
In a World of Mages, I Become a Spartan!

Living life in easy mode, Ramero has all aspects every man wants. He has had wealth, power, and even women since he was born into a conglomerate family. But as an adult, he realizes he was not meant for this life. Hidden inside of him, there's a blazing fire. Ramero finds a luxurious life is mundane, in fact, the modern world is mundane. At one point, he decided to join a special force and realized he was meant to live at the edge of gunpoint. He was disowned and forgotten by his own family due to the profession he chose. He paid the sacrifice for this path, until the day of his death. Instead of going to hell, a fitting place for someone whose hands are covered in the blood of countless people, he instead finds himself in a new body, and a new world. But instead of the same money-oriented world, this new world is a world that revolves around power! Mages exists! And they are at the top of the food chain. On top of that, he also gained a system that beckons him to become a Spartan! In a world filled with mana, he doesn't have any magic talent but does that stop him from becoming the strongest? Is a Spartan truly the same as written in history? Or is it something much more? Find out in this thrilling journey, where blood and vicious battles are the norm! "In this world, my talent will shine the brightest!!" ~ Note: During the start of the novel, there won't be many mages or explanations of mages' powers since the MC is not a mage. At least in the first thirty chapters. But rest assured that in later chapters he would be fighting mainly mages. ------------- The cover isn't mine, if the artist wants me to take it down then contact me through discord, Sudaryanto13#3629. I will immediately change it.

TheAlpha · Kỳ huyễn
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40 Chs

System is Online

'What's this...? Is this some kind of new virtual game?' Ramero thought in confusion.

Although he was born into a family that is far from the normal family due to their idealistic view of their children and the amount of wealth his family has, he lived his early life like other normal people and played games.

Of course, his parents haven't been too kind to buy him gaming consoles.

For them playing games is a waste of time and they don't allow him to buy any kind of gaming console despite wanting to do so. Due to that, Ramero has always been a mobile games type of person.

It matches his lifestyle of traveling through different countries, and he quite likes it back then.

Ramero is not foreign to the gaming world and this red window that appeared in front of him looks like a game, probably a virtual game that he has been hearing about. Shame that he has never tried playing any virtual games.

While the 'game' loads, Ramero waited patiently. But it's more to him unable to do anything.

Aside from the pain that is infiltrating his entire body like an endless tide of waves, he also suffered severe migraine that made opening his eyes for too long hard to do. Ramero needs to close his eyes every now and then to subside the migraine, throbbing in his head.


[Compatibility scanning complete! Warrior spirit has been detected, and you have fulfilled the requirement for integration!]

[Do you, Ramero Tirto Patrawala accept the blessing from the Spartan Emperor?]

Like a kid that is given candy, Ramero's sparkled when he read this sentence in front of him. 'Spartan?! Hell yeah, make me a spartan so I can live my dream life of battle! Yes!' he exclaimed inside his head in reflex.

Craving being an expert in a physical fight, he certainly knows of the Spartan.

[Your answer has been heard. Congratulation, you are chosen to become the host!]

[Integrating the Agoge Education Curricula...]

'Agoge? I think I've heard that before. But wait a damn minute, it's not the time to be thinking about this stupid game. Where the fuck am I? Shouldn't I be dead?' Ramero thought trying to focus on the situation at hand.

From what he can remember, he was blasted by an explosion and died there.

Out of everything that can happen to him, he should be either in heaven or hell. At least that is what he believed in after death, but the place he's in right now doesn't look like hell since there's no lava and fire that he expected.

It's certainly also not heaven since this place reeks of horrendous stench.

But despite his curiosity beating his mind and forcing him to find out the answer, he simply can't. No matter how much he tries to move his body, he can't do it, his eyes are the only things able to be moved by him.

"Damn it, am I crippled?" Ramero cursed desperately due to being unable to move his body.

Just then the 'game' popped out a couple of square-shaped small red windows, he can only look so might as well see what this game is about. It's dumb to think that he's playing a game in this kind of situation, but there's simply nothing he could do.

[Agoge Education Curricula has been integrated!]

[The Indomitable Spartan System is online! The host can now access the main quests!]

[Warning! The system sensed the host is in critical condition]

[Does the host wants to take a loan from the system to heal the host's crippled body?]

