
In a World of Mages, I Become a Spartan!

Living life in easy mode, Ramero has all aspects every man wants. He has had wealth, power, and even women since he was born into a conglomerate family. But as an adult, he realizes he was not meant for this life. Hidden inside of him, there's a blazing fire. Ramero finds a luxurious life is mundane, in fact, the modern world is mundane. At one point, he decided to join a special force and realized he was meant to live at the edge of gunpoint. He was disowned and forgotten by his own family due to the profession he chose. He paid the sacrifice for this path, until the day of his death. Instead of going to hell, a fitting place for someone whose hands are covered in the blood of countless people, he instead finds himself in a new body, and a new world. But instead of the same money-oriented world, this new world is a world that revolves around power! Mages exists! And they are at the top of the food chain. On top of that, he also gained a system that beckons him to become a Spartan! In a world filled with mana, he doesn't have any magic talent but does that stop him from becoming the strongest? Is a Spartan truly the same as written in history? Or is it something much more? Find out in this thrilling journey, where blood and vicious battles are the norm! "In this world, my talent will shine the brightest!!" ~ Note: During the start of the novel, there won't be many mages or explanations of mages' powers since the MC is not a mage. At least in the first thirty chapters. But rest assured that in later chapters he would be fighting mainly mages. ------------- The cover isn't mine, if the artist wants me to take it down then contact me through discord, Sudaryanto13#3629. I will immediately change it.

TheAlpha · Kỳ huyễn
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40 Chs

Legacy Skill

[Congratulation to the host for obtaining a Legacy Skill, Constitution of Sparta!]

Ramero was given a red interface with golden letters written on it to congratulate him on getting Constitution of Sparta, he learned that the Constitution of Sparta is a skill. By the looks of it, the skill must be very powerful.

It was the first time he sees the system congratulate him to this extent.

'Legacy Skill...?' Ramero thought in confusion, the term Legacy Skill is a new one for him.

[Legacy Skills are skills that are associated directly with the Spartan Bloodline, each one of the Legacy Skills would make the host very powerful. Only through completing the Main Quests can the host obtain Legacy Skills]

Reading the system's answer, Ramero becomes more and more excited.

Although he doesn't know what the Constitution of Sparta will allow him to do, he knows that it's something related to his physique. Knowing Ramero, he will not turn down anything that will make him physically stronger.

'It seems I would be as strong as Charlie sooner than I expected' Ramero thought with a smile.

[Altering the host's constitution will take ten minutes, does the host wants to start the process?]

[If the process starts, the host would be put to sleep]

Upon reading the last message from the system Ramero looks around before he nodded his head, there was nothing he needs to do this night and he was inside his own cell so there shouldn't be any problem in that 10 minutes of him sleeping.

'Start the altering process' Ramero answered decisively.

[Commencing altering process...]

Ramero feels his eyes becoming heavy quicker than when he takes a sleeping pill, it takes no more than five seconds before he is completely knocked out. With a light thud, his body falls backward again as he fell asleep.


Meanwhile, outside of the Gladiator School of Tyranny.

The night was still young and the people of the city are still active, the bar is one of the most crowded places in the city where people come to drink and have fun at night. Most of them are peasants judging from their appearance.

Only a few of them wear fancy leather straps and tunics, this bar is in the suburb after all.

Sitting amongst the people drinking rum to fend off the cold wind of the night, laughing and chattering with each other was a man wearing a brown hooded robe. But right now, the man's hood is down exposing his face.

If Ramero was here, he will instantly know that this person is the one that tries to break him free.

Contrary to what Ramero would've expected, the person under the brown hooded robe is someone that looks like he was in his teenage. No older than 18, or perhaps he hasn't even reached 17 years of age yet.

Having blonde hair and sharp green eyes, the man can be considered very handsome.

But that attractiveness was completely shaded by the tears that are drenching his face, he seems to be crying and weeping uncontrollably. Even the barmaid that is refilling his drink can only smile wryly, "Tough day...?" she asked.

