
In a World of Mages, I Become a Spartan!

Living life in easy mode, Ramero has all aspects every man wants. He has had wealth, power, and even women since he was born into a conglomerate family. But as an adult, he realizes he was not meant for this life. Hidden inside of him, there's a blazing fire. Ramero finds a luxurious life is mundane, in fact, the modern world is mundane. At one point, he decided to join a special force and realized he was meant to live at the edge of gunpoint. He was disowned and forgotten by his own family due to the profession he chose. He paid the sacrifice for this path, until the day of his death. Instead of going to hell, a fitting place for someone whose hands are covered in the blood of countless people, he instead finds himself in a new body, and a new world. But instead of the same money-oriented world, this new world is a world that revolves around power! Mages exists! And they are at the top of the food chain. On top of that, he also gained a system that beckons him to become a Spartan! In a world filled with mana, he doesn't have any magic talent but does that stop him from becoming the strongest? Is a Spartan truly the same as written in history? Or is it something much more? Find out in this thrilling journey, where blood and vicious battles are the norm! "In this world, my talent will shine the brightest!!" ~ Note: During the start of the novel, there won't be many mages or explanations of mages' powers since the MC is not a mage. At least in the first thirty chapters. But rest assured that in later chapters he would be fighting mainly mages. ------------- The cover isn't mine, if the artist wants me to take it down then contact me through discord, Sudaryanto13#3629. I will immediately change it.

TheAlpha · Kỳ huyễn
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40 Chs

Day One

Ramero can't help but frown as this is not good news at all.

But knowing that he has signed essentially his life in that agreement, an oath to become a Gladiator under the Gladiator School of Tyranny, he knows that it's going to become harder to live here in this new world.

Many battles lie await in his future, but that is actually what Ramero wants.

"Yeah? How's that?" Ramero asked trying to sound not to care too much but secretly wanting to know more about this entire place. Information is power, and the person on the other side should've been here inside the Gladiator school for a long time.

From what he sounded like, the person on the other side should be middle-aged.

Compared to him that is literally new in this unknown world, the person on the other side definitely knows more about this place. If he can just gain access to that information then he can alter his view to know what to expect.

But that is easier said than done, the person only chuckled mockingly, "You'll see."

Not wanting to push the person more about what he wants, Ramero decided that he would try and befriend this person, 'Let's assume that the Gladiator School has some similarities with modern jails, having friends would benefit me for the early time until this body is capable of defending against other threats'

"If that's the case, then what's your name? Or is that too much to ask?" Ramero asked nonchalantly.

Upon hearing this the person instantly replied without even hesitating a little bit.

"Silver Fists" the person replied.

From this Ramero learned that the Gladiators referred to themselves by the nickname given by the middle-aged man that he met before that seems to run the place, "Mine is Noble Brat", he then hesitatingly replied, 'That's not a cool nickname at all, damn that man'

"Noble Brat, huh... then you're definitely not going to survive" the person commented.

Even the tone he's using is indicating as if his fate is already set in stone, there's nothing he can do about it. Ramero tries to ask him why is he here, but he was completely ignored as Silver Fists didn't answer him at all.

Knowing that he can only take it a step at a time, he decided to get back to training again.

The next day came, and the first thing that woke Ramero up is the sound of the door slamming open as two guards gets inside. "Don't talk" Silver Fists whispered from the gap as the two guards approaches both of their jail cells.

Each guard enters their jail cell and pushes them out roughly, they then locked the jail cells again.

Ramero is currently standing behind Silver Fists and now he realized that Silver Fists is a huge man, he's as tall as a professional basketball player and has a thick and muscular body like a bodybuilder from his home world.

In comparison to his current small body, Silver Fists is humongous like a monster.

Aside from that, he also finds that Silver Fists' hands are literally silver. Almost like hard steel.

Noticing that Silver Fists didn't retaliate as the guard handled him roughly by kicking him with iron boots, Ramero decided that he too would not retaliate as they were brought out of the jail cell into another narrow hallway.

