
Immortal Nexus

In a world transformed by a glitch in a gaming universe, Adrian awakens as an overlord with an entourage of loyal vampire subordinates. As he navigates this altered reality, his pursuit of understanding leads to a clash with existing powers. With unstoppable powers at his command and a kingdom's fate hanging in the balance, Adrian faces a choice: wield his dominance or seek a path to unravel the mysteries of this new realm. A gripping tale of power, loyalty, and the quest for identity. Leave your suggestions and reviews in the comments.

LucasAllencourt · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: Avaloria

The communication stone buzzed to life in Evelina's hand, its magical energies pulsating with urgency. Alaric's voice crackled through the enchanted device, relaying the news of the king's obstinance.

"He refuses to yield to our lord's authority," Alaric's voice echoed with an undertone of frustration.

Evelina's grip tightened around the stone. "He dares to defy the benevolence of our lord?" Her anger surged, her eyes flashing with a mixture of disbelief and indignation.

Unbeknownst to her, Adrian, their lord, heard her fervent outburst from across the chamber. Sensing the intensity in Evelina's tone, he approached with measured steps, his curiosity piqued.

"What happened?" Adrian's inquiry was laced with a composed yet inquisitive tone.

Evelina's sudden realization of her outburst flustered her. "Forgive me, my lord. That was unsightly of me," she murmured, attempting to regain her composure.

Adrian, ever calm and collected, gently reassured her. "What troubles you, Evelina? Tell me the reason for this agitation."

Evelina's lips curved into a twisted smile, an unsettling expression crossing her face. "The king refuses to acknowledge your supremacy, my lord. Should we not teach him a lesson? Should we not bring his pride to an end?" Her voice carried a chilling determination.

Adrian hesitated, his instinct guiding him toward restraint. "No," he started to say, his voice tinged with a hint of hesitation.

Yet, an unexpected surge of primal emotion seized him, a stirring within, a demand for unwavering obedience. The defiance against his authority provoked an uncharacteristic command from within him.

"Kill him," Adrian's order reverberated through the chamber, his voice carrying an unyielding authority that even surprised himself. "Let the kingdom know the consequence of defying me."

Evelina's smile twisted into an ominous expression, a fervent obsession gleaming in her eyes. "I shall do it, my lord," she affirmed with eerie determination. "I shall be the instrument of your will."

Adrian's composure faltered momentarily. 'What just happened?', confusion enveloped him, a flicker of uncertainty clouding his thoughts.

[It appears,] the AI's calm voice resonated within Adrian's consciousness, [that your consciousness has been influenced by this body. It has aligned your mind to that of an overlord.]


As the communication stone crackled with magical energy, Evelina swiftly contacted Alaric, her voice filled with an eerie resolve. "The lord has commanded destruction," she proclaimed, her words echoing through the stone's enchantment.

Alaric's expression convulsed, a mixture of reverence and a chilling amusement contorting his features. He let out a maniacal laugh that reverberated through the air. "As expected of my lord," he declared with fervent zeal. "He tolerates no one who questions his authority."

With a sweeping gaze toward the distant silhouette of the castle where the king resided, Alaric turned to his fellow soldiers, his eyes glinting with a fervor for absolute obedience. "Come, let us cleanse this putrid land with the king's blood," he commanded, his voice carrying an unsettling certainty.


Meanwhile, in the grand hall of the castle, King Leonidas sat upon his ornate throne, his imposing figure obscured by the weight of his regal robes. His ministers, a group of sycophantic advisors, engaged in fervent discussions before him.

"Silence," the king's voice boomed across the hall, quelling the ministers' chatter.

King Leonidas, an obese man with barely a hint of blonde hair, sat with a visage of worry etched across his face. His blue eyes betrayed a sense of fear and anxiety, a monarch burdened by the weight of impending danger.

"Who is this Adrian," the king's voice trembled slightly as he spoke, "who dares to question my authority?"

