
In Marvel as Lucifer Morningstar

Yo new author here.

Cruizer_green · Phim ảnh
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 - Incoming Disaster

[ Earth - 2025 ]

( Samael Godson POV )

Have you ever woken up one day and looked through your window thinking "ahaa shit here we go again ".

Opening my eyes I saw the grey ceiling of my room looking back at me. I got up for my daily morning activities which includes a morning run. I am not a fitness freak but I like to keep my body in shape.

I am your everyday " background character A " ( those who understood the reference Plz comment ) in our world, not overly rich, or handsome, nor a hidden master like some xixia novel protagonist. I have a stable income, above-average looking face with a decent job like any other person.

The only slightly interesting thing about me is my name. When your name is Samael Godson, people tend to think you are someone important, add that with my look's gives me the noble vibe. After learning that I am a normal block with an ordinary life they tend to leave you alone.

Like every other day after work, I got up to leave. On my way back to my apartment I brought take out, nothing fancy the usual. I am an orphan so there is nobody home. It feels lonely but you get used to it after many years.

I opened the door to my apartment and closed it and left the rest of the stuff on my desk. After a quick shower and getting cleaned I sat in front of the tv to watch the new Ant man movie Quantumanina. I am a big fan of Marvel movies and series. Comics not so much, it's not like I don't like it, it's more like I don't read it. But movies are another thing entirely. But after phase 4, I kind of lost interest, after the endgame anyway.

After watching the movie I got up for a quick smoke. I am not an addict but I am a user, I also like the feeling of the process. After finishing the rest of it, I looked up my phone and it's 10 pm. I got up from the balcony and closed it behind me and moved to my bedroom.

As I slept I thought about how it would be fun and entertaining to be like one of the protagonists in those web novels and fanfic who got sent to many worlds with op cheat powers and make their own Harem.

I personally don't like the idea of a Harem. I think it's not a good thing to do because we struggle with having a girlfriend as it is, and we cannot even maintain those without fights breaking out now and then, while these guys just got some bullshit powers and every Mary, Susan, Lucy are willing to be with them just because they like to be with an hero or a villian depends... I guess.

Ya, no it does not work like that. In my opinion you should be loyal to your relationship. Why do you have to go looking for another woman when you have a healthy relationship with your girlfriend.

While it may seem fun to do so think about it, if you were the person who received such a treatment, what would you do? would you be angry at them, would you blame them for the better choice they made to be happy. Ya don't think so. If you thought that, then you are a hypocrite.

Anyway I got off topic there, as I was saying while it's great to think about it, real life can be rather disappointing. As I was having a dream of going on adventures in my own dream world, on the other side of the world.

[ NASA Headquarters Washington D.C ]

Hundreds of scientists and workers alike are seen running around like headless chickens. Shouting and yelling can be heard from across the hall. On the central screen there was a countdown ticking down as every second passed by.

( Meeting room)

Inside the meeting room sat a man with a solemn look on his face. On his left side sat the military generals and to his right side the head of NASA. Every one of them had a look in their eyes as if they were waiting for their death. The person sitting at the head of the table began to speak

" How many hours until the collision happens ? " Asked the person with a tired sound with no hope in his voice.

The NASA head chief spoke up after hearing the question " 9 hours ".

The military general sitting opposite of him spoke " can't we just blast it up with our missiles? "

" And where do you think the rest of the debris goes ?, There will be a meteor shower around the globe causing cataclysmic damages around the world" said the NASA Head and turned his face towards the person sitting in front of him

" Mr. President there is nothing we can do about it, if we want to help save the remaining people in other parts of the world from the incoming disaster we must act now."

The person who is now known as the President of the United States of America gave a sad smile before nodding his head and said,

" Nicolas give this info to every news channel and emergency stations. Inform the government all around the world of the incoming danger and tell them to save as many people as they can.

Get as many citizens as we can to the bunkers and underground war shelters. Move them as far away from the impact zone as possible. Food, clothes, water etc have to be prepared as much as we can, shut down the nuclear plants and clear any nuclear waste that might be possible. We don't want nuclear waste contaminating our resources after the impact. Alert every country to do so to minimise the impact that the asteroid collision would cause.

And last, order all staff here to go home to their families and evacuate to the shelter. Call every member of our army, marine, airforce every single goddam soldier to come home immediately to their families."

" Gentleman May God help us." He ended the speech.

Every person sitting there knows that 95% of the human population will undoubtedly be wiped out, but humans have shown to overcome any disasters with given time. So without further adu orders were sent calling back every soldier home.

News channels all around the world broke the news of the impending disaster and mass panic began. People not caring about rules began looking for food and shelter from the incoming disaster. All around the world violence and fights broke out, crime rates began to climb to an all time high with people committing crimes without hesitation and no one ever cared to stop them.

{ 10 mins before the impact }

( Samael POV )

Damn those neighbours, with all their partying last night I couldn't get any sleep. As I was going to do my morning routines, when I opened the door what greeted me was not something, I was prepared to see.

Cars crashed into each other, buildings set on fire, streets trashed and stores looted. People carrying whatever they can with them and running. I looked at this scene which came straight out from an apocalypse movie, I saw people looking towards the sky and crying, some laughing, some kneeling and praying to their gods. Curiously I looked up to see what it was that made them react that way, and boy did I regret it instantly.

If I were to describe it, it was the scene from Naruto Shippuden War Ark, when a soldier looks up from the battlefield thinking they have been saved, only to see Madara Pull A MOTHERF**KING METEOR down on them. Ya I gave up, there is no use in running because, I'm sure cannot outrun a meteor the size of a city.

I saw people all around me running for their lives. I regretted not spending my life as I wished if I knew this was the outcome.

As I sat there, I thought about what life would be after death be like, will there be heaven and hell, will i be reincarnated like those fanfic MCs with my memories. As I was thinking my surroundings began to shake. Air began to build pressure which affected the surrounding trees.

" So this is the end haa.. So much for retirement after the 60's, I wish I could be like those protagonists and roam around the universe without a care in the world".

!!!!! 💥 BOOMMMMMM 💥 !!!!!


Hello there my Youthful readers. As you might have guessed I am a newbie Author and this story is my second attempt at writing another one so Plz keep the criticism to a minimum and give me some honest feedback for the story. Hope u enjoyed the story. If there are any mistakes I made Plz feel free to point it out.