
Pain (III)

Chen Wentian paid some servants at the inn to temporarily take care of the baby wolves. The look that Wu Qianyu gave him was hard to ignore and he couldn't say no. The ten baby wolves were sleepy and sightless but would wake up yowl in hunger unless given milk. All in all, he thought they were a massive annoyance for someone who was used to traveling light.

He had dinner sent up to their room. It was a luxury suite with a shared lounge but separate beds. He still had a reputation to uphold…

He watched Wu Qianyu as she ate her dinner. She didn't seem too out of sorts but she was quiet and contemplative. He felt a bit awkward, unsure if he reprimanded her too harshly at the wolf den. Is she angry at him? If it was him alone faced with that problem, would he save them? Most likely not.


Wu Qianyu's voice broke him out of his daydream. He looked over and she had already undressed to her underwear. He could see a number of bruises and wounds on her perfectly white skin.

"Oh! Right."

After a hard day's battle, it was his job to help treat her injuries. At first, she was shy and reluctant but her pragmatic side took over and it was now a matter of habit.

He helped wipe away the dried blood and cleaned the wounds before applying a healing salve and using his special energy to enhance the healing and regeneration. This made sure her perfect skin would not be marred by any scars. He carefully treated each injury so that she would be ready to fight again tomorrow.

"So... want to talk about this afternoon?" He broached the subject as he applied a bandage to a deep cut.

"Well... it might seem weird..." Wu Qianyu felt reluctant.

"Don't worry! Nothing you say will be weird."


Wu Qianyu thought hard about how to describe it. In the end she could only go with the most straightforward description.

"Master, have you been able to sense another being's feelings?"

"Huh? What kind of feelings?" Chen Wentian certainly never had such a power or else he wouldn't have been a virgin for so long.

"Sadness... despair... grief... but mostly just pain. The kind of pain that's white hot and blinding, it shakes my heart. I first felt it that day we met... you know... And then, I would have the same feelings occasionally over the past year but less intense. Today, well today was the first time I felt it as powerful as the first time. I felt it with the villagers and felt it again with the mother wolf."

She looked at him with teary eyes, "What's wrong with me?"

"Shh, hey don't cry." Chen Wentian hugged her. He let her wipe her tears on his shirt as he comforted her.

"You have a strange affinity with pain." Chen Wentian said, "You're able to withstand a lot more pain than an average cultivator and you don't lose your fighting strength even after getting heavily injured. Right?"

"Mhm..." She nodded.

"I think what you've experienced today is an evolution of that ability. Like, you're able to sense the pain within others. The pain those people felt of losing their family compared to the pain the wolf felt of not being able to care for its babies. I guess it's two sides of the same coin."

Chen Wentian thought out loud as he continued to theorize. "Being sensitive to emotions and feelings are rare but not unheard of. It can become a very powerful Dao if fully mastered. I think this is a possible path to immortality for you."

"Really?" Wu Qianyu finally smiled.

"I think it's possible. But pain is not easy. You might find that you will have to suffer through more and more pain as you delve deeper and deeper into this power." Chen Wentian shivered a bit, "It would definitely be way more painful than cultivating using the Frozen Netherworld Jade."

Wu Qianyu thought differently. She was never afraid of pain, having been through hellish battles for more than a year. She let the pain affect her today because she was afraid of it was taking her down a scary and incorrect path. Now that she was reassured her pain filled journey had an ultimate destination, she was filled with renewed motivation.

"Thank you, master! I'll continue to work hard."

"Hey, you're not alone." He reached over and brought her onto his lap. "Remember, I'll always be by your side to save you."

Wu Qianyu gave him a sweet smile and kissed him.

Chen Wentian felt extremely happy inside. This was the first time she initiated a kiss! Does this mean she like me? His insecure mind couldn't figure it out so he could only kiss her some more instead.

After making out for a while, Chen Wentian's thoughts drifted back to the issue with her powers.

"Hey, Qianyu? Do you only sense mental pain and not physical pain?"

Wu Qianyu shook her head, "I don't think it's physical pain, I didn't feel anything as I was slaying the wolves."

"Let's try!" Chen Wentian sat back and then pinched his arm as hard as he could.

Even though his skin held an immortal's toughness, his fingers also held immortal strength. He was left with an angry red mark afterwards. It was quite painful.

He looked at Wu Qianyu who shook her head. He pinched himself again, harder this time and almost drawing blood.

"Stop!" Wu Qianyu grabbed his hand from doing any more damage.


"Nothing..." She looked at the two red welts on his arm. She reached over and rubbed it with her hand. "Master, you didn't have to do that."

Chen Wentian chuckled, she's such a kindhearted girl. It was kind of ironic her special power was related to pain. He stared at her beautiful face. Her eyes were bright and no longer sad. It was a good sign she would be just fine.

"Qianyu, tomorrow I will leave you for a while to do some research on cultivation using pain or other emotions. Continue doing what you're doing for now, alright?"

"Okay, master. What about the wolf cubs?"

"I'll take them back to the sect and have Ziyun hire a trainer. I guess they can be guard animals for the sect or something." Chen Wentian said.

"Oh, master! Thank you!" She hugged him tightly, "Thank you!"

"Hey, you did the right thing. Don't need to thank me." He looked at her with a naughty smile. "I should thank you instead..."

"Eeep!" Wu Qianyu squealed and blushed a nice shade of pink as he threw her onto the bed.

She looked away in embarrassment as Chen Wentian ripped her underwear off and spread her legs apart. She was very neat and trimmed and he enjoyed the scenery immensely. He leaned forward and traced wet kisses along the inside of her thighs as well as her stomach, sending blood flowing into her center.

He kissed around her pussy lips, not going there yet but teasing her devilishly. Wu Qianyu's hips started quivering in frustration as she moaned her complaint. He held on and didn't give in and continued to lick around her.

"Master, please!" She eventually begged.

It was her absolute favorite when her master did her like this and she wanted it, she absolutely needed it!

"Ohh, yes!" She cried out in joy as she felt his tongue finally enter her.

She loved the way the pleasure hit immediately. His hot tongue pushed and scraped against her walls like nothing else could. She loved the way it wiggled and did things that were simply incomparable.

"Ohh! Ohh!"

All the stress of the day seemed to melt away. Her tense muscles relaxed and dissolved into a puddle of joy. There was no more pain, only pleasure. Her master's tongue drove her tumbling towards a massive crescendo. She always felt it coming but she was never prepared. The explosion of ecstasy shocked her core and shook her soul.

"Ooooooooooohh!" She let out a long moan as she rode the waves. Her hips grinding against his mouth.

Chen Wentian grinned as he felt her folds quiver and shake. He was once a novice at this but after many, many nights of learning he knew exactly how to drive her wild with pleasure.

After she came down from her high, he moved his tongue out and found her sensitive button and began to lick around it tenderly. His tongue traced her nether lips, getting it completely wet before covering her clit with his mouth and sucking forcefully.


She loved this even more. Her magical little button let out shockwaves of pleasure as it was pressed and pressured. His hot tongue caressed it while his lips sucked. The pushing and pulling sensations were astonishing. It was too intense, she felt like her pussy was burning up.

"Ahhhhh!" She wailed as her second orgasm rapidly arrived.

She panted from the exertion but her master didn't give her any moment to rest. She felt two fingers drill into her dripping wet pussy. He continued to nibble on her clit but was now focused on rubbing the special spot within her with his fingers.

"Noooo! Ohhhhh!"

The two-pronged attack was fatal and quickly drove her over the edge again... and again...

It soon felt like one long ride of unceasing pleasure. Up and down, up and down, she rode the waves that didn't seem to stop.