A young man finally managed to become an immortal, a powerful cultivator able to lord over millions of souls. He took advantage of his tremendous luck and fortune to become the youngest immortal in history. He now wants to create his own sect and enjoy life, one filled with female disciples! © 2020 Kirbyisgreen, All Rights Reserved. Join my discord for updates and to discuss the novel: https://discord.gg/dY5UApw Support the novel on patreon and get early access to chapters: https://www.patreon.com/kigreenwriting
The reactions to this were mixed, to say the least. Jasmine and Lin Qingcheng had blank looks, confused and unsure of what a divine daughter meant. Hua Yulan was just as shocked as Prioress Gui Li while Zhou Ziyun had a thoughtful expression.
Gui Li calmed herself down and explained just how special a divine daughter was.
They were too few in number, beyond rare and precious. One might be born in the entire world of countless humans every few thousand years. In the endless world, it was a solitary existence blessed by the heavens. The Virtuous Order held divine daughters in the highest regard. While holy daughters were assigned an abbotess or cardinal as their master, divine daughters were so rare that they would eventually be taught directly by the pope with the potential of becoming a future pope.
In fact, one of the main purposes of spreading the teachings of the order across the world was to find divine daughters.
"Wow! How strong is your pope?" Lin Qingcheng asked.
"I cannot say for sure." Gui Li said, "They stay the strongest cardinal can be at the Spirit Emperor Realm. I have never met our pope but I suppose she would be stronger than that, perhaps the Spirit Overlord Realm?"
Zhou Ziyun raised a hand and cut in, "Respected prioress, time is short. Given this new information, will you still help us with our sister Long Yifei?"
Jasmine was the nominal elder but Zhou Ziyun was the one in charge of things. Aside from Chen Wentian, she was the one most responsible for the plan. She knew that Long Yifei having such tremendous talent was a blessing but it could also turn into a curse.
"A message has already been sent. Once the Immaculate Vessel produced the results for a divine daughter, a message has already been sent to the nearest temple in the continent. An abbotess should already be on her way as we speak." Gui Li answered.
"One is good. If they send too many, it may alarm the enemy." Jasmine said.
Gui Li nodded, "Exactly. If they realize the existence of a divine daughter, then all-out war might erupt in the subcontinent. Just like us, divine daughters hold the same importance to them. If they find out, the entire metropolis might be reduced to dust in the ensuing struggle."
It was a frightening thought, one that was very likely to come true if things went awry. A hint of a divine daughter was enough to move cardinals. The pope might even get involved if there wasn't anything else going on. A divine daughter was simply too precious to give up.
"What about the matter of the pope and divine daughters you mentioned?" Zhou Ziyun asked, "Long Yifei is our sister. She is our master's disciple, a bond that is not easily broken. I don't know how she would react to the situation but if she refuses Abbotess Liang and the Sororal Order, what's to say that she will accept the Virtuous Order and become a disciple of your pope? If that happens, will you still help us?"
"We will, we will do everything for a divine daughter. That is codified in law within our order. But rest assured, we will not force our ways upon anyone. Each daughter of the order is allowed to choose and they chose our ways and teachings willingly. But that being said, a divine daughter of the order will reach the immortal realms with absolute certainty. Spirit Lord, Spirit King, Spirit Emperor, Spirit Overlord… it is up to her where her limits lie. Her potential is simply boundless."
The words of the prioress were clear. With the teachings of the order, a divine daughter was almost guaranteed to become a powerful immortal that far surpassed the Spirit Lord Realm. Without the order, the future was uncertain and even breaking the shackles of mortality might become an impossible task.
It was difficult to say how anyone would react when faced with such a decision. Regardless of the choice, it would be unfair to someone. If Long Yifei chose either of the two orders, it would be unfair to Chen Wentian. If she chose to remain out of loyalty or some other reason, it would be unfair to herself. She would be throwing away an opportunity to live for thousands of years as an immortal. Would Chen Wentian even allow her to do that to herself?
Nobody in that small cave could answer that question even though they thought about it. At the end of the day, it was something for Long Yifei to decide.
"Very well, there are still roughly two weeks left for Long Yifei in the dream cultivation array. Abbotess Liang is already there, waiting to snatch her away as soon as she awakes. Your abbotess has to be ready by then. But do not confront the enemy until our sister awakes. We don't want any accidents to happen while she is dreaming." Zhou Ziyun said.
Many provinces away, in the Eastern Sanmu Metropolis, the Golden Feather Hunt continued. Since crossing the one-month threshold, many on the leaderboard were getting close to the nine feathers required to redeem the top prize. Excitement was building day by day. Everyone was eager to see who would reach that goal first.
The top prize wasn't the only thing in the competitors' minds. A sizable number of lower-tier prizes had already been redeemed. Those went to people who had already given up on the top prize and were grabbing anything they could. To them, anything was better than nothing. Even the lowest tier of prizes was worthwhile.
The Golden Feather Hunt was, by all means, a resounding success. The hunt and the steadily diminishing rewards were the subjects of everyone's attention. The population was engaged and excited. It was a great event that boosted the prestige of the Immortal Association and the Four Kings to new heights.
However, one day after the one-month mark, something happened, something absolutely amazing. The news was so shocking, it spread to all corners of the metropolis in a single morning. By the afternoon, it had taken over the city in a way that even the Golden Feather Hunt could not.
In the metropolis, it was all anybody talked about. From small pubs to corner restaurants, from the poor houses of the Old District to the immortal towers of the Sky District, the matter was on everyone's tongue.
It was so shocking that it threatened to upend the entire city and plunge it into chaos!
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