
In I.C.U in MCU?

One might find themselves questioning their reality and existence itself if they also face a being proclaiming itself as a "God". To be honest, some might even see this situation as one's dream come true. In these dreams, they almost always see themselves as the "Protagonist," with the freedom of choice, saving damsels in despair, making a harem, face-slapping arrogant young masters, and conquering existence and non-existence itself. That's what has been the norm in fictions, non-fictions, and fan-fictions, and it will remain the same because of humans who are not willing to acknowledge the simple fact that they aren't the protagonist of a story. The existence doesn't revolve around them as they believe it to be. Now, there would be a lot of questions like, "What makes you think this fan-fic is any different?" And to answer that question, it isn't any different. However much I want to integrate myself or my plot into this story, I won't be able to achieve that. Simply because this story wasn't mine to begin with, and I can never be a part of it. As for what this fan-fic is about and what "I.C.U" means in the title of this story, well, you'll have to read at least a few chapters before you know where I am heading with this story or at least where I am trying to go. *** Now, here's the synopsis of the story for those who are eager to start reading this tale. *** In some place of questionable origin, an individual suddenly found himself appearing inside this confusing and headache-inducing space. Now, one may ask, what is this questionable place? It's denoted as a questionable place because each individual's description of this space differs from person to person due to differing perspectives and imaginations. In actuality, only some of you might question yourselves with "How? What? Why? Where? and When?" did they get here, but most would just simply shrug it off as a "Dream" and decide to do whatever they might have always wanted to accomplish. Just like what our eager protagonist was going to do, but he stopped when he saw something odd occurring in front of him. To be honest, this something place/space didn't have any sense of direction, and honestly, nothing made sense here at all. That was the case because this something place? existed in a state of both nothingness and everythingness (a self-made word, so just go with it) at the same time. It was as if everything was there, yet nothing was there. It was so confusing, yet somehow our protagonist was still able to sense that something was happening in front of him. Something that appeared in front of our protagonist was simply indescribable. Yet, if someone still wanted to attempt a description, there would only be a single word - Amalgamation. Amalgamation of what? That, in itself, is a different story. ***

DemoloRD · Phim ảnh
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11 Chs

Ch - 1 "Temporal Convergence: Unveiling Paradoxes"

In the grand tapestry of existence, life presents itself as an enigmatic query bestowed upon each of us by some ineffable force or entity, compelling us to contemplate the profound significance of our very being and the elusive origins of our existence. Yet, in this intricate dance of introspection, the vast majority of individuals harbor an inherent fear – a trepidation born of confronting the unvarnished truth about the fundamental nature and purpose of their existence.

These are precisely the kinds of questions that might occupy your thoughts if you were thrust into the same perplexing circumstances as our protagonist currently finds himself.

In the midst of unimaginable circumstances, who wouldn't find themselves pondering the very essence of existence? Consider, for instance, the bewildering experience of being suddenly abducted by none other than yourself, only to be bestowed with three wishes, each bearing the weight of consequence as they inexorably propel you into one of the most perilous realms of fiction.

Indeed, our protagonist harbored gratitude for the fulfillment of his three wishes, a boon that, let's be frank, would inevitably render him an unstoppable force.

As for whether the amalgamation and 'Prime Him' were privy to the protagonist's intentions, one thing was certain: if they possessed such knowledge, they seemed content to turn a blind eye. It was almost as if their curiosity mirrored his own, eager to witness the metamorphosis of the protagonist into an all-powerful being.

It was precisely this shared curiosity that led to the fulfillment of all his wishes. In the original script, 'He' had never contemplated engaging with his other selves, avoiding any form of preferential treatment, and instead resolutely orchestrating their abrupt reincarnations or transmigrations into diverse realms. However, self-awareness had gifted 'Him' an insight into his own psyche, a realization that an excessive augmentation of his other selves might provoke a backlash, a confrontation that 'He' was keen to sidestep.


On the morning of October 31st, 2000, at precisely 07:49, in the heart of South Asia, lay a land that had endured 190 years of British colonial rule, commencing in 1757, only to regain its long-awaited independence in 1947. This was the storied nation of India, a land that had once stood as a shining beacon of prosperity and history, blessed with abundant resources and a rich cultural heritage.

Within this nation, comprising 28 diverse states, nestled an urban town where, within the confines of a modest and impoverished household, a young woman in her early twenties found herself. She lay upon a hastily assembled bed, seeking respite from the agonizing pain that had gripped her for the past 2-3 hours. At long last, the moment had arrived, and she was about to bring a new life into the world.

In the dimly lit room, the young woman in her twenties was not alone. Six other women, spanning different generations, encircled her. Two of them were in their mid-forties, their experienced eyes reflecting a deep well of wisdom. Three others, in their mid-twenties, exuded a mix of anticipation and concern. Among them, a single nurse assumed the role of both caregiver to the pregnant woman and supervisor to the others, all diligently preparing for the imminent arrival of the newborn.


After a period of intense anticipation and effort, the delivery proved successful. The young woman, who had endured hours of pain on the makeshift bed, brought forth a healthy baby boy into the world. His first cries resonated through the room, filling it with life and vitality. In response, a collective sigh of relief swept over the assembled women, their faces brightened with joy and reassurance.

As the newborn's cries filled the room, the mother, too, joined in the chorus of relief. Overwhelmed by exhaustion and the lingering pain of childbirth, she sighed and then, in a moment of sheer fatigue, her eyes closed, and she fainted, her body succumbing to the rigors of the birthing process.

However, amidst the flurry of activity and the mother's fainting spell, an unnoticed truth persisted – the crying newborn was not exempt from the realm of unimaginable pain. As his cries echoed in the room, his tiny form concealed the silent struggles he, too, was enduring.

