
In Against the Gods with Xenoverse system

Jerry who had been out of the army due to leave was in his home playing games. It was raining and clouds rumbled. Due to this he couldn't go out to meet his friends so to kill his boredom he decided to play a game of his favourite series dragon ball on the pc. When he was playing the game suddenly he saw a loud thunder strike as the room went dark. The next thing he felt himself loosing consciousness. So read to find out what happens next. Will Jerry die or some miracle will save his life? ******************************************* ATG and Dragon ball belongs to their respective authors. ******************************************* If you want to support me then be my patreon; https://www.patreon.com/Kingxix

pratiksymbol · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs


"Oops did I just blow away the entire land away." The man scratched his head as sweat dropped from his brow. He couldn't believe that he blew away the entire forest along with the land. This man was Jerry who has actually occupied the body of his original character created in the xenoverse 2 game.

"Seems like I got excited and couldn't control my power... But still this is unreal. I can use ki and my strength is ridiculous." He said as he clenched and unclenched his fist. He could still feel the energy coursing through his hand and body which was destruction incarnate.

"Let's see if I can transform." He said suddenly and starters to circulate his ki. His power suddenly spiked as the white fiery aura surrounded his body. The ground shook as and cracked under his power.

At this time in the distant cities and towns people were panicking. Everything was calm a few minutes ago and then suddenly the ground started shake as the people in the cities all looked at the forest when a loud boom was heard as the forest was blown away along with the landscape. They screamed as the cities fell into chaos. At this time the ground started to shake even more as a powerful earthquake swept across the lands of various cities. All the powerful experts from all the cities felt it and were astonished.

At this time with Jerry;

"HYAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!" He screamed and the intensity of the aura increased and the the ground around him shattered. Clouds started to gather making the sky dark and lighting strikes the ground. But there was no change to his features. He hadn't been able to transform into a super saiyan at all.

' Seems like I can't turn into a super saiyan' He thought as he quickly powered down. The ground stopped shaking and it slowly started to rain.

He looked around and said," Hah I should get out of here. I don't want any heat at this moment."

He took a running position as power coursed through his body. He then ran at a speed which broke the sound barrier towards a different direction.

At this moment various powerful experts rushed at the now gone forest to see what kind of creature could reduce this gigantic forest which was tens of miles wide into rubbles.

In the floating cloud city;

In a certain clan;

A boy of 16 or 17 years was sitting on his bed and was looking out of a window when he felt the tremor and fell down from the bed.

"W...what is going on?" The boy said, confusion in his eyes.

Suddenly the door to his room opened and a girl of 15 or 16 years of age rushed in.

" Are you okay little Che?!" She asked the boy, worry in her eyes.

" Y...yes little aunt I... I am alright but what was that tremor?" The boy asked in a shaky voice.

The girl went near the boy as she held the boy's hand as she pulled him into a hug.

" Don't worry little Che your little aunt is here to protect you. And it seems like something is happening in the forest north from here. The clan has dispatched powerful experts to go and check what is going in the forest" She said as she held the boy tightly.

Soon the now gone forest was swarmed by thousands of cultivators searching for the cause of that destruction they found in the now gone forest. They could have sworn that not a single living thing could be seen when they were rushing here. They started to search the area around the now reduced to rubbles forest for three days but they could not find a single clue as to what actually happened.

At this time Jerry was already far away into wild plains.

"Now what should I do?? I am in an unknown world for sure. It's better I start to grasp the powers of my body. Although I can't transform but I am sure with training and effort I can do it." He said as he sat at the center of the plain grassland he was currently on.

"Alright let's try to focus on ki and try to sense the surrounding. And I have yet to know how I should fly." He said closing his eyes. He could already use his ki when he came to this world to reinforce his body and increase his stats. It was like a tap which was opened from which endless water enough to fill an entire ocean flowed out. But he had very less control over it . The giant lizard he killed was a proof of his poor ki control as his punch not only destroyed the entire forest but it also blew the land scape apart. And he still couldn't use ki blasts too.

Slowly he started to feel his ki which was flowing through his meridians and body without any restrains. He slowly focused it at one point and expanded it in all directions.

'So this is what ki sense is. I can sense all the living things within 100 km without any problems. I can senses the trees, rivers, lakes, mountains and animals clearly. ..... Hum what is this energy?" Jerry thought as he concentrated around. He could also feel another form if energy along with ki flowing in the surrounding and in all the living and non things.

*Ding* Suddenly a noise was heard as he saw a green screen pop up in front of his eyes.

[ Greetings host. I am the system which would help you in your journey]

"What the.... I have a system like those isekai Mcs!!" He couldn't believe that he now also had a system.

"Oye tell me how and what happened to me and how come I have a system along with my character from a game?" He asked the system. He wanted to know what had happened to him.

*Ding* [ The host was was hit by the divine lighting by gods which destroyed your body. As for how you got the body of your character, Your soul travelled from the chaos dimension which read your last memories you had and gave you the same body of your created character. As for me I was similarly born from your memories of systems present in various stories you read with the powers of absolute chaos and merged with your soul.]

Jerry listened to the system silently. He was shocked that he had actually died and travelled through some dimension where he got his body and system.

"What is this chaos dimension?" He asked.

*Ding* [ The chaos dimension is the Nexus I'd everything. It has given birth to the multivseses. It is everything.]

"But how come I have this power. I never asked for it."

* Ding* [ The chaos is impartial. It doesn't know rights and wrongs and it would fulfill any desires of any beings who has reached it. Even though the host has not wished for this the chaos read your memories and gave you the powers and your body.]

Listening to this he shook his head and said," what should I say, am I lucky or unlucky. But anyways what is that divine lightning you are talking about?" He asked remembering that the system said that he was killed by some divine lightning or something.

*Ding* [ The divine lightning is the judgement casted by gods to destroy humanity. This time your world was chosen to be purged and the gods released their divine power in the form of lightning to purge the world. Almost all of humans and animals died while only a few souls survived and were transported to the chaos where they obtained powers. This was completely out of the Gods' calculation though.]

"W... what the hum... humans were a...all ki...killed??!.....My parents and Annie were all killed!!" He said with a shivering voice. He couldn't believe that his parents and his friend were killed. A rage swept across his body and his hair spiked up. A green aura appeared on his body.

" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" He roared with fury. The ground shattered under him and a terrifying earthquake spread which could be felt across the entire planet.

Here is the new chapter. Hope you guys enjoy it.

pratiksymbolcreators' thoughts