
In a World of Mages, I Become a Spartan!

Living life in easy mode, Ramero has all aspects every man wants. He has had wealth, power, and even women since he was born into a conglomerate family. But as an adult, he realizes he was not meant for this life. Hidden inside of him, there's a blazing fire. Ramero finds a luxurious life is mundane, in fact, the modern world is mundane. At one point, he decided to join a special force and realized he was meant to live at the edge of gunpoint. He was disowned and forgotten by his own family due to the profession he chose. He paid the sacrifice for this path, until the day of his death. Instead of going to hell, a fitting place for someone whose hands are covered in the blood of countless people, he instead finds himself in a new body, and a new world. But instead of the same money-oriented world, this new world is a world that revolves around power! Mages exists! And they are at the top of the food chain. On top of that, he also gained a system that beckons him to become a Spartan! In a world filled with mana, he doesn't have any magic talent but does that stop him from becoming the strongest? Is a Spartan truly the same as written in history? Or is it something much more? Find out in this thrilling journey, where blood and vicious battles are the norm! "In this world, my talent will shine the brightest!!" ~ Note: During the start of the novel, there won't be many mages or explanations of mages' powers since the MC is not a mage. At least in the first thirty chapters. But rest assured that in later chapters he would be fighting mainly mages. ------------- The cover isn't mine, if the artist wants me to take it down then contact me through discord, Sudaryanto13#3629. I will immediately change it.

TheAlpha · Kỳ huyễn
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40 Chs

Only You Are Going to Die

Ramero was sent crashing away across the arena from a strong kick to his abdomen.

Most of the crowd roared when they saw this as the fight between the two has finally drawn the first blood, Ramero coughs blood a couple of times while kneeling on all four. His hand is grabbing his throbbing abdomen.

If his constitution stat is any weaker, that kick would've ended him right there.

[Constitution of Sparta is activated! The host gained 10 constitution stat points!]

'Damn it, I was too caught up with the sabers in his hands! He's a fighter alright, he utilizes every part of his body as a weapon' Ramero thought while slowly raising his gaze, he saw Soul Hunter is already walking towards him confidently.

Even with his background, he was not able to out-skilled Soul Hunter in this fight.

From this fight alone it's clear that his skill in melee combat is still lacking compared to this seasoned fighter, he has no chance if he keeps sticking to fighting Soul Hunter head-on. Glancing at the time, he finds that there's a little bit more before the match ended.

'One more minute and I'll survive, should I just run...?'

Meanwhile, the brother sitting at the VIP section at the base of the two pillars rubs his chin.

Looking at the current moment of the match, he realizes that Noble Brat is not going to beat Soul Hunter through skills. On top of that, his situation is dire since the next wave of arrows is about to come and he won't be ready.

Due to that strong kick from Soul Hunter, both of his swords got flung to the side.

Wearing only a chest plate and armor protecting his crotch and shin, it would be devastating for Noble Brat to get stabbed in his legs or even arms if he can't protect himself. "Hmm... It's best for him to start running now, he has entertained the crowd enough that it would probably be okay to run at the last minute to preserve his life"

"What do you think sister...?" the brother glanced at the woman sitting beside him.

But when he turned his head to look at the woman, he finds the woman biting her lower lip while watching the fight attentively. "Sister, don't tell me you're actually expecting to kiss Noble Brat...? I was joking earlier!" the brother exclaimed.

Upon hearing this, the woman sharply glanced at her brother.

"It's bad enough to be the one giving the blessing to the victor, but I'll vomit if I need to kiss Soul Hunter. I already did it before, and he stinks. I don't want to give blessing to him ever again" the woman rebutted angrily.

Just as they were arguing, the middle-aged man sitting at the center laughed out loud.

From the looks of it, hearing the banter of the siblings is enough to spark this kind of reaction from him. "Lady Agatha, that's not nice of you to say that. Most of our money came from these people, a little kiss on the cheek shouldn't be that hard" the man commented.

"Lord Ferdinand, can the blessing be given after they cleaned themselves?" Agatha asked.

The middle-aged man, Ferdinand who gives a sense of friendliness and prestige glanced at Agatha with a light smile before he shakes his head, "I'm sorry Lady Agatha, but we can't do that. It wouldn't look good to the crowd"

Gaining the answer, Agatha's shoulders slump dejectedly.