"Yes!! How can he curse and told me to go away when I'm trying to save him" the man shouted.

From the redness of his cheeks, it's clear that he's quite drunk, he keeps chugging the rum, trying to drown himself in sorrow remembering what Ramero said to him. "Come here you poor soul, I'll accompany you drink" the barmaid said and hugs the man's head.

Unknown to the man, he was leaning onto the barmaid's breast directly.

One of the customer saw this and can't help but clicks his tongue, "Annice, why are you embracing him? I cried multiple times here and becomes a regular, but I never got that kind of treatment from you"

"Shut up you old fart! Don't talk to me except if you want to order something!"

The barmaid called Annice rebutted back fiercely which makes the middle-aged man smile wryly, he can only smile at the contrast of treatment and turned his face away, "Tch! Just because he's young and handsome she's flocking to him"

Annice went back to comforting the man crying, she was sitting on the chair beside him.

But while crying the man suddenly heard a conversation between two men on the corner of the bar, he stopped crying for a moment as he finds their conversation interesting. It was so interesting that he paid attention despite being drunk.

"You won't believe what I just saw..."

"What? What did you see?"

"I was pissing but then I saw five people wearing hoods jumping the roof above me, I think they are assassins. Tried following them out of curiosity, but one of them noticed me so I ran back here to avoid them"

"Damn, you're going to get both of us killed! I don't know you!"

"Come on, they won't know it's me. With their movement, they are not Mages so they won't know my face. But still, I think they're heading to the Gladiator School of Tyranny! Someone's going to die tonight"

"Some Gladiators came from a bad background, but it's not our problem anyway"

Upon hearing this the man that is burying his head in Annice's breasts instantly sprung up from his seat. Annice was surprised by this, but then she saw the man's eyes burning with fire. Not just a saying, but actual fire!

Annice gasped realizing that the man is a mage, she was not expecting this.

"Thanks for your comfort, Annice. I'll come back later, I got something to do" the man said before he heads to the door while putting on his robe, his dizziness instantly disappear as his expression turns instantly serious.

It was surreal, but Annice snapped out of her daze when the man already left the place.

Even though the man has already gone from the bar, she still blushes shyly when she realized that the man is a Mage. 'Hahh... I can't believe he's actually a Mage. Please come back again, I'll be waiting for you' Annice thought with a glimmer of hope.

As for the man, he instantly jumps to the roof in search of the assassins he heard.

Without wasting any time the man started to head toward the Gladiator School of Tyranny. Like a ghost in the middle of the night, he jumps from roof to roof making little to no noise at all, it's like his steps are as soft as cotton.

If he was any normal man, this is some incredible feat. But not for Mages.


The man stopped at a roof and looks down to the back entrance of the Gladiator School of Tyranny, he saw the five hooded figures that the guy in the bar mentioned earlier. Five of the hooded figures are currently talking with a guard.

'None of them are Mages, but who sent them?' the man thought with a frown.

Although he tries to find out who these five hooded figures are, there is no indication of the organization or families they are from through their clothes. It's also hard to tell since their faces are masked.

'If it was him, he wouldn't bother doing something like this...'

Grabbing the dagger strapped on his side, the man's eyes glimmered with fire as he stalks quietly.

"It seems you guys are in luck, the kid is quite resilient and didn't die. Maybe it's fated that you guys be the ones killing him" the guard said with a cheeky smile, but the five hooded figures didn't reply and kept silent.

One of them then replied, "Lead the way, one of us would be enough to take him down"

"But just for certain, I'll send two to kill him. It's not going to hurt to be careful, you said that he won his first match after all which should be impossible with his condition" he added before signaling for two hooded figures on the side to follow the guard.

Nodding their heads, the two hooded figures followed the guard into the school.

Out of the five hooded figures, two went inside and three waited outside. Since the job is not that hard, they expected this to be done in at most five minutes before they can go back and leave without anyone seeing them.

Just as the back door closes, the three figures unsheathed their weapons instinctively.

