
In Marvel With A Simple System

Meet Adam a normal person who dies in his world and now finds himself with the Simple Marvel System. Read on as Adam works hard and becomes a hero. Everything Marvel belongs to Disney this is just for fun.

DrakeBerger · Phim ảnh
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20 Chs

A Stop Before The End

3 days later The howling commandos disguised as German soldiers used Victor, James, and the paper from the lab to get through enemy lines, with Adam the only one speaking. Along the way, he introduced himself to the two metahumans by shaking their hands. Ding, Ding.

[Met James Howlett Reward: + 8 Body, + 20 SS Coins]

[Met Victor Creed Reward: + 6 body + 10 SS coins]

Adam says statistics in his head and looks at the changes.


{Mind}: 71.7 + 14

{Body}: 77.7 + 30

{Soul}: 72.3 + 5

{Skills}: Beginner: communication skills, navigation, map reading, mechanical skills, medical training, foraging, wild edibles, + Scientist

Intermediate: karate, fencing, camp cooking, wildlife awareness and safety, and water sourcing.

Advanced: Judo, wrestling, first aid, shelter building, firecraft, water purification, knot tying

Master: Boxing

Grand Master:

'Damn, my body stats over a hundred, and it feels like I can punch a hole through an iron plate.' Adam thinks the shop

[SS Coins: 1600]

'Good, I'll be ready for whatever's next, Adam thinks as he sees a sign in German letting him know they're close to the concentration camp in Chelmno. Hey, we'll be there in 15 minutes."

Steve then pats him on the shoulder. "Thanks Adam, now remember the plan: Me, Adam, and the Brothers will go to the lab building with them acting drugged and knocked out. We'll enter, and when the time is right, we'll attack and free the prisoners and draw in the soldiers. Bucky will lead the rest to the barracks and set up the explosive trip wires around the buildings, and then make your way to the motor pool and kill anyone that comes your way. We'll need those vehicles to get everyone out."

After a bit, the trucks they were in made it to the entrance of the camp, and after showing them the paperwork and speaking to them, they were let in, and they split up, with Adam going to the lab. Once there, both he and Steve get out and go to the back of the truck, drag the brothers out of it, and watch as they fall to the ground. Adam shouts orders and gets soldiers to pick the brothers up, and then we enter the building and go to the office of the camp leader, Dr. Klaus Schmidt. When we enter, the Dr is yelling at a young boy, telling him to move a coin or he would shoot the boy's mother.

Adam, seeing this, knows this is a young boy, Eric Lehnsherr, aka Magneto. Not wanting to see a future villain start, Adam speaks up. Sir," the doctor turns to the woman who interrupted him to order their deaths but sees the two men in chains and knows he got new test subjects.

"Good, Eric I'll give you till the end of my talk to move that coin, and if you don't, I'll kill your mother slowly. He says he pats Eric on the head before tuning in to us. Now what did you bring me?" He says it with a disturbing smile, as if he weren't threatening a boy.

Giving a look to Steve and then the boy and mother, Steve stood and nodded. Dr., these two are the metahumans with great healing powers."


Oh, that's what the scientists called them."

"Ok, let me see their reports. After a bit more talking, Adam felt it was enough time for the other and made the hand signal to Steve.

"Now!" Steve yells as he goes after the soldiers holding the boy's mother.

James and Victor stop playing and take out the soldiers holding them. When Adam went to take the doctor down by throwing a punch to his face, a situation occurred, and when the punch landed, it felt like he hit a pillar of wet corn starch. Seeing this, Adam remembered a name: Sabbatian Shaw. And knowing he couldn't kill the man, Adam garbed the man's desk and threw it at him, pinning him under it, then dropped a nearby bookshelf on top.

Adam, what are you doing? Steve asked

"He's a meta-human! When I punched him with all the power behind it, he absorbed it. We can't kill him, so trap him and let's rescue the prisoners.

After that, they get out and start tearing through the personnel in the building to make sure they set off the alarm, so while the brothers take care of the soldiers, Adam and Steve follow the boy Eric to where everyone is being held. With only five people left alive, one of them was Eric's father. The other three males and one female looked starved and ready to attack anyone. But seeing Eric and his mother return gave them hope. Adam and Steve quickly got to work getting them out.

Getting back to the entrance, they see piles of bodies with the brothers resting on them. Let's go, cover them. Steve yells as they make their way out and see fires covering the barracks area with an explosion going off. After making their way through a couple of soldiers, they see the motor pool area covered in bullet holes and bodies.


"Steve over here. Everyone looks over and sees the escape vehicles. They move them, and the howling commandos help the prisoners into them. In two minutes, they're rushing out as the camp is fully on fire. Eric is looking and remembering how terrible it was there, and then he looks at the people that saved him and his family.

Next Time Hydras End