Since he was knocked out yesterday, Ramero hasn't seen this place yet.

Just like he thought the jail cells both of them are in before are underground. If Ramero was to guess the place they were in before should be some kind of detention room. Somehow, he ended up there alongside Silver Fists.

While traversing through the hallway, he inspected the place using glances in his eyes.

Ramero didn't even turn his head even a little lest he caught the attention of the guards in armor. Everything is mainly bleak in color and the walls are only made of harsh stones including the ground beneath their feet, there is nothing along the hallway except for walls and slake torches.

At the end of the hallway seems to be a bigger space, and that is the only place this leads to.

Upon reaching the bigger space Ramero finds the same middle-aged man sitting at a desk with scrolls and parchment on it, in between two-floor lamps. Behind the middle-aged man is a big banner with a lion's head symbol.

Glancing to the right a little, Ramero finds that it was the gate leading outside.

Realizing that Ramero is looking outside to the pedestrian street where people are doing their daily activities in the blind morning, one of the guards slapped his head hard, "Keep your eyes straight, slave! Don't even think of going out without the school's permission"

Not even rebutting at all, Ramero followed his instruction as he walk past the middle-aged man.

Entering yet another narrow hallway, Ramero can't help but frown as he didn't hear any sound coming from the inside of the school. Most of the background noises come from outside, the inside of the school is completely silent.

It didn't take long before they reaches a section where they saw many of their peers.

From the vibes these people are emitting alongside their really ripped bodies and sharp eyes, Ramero knows that these people are definitely Gladiators. Everyone is sitting on the cold ground facing each other and creating a line.

Ramero counted mentally and finds that there are about thirty of them here.

Upon seeing Silver Fists and him entering what seems to be the school's cafeteria or dining room, the Gladiators instantly sent their unfriendly gazes at Ramero. 'Yep, exactly like a prison. I looked like an easy picking for them'

Without returning any of their gazes, Ramero sat the end in front of Silver Fists.

Ten guards clad in iron armor are standing by while watching them intently, it seems quarrels between the Gladiators are common occurrences for the guards to be this on guard. Ramero can tell that they would strike at a moment's notice.

Not long after, four people that looks to be a cook came with a big wooden pot.

One by one they poured the Gladiators their share of the meal before moving on to the next, and that didn't take long at all. Ramero looks down at his wooden plate and finds that it was the same food he ate yesterday.

Looking at the others, he noticed something, 'Some are given more than others...'

Although he only takes a quick glance at the others' meals in their hands, Ramero can tell that there are some that get more compared to the others. Gladiators that are at the other end were given the most, and he and Silver Fists gained the leftovers which are very little.

It was so little that it probably won't make a fully-grown adult feel half-full.

But thankfully, Ramero doesn't feel hungry at all.

Last night he finished the main quest two more times, he should now be able to actually complete the main quest. Thanks to the Rejuvenation, not only does his body feels refreshed but he also feels full as if he has just eaten.

Due to that, he doesn't feel hungry right now, he's quite okay with not having to eat much.

While eating whatever is inside his wooden plate, Ramero's attention is caught by the Gladiators at the center that seems to be fighting with each other. Surprisingly enough, they didn't argue and instantly brawled.

From what he can tell, the person with a big scar on his hand takes the food of the other Gladiator.

Both of them suddenly stands up and started brawling like an animal, the guards instantly try to break them away but it's easier said than done. The Gladiator with a scar on his arm shoves the other to the wall and pulls back his arm intending to punch.

Not even hesitating, the punch drives forward powerfully.

The other Gladiator swiftly dodged the punch by sliding down and rolling to the side.


Just before they can engage once more two guards already held them back before the two of them were brought away, Ramero assumed that they are going to be punished. But the two Gladiators didn't even say anything throughout the quarrel which is surprising.

Instead of focusing on the Gladiators, Ramero was too focused on something else.