Coming swiftly from the side they saw another hooded person with a dagger cloaked with fire in his hand, and his movement is swifter than their reflexes, "A-A Mage?!" one of them exclaimed, realizing that the attacker is a Mage.

Striking quickly, two of the hooded figures block the attack but both got pushed back.


Recovering from the attack they looked at their swords and find that both got cut in half, the dagger cloaked with fire melted their swords easily. Without anything to defend themselves, they got stabbed in the chests.

It happened so quickly that the last hooded figure was completely stunned.

Although he was dazed for a moment he saw his two other comrade falls to the ground dead, his eyes started to waver seeing the figure that killed the two. Not wanting to idle any longer, the hooded figure tries to escape but got his face slammed into the wall.


Dizziness instantly forces its way into his head, and he loses his balance and falls to the ground.

While trying to reach for his sword which got flung a meter to his side, the figure looks up and saw the man with the fiery dagger is already looking down at him. It sends a shiver down his spine, he never expected to be fighting a Mage.

"Answer me or you'll end up way worst than them... who sent you?" the man asked coldly.

Upon hearing this, the hooded figure blinks a couple of times before he gritted his teeth. Surprising the man, the hooded figure grabbed the sword and slashed his own neck, committing suicide instead of being tortured for information.


The man clicked his tongue finding this, he was not ready to prevent that from happening.

Looking back to the back door his eyes widened realizing that there are two more hooded figures inside the school, a flash of worry instantly appears on his face, "Ramero! Wait for me, I'll save you!" he mutters before he jumps away.


Ramero slowly opens his eyes and was greeted by the same scenery of his jail cell.

Squinting his eyes a couple of times to adjust his vision to the surroundings, he finds that it was still night. It seems he really did pass out about ten minutes or so, but if he had already woken up then the altering process has finished.

Just as he was about to ask the system, messages already appeared in his vision.

[Altering process completed!]

[The host's body has been adapted to the Consitution of Sparta!]

[Every time the host level up, all physical stats will be increased by 5 points instead of the normal amount. The host's current stats have also been adjusted to the Constitution of Sparta, the host can check through the status window]

[Additional effect has also been received, check the status window for further description]

Upon reading through the messages, Ramero waste no time and instantly opens his status window.

[Status Window]

Name: Ramero Nil Elsher

Race: Human

Level: 9 (288/3,600 Exp)

Rank: Infant

Bloodline: Warrior's Descent

Active Skill(s): Front Kick

Passive Skill(s): -

Legacy Skill(s): Constitution of Sparta

Strength: 56 -> 72

Dexterity: 15 -> 47

Constitution: 36 -> 60

Willpower: 10

Attributable Stat Points: -

Loan Debt: 42,290 Points

Points: 0

'W-What...? My stats raised so much!' Ramero exclaimed when he saw his status window.

Out of all of his physical stats points, his dexterity stat raised the most. It got raised by a hefty 32 points which tripled his dexterity stats, and the other two stats also experience a similar increase which makes him way stronger.

Although he knows that Legacy Skill must be great, this is a bountiful indeed.

Shifting his attention away from his stats points, Ramero saw that there was a new section, the Legacy Skill section underneath the Passive Skills section. Feeling curious about the Constitution of Sparta skill, he tries tapping on it in the hope of a description.

But true enough, a description panel was opened which instantly piqued Ramero's interest.

Ramero wanted to read the description of his new Legacy Skill but the corner of his eyes caught something, he glanced to the side before he saw Captain Baldates looking at him from outside of the cell.

In reflex Ramero stood up with a frown, he was not expecting any visitors.

"Don't be too on guard, I'm just going to take your sword for sharpening in preparation for the upcoming performance" the guard said before unlocking the door, he walks in before grabbing the sword Ramero puts on the equipment cabinet.

While still looking at Captain Baldates warily, Ramero puts his back against the wall.

After grabbing the sword, Captain Baldates give a light smile before he walks out and simply left.

Ramero can finally lower his guard seeing the guard disappear, but remembering the smile that the guard puts on earlier makes him shudder, 'Since when he started smiling at me? I don't like that smile, is he onto something...?