The reason behind the newborn's agonizing cries transcended the usual realm of infant discomfort. This was no ordinary child experiencing the initial shock of birth. In a remarkable twist of fate, the baby who had just entered this tumultuous yet wondrous world was none other than the protagonist of our tale. His piercing cries were not a response to the usual discomfort of childbirth but rather a visceral reaction to the excruciating pain he had endured, pain that was simply beyond endurance.


Observing the mother's unconscious state, the other women, in a hurried yet gentle manner, severed the child's umbilical cord. They swiftly tended to the mother and her newborn, cleaning them both with a delicate touch. Once satisfied that the pair was comfortable, they quietly departed, leaving the room. Beyond those doors, a mixture of eager anticipation and restless impatience permeated the air as they prepared to share the news with the anxious crowd gathered outside.


In their haste, the departing women failed to recognize the importance of leaving someone behind to watch over the slumbering mother and child. Unbeknownst to them, a hooded figure hovered in the air, concealed by invisibility, its presence a mysterious and ominous presence in the room.

It wasn't until the room was empty of all but the sleeping mother and child that the previously invisible hooded figure allowed itself to materialize. Its eyes fixated intensely upon the slumbering newborn, who, after enduring excruciating pain, now rested in peaceful slumber.

After a prolonged, silent gaze at the sleeping infant, the hooded figure decided to reveal its face. With deliberate movements, it slowly removed its hood, unveiling the countenance that had remained hidden, a face shrouded in mystery until now.

Underneath the hood was a young woman, her head clean-shaven, her age appearing to fall between her mid-twenties and early thirties. Her eyes bore a unique blend of emotions—confusion and curiosity. These emotions stemmed from the profound mystery that had unfolded with the birth of the child.

For she, the one known as the Master of Mystic Arts, the guardian of one of the fabled 6 singularities, or as they were more commonly recognized, the Infinity Stones, held the Time Stone. Yet, in this very moment, the arrival of the child had shattered the certainty of the future and existence itself, leaving her as perplexed and intrigued as anyone else.

While her gaze remained fixed on the child, an unexpected event transpired. The necklace she wore, the Eye of Agamotto, which safeguarded the Time Stone within, began to exhibit a peculiar behavior, indicating the presence of a temporal anomaly at this precise moment in time.

As the green energy emanating from the Time Stone intensified, the woman swiftly took action. With practiced ease, she wove an intricate illusion around the room and its immediate surroundings, ensuring that the enigmatic and supernatural events unfolding within remained concealed from the ordinary, unsuspecting populace who were blissfully unaware of the mystical world lurking just beyond their perception.

Gradually, the vibrant green energy stemming from the Time Stone subsided, signifying the successful arrival of the individual who had attempted to traverse time to this specific juncture. As the energy waned, the newfound arrival fixed their gaze upon the unhooded woman, their intentions and purpose still shrouded in enigma.

After several moments of silent appraisal, it was the newly arrived figure who broke the quietude, taking the initiative to speak within the confines of the room.

The newcomer began to unravel the mystery of his altered identity. "I've long harbored curiosity regarding the transformation of my name from Sarjeet to Swayam in my second life, despite my parents, circumstances, and even their nature remaining identical to my previous existence. Now, it appears that the answer lies within 'Me' and a peculiar closed loop of time travel, with the presence of the Ancient One, the Sorcerer Supreme herself, at this very moment in time."

As the revelation unfolded, the woman, now identified as the Ancient One, gazed upon Swayam with a mixture of curiosity and amusement dancing in her eyes. She observed him with keen interest, her scrutiny unwavering.

As the newcomer, Swayam, continued to ponder the changes in his name that seemed somehow connected to the Ancient One, Ancient One observed the young man before her. Physically, the boy appeared to be in his early twenties, but his soul projected a different story, one that suggested a far older existence, perhaps in his mid-forties. Although his body and soul had successfully merged and integrated, the Ancient One, who had lived for an indeterminate span of time, found it a straightforward matter to discern this intricate blend of identities.

Having carefully considered the newcomer's revelations and drawn upon her own insights, the Ancient One reached a profound understanding. She discerned the intricate web of 'how,' 'what,' and 'why' that had rendered the future and existence themselves as elusive as a fleeting mist, even for the mighty Time Stone.

With a tone of contemplation, the Ancient One broke her silence, addressing Swayam directly. She spoke, "Though you do not display hostility towards me, and though I do not oppose those who have not wrought harm upon existence, your very presence remains an immense variable, one that threatens to disrupt the predetermined courses of the entire Multiverse. In light of this, why should I not consider nipping this variable in the bud?"

Swayam, the newcomer, offered his perspective with unwavering confidence. "You won't take such a drastic step. Your character is a tapestry of paradoxes – steadfast yet unpredictable, merciless yet kind. You command respect and inspire fear. Moreover, we have crossed paths countless times in my journey, and you are well aware that, despite my variable nature, I have always strived for the betterment of the universe. Removing this variable would unleash a chaos and destruction a thousandfold worse than the path it follows now."

The Ancient One, influenced by the unwavering confidence exuding from Swayam, found herself compelled to reconsider her stance. After a thoughtful pause, she proposed a compromise, saying, "Before I make a final decision, we must verify your claims. To do so, you must permit me to access all your memories from the moment of your birth in this world."

Swayam, the newcomer, agreed to the compromise but couldn't help adding with a slightly awkward expression, "I understand your need to verify, but please, don't judge me too harshly based on some of my memories and fantasies, as they are things that most culturally aware individuals might have."


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