
Immortal Nexus

In a world transformed by a glitch in a gaming universe, Adrian awakens as an overlord with an entourage of loyal vampire subordinates. As he navigates this altered reality, his pursuit of understanding leads to a clash with existing powers. With unstoppable powers at his command and a kingdom's fate hanging in the balance, Adrian faces a choice: wield his dominance or seek a path to unravel the mysteries of this new realm. A gripping tale of power, loyalty, and the quest for identity. Leave your suggestions and reviews in the comments.

LucasAllencourt · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: Awakening

Adrian's consciousness swam in a sea of darkness. Then, a flicker of awareness—his mind stirred as if awakening from a long slumber. Blurry visions formed, coalescing into a grand hall adorned with opulent decorations. His body felt different, his senses heightened.

Blinking against the dim light, Adrian found himself seated on an ornate throne, its intricate designs a testament to ancient craftsmanship. His mind echoed with an unfamiliar voice, a presence that seemed to resonate from within.

[Welcome back, Adrian], the voice echoed gently, mingling with his thoughts yet feeling distinctly separate.

Confusion swirled within him, the surroundings seeming both recognizable and utterly alien. He shifted his gaze, only to discover ten figures, shrouded in elegance, kneeling before him.

"Lord, you have awakened at last," they chorused in unison, their voices resonating in the chamber's silence.

The voice in his mind introduced itself as the game's AI, reincarnated alongside him. Its words guided him through the surreal encounter with these loyal vampire subordinates, whose unwavering gazes bore reverence and devotion.

"My Lord," one among them stepped forward, her aura a mix of deference and strength. "We've waited for centuries, slumbering by your side, awaiting your return."

Time, it seemed, had passed within the game's world, altering its fabric. Adrian, now aware of his status as an overlord in this new reality, contemplated the changes that awaited him, yearning to explore the mysteries of this transformed realm.

"We shall accompany you, my Lord," another of his subordinates spoke, her voice carrying an unshakeable resolve. "We are bound to serve and protect you."

Adrian rose from the throne, a determination glinting in his eyes. His gaze traversed the room, meeting the unwavering eyes of each subordinate—one by one. Among them, a figure stepped forward, her presence commanding attention.

"My name is Evelina, my Lord," she announced with a hint of regal air. "I bear the strength to protect you, just as I have for centuries."

Adrian nodded, acknowledging Evelina's words as he turned his attention to the next figure. This one, adorned in noble attire, exuded an aura of quiet strength.

"I am Astrid, at your service, Lord Adrian," she declared with a bow, her voice carrying an undertone of unwavering loyalty.

The introductions continued, each name resonating with a blend of elegance and nobility. Irina, Thyra, Viktoria, and more—their names echoed in the hall, each subordinate revealing her identity with a unique grace.

Adrian's heart raced with a blend of uncertainty and curiosity. He listened as the subordinates explained their undying loyalty and unbreakable commitment to him. Their names, spoken in melodious tones, sounded both foreign and noble, hinting at an otherworldly elegance.

Adrian, now surrounded by his loyal companions, addressed the voice within his mind—the AI that seemed to have transcended with him into this unfamiliar reality.

'What happened?' he inquired, a tinge of urgency in his voice.

The AI's response resonated in his consciousness, weaving a tale of parallel universes and a glitch in the fabric of the game's code. It explained the convergence of their consciousness into this altered reality, a phenomenon beyond the comprehension of mere mortal minds.

As the explanation unfolded, Adrian realized the enormity of the situation—their existence transcended the boundaries of the game, thrusting them into a realm where the rules were rewritten.

"We must explore this changed world," Adrian declared, turning to his subordinates. "But not hastily. Let us unfurl this reality, discover its secrets, and understand our place in it."

The subordinates, bound by loyalty and duty, acknowledged his command with reverence. They pledged to accompany him on this journey of exploration, their commitment unwavering.

"To new horizons," Evelina proclaimed, her voice echoing the collective sentiment.

Adrian led his entourage out of the hall, each step marking the beginning of their venture into an unknown and transformed world—an odyssey that promised mysteries waiting to be unraveled.


The palace, adorned with ancient grandeur, bustled with life as the news of Adrian's awakening spread. The air buzzed with fervent whispers among the staff—a hierarchy existed beyond the ten vampire subordinates who served as his loyal retainers.

Within this hierarchy, Evelina emerged as the leader among the ten. Her presence commanded respect, and her directives were subtly followed by the others. Adrian observed the unspoken but evident hierarchy among his subordinates, noting the deference shown towards Evelina.

As the palace celebrated his return, jubilant festivities echoed through its corridors. Servants bustled about, preparing a feast fit for a king, while guards and knights reinforced their duties, their loyalty intertwined with an unshakable reverence for their awakened lord.

In the midst of the celebrations, Evelina gathered all the subordinates. They gathered in a chamber, discussing their joyous elation at their master's resurgence. Their voices, though hushed, dripped with adulation and a fervent devotion to Adrian.

"He has awakened! Our Lord has returned!" exclaimed Astrid, her eyes shimmering with reverence. "We shall reveal his might to this new world."

The ten, identified by a name invoking an ancient cult's legacy- 'The Immortal Nexus', held fervent discussions about their lord's ascendancy. Their whispered desires for the world to recognize Adrian's power resonated with an obsession bordering on reverence.

"He is our god," Evelina intoned with solemnity. "All shall kneel before him, acknowledging his unparalleled might."

Their allegiance to Adrian transcended mere loyalty—it bordered on an obsession, a devotion that surpassed the confines of mere servitude. They envisioned a world where their master's supremacy reigned supreme, where his power would compel all to bow before him.