Ramero is looking at the wall that got punched by the Gladiator with a scar on his arm, there was a crack in the wall which absolutely caught him by surprise. 'W-What the fuck?! That crack is not there before, I swear I didn't see any crack there'

'Don't tell me his punch is that strong...' he's deeply flabbergasted.

Although back in his home world there are certain rumors that said people in medieval times are bigger and physically stronger, he can't believe that it was to this extent. Nobody in modern times is able to crack the wall with their punch.

Not even the strongest men can do this, but this Gladiator can do it easily.

While being occupied by his mind from seeing the crack in the wall, Ramero didn't feel it as breakfast time is over and the Gladiators are escorted back to their cells. Still dazed, he was brought to a new cell.

"Get to know with this shit hole, it's going to be your home until you die" the guard said harshly.

Ramero finally regains back his senses when the guards' footsteps are already further away, 'If that guy can crack the wall with a punch, then how strong are the Gladiators that get the first portion of the food?' he thought before gulping harshly.

It's clear that there's a hierarchy here, and the Gladiators quarreling earlier are not the strongest.

Soon he finally shakes his head knowing that there's no use in thinking about it too much, he would just need to become stronger and stronger. 'Yes... that's right. At some point, I can definitely be stronger than them' Ramero tries to entertain himself.

Now he's looking around the new jail cell he was in.

Although it was slightly bigger than the one he was in before, there's not much difference to it. Still, there's no bed and only a small square-shaped door at the corner of the place and a wooden armor cabinet.

But there's nothing inside the cabinet, only rats and spider webs.

Walking towards the small square-shaped door at the corner of his jail cell, Ramero opened it and finds that it was a toilet. A bucket filled with water and a hole can be seen in there, he then looks inside the hole expecting the worst.

Contrary to his expectation, he finds a weird sight inside the hole.

"Hmm...? What is that?" Ramero mutters to himself, he can see something swirling inside of it but it's definitely not water. It didn't make any sound, so he was confident that it was not water which is weird for him.

About less than two hours later, Ramero was already accustomed to his new place.

Knowing that he would be a Gladiator he already expected the worst, this kind of treatment is not that surprising. Everything is silent in these hours, only the sound of guards' chattering can be heard reverberating through the hallway.

But aside from that, there's no sound. The Gladiators didn't make any sound whatsoever.

'If this is the case then how can I learn more about this world, I can already tell that Gladiators are punished if we make a noise or talk with each other' Ramero thought in concern, he needs to know how this Gladiator School works if not then he would be doomed.

Moreover, he still remembers what Silver Fists said last night.

'Your life is going to be way worse than mine tomorrow...'

Ever since breakfast, there's not much happening to him, and that leads to Ramero thinking that the worse part of the day hasn't arrived yet. Just as he thought of that, he heard the lock of the jail cells being opened one by one.

Leaning onto the iron bars, Ramero saw the guards opening the jail cells beside him.

Ramero waited patiently as the guards eventually opened his jail cells, and he soon led alongside the other Gladiators through the hallway, following a guard that wears a red band on his shoulder. Other guards called this particular guard Captain Baldates.

Peeking through the Gladiator in front of him, Ramero finds that he was the last in the line.

In just a moment they were led to a huge gate that leads to outside, the bright sunlight is already made its way into the dark hallway. Ramero blocks the sunlight with his arm, and it doesn't take long before it was his turn to step outside.

As his eyes adjusted to the light, Ramero finds himself standing in the middle of an open place.

Warm sand is stinging the sole of his feet as he looks around the entire open place with a frown, there are many weapons all around the place alongside training dummies. At the center of the place, there's a small arena that seems to be a place for duels.

Just from looking around briefly, Ramero already knows where he is, 'It's a training ground...'

Since Gladiators are fighters that fought for entertainment, they definitely need to train themselves for their future fights. It's not a surprise that they are given time to train, but there's one slight problem that is bothering Ramero instantly.

'Why are they all looking at me...?'