
In a World of Mages, I Become a Spartan!

Living life in easy mode, Ramero has all aspects every man wants. He has had wealth, power, and even women since he was born into a conglomerate family. But as an adult, he realizes he was not meant for this life. Hidden inside of him, there's a blazing fire. Ramero finds a luxurious life is mundane, in fact, the modern world is mundane. At one point, he decided to join a special force and realized he was meant to live at the edge of gunpoint. He was disowned and forgotten by his own family due to the profession he chose. He paid the sacrifice for this path, until the day of his death. Instead of going to hell, a fitting place for someone whose hands are covered in the blood of countless people, he instead finds himself in a new body, and a new world. But instead of the same money-oriented world, this new world is a world that revolves around power! Mages exists! And they are at the top of the food chain. On top of that, he also gained a system that beckons him to become a Spartan! In a world filled with mana, he doesn't have any magic talent but does that stop him from becoming the strongest? Is a Spartan truly the same as written in history? Or is it something much more? Find out in this thrilling journey, where blood and vicious battles are the norm! "In this world, my talent will shine the brightest!!" ~ Note: During the start of the novel, there won't be many mages or explanations of mages' powers since the MC is not a mage. At least in the first thirty chapters. But rest assured that in later chapters he would be fighting mainly mages. ------------- The cover isn't mine, if the artist wants me to take it down then contact me through discord, Sudaryanto13#3629. I will immediately change it.

TheAlpha · Kỳ huyễn
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40 Chs

Sloxvale City

Some of the guards that went ahead into the forest when they heard the commotion from the fight between Ramero and Scorpion reported their findings to the Regulator, and the guards instantly becomes alert due to that.

It's a natural reaction to be alert when they find a severed corpse near their place.

Ramero and Silver Fists already cleaned their weapons from the blood before they went back to the road and be spotted by the guard, none of the guards or even the Gladiators suspects them to be the cause of that severed corpse.

But Laughing Butcher who is chopping trees beside Ramero realized that he was gone for a minute.

"Where did you go?" Laughing Butcher asked.

Upon hearing this Ramero shrugs his shoulders while still axing the tree in front of him down, "I went and take a leak, but the guard caught me and thought I'm hiding to not chop down trees" he replied nonchalantly.

It was a completely blatant lie, but Laughing Butcher seems to believe it and went back to work.

About an hour later they finally managed to fix the bridge and continue their journey to the Deathbound Colosseum, there shouldn't be anything blocking their way from this point on, at least that is what they hope.

Due to being accused of hiding, Silver Fists and Ramero are not inside their wagons.

Instead of sitting inside the wagon throughout the journey, the two of them were chained to their hands and linked to the wagons. Both of them would walk throughout the rest of the way as a punishment from the guards.

While on the way, Ramero is remembering the incident from before.

'Surprisingly, my theory is correct. I gained 10 constitution stat points from that fight' Ramero thought while checking the system's messages he gained from that fight, he can't hide his smile when he realizes this.

Basically, this would allow him to be even more resilient the more he gets hurt during a fight.

Something like this can be considered a broken skill, if he keeps on fighting stronger and stronger opponents then there's no end to how much his body can become stronger. Even thinking about it makes him fueled with excitement.

Now he can fight and get stronger at the same time, a two-in-one deal.

Ramero then remembered the last part of the fight when he gets careless, 'I should've been more careful, the system clearly stated that I beat Scorpion, not kill him. Next time I need to pay attention more to the system's messages' he thought with a frown, he almost got backstabbed by Scorpion.

But then he touches his abdomen due to a sharp sting, he's hurt from Scorpion's punch.

Not only that but his arms are also blue underneath the uniform he's wearing, it's quite painful but tolerable. Ramero tries to hide it as if the guards know then he would be questioned, and that would be a bad situation for him.

Just as he was walking and following the wagons, a voice interrupted his mind from the back.

"Do you want to explain how a Mage Assassin is trying to kill you?" Silver Fists whispered from the back, they were quite far from the wagon so the guards shouldn't be able to hear them whispering.

Upon hearing this Ramero glanced at him, "A problem that I don't want any part with"

"Must be a serious problem for someone to send a Mage Assassin to kill you, it probably costs around five to ten gold to hire a Mage Assassin. Let me guess, is it a family problem? You are from a noble family so I'm confident with my guess" Silver Fists guessed, and he was spot on.

Ramero sighs before he nodded his head, "Something like that..."

"Anyway, thanks for helping me back there. I would've been hurt badly if you weren't there to land the final blow at that assassin" he added, if not for Silver Fists then he would have a stabbing wound that he can't explain on his back.

Silver Fists nodded his head in affirmation before he went away again.

Hours and hours later, a speck of light can finally be seen in the distance. Ramero and Silver Fists were exhausted from walking for miles, the chattering of the Gladiators and guards made life come back to them again.

From their conversation, they realized that they are nearing the destination.

The Deathbound Colosseum is located inside Sloxvale City which is a very big city that has many outgoing trades with neighboring cities, the citizen count is numbering around the upper twelve thousand.

It's a massive city which can make Croison City looks small in comparison.

Ramero also finds that the road is starting to get better and better the closer they get to the city, it comes to the point where the ground turned into neatly stacked cobblestones which shows just how developed Sloxvale City really is.

Upon reaching the gate, ten guards approached and inspected the wagons.

