Rincarnated as Agnologia in MCU... Its droped because drafts got lost and I don't feel like writing again..... but I may continue it if I get inspiration again..
Joshua : "I wonder how long I have to wait??I have been sealed for more than 3000 years.It seems like I just died and transmigrate but with all the memories it seems like a long time since then."I said with a longing look and somewhat sentient voice...which i never did before.
Agnologia keeps waiting.He sometimes hum songs from his past life, he makes strange noises with his tongue and The Dragon King of Apocalypse even started singing Nursery Rhymes.It seems even the might and pride of the Dragon King of Apocalypse is nothing in front of the so called enemy of modern humanity in his past life....'Boredom'.Yes even Agnologia is not spared from such cruelty.
After a while Agnologia seems to be touching his chest and then his eyes widen.Panic written all over his face as he try and search for something on his body.
Agnogolia : " Where is my Gem??" asked Agnologia in a worried and panic tone
In the world of Marvel where Etherion does not exists Agnologia has a gem which is located in his chest called Dragon gem.This gem is the palce where his mana is generated much like Iron man or the ultimate skill of Milim Nova from 'That time I got reincarnated as a slime'.This gem is connected with his soul so he never thought it can be taken from him, its like vision and his mind stone.
He calm his mind down and concentrate his mind.He can still feel the connection of him and his stone.He follows his connection and then finally he looks far away, he cannot see it but he knows its there but it was at least
1000 km away from his current location.He closes his eyes for a while and opens them after a brief moment.
After opening his eyes, his eyes now looks very dragonic.His eyeball is dark blue in colour with a dark black slit on it.The surrounding skin of his eyes also turn into dragon scales.
This is his dragon eyes.He is currently using his hybird powers.He does not need magic to turn into dragon or turn parts of his body into dragon parts.With his current eyes he can now see that there is a small building 1567 km away from his current location.The building has no door so he can see what is insid it.There is a big sphere inside the building.
It seems to be some kind of forcefield and it is surrounding his dragon gem.There are moving runes on the forcefield and in the middle there he located his gem.Behind the sphere of forcefield, another statue is present.It is not as big as the statues that lock him up.Upon seing the indentity of the statue, Agnologia grits his teeth in anger, his bloodlust seeping out from his very being and his dragonic eyes have a murderous look.
Proteus...that is the identity of the statue.
He is the son of Poseidon and he was also known as the God of Seals in the Greek mythology.Oh how Agnologia regret not tearing him into pieces and showing mercy because he is not an Olympian.
Just then the whole dimesion starts shaking and cracks form on the ground of the dimension.Agnologia immediately knew that this is the time to escape.Agnologia started trashing around and tried to get out of his chains.The chains started glowing and runes appeared on the chains as divine energy seeps out of the chain, trying to hold Agnologia down.But Agnologia just grins started eating the divine energy on the chains.
Agnologia keeps eating until the glow on the chains started fading and he immediately starting eating the actual chain.Agnologia takes a bite and the chin immediately broke and Agnologia started devouring he Uru chains.After he got himself out he started running towards the palce where his gem is sealed.A giant carter appeared on the place where he stands and he immediately shot out toward the building with breakneck speed.
it doesn't take long to reaching the seal and without stopping he punched the forcefield with all his power and momentum. The building and statue immediately break from the shockwave of the punch but the forcefield which surround the gem did not even budge.
Agnologia morphs his hand into dragon claws and started punching the forcefield without stopping.But no matter how many times he hit the forcefield, it doesn't seem to do any harm.Seeing that hitting it does not work Agnologia clams himself down and started feeling his connection with the gem again.
He finds that he can still use the mana present in his body that have already been generated by the gem before he is sealed and some he gained from devouring his chains.So he started gathering his magic on his fist for few minutes and then punched the forcefield again.
Agnologia : " ' Fist of the Apocalypse Dragon' " exclaimed Agnologia while punching it.
