
In MHA as a martial artist

Izuku midoriya, since he was a kid he learnt that all men were not created equally. in a world were 80% of the population has a superpower called quirk, the 20% being of older generations than deku he was laughed at and bullied for not having one. but one day after trying to save his childhood friend and long time bully, and getting scolded by his idol in life, while he was returning home sad and depressed, he found a wormhole that took him somewhere were he could gain the power he needs to become what he wanted

F1reBeat · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

Did I Even Work Hard?

not all men are created equal this is a truth that izuku midoriya learned at a young, since the day he learned he doesn't have a quirk.

quirk being a superpower that most people on earth had, approximately 80%, the rest 20% being from older generations from when not having a quirk was commonplace, and the first quirk was discovered in China when a baby started glowing, a few minutes after birth.

this made people who have powers want to commit all kinds of evil and try to live as they see fit not being bound by rules, in response to that a group of vigilantes rose to combat these villains, not for self-interest but because of their moral compass and wanting to help people because of their righteousness and wanting to do the right thing, and they became so popular that being one became a profession and people called them heroes.

being born without a quirk placed him in the minority in this world without a superpower, he was bullied from a young age, and by someone that he thought was close to, none other than his childhood friend Katsuki Bakugo, which midoriya called him kacchan.

bakugo was a talented person, blessed with a powerful quirk and talent.

this made him see everyone as lesser than him, and when he learned that deku, that being what he calls him and it means someone a dull or someone good for nothing and useless, he started to bully deku specifically.

yet despite all of this izuku had a dream, a dream people called unachievable but he still dreamt about it, and that is to be a hero like his idol and role model all might the number one hero and symbol of peace in Japan.

he knew having this dream was kind of stupid but still, there are rescue heroes with non-combatant properties, and some people with useless quirks still got there, so if those did it what's to say that he the quirkless person can't.

and despite all of that he didn't try anything to achieve that, yes he was smart, really smart, and so fascinated by heroes that he analyzed a lot of them and wrote their power and potential weaknesses, which made him a treat if he ever decided to become a villain, and with his circumstances, no one would have been surprised if he did, but this isn't that type of story.

he was weak and never did he work out or learn techniques to defend himself, so his dream of becoming a hero was only getting further away, but he never lost hope.




this morning izuku felt quite lucky, a villain attack has just happened, but that wasn't the lucky part, he felt lucky because he saw pro heroes at work. he saw how Kamui woods tried to restrain the villain just before the newly debuted pro hero Mt. lady came and apprehended the villain herself.

as soon as deku saw that he took out a notebook and started writing while mumbling words

"gigantification, huh... as a quirk It's fairly likely to attract attention and popularity, but isn't it also somewhat limiting since it's easier to inadvertently damage the city while on the job? of course, that'd be moot if one could control one's size..."

and the old man was surprised by izuku's antiques and after asking him if he wanted to be a hero, he wished him luck.

"yes I'll do my best," said midoriya but was unsure of himself

----later in his class---

"COME ON CLASS YOU'RE MIDDLE SCHOOL SENIORS, IT'S TIME YOU START THINKING ABOUT YOUR FUTURE" yelled the teacher as he was holding papers in his hands

after slamming them on his desk he yelled again "I'LL BE HANDING PRINTOUTS ON YOUR DESIRED LIFE COURSE!"

he then turned around and threw them in the air and said in a relaxed tone "who am I kidding, you all want to be heroes don't you?"

the class erupted and every student started showing off their quirks, forgetting they are in class, but then bakugo mocked them saying he will crush them all and will be the only student from this school to go to yuuei (do you guys think I should call it like that?, or should I change it to UA?).

and then the teacher looked in my direction.

'no...don't you dare'

"it seems even your classmate midoriya wants to go to yuuei"

'crap baskets'

the whole class descended into maniacal laughter.

"deeekuuuuu~," said bakugo in a condescending tone.

'oh no

right after that he hit my desk with his hand and made an explosion before impact, which made me fall on the ground and then slammed his fist on top of my desk.

"trying to get to yuuei, are you putting yourself on the same level as me?"

