
In Against the Gods with Xenoverse system

Jerry who had been out of the army due to leave was in his home playing games. It was raining and clouds rumbled. Due to this he couldn't go out to meet his friends so to kill his boredom he decided to play a game of his favourite series dragon ball on the pc. When he was playing the game suddenly he saw a loud thunder strike as the room went dark. The next thing he felt himself loosing consciousness. So read to find out what happens next. Will Jerry die or some miracle will save his life? ******************************************* ATG and Dragon ball belongs to their respective authors. ******************************************* If you want to support me then be my patreon; https://www.patreon.com/Kingxix

pratiksymbol · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


*Crackle Crackle* Thunder roared as a heavy downpour of rain covered the city as in a large house a man was lying in one of the beds in a clean and well decorated room.

He was tall and a muscular physique. He had a slightly tan skin with a handsome face. His hair was cut short. He wore a tank top and shorts as he had both his hands behind his head. He was currently looking at the roof and thinking something.

This man was Jerry Aston a youth of twenty four years old. Currently he was discharged from his duties in the army for some times asls he was enjoying this everyday life.

"Man this rain completely ruined my plans" He said lying on his bed.

"Even my parents are out of the town and that girl Annie is at her parents home" He said sighing.

Annie was his neighbour and his friend. She was an architect and her parents were also rich.

One might think how these two even become friends in the first place. The answer was simple, Animes, novels and mangas. These things were the one what brought them together. Both of them had otaku like qualities and whenever they used to get free time they would discuss about various topics about certain animes, novels etc.

Thinking about these things Jerry suddenly sat up as a thought crossed his mind.

"Ha how could I have forgotten about that" He said as quickly got out of his bed and went near the computer which was located in a corner of the room.

"It's been really long since I played that game. Let's play it and see if my skills are still good or not". Jerry said scratching his head as he slowly walked towards his computer and started it. He took a chair and sat on it as his computer started up.

Soon his computer started up and he was intently looking at the familiar icon of a video game he had played for hours quite a while ago.

"Hehe let's see" He said with anticipation as he clicked on the icon and started the game.

The game started as he selected his own custom character which was a saiyan and was heavily modded . His character looked like broly from the new movie who lacked the scars and had a lighter skin tone. He also wore similar clothes with a few changes like the pants being black in colour and the fur pellet being red. He had fully customized his character with awesome moves as well as transformation. And he also was the legendary super saiyan as a modded character. After that he went online and started to search for his friends. He wanted to see if anyone of his old pals were still playing it.

And to his astonishment he found one. And it was none other than then Annie his neighbours. Seeing this he quickly called her.

"Hello" Came a sweet voice from the other side of the phone.

"Yo Annie how are you? you playing the game now right?" He asked.

"I am fine Jerry .How are you? And yes I online aaaannnnnnddddd you are also too right. I can see you here too wanna team up??" She answered.

"Yep sure. We haven't seen each other in s long time. Let's have some fun." He said in a lewd voice .

"Hump shut up you perv. You are the one who hasn't contacted me in nowdays." She harrumphed and said in a pissed up voice. But behind the phone she had a smile on her face . She sent him a request and the two teamed up.

Her character was also a saiyan who was beautiful with long black hair and black eyes. She wore a dark skin tight pants and golden boots. On her upper body she wore a cropped top like armor which exposed her belly button. On her wrists she wore golden armbands. Even Annie's character was heavily modded with the power of the ancient saiyans and other abilities.

After that that the duo played for quite some times. But at this time in the outer sky all across thr world was covered with dark clouds which rumbled.

Jerry and Annie weren't aware of this as they were busy playing the game. The sky rumbled as lighting flashed around and like powerful waves hit everywhere across the planet. This phenomenon was unprecedented as nothing like this has never happened.

Jerry who was playing at this time noticed something as he got ready get up when suddenly a loud noise came and bright flash enveloped the entire area. He couldn't feel anything and suddenly everything went dark.


In a vast universe;

On a distant blue colored planet;

On a far away continent;

Above a huge forest suddenly a swirling black coloured void opened as a golden beam shot down from it and hit the centre of the forest.

*Rumble*The entire forest shook due to this.

In the centre of the forest was a large crater inside which a figure laid face down as dust covered the area.

The figure slowly got up and started to get out of the crater as the dust slowly settled.

*Tap tap tap* The figure slowly got out of the crater. It was that of a man, tall and strong. He had a muscular figure with a light coloured skin tone. He had shaggy and grown out black hair reaching his upper back. His upper body was bare as he wore skin tight black coloured pants with white coloured shoes with golden strips on them. He also had a red coloured fur pellet drapped around his waist. He wore black colored wrist bands on each hand.

He slowly looked around checking the scenery out.

"Where.... am I?" Said the man with a face filled with confusion.

He slowly lifted his hands as he touched his body and checked.

"What the?!!" He uttered in confusion as beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"T...this...How can this be possible?!" He uttered under his breath as his eyes widened. He had found out something extremely crazy which had happened to him.

*crack Crassssh* Suddenly a crashing sound came as the forest shook. The man quickly turned around and looked at the distance. He could see multiple trees getting uprooted as they fell on the ground making loud crashing noises. After a few moments a gigantic lizard like creature walked out from the woods. It was huge with crystal like scales covering it's body. It had a long tail at its end it got spikes. It had a large head which looked like that of a dragon along with razor sharp teeth. It had deep red slitted eyes with which it prayed the man .

*Hissssssssss* The giant creature hissed at the man who backed away a little as it looked at him menacingly.

"Tch wtf is this!!! " The man cursed as he looked at the beast with narrowed eyes.

The beast was slowly approaching the man as it looked at him. The man backed abit more before he suddenly remembered something and stopped between his tracks.

"If this is all true and I am not dreaming then I can probably use it" He said with a smirk as he looked at the approaching beast. He suddenly lifted his left leg and put it forward bending his knees. He closed his eyes as he concentrated on something.

It was a fighting stance that the man has taken. A white coloured glow suddenly appeared on the body of the man. Suddenly he opened his eyes. The ground under his left foot cracked as he rushed at the the creature in a speed which normal humans couldn't comprehend.

*Roar* The lizard roared at the rushing figure and opened it's mouth to bite him when the figure suddenly disappeared.

*Bam* The giant lizard was suddenly hit from the side and sent flying. It crashed through multiple trees and stopped.

In the place where the lizard was standing previously stood the man who had a grin on his face.

"I can't believe that I can use it." He said as he clenched his fist, his veins bulging under his chiselled arms. He then looked at the lizard with a bloodthirsty grin.

On the other side the giant lizard had trouble standing up as it had taken a heavy damage and was bleeding from the spot where the man has hit him.

"Hehe let's see how you can tank this." He said as a bright milky white aura surrounded his body as the ground started to shake a little.

*BOOOOM* The ground shattered as the man moved towarda the lizard like a shooting star. The lizard couldn't even react as it's body exploded into million pieces as the punch from the man contacted it's head. But this wasn't all as the land and the forest behind the lizard was also blown away the air pressure aline from the punch of the man alone.

As the dust settled everywhere slowly as the man looked at the blown away land and forest with sweats on his forehead," Oops did I just blow away the landscape."