Ramero squinted his eyes, "Indomitable Spartan System...? Okay, that's a game-ish name alright"

"Heal? Isn't this just a game? How can it know that I'm in this crippled state? Whatever... if it's taking a loan I don't mind as long as I can get back to my feet" Ramero added, and instantly after that his body slowly got engulfed by red light.

Ramero can see the red light and gets startled, he didn't expect something like this to happen.

But soon a weird feeling started to envelop the inside of his entire body, it feels warm and comfortable at the same time. Not only that, but Ramero can also feel the pain starting to disappear little by little.

Almost as if this 'game' can actually heal his entire body.

It didn't take long before Ramero blinked his eyes a couple of times and find himself in a sitting position, he looks down at his body and was surprised that he actually got healed, "What in the world... did this game actually heal my physical body?!"

"What kind of new invention is this?" he added, feeling what happened to him very surreal.

[Please refer to me as the system or Nomos, not a game]

"Fair enough, I'm not going to complain when you actually healed me" Ramero replied without much thought, he was still in a dream-like state and is slowly adjusting to the surroundings with his newly healed body.

[The host has suffered poisoning from the Knight's Rancor which resulted in a crippled state]

[Knight's Rancor is a poison from a third-rank magic plant that will cause physical deterioration by affecting the main muscle groups and bones, it's not life-threatening but will make a person physically very weak]

[Removing the Knight's Rancor from the host's body costs 50,000 points]

[It's advised to pay the loan before due time or suffer the punishment associated with the loan]

Ramero read through the notifications from the system attentively, he's quite adept in reading terms and conditions due to his background so this is nothing for him. One question that instantly popped into his mind is the currency the system is using.

But he already expected that it was some kind of in-game currency.

Nodding his head, Ramero then said to the system, "Okay, I'll pay the loan don't worry. Where can I top up? While we're at it as you piqued my interest, top-up one billion rupiahs to pay the debt and to purchase some in-game items"

Since he has never had to worry about money, the word 'loan' doesn't scare him.

Due to his background, his father also told him to memorize all of his bank numbers just in case he forgot to bring his wallet or cards. At the top of his head, Ramero remembered 8 bank numbers that are under his name.

Four of the newer ones he hasn't memorized yet, but those eight cards are definitely enough.

[I'm sorry host, points are not able to be bought with the host's home world's currency. Points can only be accessed through finishing quests, main quests provide an effective way to gain points for starters]

"Wait a goddamn minute, what do you mean my home world?" Ramero mutters with a frown.

Although he has already a bad notion from reading the system's reply, he still doesn't want to make any assumptions. It might be the default setting of the system, the developer should program it to say something like this to make it interesting.

But that thought was instantly thrown into the bin as he reads the system's reply.

[The host is not on Earth anymore...]

Upon reading this Ramero can't help but suck in a cold breath, he already suspected that this place is weird due to the stone constructs of the wall but to actually be in another world just sounds like fantasy to him.

Now that he realized that, Ramero quickly looks down at his body.

Just from a glance, he can already tell that the body he's in right now is not his real body, he may not be blessed with a great physique but as a member of the special force division, he undergoes intense physical training to keep him in shape.

Many would be envious of his well-sculpted body, but this is just not it.

Ramero is now inside a foreign scrawny body that literally has no muscle at all, not even a glimpse of muscles can be seen, only skin and bones. It's an understatement to say that this body is malnourished, this body looks like a walking skeleton if not for his light brown skin.

After checking his body, he now studies his surroundings.

Same as the first impression when he opens his eyes a moment ago, he seems to be in a jail cell decorated only with dirt, stone walls, and chains that are wrapping around his right leg. The condition of the place is worst than anything he has ever seen.

With a bit of difficulty, Ramero tries to stand up and went over to the iron bars.

Beyond his jail cell is a narrow path and stone walls, he stuck his face to the iron bars and managed to see that there are two more jail cells beside him. Everything is dark, the only lights that came were from a small unglazed window.

Distant cheers can be heard beyond the window, and sand occasionally seeped through.

"Okay if it's not Earth then where the fuck is this?" Ramero asked the system in search of an answer, but he received no answer which puts him into even greater desperation. It's a feeling of unfamiliarity that gnawed his mind.