"no k-kacchan, I'm not trying to compete with you, I mean how could I? it just my dream since I was young to be a hero, so I-I just wanted to try because you know...you never know until you try" I mumbled the last part quietly but to my misfortune, I didn't go unheard.

"YOU NEVER KNOW UNTIL YOU TRY MY ASS!! (calmed down there boi, and say no homo)it's not about your quirk being weak, you don't even have one, but even then look at you, scared and untrained, all of that and you wish to be hero, don't make me laugh"

those last words hurt, they hurt a lot...because they were true, I wanted to be a hero but did I work on myself to achieve that? did I train even half as hard at him to dream about being a hero? the answer is no...I didn't, and I couldn't respond to him I just got up and returned to my seat while everyone was laughing at me, and bakugo returned to his place, and the class continued.

---somewhere in the city at 12 AM---



"hahaha, catch me if you can" the robber that was made out of some said as he accelerated at high speed out of there.

"it's ok someone will get him"

"guess he used the commotion from earlier to try and do this, how stupid"

as people started chattering about what's happening a man that looks like a dying husk started getting buff while no one noticed him.


---back in class---

"Finally the class ended,*sigh* let's go-to karaoke"

"Sorry I have to go to my part-time job"

students started to leave the class, some heading home, some going to hang with their friends, and I was there checking Yahoo like a peasant 'damn you japan! if only I had the power of a Nord VPN sponsor'.

'huh, the incident this morning is trending, anyway, I'm gonna pick my notes and leave'

and just as I was about to reach for my hero analysis notebook #13, a hand grabbed it before me, it was kacchan.

after he looked at it he read "for my future"

"p-please kacchan give it back"

after I said that he opened the note and read a few pages, and then he closed it violently and


'NOOOOO!!' in my head I screamed almost fainting from shock but, my body didn't move even though I knew what was going to happen I didn't try to prevent it.

he then threw the notebook out of the window and came towards me.

"you know a lot of popular heroes share the same story of 'I came from a normal middle school, and I alone made it' I too want to be able to say that with confidence, but don't tell me your thinking the same Deku?"

after he said those words he put his hand on my shoulder and I could feel the heat emitting from them.

"forgot about yuuei you little shit, do you understand"

he then removed his hand and went away with his friends, that were waiting for him.

but before he left he said something "you know if you're such a nerd, maybe you jump off a building and kill yourself, maybe you will get a second chance in your next life to be a hero"

those words for some weird reason triggered me, they made made made so much that as soon as kacchan left the class I run out and screamed


both bakugo and his friends turned back, in disbelief, they couldn't believe that the quiet and scared Deku will ever fight back but right now he was ready to fight and was to go at it until he can't move anymore.

"so the nerd finally got some fight in him," said bakugo as he pulls out his hands and sparks start to appear on them.

he then threw a right hook which I instinctively dodged

"w-what, how did you dodge me you nerd, STAY STILL AND LET ME BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU!!!" bakugo and his friends was confused and so am I, everyone knows that I am weak and unfit, even I know that, better than anyone, yet I dodged that seamlessly without thinking and I made it look so easy, but while I and the others were processing what happened bakugo went for another hit, this time I wasn't so fortunate.





"what happened" izuku was laying on the floor, his uniform torn and some hardened blood beneath his nose.

"so I lost miserably, huh" I left to pick my notebook that kacchan threw out and started to go home, and as I did memories of my childhood went through my mind, memories of me watching that all might video that I loved and still love to this day, the memory of the day I went to the hospital and was proven to be quirkless and how when I returned home to watch that video I love and asked my mom If I can be like all might with teary eyes and she broke down crying with me saying how sorry she, but at the time those were the words that I didn't need to hear.

"maybe, she couldn't say them because it didn't make sense, how can someone like me, become like all might, maybe...just maybe I was stupid-"

before I can finish my words as I stepped into an alleyway from the manhole popped a slimy creature.

"well what do we have here, a cruise in M size"

as he finished his words I sensed the danger and tried to run away, but today wasn't my lucky day, he easily caught me and started to enter my mouth, and when he did I started struggling for air and trying to remove him from me.