Agatha clenched her hand into a fist when she saw her brother, Nicholas holding back his laughter. But knowing that she would be scolded if she can't mind her manner, she can only look back to the arena with hope inside her heart.

'Please kill Soul Hunter, Noble Brat! I'm rooting for you!'

Back in the arena, Ramero was in a predicament as he doesn't know what to do.

If he was pushed against the wall then he would throw away his worry and just sprint away, 'It's better to still be alive rather than forcing a fight against Soul Hunter' Ramero thought, but then his eyes caught sight of a string at his right, not too far from him.

Ramero knitted his eyebrows together while trying to decipher what he was seeing.

Just then his eyes widened when he realized what it is, he then saw the beast roaring not far from the string that catches his eyes. An idea came to mind, he stare at Soul Hunter again but now with a grin inside his mind. 'Now all I need to do is to make him angry, that's all I need. But how can I do that...?'

For a second there he looks around the arena and finds a shocking scene.

Although the School of Tyranny was outnumbered earlier, the Rain of Arrow has helped them greatly. Out of the four other Gladiators from the School of Tyranny, none of them pick a ranged weapon as their chosen weapon.

Because of that, they have either a shield or armor that covers most of their vital parts.

Compared to the School of Clarity, they have two Gladiators that are using ranged weapons to start a fight before going to melee. From the looks of it, neither of the schools knows that the Rain of Arrow will be the trap for this match.

It was exactly because of that, the two Gladiators with ranged weapons died.

Ramero got attacked by one of the Gladiators using a ranged weapon, but their fight stopped because of the Rain of Arrow. As it turns out, the Gladiator doesn't manage to reach the shield on the ground fast enough and died with multiple arrows stabbing his body.

Now the School of Tyranny has even numbers against the School of Clarity.

Four including Ramero are still alive from the School of Tyranny, while there are also four Gladiators left from the School of Clarity including Soul Hunter that are still alive. When Ramero was busy fighting Soul Hunter, the other Gladiators didn't sit idle and managed to reclaim the upper hand.

Even Laughing Butcher is still alive, albeit barely.

If this goes on, the first match would end in a draw. And that is not favorable for either school.


Realizing that it would be an astonishing end if he managed to defeat Soul Hunter, Ramero grabs a stranded shield beside him and protected himself from the Rain of Arrow. After managing to defend himself, he slowly stands up despite the wounds around his torso that are stinging him with pain.

Lifting his chin to stare at Soul Hunter, he then smiled, "I expected more from you"

"Hmm...? What did you say to me?" Soul Hunter asked with a frown, he heard what Ramero said but he wanted Ramero to elaborate. The frown on his face shows that he clearly not liking what Rameri just said.

Smiling even wider, Ramero then repeat the words louder, "I expected more from you"

"I've heard of your name, Soul Hunter... I've heard that you're quite strong but turns out you're not as strong as I heard" Ramero said blatantly, his voice loud and clear, "Our Regulator foresaw that you're going to be in the first match, but he was confident that he doesn't need to bring our strong Gladiators against you. I was skeptical, but now I started to believe that he was right"

Upon hearing this, Soul Hunter clenched his jaw, "I killed five of you, don't talk big Greenhorn"

"Yes, you killed five of us. But do you recognize our key Gladiators here? Can you find Head Crusher and Brutal Brawler?" Ramero replied with a cheeky smile. Soul Hunter looks around, and he realized that Ramero is saying the truth.

In a split second, his expression turns grim when he realized this.

Ramero on the other hand is all smiles, "Well, there's a reason why they are not here. Both of them are going to face Suburban Victor and Long-haired Snake in the second match. As for the first match, as for Soul Hunter, our Regulator said that we can win against you. At most, you're just a spent force..."


Like salt to a wound, the last sentence Ramero said burns Soul Hunter's heart.

While this is all happening, the crowd was confused as to what they are talking about. Many wanted to tell the two Gladiators to start fighting again, but they stopped when they saw Soul Hunter roaring and charging forward.

"FOR A GREENHORN, YOU SURE TALK BIG!!" Soul Hunter roared in anger.

