
In Marvel as a Skeleton

*SYSTEM ISN'T SENTIENT* What happens when a person from our world wakes up in a sewer as a Skeleton? What happens when he finds out he is in the ever expanding and dangerous world of Marvel? This is what happened to Ethan Blackett. A normal science teacher in his previous life, he is now thrust into the world of danger and intrigue as a monster. Now, armed with the ability to travel to dungeon World's, and a gacha system, Ethan starts his journey of evolving to the peak and becoming the strongest in the universe. ---------- JOIN MY DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/F4nWPbve96 To discuss ideas, see pictures and generally talk more about the fic. A/N: FL will be Lady Death. The system is a gacha. Also the progression will be a little slower. He won't become instantly overpowered. Ethan uses his wits and not just power, you can see that in the way he deals with goblins in the first few chapters, using his abilities with cunning instead of fighting enemies head on. The Marvel universe will be an AU, a mix of Fantastic Four, MCU, Comics and X-Men. In future, Ethan will only be dependent on system for Gacha, anything else, he will be able to do it on his own, not right now tho.

Berserk_Asura · Tranh châm biếm
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34 Chs

Ch-26: Staking through the ship

A/N: There was a slight edit in the last chapter. I had forgotten to give the exp after the vampire died. It was 10,000 exp and Ethan leveled up.


After parting ways with James, Ethan decided to sneak back to the room where they had defeated the vampire and check on the crate they had left behind in the heat of the battle.

Before reaching it, he paused in a secluded corridor and accessed his Status Panel.

He allocated all his newly acquired points to agility, making it reach 30. The surge of power coursed through him, making him elated at his progress.

Ethan grinned inwardly, ´That was good. Still, I need to take some time and check how my stats translate to real life.´

Satisfied with his upgrade, Ethan resumed his path to the storage room. Using {Dash] and {Shadow Meld}, he reached the room in less than a minute. His enhanced agility allowed him to move with even more speed and precision, slipping through the ship's dim corridors like a wraith.

He paused at the door, using {Shadow Sense} to scan the area. It seemed like nobody was there yet. 'Perhaps the sound was muffled due to the room being closed during the fight, and the place is quite secluded too,' he thought.

Looking around once more to ensure the coast was clear, he entered the room and quickly made his way to the crate. The signs of battle were minimal, except for a bullet hole in the ceiling and the lingering smell of burnt ash from the vampire's demise.

Ethan knelt beside the crate, carefully moving aside the protective material covering the goods. His eyes widened as he found stacks of dynamite with timers attached to them, along with wires connecting them.

It seemed these explosives had been smuggled aboard the ship for an upcoming sabotage. "Hydra's handiwork, no doubt," he muttered under his breath.

Without wasting any time, he made the crate disappear into his inventory, the dynamite safely stored away from those who intended to use it. And perhaps it could be useful to himself in the future.

Ethan moved just as quickly out of the room as he had entered.

Once he was back in the corridor, he took a moment to recalibrate his senses, ensuring that no one had followed him.

He decided to make his way to the kitchen to collect the necessary materials for the upcoming fight. The RMS Queen Mary's kitchen was a bustling hub of activity, with chefs in crisp white uniforms moving efficiently between stainless steel counters and towering shelves stocked with ingredients.

Gleaming utensils hung in neat rows, reflecting the bright overhead lights.

Ethan moved silently through the kitchen, jumping in and out of the shadows as his eyes scanned for his target. After a few moments, he found the stash of silver cutlery.

He swiftly gathered a selection of knives and forks, pocketing them for future use. Satisfied, he slipped out as unnoticed as he had entered.

Meanwhile, James had his own preparations to make. Navigating the labyrinthine corridors of the ship, he made his way to the chapel, a small but beautifully adorned space with stained glass windows depicting serene religious scenes.

He took a cross from the altar, a symbol of faith and a weapon against the supernatural threat they faced.

Next, he visited the pantry, where he found a supply of garlic, an age-old repellent against vampires. He stuffed a few cloves into his pockets, feeling more prepared for the night ahead.

With their tasks complete, the two retreated to their first-class quarters.

[Ethan's POV]

When Ethan reached his quarters, he noticed a folded note resting on the small mahogany side table by the door.

Unfolding it, he read the simple message: 'Food Delivery. Please contact us if you need anything.'

'I guess they came to deliver food when I wasn't here,' he thought, tucking the note into his pocket.

He stepped into the room, his flames widening at the sight of the lavish accommodations.

It was the first time in his life that he was traveling first-class, and the experience was nothing short of spectacular. Rich mahogany furnishings exuded an air of timeless elegance, while the plush carpets underfoot were so thick they seemed to swallow his steps in silence.

Windows framed a stunning view of the moonlit ocean, the silver moonlight dancing on the gentle waves outside.

Ethan sat on the edge of the sumptuous bed as he took off [Slime], taking a moment to absorb the opulence before focusing on the task at hand.

From his inventory, he summoned the broken wooden spear and using his dagger, he expertly separated it into four 12-inch pieces.

Over the next hour, he meticulously sharpened each piece, whittling them down to deadly points. By the time he was finished, he had four stakes ready to pierce the heart of any vampire that crossed his path.

Next, he retrieved the silver cutlery from his inventory, inspecting each piece closely. The "925" stamp on the handles confirmed that they were made of sterling silver, an alloy consisting of 92.5% silver and 7.5% other metals. 'Perfect for killing any bloodsucker John Wick style,' he thought with a grim smile.