The ministers, eager to placate their ruler, responded in unison, their voices filled with false reassurance. "You need not worry, my king. We possess ample power to erase such pretenders from existence," they assured, chuckling among themselves in arrogant confidence.

The king, though momentarily relieved by their words, felt a disquiet stirring within him. Something ominous lingered in the recesses of his mind, a premonition of impending doom that refused to be ignored.


Suddenly, the grand doors of the hall swung open, causing a wave of terror to wash over King Leonidas as blood trickled in from the doorway.

Alaric, whom the king had encountered only hours before, stood at the threshold, his figure partially drenched in blood. Several of his soldiers flanked him, their presence adding to the ominous atmosphere.

Leonidas struggled to articulate his shock. He scanned the hall, finding his ministers, who moments earlier had spoken of eliminating Adrian, now trembling in fear.

Alaric advanced slowly, a chilling grin distorting his features. His demeanor seemed otherworldly, an unsettling air cloaked around him.

"Stop him!" Leonidas commanded his royal guards, desperation lacing his voice.

As the guards rushed forward, Alaric glanced contemptuously at the soldiers. With a flick of his wrist, strange projections extended from his arms, causing the guards to halt in fear.

"Let's begin," Alaric announced coldly as his transformed hands rotated around him, creating a barrier between himself and the guards. Without mercy, he incapacitated them, rendering them unable to defend against his eerie projections.

Leonidas felt helpless, his heart wrenching in despair. His gaze turned to his son, Philip, racing toward them from across the hall.

"Father!" Philip's cry pierced the tension.

Leonidas's heart clenched at the sight of his son. His plea for mercy filled the air, "Please spare my son."

Alaric, consumed by a sinister pleasure, moved toward Philip cutting him into pieces of flesh. Leonidas let out an anguished cry. Tears streamed down his face, the loss of his son an unbearable burden.


Alaric advanced menacingly toward King Leonidas, who, amidst his fear, managed to muster a shaky voice. "Why?"

"Why, my son, why?!" the king cried out, his anguish reverberating through the hall.

Alaric's face contorted in a mix of anger and disdain. "An insignificant creature dares to raise its voice at me," he sneered.

In a fit of rage, Alaric grabbed the king by the neck, hurling him forcefully against the wall.

As Alaric stalked back toward the king, memories flashed through Leonidas's mind—a series of heartwarming moments with his beloved son, Philip. He remembered their laughter echoing through the palace gardens, the playful moments shared, and Philip's unwavering loyalty to his father.

"To answer your question," Alaric's chilling voice broke the king's reverie. "My lord demands sacrifice, and I shall do anything to fulfill his wishes," he proclaimed, a disturbing hint of ecstasy underlying his words.

In a grotesque display, Alaric threw Philip's heart at the king, shattering Leonidas's world. Recoiling in horror and disbelief, the king's despair deepened, overshadowed by the grief of losing his son.

As the scene unfolded, fragments of joyous memories with his son flooded the king's mind, intensifying his agony and helplessness in the face of such cruelty.

"And now, I shall release you," Alaric declared ominously before ending the king's life, leaving behind a shattered realm and a legacy steeped in tragedy.

As Alaric licked the blood on his hand, a sneer of disdain formed on his face. "Pathetic," he muttered, revealing his contempt for humanity.


After Alaric and his entourage left the hall, they strode decisively through the palace's corridors. The soldiers, incapacitated and disheartened, lay scattered along their path, their will to fight crushed by the horrifying display they had witnessed.

As they emerged from the palace, a hushed crowd had gathered outside, murmuring in anxious tones. Whispers swept through the people, carrying the weight of uncertainty and fear for their kingdom's future.

Alaric, with an air of authority, addressed the citizens. His voice, though calm, bore an undeniable command. "Your king has passed," he announced gravely, his words hanging heavy in the air. "Adrian Van Helios now ascends as your new lord."