Knowing that panic wouldn't lead to any good, he sat down and tries to steady his breathing.

Ramero doesn't need much time before he calmed himself down, the training he went through in the special force started to come into play. Despite his different body, his mind is honed through the intense regiment and is hard as steel.

From that, he decided to think his situation through to get a better understanding.

'I'm inside an unknown jail cell, the walls are made of simple stones, the place is unkempt and dim-lighted, and I can hear people cheering outside. It should be a prison, but there are no signs of technology, no CCTVs, no nothing... Did I got sent back to the past?' Ramero thought with a frown.

Now that his mind is clear, he can't help but think that this is not the twentieth century.

Moreover, Ramero also remembered that he got this Indomitable Spartan System upon him waking up. Out of everything, he can only rely on the system, "If you don't want to answer what this world is then tell me about yourself"

[I am the Indomitable Spartan System, Nomos. A guide to make the host a Spartan's Incarnate]

[The host's flaming warrior spirit has been detected, and thus the host has been chosen to wield the Indomitable Spartan System. If the host wants to check the host's condition, please think 'status window']

'Hmm...? Might as well check it out. Status window...' Ramero followed the system's instructions.

Immediately after he said 'status window' inside his head, a red panel opened in front of him showing information that is supposed to be about himself. Ramero read through the panel with curiosity inside his eyes.


[Status Window]

Name: Ramero Nil Elsher

Race: Human

Level: 1 (0/100 Exp)

Rank: Infant

Bloodline: Warrior's Descent

Active Skill(s): -

Passive Skill(s): -

Strength: 3

Dexterity: 3

Constitution: 2

Willpower: 10

Attributable Stat Points: 0

Debt: 50,000 Points

Points: 0


Upon seeing the red panel that shows his status window, Ramero finds that it's similar to the RPG game that he used to play on his phone. Although it was a while ago, it doesn't take long for him to understand strength, dexterity, constitution, and willpower stats.

'Attributable stat point section is self-explanatory, and points should be the currency...'

While inspecting his own status window he finds that he doesn't know whether his stats are high or not, but he's guessing that it's not that high and most likely below average. Since his body is frail and poisoned, he doesn't expect to have high stats points from the start.

Ramero also finds his new name there, 'Ramero Nil Elsher... is that the previous owner of this body?'

Despite the situation being pretty much like a fantasy novel that should be impossible to happen in real life, he's seen and felt enough to know that this is real. If the body that he's occupying right now is not his, then it should have a previous owner.

'Well, if I'm going to live in this, I don't really care about this person's past' Ramero thought.

Knowing the sensation of death from being hit by a big explosion, Ramero sure doesn't want to die again. At the very least he would try to live in this foreign world, but he's quite confident in his skills to survive.

Just as he was about to ask for the main quests the system is talking about, he heard something.

From the end of the narrow path he can hear footsteps approaching, the footsteps didn't stop before two muscular men strapped in armor plate appears in front of his jail cell. "Huh... he's alive, not that it's any better than him dying though with the condition he's in"

"Damn nobilities, they really like to dump their troubles here" the other one added.

One of them then takes out a key and opens the door to Ramero's jail cell, the two of them then get inside under Ramero's wary gaze. "Don't try resisting or saying anything kid, I'm not in the mood to deal with that"

Ramero kept silent as the chains restraining him is unshackled from his limbs.

Soon the two men grab him by the arm before roughly pulling him out of the jail cell, Ramero was brought through the narrow path leading to a wooden door at the end of the path. Looking to the side, he saw a person inside the jail cell beside him.

That person gave him a quick glance before turning his gaze away again.

While being forced to walk faster, Ramero can't help but ask, "Where are you taking me?"

Just as he said that Ramero saw a fist heading toward his face, and he got punched directly in the face. That one punch knocked him out cold as one of the men sneered, "I told you to not say anything, they never listened"

Upon seeing Ramero knocked out, the other man chuckled while shaking his head.

With that the two of them hold Ramero's arm tightly as they dragged him through the narrow path, their three figures then disappeared when the wooden door closed behind them with a loud thud.


1 billion rupiahs = USD 600,000