'm also closely watched by that genie...thing.

after all of this happened izuku stepped out of bed and went to look at the rest of the place, he first noticed that the bedroom was bigger than what he imagined having one more king-sized bed in there, and after exiting it he found a dining table enough to have 8 people sit beside it and a restroom and bathroom that were separate, after he finished inspecting the living quarters he will be in for the next 6 years, he remembered that the old man and someone else is going to train him, he knew there was only one other person besides the old man and him from the message, when he stepped out of the living quartets he noticed the feeling of gravity getting stronger as he walked through the stairs and so he stopped, returned a few steps, and looked outside to find two old men just chatting, he wanted to go apologies to the person who is supposed to be his trainer for the next six years but he can't reach them, because of his weak body he can't handle the gravity and the moment the moments he steps out of these stairs the same thing will happen.

but the two old men noticed him and walked up to him

"So now, that you read the note, I guess you understand a bit of the place we are in," said the old that izuku already met

"kinda, I still find this place weird, it's hard to believe that such a thing exists" izuku responded

"oh! almost forgot here is another note we found in the ground when we got here"

izuku took the note from the old man's hand and started reading it

"ok listen up maggots, Imma explain this place so you better remember this shit, first the only way you can tell the time is by that clock on the of the building"

izuku took a look at the building he was inside just moments ago, and he thought to himself, 'man the interior looks like a love hotel, but the exterior looks like a mosque'

it was like what izuku thought, from the outside this place looks like a mosque with a clock and the top.

"This place becomes weirder and weirder the more I look at it"

in any case, izuku continued reading.

"gravity will only affect you if you step outside of the building, The temperature in the training area fluctuates rapidly, ranging between a freezing -40 °C (-40 °F) and a scorching 50 °C (122 °F), the more you go into the training area the thinner the air pressure is and the harsher the heat and cold gets, this place has limits, but for you bitches I removed some, I also I'm gonna get you back to your worlds and reverse your age back to where it was, so you better get me 5 gallons of LSD when we meet as thanks.

'5 FUCKING GALLONS, don't tell he wants to take it all at once!'

'and wait...he can reverse my age!...well with all the things he has shown thus far, that's not farfetched'

"now with that, all said and done you maggots better start, you have 6 years, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

it was only a letter, but the fear was engraved in izuku, and he could easily imagine the voice of that devilish laugh.

after he finished reading it he looked at the two old men in front of him

"so...how are we gonna train?"

"We already have a plan for you, since you're body is weak, and it seems you are...I was gonna say a novice fighter, but you are even worse, at best you have some good perception and analysis skills which are good for martial arts but not everything, so the first 2 years will be spent building up your body to not only withstand this place but also so that you can get a good enough body to learn our martial arts techniques, after that, I will spend 2 years teaching you my martial arts"

the old man then quickly crouched down and moved his hands in a swift motion, so fluidly that it looked like water, and then both his hands slightly extended forward in each hand both his index and middle finger were out while all his other fingers were closed.

"its name is...water stream rock smashing fist"

'that so cool' izuku thought to himself

"wait...what about the last 2 years"

"About that," said the other old man, he was almost the opposite of the first old man izuku met, While the first still has his hair and sports a short mustache, this old man has a long beard and white, long hair with the top of his head being bald. He wears a classic-style green on blue martial arts robes, while the other has a plain black shirt with white pants. He is slightly taller than the first and he has a very strong posture, unlike the first who seems to often slouch when he's walking.

"in the last 2 years you will be learning my martial arts, whirlwind iron cutting fist" answers the old man, and as a demonstration, he took a battle posture and punched the air in front of him, right after he did a small shockwave was generated, while not big and it didn't travel much, izuku could tell that it wasn't everything the old man has in store and that shockwave, while not big it stoll would've destroyed anything in its path.

'these two guys are seriously cool' izuku was liking the prospect of having them as his masters more and more, and he couldn't hold back his excitement anymore and blurted out.

"you guys are seriously cool, but I don't know your name, can this disciple learn the name of his future senseis".

the two found it weird why this kid was talking like this but they didn't care, even if this kid wasn't forced on them, if he met them normally they would've considered teaching him anyway, what the old man said before was a lie, izuku already has what it takes to be a martial artist, he even seems to have a big burning determination to learn and not give up, his only flaw is a weak body but that could be worked on, good perception and analysis of the opponent is a vital thing to have as a martial artist, and this kid seems to excel in both areas, and with the old man had lost most of his precious disciples while the other always welcoming more it was a good chance to gain one that they can pass on both of their martial arts to.

"my name is bang you can just call me bang sensei, and his name is bomb you can also just call him bang sensei"

"ok, bang sensei, bomb sensei, I will be under both of your care for the next six years" he bowed down respectfully.

both old men smiled at him and bang said "you better get ready kid because these next 6 years are not going to be easy, we can't waste time, so we're starting...now!"

izuku couldn't process it until he felt he was pulled to the training area and as soon as he did he got smacked into the ground, he felt again all of his bones getting crushed under the gravity, but this time it took a few seconds longer and he didn't pass out from the pain.

he then looked at the bang and said

"w-why?" having a hard time speaking

"to build your body, of course, we are going to break and repair you repeatedly until you can withstand this place"

he then forced another senzu bean into izuku's mouth, which made izuku feel his bones getting healed, and that he could push himself up but as soon as he did, he got smacked into the ground again, also this he bones took even more time to fully break

"These two years aren't going to be easy kid, and the other 4 are gonna be even worse, so you better not lose that determination you had before"

after izuku was fed another senzu bean, he got up a bit and was able to stay in a push-up position for a while "d-d-don't think that t-this will stop me, I'm not going to give up just because of pain"

izuku finally could feel the chance to grow stronger and become a hero right in front of him, and he won't let it go away, for some reason he always never worked on himself, maybe because he unconsciously knew that it wouldn't made a difference in him achieving his dream, or maybe he didn't want to get stronger fearing that bakugo would destroy him for trying to get stronger and make his bullying case even worse, but now even if he gets down one foot in the grave, he won't stop, not while he's this close.

'this kid...he has so much potential, he will make a fine disciple' thought both bang and bomb to themselves.

"ACK-" and then izuku got smacked in the ground again due to gravity.

these 6 years are going to be hard, but he will go through with them and will emerge a hero, the hero he always wanted to be.







soooooo yeah, I did say that this chapter will be silly (please don't drop this)

also, the vote has ended and hero route has won (thank god now I can write the harem easily)

and the last part was written in a rush, I will change it sometime later don't worry.

with that out of the way, vote and add the story to your library and get the fuck out of here.