
New characters by me

Darkness: a guy who can manifest the darkness of your soul to torment you and break your mind.

Name:Draven Lóngtóu-shu:willam an ex member of the hand was young when he was recruited by the hand to be an assassin for them he had already had training from him traveling the world which only increased his skills further under the hand. As a young kid he grew up in the streets of Greece in a small town as an orphan after the orphanage he lived in burned down for the villagers amusement and he was helpless to stop it as it showed how evil the world was and how humans were cruel as he resolved himself as he left the village as he traveled around the world desperate to gain power a desire that rose the day the orphanage burned down as he traveled the almost dying numerous times but he prevailed as he trained with many master but somewhere during that time when he was training he was approached by the hand as they wanted him to train under him to become an assassin as Rey said they could help him with getting power and to eliminate corruption in the world and to have order in the world as when he was training he in countered magic as he was chosen to be the garuiden of the green by Mother Nature. Over the years after he accepted he grew strong but the he became a man and fell in love and they almost had a child until she was killed by the hand after he failed a mission for the first time causing him to revolt and started a rebellion which the hand thought they won but they were wrong as he was alive after the battle but in hiding as he secretly expanded him organization from former members of the hand created the dragon cult or by another name Dragons shadow he's also a mutant. He's A guy who has the ability to see any weakness in his opponent's ability or skills and can teleport. Also leader of his own ancient organization made from ex-hand members wears a livish

A guy who served during WW2 and sought the birth of captain America and the healing factor of wolverine became obsessed with enteral youth and power as he became a scientist after the war just to becomes strong after using a serum based on the super soldier serum but also kidnapped mutants to use part of the bodies to creat the perfect body.

This is a evolved silver back gorilla who was experimented on by scientists to see if they could control a army of mutant animals with the mutant gene this silver back gorilla escaped and killed everyone he came across and planed to kill all humans and raise army of superhuman animals to follow him and kill all humans. His powers are shock adsorption superhuman body and senses along with heat vision and flame hand hot enough to melt your skin off.

A guy who can link the pain of other people together so they feel each other pain but this also makes him stronger as he feeds off that pain and any pain his opponents have during battle growing stronger.

Dragon Ninja: A guy who is a ninja soldier that work for a rival organization of the hand but has the x-gene and has the powers of superhuman body and invisibility which can alienate all traces of his presence except his smell

Name:Gabrielle Brenna Alston:A woman who was married but after her kids and husband died in crossfire of a gang war between kingpin and tombstone she killed a couple of both of there men causing them to rig her house to explode after finding out but she survived as he x-gene manifested after that she vows to kill kingpin and tombstone and nothing will get in her way even if it means killing innocent people justifying it as salvation for her dead family and that they would want this causing her to come into conflict with an early x-men team and captain who was helping with her defeating most of them but being beat by captain and wolverine in the end as she went to prison but came back stronger after escaping voving to get revenge on captain America and wolverines them having many conflicts with her defeating them sometimes. Her powers are low level mind control infinite energy generation energy manipulation superhuman intelligence she's skilled in multiple forms of combat and is unpredictable in battle as well as tactics. Fighting style Krav manga mixed with wrestling and wing-chun with also gymnastics

A man who can turn people into animals and he control them he is also a cannibal often eaten the animals that were once people and he has a superhuman body and fast regeneration powers

Lobo villains: Dark ro'la:a young kid who was a upcoming bounty hunter who wants revenge after lobo killed his scientist father although they were in a rough patch in there life they were family and close and his fathers last words to him was apologetic for the augment they had before it turned to screams before lobo killed him and the rest of his people he used he knowledge of genetics to take a sample of lobo dna to make him a hybrid of the two races without any weaknesses as he seeks lobo for his revenge

A ex-mercenary and last member of DOA a mercenary group that was killed by lobo in a rage after his target escape and made it in there ship that was near by they had just got done with a mission to get a serum that was said to give ultimate power and they were supposed to deliver it to the buyer but after lobo attack and killed his team and target he used the serum to survive from his injuries from lobo he gain lot of power and the to slow down lobo's healing factor and other powers he wants revenge as well teaming up with Dark ro'la sometimes

New super boy 90's ability: using tactile telekinesis he controls the wind molecules in front of him to create wind blast and blades of distance from the enemy by force

He can take the power of the supernova and condense it into his fist to fight in a new fighting style

he can touch people and send tactical telekinesis into there body and cause there muscles to tense up and spazz up

another thing is he can control the molecules of a person to make them superhuman for a short period of time

he can control the molecules Of a person to see their future by viewing them in their spiritual and energy forms

superboy can remember a person and tell if a person is a clone or something else if he spreads his tactical telekinesis around them now or before

New black panther villains: a Wakanda scientist who at a young age saw his mother and father die after being framed for treason against the king and queen as he grew up he he would become a respected wakandian but after one of his experiments exploded in his face he loses his sanity and his anger from all those years ago. He created a formal that can destabilize vibranium and created a weapon that can make the black panther suit explode the person in it as the kinetic energy doesn't get release outside of it but inside instead.

