A young man from 2??? dies and is reborn in an alternate world of the 1980's that seems similar to his old one. But different with small and big changes follow him on his journey to take over entertainment as a whole. Please remember this is a Fan-fiction and I don’t own any of the Ip properties I mentioned except my OC’s
"This is just great finally the Wolverine game just got another update yeah I have gotta go buy it and the game," said a young man as we see him walking to his local GameStop. As he got done getting the game something caught his eye a little girl in the middle of the street see this he freezes for a second before he moves without thinking as a runs and jumps in the way pushing the little girl out of harms way saving the little girl.
Battered and beaten he thanks God for a good life and hopes the girl is ok as he breathes his final breath as his soul leaves this plain of reality moving on to the next life Now we see a void with one ball of light floating as it disappears never to be seen again.
January 1, 1978
Local hospital New clinic we hear the sounds of a new born baby boy crying as the mother and father along with the rest of the family are there to see the birth of a new family member not know of the soul fusion with the new born baby. (Time skip) January 1,1982 we see the family of that once new born baby boy James raily smith carter with his mother Samantha smith carter and his father Reginald Julian carter it was his birthday it's been 4 years since he was reborn in the past of an alternative reality of his worlds past.
It been 4 years since I been reborn in this world it great but also boring since the technology is far from what it is in the future I was surprised when I first saw I was reborn here I was scared at first when I regained my memories and locked my myself in my room but eventually I had to come to terms with my new life and and family which was easier since I was an orphan in my past life.
Since then I been drawing and living my life and experiencing what it's like to have a family I was mature for my age do to my past life experience with me dying at the health age 0f 28 crazy but I over it now I like my life and family. One thing that I like is the fact that my grandfather is a some what successful businessman with him having his own business and shares in Warner Bros. Entertainment he owns a special effects studio that helps in the equipment and technology effects used in Warner Bros flims.
He even gave my parents there own comic book shop as a final big gift to my father say I quote 'son this is my final big gift to you since I mean your a grown man now so you wouldn't need big gifts from me anymore anyway plus my biggest gift to you was your life now I'm going to spoil my grandson so enjoy this gift son' I quote my grandfather. He would always spoil me but I would ask for simple stuff mainly art supplies and tons of paper because when I turned 4 around 12:09 I got a golden finger a system which was great as it allowed me to get any movie comic, game knowledge from my old world and memories with all the experience of the creators and developers the first one I got was the dragon ball series but thanks to my memories I got information on fan made things like dragon ball deliverance all the way to its completion.
So I went to work creating dragon ball of this world with my own twist on it first I started with character designs and personalities then to the timeline and outline of the series I always like GT even though some people didn't so I wanted that to be canon so I made changes to the story and timeline to fit GT along side Dragon ball AF a fan made thing by Toyotarou in it to make since but another thing was do to my memories of watching a fan animation named dragon ball deliverance I also got the experience and memories of the creator when he first made it to the last thing he made for the animation.
So the first thing Was the outline of the series and the second outline on the combination of anything from my memories of bardock fan made things but with changes to make it make since and not ruin the dragon ball feeling. I decided to make this into a manga but with a mixture of Japanese manga and American comics books in the way I will operate the time creation of the comics and the paging and painless layout.
I also started to go and create yugioh in this new form of manga and comics mixed wonder what people will call it.
General POV
Today we see James with his grandfather as his grandfather too him to see where he works at supreme Effect studios the name of his special effects and technology used in those special effects today his grandfather is going to show him the business not only to spoil and Peres his grandson but hopefully get him to want to continue his business after he dies unlike his dad who refused to take over the business.
Grandfather POV
"Grandson how are you you liking the studio so far" I asked
As the duo walk down the hall of the studio passing many rooms and booths of the workers
"It's great better than I expected" Said James my grandson
That great I hoped you like it one day it will be yours if I retire early or die but don't get your hopes up to soon this old man still got something in him" I said to my grandson who just smirked as he responded "well then I will just have to make you disappear with magic wahh poofh" Said James I just laughing at his antics He's so young and energetic I have high hopes for the future something I feel that my grandson will surpass with flying colors.