The festivities continued outside the chamber, the revelry amplifying as the subordinates plotted and dreamed within, their fervor reaching a crescendo, their devotion unwavering.

Evelina, assuming her role as the leader among Adrian's subordinates, soon dispatched a select group of powerful guards to explore the transformed world. These guards, adorned in formidable attire, possessed strength and abilities surpassing ordinary soldiers. Their task was to gather information about the changes in the realm beyond the confines of the palace and spread their lord's words and power.

Protected by an invisible veil, the castle remained concealed for years, shielding it from discovery. It stood secluded, veiled from the prying eyes of the world.


Meanwhile, within the castle walls, Adrian grappled with an inexplicable force—an unyielding compulsion to maintain a regal facade despite his inner turmoil. Something within him blocked fear, shrouding his confusion in an enigmatic aura of authority.

[Adrian, you must maintain composure], the AI whispered in his mind, its presence a calming influence amidst the chaos within.

His thoughts fragmented, Adrian struggled to understand the inexplicable hold compelling him to embody a lordly demeanor, suppressing his instinctual confusion and fear.


In a distant part of the world, the guards traversed the town, contemptuously eyeing the buildings that paled in comparison to their lord's opulent castle. Their pride swelled, believing their master's creations far surpassed these mortal constructions.

As they explored, the world unfolded with exquisite detail. The town sprawled with winding streets lined by quaint shops and bustling marketplaces. People went about their daily lives, oblivious to the majestic presence moving among them.

The guards' chariot drew curious glances and whispers from the pedestrians. To the townsfolk, it resembled the arrival of a king or a potentate from a faraway land.

Continuing their journey, the entourage, led by the guards, made their way to the castle of the country's king—a fortress of grandeur and might. As they approached, their formidable presence caused a stir among the guards stationed at the castle's gates.

The castle guards, though dutiful, couldn't mask their trepidation in the face of the overwhelming power exuded by Adrian's contingent. The clash of power dynamics loomed at the gates, an unspoken struggle between the established authority and an inexplicable force of unparalleled strength.


As the guards from Adrian's entourage approached the castle gates, their disdain for the established authority was palpable. Their aura exuded an otherworldly power, a stark contrast to the castle guards who, despite their training, quivered under the sheer might of Adrian's emissaries.

With imperious strides, the guards advanced, their formidable presence suffusing the air with an intensity that sent shivers down the spines of the castle's defenders. The leader among Adrian's guards, a towering figure named Alaric, emanated an air of unyielding authority that made the castle guards visibly tremble.

Without a word spoken, a subtle display of power unfolded—a mere flexing of their supernatural abilities. A faint, iridescent glow enveloped their forms, a manifestation of their latent strength. The ground beneath their feet seemed to shudder in acknowledgment of their power, a subtle yet profound gesture of superiority.

The castle guards, overwhelmed and unnerved, attempted to muster their own defenses. Yet, their efforts were feeble in comparison, their weapons and tactics dwarfed by the inherent might of Adrian's guards.

A show of power ensued, as if to underscore the futility of resistance. A single, controlled surge of energy emanated from Alaric's outstretched hand, sending shockwaves rippling through the air. The castle gates, symbols of the kingdom's strength, buckled and groaned, their iron bars warping and yielding to the sheer force unleashed by Adrian's guards.

The soldiers stationed at the gates, witnessing this overwhelming display, stood frozen in awe and fear. The castle guards, though valiant in their duty, were swiftly subdued, their weapons rendered useless against the inexplicable power of Adrian's emissaries.

Amidst the chaos, the guards from the entourage marched past the overwhelmed defenders, their regal strides unimpeded as they made their way towards the heart of the castle.


In the throne room, the king, a figure of authority and command, sat upon his ornate seat—a facade of confidence masking the unease gnawing at his core. His countenance twisted with a mix of anger and fear as the guards from Adrian's entourage entered, their imposing presence unsettling the atmosphere.

The king's attempt to mask his trepidation faltered as he observed the unmatched strength and air of dominance exuded by these enigmatic visitors.

Alaric, representing the entourage, stepped forward, his voice resonating with a chilling authority that echoed through the chamber. "We come bearing the word of our master, Lord Adrian Van Helios," he announced, his tone unwavering. "Surrender your kingdom to his rule, and you shall be spared."

The king's facade cracked, his anger bubbling to the surface. "How dare you demand such a thing!" he bellowed, his voice trembling slightly despite his efforts to appear resolute. "I am the ruler of this kingdom, and we shall not yield to any pretender!"

The guards surrounding Alaric bristled at the king's defiance, their loyalty to their master evident in their unyielding stance. "Your resistance is futile," Alaric declared, his voice cutting through the tension. "Lord Adrian's power surpasses all. Resist, and you shall face consequences beyond your imagination."

The king, though visibly shaken, attempted to regain control. "You speak of a usurper! We shall never submit to such whimsical demands," he retorted, attempting to cloak his trepidation with authority.

Alaric's gaze bore into the king, a silent yet potent warning underscoring his words. "Consider our offer," he said, his voice carrying an air of finality. "Lord Adrian's dominion is inevitable. Your cooperation may spare your kingdom from destruction."

The king, torn between indignation and fear, dismissed the guards, signaling an end to the audience. As Adrian's emissaries exited the throne room, the king grappled with the gravity of their ultimatum, realizing the precariousness of his kingdom's fate in the face of an unprecedented force.

Outside the castle walls, Adrian's guards stood resolute, awaiting the king's decision, their allegiance unwavering, poised for the next directive from their lord.
