
Chapter 49 - Agent Phil

The car trip took around 25 minutes before they finally arrived at their destination.

219 West 47th Street, New York City.

It was the Headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. while in New York and was currently the place where she was going to meet someone important.

The car stopped at the parking lot, and they got out, with Lily glancing over at the building before her.

It was a tall multi-store building with lots of dark tinted glass to the front and dark greyish walls made out of metal, stone, and maybe other materials she didn't know.

It was impressive, to say the least, and this was just the part that the public was able to see.

Her worms hadn't come in this direction before, and for good reason, she knew that this building had multiple layers underground that were used for things that couldn't be shown on the top.

And today, she would most likely be visiting one of those floors.

"Impressive, right?"

Asked her father as he noticed her eyes lingering on the building.

And he was right; it was very impressive to her. Not only the building but also the technology within it and the hundreds of workers currently working there.

"Yes, it's very big."

She commented as he nodded his head and walked forward, the girl following behind her parents.

They entered through the front door of the building, her parents showing their badges to the systems, and they were allowed entry.

The security was going to stop them upon noticing Lily's entrance without a badge, but they stopped upon receiving an order from their coms.

'So many cameras, and who knows what else.'

Lily commented in her mind as her eyes looked around the place throughout the walk.

To anyone else, it would seem like a young girl that was curious about the place she was being taken to, but in reality, Lily was forming a mental map of the place using her capabilities, also pinpointing all the cameras her eyes could see.

Including the tiny hidden ones that her enhanced eyesight could pick up on.

They led her to an elevator that took her up rather than down, only to stop on the fourth floor of the building.

Stepping out of it, they walked down the corridor until they approached a door.

"Lily, inside is the mister that would like to meet you; he won't hurt you, so be sure to answer his questions honestly, ok?"

Her mother said as they stopped in front of the door, only getting a nod as Lily replied.

Pushing open the door, they stepped inside.

In the room that looked like an office was only one person, one man.

He wore a dark suit, much like her parents, along with his short dark brown hair and brown eyes; he looked like a relatively average person.

But Lily knew who he was right away.

Agent Coulson, full name Phillip J. "Phil" Coulson.

The man was looking out the windows when they arrived in the office, but he turned around and smiled upon hearing them enter.

His smile made his aged face look like that of a kind man.

But Lily knew that Agent Coulson was a very well-trained professional in many fields.

"Sir, we have brought her like we have been asked."

Spoke her father as they entered the room, motioning for Lily to walk forward a little to present herself.

Lily played the part of a somewhat shy and scared girl that had just met someone new and slowly stepped forward slightly.

Phil's eyes glanced at her shortly before returning to the two Agents, and he thanked them for their work.

"Thank you for your work, Agents. From now on, I just have some questions to ask her before we move on to anything else."

"Yes, Sir."

They both replied, with Phil then turning towards Lily and speaking.

"Nice to meet you, Lily; it's a very lovely name. My name is Phil Coulson, but you can call me Uncle Phil if you like."

He spoke in a kind voice as he lowered himself to match her height, the smile that painted his face not moving.

"Uncle Phil?"

Lily replied, causing the man to smile wider and nod, then he spoke.

"Great, now we're no longer strangers, right? Why don't you have a seat with me? There is a lot I would like to ask you."

He said, standing up as he moved over to the table and chairs, pulling one out for her to take a seat on.

Lily nodded and moved over to the chair, taking a seat as Phil sat opposite her.

As for her parents, they stood at the door and waited for the conversation to be over, being trained to do so.

"First, I would like to know, how are you enjoying your life so far in New York?"

He started with simple questions, getting to know her and allowing her to feel more at ease around him so she would be more open to complex questions.

Lily knew that.

"It's fun; they take really good care of me."

"That's good to hear; so you enjoy spending time with them both?"

He replied, causing Lily to nod her head, playing a part.

"Of course, they are both very nice and caring. Even if sometimes they don't know how to show it."

The last part caused Phil to chuckle slightly, his eyes glancing over to her father before looking back to her.

"That's good to hear; what about you. How have you been settling down?"

He asked with a somewhat worried tone.

Lily stopped for a second for good old dramatic flair before speaking again.

"It was hard at first, not knowing anyone or anything properly, but it's much better now. Much easier."

She still had to play the part of someone who had lost her memories, so she couldn't say too much about those.

"Ah, have your memories still not returned?"

Finally, he was leading into the questions he really wanted to know.

"They haven't, but..."

She trailed off, not finishing her sentence as she wanted to lead him into asking it.

"But what?"

"But recently, I've been having weird dreams."

Now she would reveal a bit of information to make them less suspicious of her past.

"Can you tell me about the dreams?"

"They come in flashes, but, um, sometimes I see people grabbing me or what looks like an old house with others chained up in."

She pretended to look down, scared and unsure of what she remembered. But so far, nothing she said was actually real.

Those were dreams she had, just not in this life, and they weren't memories but dreams she had because of shows she watched.

She was just using them to make a fake narrative for them.

"I see, that's ok. You don't need to force yourself to remember something you don't want to; you're safe here."

He reassured her with a smile on his face, standing up as he spoke once more.

"I would like to run some tests on you to see if you're physically and mentally ok, maybe even see if we can help you regain some of your lost memories if that's ok with you?"

That was a blatant lie; they just wanted to test if she was a mutant like they had suspected and maybe even try and figure out what mutant capabilities she had.

But she was expecting this; she already knew which of her abilities she would reveal to them while making the others temporarily go dormant.


She said with a hesitant nod before getting up and following along.