Ethan spread the cutlery out on the table, contemplating how best to utilize them in combat. While sterling silver was durable, it was not inherently designed to be weaponized.

However, with some ingenuity, he believed he could transform these dining utensils into effective tools for battle.

He considered the properties of sterling silver. It was relatively soft compared to steel, meaning it could be shaped and sharpened, though the process would be labor-intensive.

Picking up his steel dagger he began shaving and scraping the edges of the silver forks and knives, gradually creating sharper points. And using the pommel of the dagger, he pummeled them into required shapes.

It was painstaking work, requiring patience and precision, but he persisted, knowing how important it was to have reliable weapons, especially after his earlier encounter.

Hours later, with the silver cutlery sharpened and straightened, Ethan turned his attention back to the wooden stakes.

He embedded the sharpened silver pieces deeply into the tips of the stakes, ensuring that only the lethal silver edges were exposed.

This way, the stakes retained their structural integrity while gaining the added advantage of silver, capable of delivering a fatal blow to any vampire.

Finally, as the makeshift weapons lay completed before him, Ethan allowed himself a rare moment of satisfaction.

Despite his condition rendering sleep unnecessary, Ethan wanted to enjoy the little things in life, especially the first-class experience of traveling in a cruise ship.

He stretched out on the luxurious bed, the soft linens rubbing against his hard bones.

As he closed his eyes, he felt a sense of preparedness and determination and he allowed himself to drift into a light, restful sleep, sinking in the plush mattress.

[The next morning]

Ethan was roused by a soft knock on the door. He sat up straight when he heard a whisper through the door.

"It's me, James. Open up, mate."

Ethan cautiously approached the door, peeking through the peephole. Seeing James in a formal suit, he relaxed and opened the door after equipping [Slime].

"James," Ethan greeted, stepping aside to let him in, as he noted James's attire.

He wore a tailored suit, the kind that blended seamlessly with the affluent passengers of the RMS Queen Mary. His jacket was dark, with subtle pinstripes, and his tie was neatly knotted. He looked every bit the part of a gentleman on a luxury cruise.

James entered, his expression serious. "We've got work to do, mate. There's two things to take care of, Hydra spies and vampires, all mixed up in a bloody mess. We need to split our efforts to cover more ground."

Ethan nodded, fully alert. "Agreed. What's the plan?"

James took a seat, his eyes thoughtful. "I'll blend in with the crowd, keep an eye out for those Hydra blighters. They'll be minglin' with the passengers and the crew, trying to stay inconspicuous. But vampires—they won't be out in the sun. Likely hidin' away in some dark, secluded spot."

Ethan's eyes glinted with understanding. "So, I'll search for the vampires. My suit isn't exactly designed for blending in with a crowd anyway."

"Right," James said, a small smile playing on his lips. "You've got the stealth to search those spots without drawing attention."

Ethan's resolve hardened. "I know. I'll be ready."

James stood, straightening his suit jacket. "Right, then! Let's get to it! We'll meet back here in a few hours to compare notes. And remember, mate: keep your wits about you, or you'll be the one gettin' staked!"




Ethan moved through the shadows on the ship, scanning parts of it using his {Shadow Sense}. His objective was to find vampires hiding in the darkness, taking an uncaring nap.

The massive ship, with its snaking corridors and multiple rooms, provided ample space for any vampire to hide. He was grateful for his {Shadow Sense}; 'Without this ability, I'd be wandering aimlessly, hoping to stumble upon these bloodsuckers by sheer luck,' he thought to himself.

Still, even with the skill, the task wasn't easy. It took a few hours before Ethan felt a presence that was hidden and sleeping, its chest expanding and contracting in a weird rhythm as it breathed.

Ethan moved, his steps silent as the night due to his [Slime] suit and his inherent ability of stealth after evolving into a Shadow Skeleton. His form blended seamlessly with the dim light, slipping through the ship's labyrinthine corridors with ease.

He approached the hidden vampire, a pale male nestled in a dark corner behind some crates. Retrieving his silver-integrated wooden stake, he jabbed it into the vampire's heart.

The creature's eyes snapped open in a moment of shock before it disintegrated into ash. A notification popped up in his vision.

[You killed a Level 2 vampire. You gained 4000 Exp.]

The vampire had left behind his skeleton and clothes, which Ethan transported into his inventory. The skeleton disappeared from the ground and appeared in the inventory with a pixelated skeleton image and a blue background, implying that the item was a rare one.

Not thinking much about it, Ethan moved on, ready to find and hunt others for that sweet, sweet Exp.


[6 hours later]

By now, the sun was setting, and Ethan had hunted a grand total of... four vampires.

Although not much, they were successful in earning him another level up. He paused in a quiet corner of the ship to review his progress.

Looking at his stats panel:



Level: 8 (EXP: 1000/25000)

Health (/R per hour): 230/230 (23)

Mana (/R per hour): 190/190 (19)

STAMINA (/R per min): N/A (N/A)

STR: 19

AGI: 30

END: 23

INT: 19

WIS: 16

DEX: 20

CHA: 11

LUC: 10

Ethan decided that it was time he focused on his neglected stats and gained some new skills. With a thought, he allocated his points: one to STR, another to INT, four points to WIS, and the remaining four points to CHA.

As expected, three new notifications floated through his vision…