
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Phim ảnh
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140 Chs

Spider man - Part 5

Max then led Peter and Gwen towards the laboratory, where they would be bitten by the spider.

"Can't there be any other way for us to acquire our superpowers?" Gwen asked, not liking the fact she is going to be kissed by a spider, which is special, but it's still a spider.

"You can also eat it if you don't want him to take a bite of you." Max rolled his eyes as he replied.

"pfft~~" Felicia grinned, so did others.

hearing Felicia chuckle Gwen glared at her, making her cover her mouth, but she was still laughing.

"By the way, how do you know it's male, not female?" Peter said.

Max: "...."

others: "..."

"Really? That's where your focus is now," Sam said. ' He is definitely Tom Holland in Andrew Garfield's body' Sam inwardly thought.

"I was just... *smack* Hey, that hurts!" Peter wasn't able to finish as he was smacked by Gwen.

"Just be quiet, will you?" Gwen said with her deathly glare, shutting the chatter box.


Max opens the door, and a massive laboratory with the futuristic technology possible comes into view.

"Wow, your secret lab is definitely way more advanced than what we saw at Oscorp," Peter exclaimed, entering the laboratory.

"Of course, I made it after all," Max replied with a smug smile.

"Here, lay on them," Max leads them towards the medical pods, which can basically perform any surgery known with nanoprecision.

"Using this, I will monitor your health as you guys undergo transformation due to spider venom," Max said to them as they hopped into the pod.

"Now for the main part," Max said, and he brought out the container holding the spider from Oscorp.

'System, increase it's rank to the next level' Max said to the system as it's part of the quest.

[It will cost 5,000 UP.]

"Do it; it's not like I have any other choice," Max said.

[upgrading ...Complete]

[Name: ?????]

Rank: Unique

Description: An artificially created species with just a few weeks of life span,

Her bite will infuse cosmic energy along with spider genes into the target, changing them at the genetic level.

Chances of obtaining powers other than spider-related are 10%]

"Well, it's better than the previous one, that's for sure, but how much? Let's see." Max mumbled and then asked Peter and Gwen to show their right arm. He let the spider bite them one by one carefully and then stored back the spider.

"How are you guys feeling?" Sam asked as Max stored away the spider.

"It stings at the bite location; other than that, nothing feels abnormal," Peter replied.

"Same here," Gwen said, as she also didn't feel anything extraordinary.

'System, can you tell me what's happening' Max asked the system, as every reading of their body results shows no abnormal pattern.

[It will cost 10 UP.]

"Take it, profiteer," Max grunted.

[Their body is slowly infused with cosmic energies, but the Earth's atmosphere has a very low amount of them. The process will take around 12 hours, but the host can speed up this process as well as increase the probability of them acquiring powers other than Spider-related by infusing them with cosmic energy using mukluan rings.]

Max nodded and started using the influence ring. He infused a great deal of cosmic energy into their pods.

"Okay, now I feel sleep...." Peter was saying, then he fell asleep as his body started undergoing genetic mutations at a faster speed due to Max infusing cosmic energy into his pod now.

The same thing is occurring with Gwen now. She also fell asleep soon after her body came into contact with an adequate amount of cosmic energy.

After 5 minutes of non-stop supply of cosmic energy to their pods, Max stopped as System told him that's enough and if he infuses more energy, mutation will become uncontrollable.

Max stopped and then looked at their body data, which indicates they are now in deep sleep or hibernation.

Max left them with Dom and came out of the laboratory with Sam and Felicia.

"When will they wake up?" Felicia asked, coming out of the laboratory.

"I don't know; that's why I left Alisa and Dom there," Max replied.

Felicia nodded. "Call me when they are awake," she said, and then she asked Sam to open a portal to her house. Sam opened the portal, and Felicia went back to her home.

Max and Sam returned to the conference room.

"How are they?" Selene asked as they entered.

"They are sleeping peacefully. We will know of the results when they are awake," Max said while sitting back on his chair.

"And when are they waking up?" Selene

"Don't know; we can only wait," Max replied while closing his eyes.

Selene nodded and went back to reading.

After just 10 minutes, Alisa informed them that the duo is awake.

"Well, that was fast," Max said as he checked the time.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Selene said.

"Maybe ? Maybe not?, We will know when we get there." Max said, 'Dom, bring them to the training area' he mentally said to Dom as he made his way to the training area along with Drake, who is now awake, Sam, and Selene.

After reaching the training area, he only saw Peter and Dom.

"Where is Gwen?" Max asked Dom, as he was not seeing her.

"I am here; I have become invisible; even my clothes are now invisible," Gwen's voice sounded from Peter's side.

"Invisibility, cool power, and you can even make other things invisible too. Also, can you please stay still?" Max said, looking at the invisible Gwen moving here and there.

"How can you see me?" Gwen asked as she was trying to move here and there so that she could tease him, but his eyes were always on her.

"Magic," Max replied, as he was using a life vision spell.

"By the way, can I become visible again?" Gwen asked.

"You can; just take a deep breath, calm your mind, and think of returning to normal," Max said as he instructed her to calm down.

"Okay," Gwen said, closing her eyes and following what Max said. She then felt herself returning to normal.

"I did it. Why are guys turned back?" Gwen happily opened her eyes to see Max, Sam, Peter, Drake, and Dom backs facing her.

"Your clothes are still invisible, that's why." Hearing Selene's voice, she looked downward, only to see her naked body.

"Kyaaaaaaa!" Gwen shouted and became invisible again.

"Don't worry, I made sure none of them saw anything." Selene said calmly, seeing Gwen become invisible again.


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