This time, the punch went through but something unexpected happened.The forcefield exploded and he is thrown back a few kilometres because of the explosion.He expected this but something trully unexpected happen the mana that is present in his body started getting sucked by gem and is depleting fast.While this is happening Agnologia noticed the dimension stops shaking and the cracks started repairing which indicates that his only chance of escaping is slipping in his hands.
Cursing under his breath Agnologia started using his magic to escape before his own gem sucked him dry of mana .He lets his magic flow out of him and the dimension started shaking again.He transformed into his dragon form.His dragon form is bigger than the orignal Agnologia's transformation.The original Agnologia's transformation is 90 feet while his current form is over 300 feet almost as big as Godzilla who is 354 feet.He started flying, flying at a super sonic speed with his large body.The ground which he flew over looks like destruction itself walked upon it.Wherever he flew the ground beneath him cracks into million pieces. It seems flying that fast with his massive size is no problem for him.Finally he reached the end of the dimension.
Agnologia summons his ever depleting magic on his giant dragon claws and started tearing the dimension barrier and cracks started appearing on it. Once the cracks strated he stopped trying to tear it and instead he started hitting it. The cracks started getting more and more and Agnologia flew back a few distance and he flew as fast as he can towards the barrier, headbutting it.There was finally a hole
on the barrier and he peeked on it to look outside.
Gathering all his strength and remaining magic he give one last punch right on the spot with the most cracks.
Agnologia : " 'Apocalypse Dragon Annihilation Fist' " he made a whole big enough for few elephants.
He finally shifts to his human form and jumped outside the hole.Landing on the ground his senses finally sense what they have not for over 3000 years.The sound of people panicking, the polluted air he breaths in, the taste of death in the air, the sunlight on his skin and the brighteness of the world....he was overwhelmed. He just started laughing..His laugh is so loud and maniacal he almost scare himself
And then he felt joy like never before, his heart so full and happy, his body, his soul and his very being screamed out in joy and his mouth and voice follows.
Agnologia : " I AM FINALLY FREE!!!".
'The Black Dragon'.. 'The Dragon King of Apocalypse'... 'The Destroyer'.. 'The God Slayer'...'The Dragon God'..etc exclaimed loudly as if wanting to share his freedom and joy to the world..
--Avengers POV
Stark : "Ok you guys know what the fuck that is??" Ironman asked his fellow Avengers while getting up
Captain : "No idea..Barton?" Asked Steave
Hawkeye : "It seems to be .... a man.Cap do we engage?" replied Barton while looking thrrough his telescope.
Captain : "Engage with extreme caution,maybe he is one of them"
Thor : "Worry not my friend for I am here" says Thor confidently and proceeds to fly over the landing site.
Stark : "There goes the God..lets go guys and Jarvis prepare mark VI for precautions"said Ironman
"Certainly Sir" replied the AI
The rest of the Avengers started moving and Natasha also got off from the top of the building and joined the rest of the Avengers.Even Hulk seems to be curious and he follows them as well.
When they reached the place they saw a man about 6'5 feet with torn cape.He does not wear under cloths so they can see his hard perfect muscles and tatoos on his arms and chests,there is also a gem on the middle of his chest.His face was wildly handsome with tatoo on both side of his face.His hair nearly reached his waist, it is dark blue, its spicky and messy but it goes well with his wild face.His skin was dark and rough with some scars on it.He also wears a necklace made of, what looks to be teeth.Each tooth is at least 6 inches.He can only be described as a beast with the body of a man.
The person standing before them does not move and he keeps observing them one by one.But so did the Avengers even hulk seems oddly quiet in the presence of the man, almost all the Avengers' especially Natsha's instinct screamed to run away even though he is just standing there.All the the Avengers except Tony Stark have one thought in mind which is said by Thor out loud.
Thor : " He is dangerous " Says Odinson seriously to which the rest nodded even Tony Stark.
And the man in front of them just grins hearing that.
Author : Thanks for reading the chapter