Upon seeing Soul Hunter going absolutely nuts while lying on the ground in pain and sweat, Laughing Butcher smiled weakly, 'You bastard, you really like to make your opponent mad. But how are you going to finish that monster?'

As he has fallen victim to Ramero's taunt, he knows exactly what Soul Hunter is feeling.

But he gets why Ramero really likes to make his opponent mad during a fight, it makes them short-sighted and easily miss small details. It would definitely make a formidable fighter easier to beat, a fighter like Soul Hunter.

Ramero's eyes flash when he saw Soul Hunter charging at him with extreme anger.

'It's not enough, he's still wary of his surroundings. I need to make him even angrier' Ramero thought, he can tell that Soul Hunter hasn't reached the level of anger he wanted. A little bit more to make him completely lose his mind.

And Ramero has just gotten the way to make Soul Hunter even angrier.

Waiting on his spot as Soul Hunter charges forward with the two sabers in his hands, Ramero kept his calm. Seeing that Soul Hunter has leaped and raised both sabers above his head for a wide swing, he knows that this is the right time to move.


Ramero rolled to the right at the last second and barely dodge Soul Hunter's slash.

Grabbing a handful of sand on the ground, he looks over his shoulder to Soul Hunter before he threw the sand right to his face. This makes Soul Hunter growls like an animal, feeling some of the sand manage to get inside his eyes.

Shaking his head to dust the sand away, he glared at Ramero who is running away.

"Look at the time, Soul Hunter. It seems you won't be able to kill me, as expected of a spent Gladiator like you" Ramero mocked with a cheeky smile, his back still against Soul Hunter, running away in a certain direction.

Upon hearing this, Soul Hunter grinds his teeth as his mind went completely berserk.

"NOBLE BRAT!! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Soul Hunter shouted and ran after Ramero once again.

For the other Gladiators that know Soul Hunter's strength, the sight of him going berserk would make them shat their pants. But this is exactly what Ramero is aiming for, a state that is focused solely on killing him.

Smiling in excitement, Ramero heads to the string that he saw earlier, "Come get me, Soul Hunter!"

Exactly like an angry bull that is fixed on attacking the matador who is running away, Soul Hunter picks up his pace trying to reach Ramero. But as his sabers were about to reach Ramero, he saw Ramero look over his shoulder with a cheeky smile.

"Below you" Ramero said while pointing to his feet.

Soul Hunter was caught off guard as he looks down, his eyes then widened when he saw a metal wire that is really hard to spot due to how thin it is. But it was too late for him to avoid the metal wire as his feet got caught in it.


Instantly after he hit the metal wire, the wire spiraled before it wrapped around Soul Hunter's legs.

Ramero stopped abruptly finding that Soul Hunter was entangled by the metal wire, the tightness of the metal wire wrapping around Soul Hunter's legs can be seen as it digs into the skin and causes blood to seep out.

"Metal Snake..." Soul Hunter mutters while gritting his teeth.

While the School of Tyranny was on their way to Deathbound Colosseum, Laughing Butcher told Ramero about a trap called Metal Snake. It's basically a trap that would pin a Gladiator in place and would only tighten the more the Gladiator struggled.

This is Ramero's plan, making Soul Hunter trip on a metal snake and unable to go anywhere.

Upon realizing this Soul Hunter can only grit his teeth, he will not be able to get away from this, "I'll let you live today, Noble Brat. Just know that if we crossed paths once again, I will not fail the second time. I will kill you"

"Who says there is a next time for you?" Ramero mutters with an evil smile.

Soul Hunter frowns but he knows that even though he was trapped in place, he can protect himself from the arrow. The same goes for if Ramero tries to kill him, he would be able to defend himself. On top of that, the time limit is only about fifteen seconds left, there's no more time for anything to happen to him, even if the Gladiators from the School of Tyranny work together to kill him.

"Don't get cocky, Greenhorn. There are only fifteen seconds left, there's no time" Soul Hunter said.

But as he said that, he can't help but widened his eyes.

Upon seeing that Ramero is standing beside the beast with a sword in hand, Soul Hunter's expression was drained from all colors, "No, you lunatic. If you let that beast go, then we all are going to die! Don't do it!"

"No, Soul Hunter, only you are going to die. You said it yourself, there are only fifteen seconds left"