"it's ok kid, I'm just gonna take over your body, give 45 seconds and the pain will go away and instead you will feel really goo- wait am a robber, not a pedophile, anyway just stop resisting so that we can end this squabble"

I was afraid, I felt like I was dying, for a moment there I stopped struggling, but then I remember my dream and my idol, I didn't want to give up on life, and I wanted to prove kacchan wrong, and mom would be sad If I died so I can let things end here, but no matter how hard I tried nothing worked, and even though I was feeling my end getting closer I didn't stop resisting.

my eyes were getting hazy, and my heart felt like it was about to burst.

and then from the corner of my eyes, I saw a giant figure appear out of the manhole, and then I heard the words "TEXAS SMMMMMMMAAAAAASSH!!!"

when I heard those words I felt my face was about to get ripped from the sludge monster that was holding onto me but was blasted because of the wind pressure.

sometime later I regained my vision, I felt like someone was lightly slapping me on the face, and then I saw it, a tall muscular man with a well-defined physique and he has chiseled features on his face with a strong jawline and pronounced cheekbones, and bushy eyebrows. He had short blond hair, swept backward, with two distinct tufts that stick up above his head, leaning slightly to each side. His strong features regularly cast a dark shadow over his face, hiding everything but his bright blue eyes.

I screamed, "ALL MIGHT!!!"



he was here my idol and role model was right in front of me.

"w-wait c-can you sign o-on th-"


I looked at my notebook and I found all might's signature on it

"T-THANK YOU!!!" I scream happily


"PLEASE CONTINUE-" he said as he prepared to jump.

no, but I must ask him something first.


he then jumped making him soar in the air.

'damn I was almost out of time there, good thing i-'

he then heard some muffled screaming, he then turned back to find the kid that he just saved clinging to him

'shiiiiiiiit' all might screamed internally.

he then landed on a roof and asked the boy why did he do that.

"I wanted to ask you a question, is it ok if you answer it" izuku answered.

"IT'S OK ASK AWAY!!!" all might was running out of time and he knew it but he has enough time to answer his fan's question right?...right?

"really? thank you" izuku said happily.

"all might this is something I wanted to know for a long, can I become a hero, even though I don't have a quirk"

all might was shocked by this question and just when he was about to open his mouth steam started to come out of his body covering him whole.

izuku was freaking out and after the smoke disappeared he saw a very skinny man with sharp, angular features and long limbs, his neck long and his eyebrows absent.

"w-who are you? where did all might go?" said izuku, while freaking out.

"Hey kid it's me, I'm all might"

"WHAAAT" izuku screamed because he couldn't believe his idol will be this dying skeleton in front of him

"that's impossible it looks like you're already one foot in the grave, all might is strong in dignified, not like you," said midoriya.

when all might heard that he almost thought he could get away with this and decided to use this "yes I was just joking all might already left, kid"

as soon as izuku heard this for some weird reason he didn't believe the man, he knew he was lying, but he didn't see all might leave, and so the only conclusion he could come up with is that this is all might, and when midoriya didn't believe in his words he decided It will best to hide it from his fan.

"your all might, aren't you?" said izuku calmly.

"y-yeah" all might responded, shocked at the complete 180 this kid's personality did.

"But how? is that thanks to your quirk," asked midoriya confused.

"no I got seriously injured while fighting a villain 5 years ago, and he beat me so badly he destroyed half my respiratory system" all might then picked up his shirt revealing a large scar that covers most of the left side of his chest

"i-is it because of the fight with chainsaw massacerer," izuku asked

"huh, like that punk can do anything this severe"

"But returning to your question kid"

izuku's eyes got sparkles in them when he heard that, but then they disappeared as fast as they came when he heard all might's words").

"Sorry kid but that's not possible, as you see here being a hero is a serious business, we always put our lives on the line, and try not to succumb to the forces of evil, even the reason I smile is to deceive and distract my self from the pressure and terror that dwells with this job, someone like you without a quirk can still help, by becoming a police officer or the like, they might not be like heroes but they are a respectable profession, I won't hold you on your dream but...you need to get a grip on reality kid"

after all might left izuku stood there, thinking about what just happened, he idol just told him to give up on his dream and that it's impossible to achieve.

his life was crushed at this moment




while all might was going doing from the building he and izuku landed in, he looked outside and saw an explosion erupt in the middle of the city, thinking fast he tried to go to the police station give away the villain and go check what was happening, but to he dismay, he didn't find the bottle in which he stored the villain in.