The crowd, a mix of curiosity and trepidation, exchanged wary glances. Alaric's proclamation stirred a wave of uncertainty among them.

Amidst the unsettled murmurs, a voice from the crowd rose, tentative yet resolute. "But who is Adrian Van Helios? What shall become of our kingdom?"

A woman, her eyes filled with concern, turned to her neighbor. "I've heard tales of Adrian," she whispered. "They say he is an ancient being, possessing powers beyond our understanding."

Another citizen, fraught with worry, chimed in. "Will he bring us salvation or plunge us into darkness?"

Alaric, catching wind of the citizens' concerns, turned to address them once more. "Kneel to his name," he commanded with a tone that brooked no argument. "Under Lord Adrian's care, you shall find blessing and protection."

The people, torn between fear and hope, exchanged uncertain glances before reluctantly bowing their heads in compliance, acknowledging the shift in power that had taken place.

As Alaric and his retinue departed, the crowd dispersed, leaving behind a city in turmoil, haunted by uncertainty about their enigmatic new ruler and the fate that awaited them under Lord Adrian's reign.


In the grand halls of 'Lyssandrion Keep', Adrian reclined on his ornate throne while Evelina, Thyra, and Viktoria attended to him, offering sustenance in the form of nourishing food and a measured portion of blood to invigorate his ancient powers.

Despite their vampiric nature, they could partake in ordinary sustenance and remained unaffected by the sun's rays, relying on blood mainly to enhance their abilities.

Evelina, ever loyal and filled with determination, leaned in close to Adrian, her voice a delicate whisper that reached his ears. "The kingdom of Alaris is now yours, my lord. You possess the power to shape it according to your desires."

Adrian's eyes sparkled with a mix of nostalgia and determination. "My kingdom," he murmured softly, the weight of the responsibility settling upon his regal countenance.

Evelina continued, her voice resolute. "Indeed, my lord. Though it may pale in comparison to the glorious kingdom of your past, we shall soon elevate it. I implore you to christen your new domain with the same name as your past kingdom."

Adrian pondered for a moment, his thoughts reaching back into the annals of time. After a pause, he spoke with a resonance befitting his stature. "Let it be known as 'Avaloria,' a name that resonates with the legacy of the realm I once ruled."

The air in the hall seemed to shift, imbued with a renewed sense of purpose. Evelina and her companions, loyal to their lord's every decree, accepted the new kingdom's name with reverence, understanding the weight it carried in Adrian's heart and history.

As the trio pledged their unwavering allegiance to the future of Avaloria, a realm destined for resurrection under their master's reign, the echoes of ancient promises and forgotten legacies began to stir within the castle walls. The dawn of a new era awaited, shrouded in the mysteries of a bygone age and the promises of a resurgent empire.


Everything around me is shifting, as if the past is merging seamlessly with the present. Memories flood my mind—memories that aren't mine, emotions that I've never experienced.

"Sara," I address the AI, the entity entwined within my consciousness. "What are these memories? Where do they originate from?"

Sara, usually devoid of emotion, responds with a hint of warmth in her tone. [Our consciousness is assimilating into this reality. To adapt, this world is reshaping us, molding our thoughts and experiences to align with this realm. Your memories and behaviors are undergoing transformation.]

"Will I lose my true memories then? Will I cease to exist?" My voice trembles with the fear of losing myself in this amalgamation.

[You needn't fear,] Sara reassures, a touch of empathy in her usually robotic voice. [Your true essence will remain safeguarded. I will preserve all your memories. You will not fade away.]

A wave of relief washes over me, accompanied by a surge of curiosity. Why am I undergoing this transition? What's the reason behind this transmigration? The newfound abilities, the altered reality—can this all be real?

Questions swarm my mind, shrouded in a fog of uncertainty. Yet, amidst the confusion, a sense of intrigue lingers, compelling me to seek answers and unravel the mysteries surrounding this inexplicable transformation.