Comparing these guards to the city guards of Croison City would be outrageous, the guards of Sloxvale City look fierce and disciplined, and their demeanor and gaze depicted that. Some even make Ramero feel wary of them.

In terms of quality, the guards of Sloxvale City are way better than Croison City.

While one particular guard with a blue plume on his helmet is talking with the Regulator regarding their visit and also inspection of what they are bringing, Ramero spends the time inspecting the city that he is about to get in.

A way more developed city compared to Croison City, and it's pretty evident to the eyes.

Looking at the wall that reaches high and massive, Ramero finds the wall is marbling and well-maintained. No holes can be seen, and there are also many guards on top of the wall fixating their eyes on the Gladiator School of Tyranny's wagons.

From its appearance alone, the wall should be made of a higher quality material, way sturdier.

Soon a guard came to the back and saw Ramero and Silver Fists being chained to the wagons, there was an amused smile when the guard saw them. But that amused smile turns into a frown when he saw Ramero.

"I don't recognize you from the Gladiator School of Tyranny..." the guard commented.

Upon hearing this Ramero puts on a polite smile, he's new in this world and also new in this big city so he needs to mind his attitude for a bit. "I'm new in the school, this is my first ever performance. Nice to meet you"

"Huh, is that so? I'll be watching your fight then" the guard replied before he went away.

Ramero was expecting to be judged as he was nothing but a slave and the lowest kind of Gladiator nevertheless, but surprisingly that exchange didn't go bad at all. The guards are quite kind here to his surprise.

But maybe it's because he's already used to the guards of the school that treated him roughly.

Soon enough the gate is opened for them, the horses stride inside pulling the six crimson wagons. Upon entering the city, Ramero was greeted by a majestic sight of the city in the night that is pleasing to the eyes.

Although he knows that he's in a different world right now, he realized it clearly just now.

Banners and flags can be seen decorating the side of the wide roads that can probably fit ten to fifteen wagons at once, some are made of leather while some are made of entirely magic. It's a showcase of the upcoming attraction in the Deathbound Colosseum.

From the looks of it, the Deathbound Colosseum seems to be the main attraction of the city.

Many citizens of Sloxvale city came out of their houses to look at the entrance of the Gladiator School of Tyranny, they were all looking excitedly. Some Gladiators poked their hands out to wave at them, including Silver Fists.

At the end of the street, Ramero can see a huge bridge crossing the entire city.

It's at least thirty to fifty meters tall and quite robust and thick, there's an opening in its body that is shaped like a gate that leads to the inner part of the city. From the looks of it, they are going straight to that opening.

Looking around the place, he can't help but ask, "Is it always this rousing?"

"Of course, the Gladiator Match always attracts the attention of the entire city and even neighboring cities. You must not be from Zeabet Kingdom if you don't know this" Silver Fists replied while still waving at the crowd.

Reaching the end of the street, the six wagons stopped and the guards and Gladiators get down.

Not much transportation is allowed inside the inner part of the city, they need to walk on foot to reach the Deathbound Colosseum that is located in the inner part. Ramero and the other Gladiators take a weapon before they followed the Regulator leading at the very front.

Beside the Regulator are two guards holding a red flag with a roaring lion symbol on it.

While ascending the stairs to reach the opening on the huge bridge that leads to the inner part of the city, Ramero is fascinated by the sheer size of the huge bridge. It's simply huge, and the size of the bridge pictures it withstanding missiles from his home world.

The entire bridge gives a sense of sturdiness that is unbroken by anything mankind created.

"I don't see why you have a big bridge inside the city" Ramero mutters to himself.

Silver Fists who is walking on his side chuckle before he points at the end of the big bridge on his far right, "That is the major street of Sloxvale city, leading to the castle belonging to Marquis Clayton. Only a few individuals can go through the major street, high-ranking individuals..." he explained.

Upon hearing this, everything makes sense.

Of course in this current time and era, status is required to be boasted. Those who have immense status need to make a landmark for themselves, and this bridge is the Marquis' landmark under his name.

Entering the inner part of the city, the street instantly becomes even better.

Ramero doesn't know how these people did it, but the street feels soft despite being made of polished pale-white bricks. Aside from that, the houses on the side of the street are also bigger compared to the outer area.

It seems this part is the wealthier part, the citizen that lived here should also be wealthy.

Nothing interesting catches his eyes along the inner area of the city aside from the better condition of the place, they then take a turn and finally reach a building that is decorated with banners of fighting Gladiators.

More guards can be seen guarding the entrance, and some are wearing different outfits.

Aside from the regular guards wearing plated armor, there are some that wear robes and blue cloaks. It's unclear whether they are higher-ranked guards, or they are from different divisions of the military.

"We're here" Silver Fists mutters from the side.

Upon hearing this, Ramero frowns as he was confused by that statement, "We're here? What do you mean by that?" he asked, the building in front of them right now is clearly not big enough to host something like a Gladiator Match.

'Is it a hotel or an inn for us to stay the night?' Ramero thought, trying to guess the building.

But Silver Fists glance at Ramero before he explains further, "We're here, this is the Deathbound Colosseum. I think you've mistaken about something, but I'll let you see it for yourself" he said before they enters the building.

Ramero is still confused, but when he enters the building he quickly gasped.

'So that is what he meant, the Deathbound Colosseum is not like the colosseum back in my home world. Vastly different than what I imagined, and it's also underground...'