'shiiiiiiiit, this probably means he fell down when that shounen grabbed at my leg'

all might then sprinted to where the explosion was coming from




izuku was going home depressed after what has happened, and then while passing through the unnaturally empty sidewalk because of what was happening, izuku couldn't know because of his mental state.

'I knew this was impossible, I knew it was a fantasy but I just refused to accept, and yet I didn't do anything to change my situation, I didn't work out, I didn't go to a dojo, I didn't do anything useful I just kept writing these stupid notes about heroes that will never help me if a villain were to get a hold on those then he would have a field day, maybe...m-maybe I should bec-, no! I haven't gotten that desperate yet'.

'wait, why are there no people here this place is usually jam-packed with them at this time'.

he finally noticed a large number of people gathering in a place where a lot of fire can be seen when he got closer he saw his childhood friend if he can even call him that, was caught by the villain the same way he did to him and when he asked the people how long it's been going for they answered "this has been going for minutes on end"

'WHAT!!!, I couldn't even last seconds while kaccahn was holding this guy for this long

when he looked at him, the look in his eyes was the look of someone that wanted help so midoriya without thought got through the crowd and lept in there throwing his backpack at the sludge monster and started to claw at the villain. everyone was surprised the heroes were screaming at him to come back, and the civilians were watching him not understanding why he did so, while all might was in the crowd shocked at what was happening before his eyes

'that idiot' was the only thing he could think of


when izuku heard those words multiple answers appeared in his mind all of them resemble something that all might would say 'because I wanted to save you with a smile' or 'to start fresh'

but he knew all of those weren't why he did.

the single reason he did that was because "IT'S BECAUSE YOUR EYES WERE PLEADING FOR HELP!!!"

the heroes were getting furious because it seemed like the boy was throwing his life away, and the sludge villain was about to attack him, but before anything could happen, all might appeared with smoke coming out of him, he grabbed izuku and pulled his right hand back.


a powerful shockwave covered the area as wind began to rage there forming a tornado, which made one of the pro heroes there Mt.lady use her quirk to cover the civilians.

after the tornado settled the clouds began to rain

and people began to cheer for all might.

after all of what happened izuku got scolded by the pro heroes and went home.

on my way I was stopped by kacchan and like always he was angry and didn't acknowledge that I tried to help him, saying stuff like he doesn't need my help, well he isn't wrong and I'm not mad at him anymore so we just parted ways and when I was getting close to home all might came from behind and wanted to talk to me

"hey all might, I guess you wanted to talk about what's just happened right there"

"that's right midoriya shounen" (he learned his name when the heroes scolded him and asked him for his name)

"it's ok you don't have to, I know my mistake I won't do it again," said izuku

"no that's not what I'm here for, you already got scolded enough by metal arm so I don't think I can add anything, what u will say is...midoriya shounen you have the makings of a hero, while everyone was everyone was standing there not knowing what to do your body moved on it's on to save your friend"

the next words should have been you can become a hero, almighty should've told midoriya that and the story would have gone as it should be but for some reason he didn't.

"but it was still reckless without a quirk so next time when something like this happens, make sure that your interference helps the situation, got it, quirkless people are indeed limited in what they can do but they can still help, so take my advice next time you get into a situation like this"

"yes" izuku answered weakly part of it was because all might said he wasn't going to scold him which he kind of did right now, and second was because he felt all might should've said something different than that, but he didn't dwell on it, so after parting way midoriya continued walking while his head was facing down, not noticing the wormhole that had opened in front of him







so what did you think of the first chapter, I think I rewrote the first chapter of MHA a bit too much in here, but it's since from here on out (hopefully) it will be different not by a lot but more than this chapter.

also, can you guess where that portal will take him

anyway don't forget to vote and leave a comment, I appreciate any feedback, and also in the next 2 or 3 chapters I'm doing a pole to where the story is headed because I got to ways it can go in mind so do vote when the time comes and now...get the fuck out of here.

(also in here and chapter 1.5 there will be a vote on which path izuku takes so don't forget to vote)

3780 words holly molly that's alot

F1reBeatcreators' thoughts