Used to be one of kales henchmen but now a supervillain for the black panther as after t'challa's attack on kale after his dad death he was injured during it and asked Klamath Klaw to help him regretting him and leaving him to fend for himself he see his brothers in arms die by the hands of t'challa growing a hatred for him in his heart and with it survives the attack and escapes later appearing as a villain named black shadow and uses a formula that literally melts vibranium and he created a poison gas using dna from god like deities and it can attack on a spiritual level to the point where it can attack bast the panther god as he found the formula from the black panthers other villains leeway and modified it to suit him and was Quine to him. The gas seems alive and has divine power from inspection but now know fully what it has become from simple gas.

New dark and light God pantheon: created from the battles and energy left behind from darkseid and high father and the souls of the people of the planets that were destroyed in the fight from the ashes rose New gods some with powers rivaling the avatars of darkseid and high father but not there true form.

New superboy villain: A guy who has a staff that can shoot energy beams that duplicates you and can control and can destabilize super-boys tactical telekinesis them an stop time along with superhuman strength healing and endurance. Wears a war doctor suit with a mid evil doctor mask.

Radiation man: A man who has the power to create and control radiation and has the power to block sunlight energy to superman to absorb making him lose his powers

Miracle malice: A man with the powers similar to super as they come from the sun energy to but they are different in the powers gained as his powers come from him being an alien enemy to khryptonians

Shadow man:A guy who can turn people into zombies and steal their powers. Being summon through a Dark ritual being who is actually from the future and is a opponent of a more experienced Superboy he is timed displaced but is happy to kill superboy if he can or maybe he can you him to get back to the future

Wolframe:A guy who can turn into a werewolf and had kryptonight claws and can get a power increase from the full moon. And is a world champion explorer who got an item that cursed him and he is the father of sofiel Anderson another character of my own creation

Doomsday boy:a genetic clone of doomsday made by a mad scientist who wanted to control doomsday's power or at least put his mind inside the body of doomsday. Doomsday boy is a clone but with darkseid dna from his invasion of earth but woke prematurely and killed the scientist he is a boy and has the potential to grow more powerful than doomsday a scenario created by Mister Mxyzptlk's Son a fan of superboy. If you push him far enough in his adaptation abilities faster than his body can produce then he would have to go into hibernation

Scorae:A guy who is a hunter from another planet but after his family was killed he set out to further strengthen himself by killing a krypton one of the strongest species to ever exist and tampering with his DNA.

A assassin with superhuman body strong enough to take hits from superman and acid kryptonite breath and poison tipped kryptonite katana sword and has teleportation powers as well

A female who can steal the youth of other and has a superhuman body and have magic knifes daggers

Nankai tu' jia:A giant octopus monster with a spear spiral head and one eye made of millions of smaller eyes that can spread please and only take over the other first starting with pillars of weird slimy skin tower that appears around the globe and help in strengthening teleportation and telepathy and is immune to telepathy too it can regeneration make copies of itself and shoot lasers and can shot sticky acid slime it can be solid, gas or water like in substance but it's last bust strongest trick is illusions and as massive energy pressure that can be spread around the world the towers can also help evolve staro or something of similarity in its species. It is the god of and strongest of Staro extinct Cousion species

Mist:A guy who can turn into poison mist mad of red sun light many different Kryptonite and other poisons and can harden his body to take blows from superboy he can fly but the strongest of his abilities is as a gas he can't poison the sunlight energy stored in Kryptonian cells and effect them with red sunlight and krytonite

Game master:A guy who can make games become real and become game life so he can regenerate become intangible and have other powers etc.

