
Chapter 3

Carissa POV

I had to go to sleep with a spoiled mood, all thanks to my so-called brother with his arbitrary and spiteful contempt for paupers, and for that, I couldn't stay quiet about tonight. I had to lash out on him. I loathe it most when he pretends to be altruistic in front of some wealthy business partners so has to hold up a clean reputation.

Unfortunately, he was nothing like my dad. He was the complete opposite of him and acts most times like a jerk.

Sometimes, I'm stunned to see the way he acts so unruly to some of the company's staff members whenever I drop by. I couldn't do anything other than to have pity for them and they just put up with him to have their fat paycheck by the end of the month.

To them, their paycheck is worth tolerating Duncan's miscreance.

The next morning, the strong beam of light from the sun struck my eyes, as they shone in utmost radiance, piercing through the curtains, and forcing me to flutter my eyes open.

I squirmed on my bed, letting out a sigh before crawling out of the bed. Geez, I wanted to get more sleep since my mom hadn't barged in to wake me up but I couldn't. I would have got scolded for that.

I slipped my feet into my floppy slippers beside my bed and dragged my feet on the ground as I walked out of my room, rubbing off the sleep from my eyes with my fists.

I got downstairs and glanced at my Dad and mom seated in the sitting room. I couldn't get a clear view of the person standing in front of my dad.

"Good morning, dad," I greeted loudly as I made my way to the kitchen to drink water. After having a glass filled with water by Rosey who was making breakfast in the kitchen, I headed to the sitting room.

"Dad, you woke up before me?" I asked, totally unaware of the person in front of him.

"Um, my dear, y-you," my dad stuttered, his eyes bearing some emotions I couldn't tell, leaving me in a perplexed state.

"You silly girl, why show up like this?!" My mom asked with gritted teeth. How words were large and piercing, which pissed me off.

"What did I do now? You…" I abruptly paused and flicked a stare at the person in front of them.

I tried to think of him well. His genuinely chiseled jaws, bright eyes, and that hair, it seemed like I had seen him before.

Well, my brain wouldn't sleep for so long, and reality dawned upon me.

O boy, it was the same guy I had bumped into yesterday! My jaw dropped as he stared at me and smiled.

"Carissa!" I heard Daisy holler, and I averted my gaze to her standing a bit far behind the guy.

"You're here, Dai-sy…"

"Oh, gosh," she muttered as she walked up to me.

"How can you show up like this, having your nipples poking out through your transparent silk nightwear?" She whispered into my ear and my eyes widened, as I imbibed each and every word. I glanced down at myself and crossed my arms on my chest, feeling greatly embarrassed.

I glanced at the guy who quickly returned his gaze to my dad.

Daisy held my shoulders and spun me.

"I'll go with her to get ready quickly so we both can leave for college," Daisy said, shielding me in some funnily protective way.

I glanced back at my mother who glared at me and I ran upstairs to my room, Daisy running up after me.

It seemed my day was starting as a shit hole.

"Oh, Carissa, you really embarrassed yourself down there," Daisy hissed, when I walked into my room and slumped on the bed with my face. She locked the door and walked up to me, smacking my ass, I jumped up, shrilling.

"Are you crazy? That really hurts!" I cried.

"Uh? Wait, that really couldn't have hurt if you've got an underwear on," she said and I hissed.

"I sometimes don't put on underwear to sleep. You actually spanked my bare ass, fool!" I cursed, as total embarrassment coursed through my body.

Daisy shook her head and burst into laughter. She plopped down on the bed, pulling me down also.

"The guy downstairs seems familiar, don't you think so?" She asked me, furrowing her brows.

"I probably didn't believe you could forget a face you saw in less than twenty four hours, Daisy," I said and stood up. "He was the same guy I bumped into earlier yesterday," I revealed and started pacing.

"O-oh. He probably saw your breathtaking boobs, Carissa!" She teased and tittered.

"Don't irritate me, Daisy," I warned, feeling annoyed, while utter shame mixed with anxiety slivered down my spine.

"Come on, don't feel embarrassed. Your boobs might not be that impressively enormous but they are way perky than you think and that left the guy awestruck and speechless the minute his gaze caught them."

"Daisy!" I called, clicking my tongue.

Darn it. That could have been such a scene.

"Hey, you could have seen the surprised look on his face when he saw you," she said and I flicked a glare at her.

"Don't creep me with that look. You can ask him later about what he thinks about them. I bet he probably had wet his pants by just catching a glimpse of them."

I rushed to her and spanked her back after she said that.

"Ouch!" She cried and I smirked. "What was that for?"

"You shut up that pig mouth of yours now," I demanded. She twitched her lips and I knew she was upset.

I whirled and stared at my reflection on the full length mirror hung on the wall. I ran my hand through my disheveled hair and sighed. I can't believe I showed up in front of my parents and that guy, looking totally disorganized. I bet I embarrassed my parents.

I'm glad I don't wake up with drools most of the time. I wonder how shameful that would be to me if I had showed up with a drool in front of them downstairs. I would have died in humiliation, I swear.

From now onwards, I'll stick to my mother's advice of going to the bathroom first to wash up before heading downstairs.

"Your nipples pointing out through your silk pinkish nightgown was so cute by the way," Daisy mentioned to my surprise again. Damn, she doesn't take heed to the word 'stop'.

"Daisy," I called with gnashing teeth as I whirled. She quickly put up her hands in surrender and stood up.

"Please, take no offense."

"I already am doing that," I muttered as I turned back to the mirror.

"By the way, you've got any idea why that guy is downstairs with my parents?" I asked her, curiously.

I don't think he's one of our company's employees. So I wondered what he was here for.

"Well, he came for an interview with your dad."

"Interview?" I furrowed my brows at Daisy's reflection in the mirror and she nodded.

"Yup. He applied for the job of a personal driver."

"What?!" I yelled, spinning around and staring at her in disbelief.

"Yes, girl. Maybe he'll be your dad's new personal driver, if he's got the standards," Daisy shrugged and folded her arms.

So the guy my dad had said was coming over for an interview was actually him?! This can't be true.

That charming guy is gonna be my dad's new personal driver.