Rival:A guy who has a rival show to superboy and wants to be more famous popular and stronger then superboy not only because his girlfriend left him for superboy when he came to Hawaii but also because his rival tv show was struggling and he was going irreverent quickly and he blames superboy for this as up until superboy came to Hawaii he was the most famous celebrity and he had all the money and attention from everyone but when superboy came and started to become the protector of Hawaii his show started to tank and loose revenue and relevance quickly causing him to become a laughingstock to others celebrity around the world and it only got worse after superboy started his own tv show he has technopathy and controls a robot made of New 9th metal and has the power to destabilize molecules

Shadow:A parasite that was created from the villain parasite DNA that bonded with superboy and copied his powers and was separated from his but adsorption his memories as well now wanting to kill superboy and become the new superboy. Powers superboys powers along with energy adaptations and super regeneration self-supplying and density shifting

A female who can control poison and acid has a superhuman body and senses and can turn people into stone from looking into there eyes and wants superboy to be her boyfriend

Name:Keaton Jones:A super scientist that went mad and was the creator of the new 9th metal after his body was paralyzed and had his brain fried but used the metal to fix himself with the help of his artificial intelligence made from the brain waves of his dead wife and hates superboy for saving him instead of her as she was sick and dying and he was making a cure for her but couldn't complete it when a villain attacked them when superboy was there to get help on a way to capture or neutralize the villain he was fighting as she asked superboy to save her husband instead as the villain came. He has superhuman intelligence and has superhuman senses and super craftsmanship and can enhance any technology or weapons, Create enhance technology or weapons

Shadow:A man who has the ability to turn into a shadow after an accident and is the servant to the witch that superboy fights

Name: Sofiel Anderson A woman around superboys age who has the power of a new god from being exposed to antimatter while holding a ancient magic amulet from old gods she has a spilt personality one that is timid and kinda shy but loves cats and dreaming she is one and helping people and likes superboy but also super smart and has a good sense of humor making superboy laugh but she also has a warm energy feeling to her. While her other personality is strong a little prideful and outgoing also a perpetual flirt and sneaky is bisexual and mischievous also thrill seeker. She has superhuman strength speed agility balance stamina endurance with her also having a bad luck arua around her that gives her bad luck powers but she also has senes emotions and limited wind control but can get a power increase from the full moon.

Extreme: A organization made from ex counsel members and scientists from kryton that are purest and hate superboy for being a clone of there perfect species which they believe they are and want to remake krypton and it's people back better and stronger and are willing to kill another species to do so.

(Sue) Suzan Ambrose: A witch hired to stop and kill superboy by the Extreme organization comprised of pure blood Kryptonian she is also kryptonian but do to an problem genetically she can't get the power of a regular kryptonian under the yellow sun so she turn to magic something forbidden on krypton and was locked up by Extreme but was released to capture superboy in exchange for her freedom she is a very powerful witch too have the power of illusions and halation and the power of lust and desires enhancement but she can also see a person soul and see who your soulmate is and your stanes on your soul.

Quicksilver villains: A guy who can create and control lava he was once a former science school teacher who was caught in a mutants magneto terrorist attack

A guy who can reverse the polarity of his opponents and cancel friction of us enemies

A guy who can see into the future and has a gun that can explode molecules once shot at a person

A guy who has the powers of sound manipulation and can sense timeline changes or cosmic energy's

A guy who can turn into nanotechnology particles

A woman who can bend light in a particular way so it can make her intangible and invisible but also it can confuse her opponent by messing with there sense of direction as well as cause hallucinations

A guy who shoots out anti-matter lightning countered by positive matter trensmetter.

New Bronze tiger origin:

after killing a person to save his mother he was sent to a train camp to control his rage and while there his mother married again to a rich man and had a baby sister who he dotting on a lot but while there he found some dark secrets and was kidnapped and poisoned to be silenced but survived do to sheer willpower but this change his dna gave him superhuman powers but increased his bloodlust.

after leaving the camp he returned home to find his mother and his stepdad killed but he was able to save his sister dropping her off at his friends house before he found some of there his family members who came from and anicent tribe and powerful at that he told them his father died and caught his uncle trying to conquer the tribe but stopped him and became king taking his sister with him to his new home. A young martial artist who travels the world for strong opponents to fight during his travels he was humbled as he was different by an old monk but after this defeat he searched for the monk but could not find him but after a chance uncounted with him again he begged to be trained by the same people who trained the monk see the young man had a hug ego and pride but after the fight with the monk he lost every fight he been in since so after finding the monk again he asked to be trained the monk agreed and showed him we here he was trained and so the young man began to train eventually he went through a trial the most don't survive He was given a herb then increased strength Speed endurance stamina by increasing his bones density to that of titanium this also opened his seven soul Charkra giving his superhuman abilities. His first ability is limited telepathy and telekinesis and illusion casting he also has the ability to enhance his body further with his chakra and last but not least he can talk and understand animals he has a pet mount loin and hawk he uses to Track but he also has teleportation but he can't used this abilities all at the same time only one at a time.