
Immortal monster

I’m a monster, immortal yet not like the others. Cover art and any character besides the oc does not belong too me.

Obito_Black · Phim ảnh
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17 Chs

Chapter 1: World of monsters

In a dark forest far from the sigh of man there stood a being, black hair all over its body, muscular, the muscles looked some what humanoid Shape, yet was not. I stood tall on it's two back legs the snow falling on its fur, the vapor from the cold came from its nose. Soon it moved through the forest up through the tall trees far from any eyes. Coming to a cave it let out a rawr that shook the cave, shaking its fur as it turned around in the cave laying down on the stone. Closing its all black eyes too sleep until it is time. Time passed.

[495 AD - 500]

"What will you do?, root in a place like this or move forward?, if this could not kill you that what can" a deep voice came from a tall man (6'4) who looked down at a young man.

"What can I do everything I have ever known was taking away?" The young man said.

"Move on, death comes too all of the living, you can root or make a better place in this world" the man says.

"Move on?" The young man questions.

"Yes, there are many who suffer as you have maybe you can make a difference boy" the man says turning around.

"I don't know what had even happened too me!" The young man says.

"You were given time, more then you could ever want, that yourself my grow tired of, you will know when the time comes now let us go" the man says.

The young man looks at the tall man, jet black hair that was shaded on the sides slicked back into a ponytail, his grey eyes that had a bright blue at the center, with long tear troughs , he wore a black fur coat, put together well, a black pelt that went over his black trousers that had a weird goldish design on them, fur like shoes that were tied and held in place by leather, and black loose shirt.

(A.N a mix between Levi and itachi)

"Who are you where are we, uhhh?" The young man says, getting a fur coat through at his face.

"I will take you as far as the ujlak, as for who I am you will know later" the man says, walking away.

The young man looks at his back, then his village, bowing his head, then looking at the snow fall, throwing the fur over his body and folllowing. During this journey, the boy learned many things how to fight, how to carry himself, strategies, and most of all his immortality, being the first of his line. When they made it too there destination the young man looked down at the Fairly large city, remembering the time he spent learning new things, wanting too make something of his own in this world, walking out of the tree line he looked back, seeing the man he spent so much time with gone, shaking his head knowing it would be like this he smiled and walked forward.

"I will see you again right, lothric?" The young man later known too many as Alexander corvinus spoke to himself.

[535 AD]

Over the years the young man grew, becoming a warlord, he found love with a Helena. Soon the man had sons Marcus and William, innocent not knowing the very thing they were or would later become, on this day a man strolled into the city looking at what the young man had made soon coming too the castle, asking for a audience but was turned away, feeling tired of it already the man invited himself in.

[mc POV]

"Well I will go see him myself" i say, stepping forward.

"We have told you too leave, another step and I'll kill you where you stand" a soldier said, while the others ready there sword.

"Is that so?" I say, blurring as I hit in the chest.

"Kill him!" Another soldier said.

I broke legs and arms moving pass them they were helpless, pushing the large doors open I walked in whistling, soon coming to a hall where soldiers were seeing me, with some blood on me they rushed, soon the door at the end of the hall opened.

"What is happening?!" Alexander says, walking out too see soldiers at the ready.

"My lord stay back, there's a intruder!" A random soldier, turns saying to him.

"Move out of my way!" Alexander says, with Authority.

"But lord.." another soldier tried too speak.

"Do not make me ask again" Alexander says, seeing a tall figure, he found familiar.

"Long time no see boy, I see you have done a lot in the time I was away" I say too him.

"Boy?, how about you old man, your ancient" Alexander said laughing which confused the soldiers who looked at them.

Confused because the lord is acted friendly with the man, who broke into his home.

"You are not far behind that, wouldn't you say" I said chuckling.

"Come, come you are here after so long I have much too show and tell you" Alexander says, waving his hand to me.

Nodding my head I walked toward him coming to the throne room, then through a large side door leading too the living area. I see a women playing with two boys laughing.

"My sweet Helena, bring the boys come meet your grandfather" Alexander says, winking at me.

"He is who you spoke about my love?" Helena gets up, walking to me.

"He has spoken of me, my lady?" I say, kissing her hand.

"Yeah, I see you know your manors, unlike he spoke" Helena said, doing a curtsy and looking at Alexander.

"Is that so little Alex?" I say with a smirk.

"It's not what you.." Alexander was going too say.

"Father, he is your father?" Marcus says, waking up too us.

"Uhh, yes this is my father" Alexander said with a chuckle.

"We will talk about that later, hello little ones" I say, leaning down too the boys, seeing William come forward and pull on my hair.

"Your my grandpa" William said, with a innocent smile.

"Yes, what are your names?" I say, patting his head.

"I'm William grandpa" William says too me.

"I'm Marcus,grandpa" Marcus says, touching my fur coat.

"Nice too meet you, my name is lothric, but you can call me grandpa." I say with a smirk.

"But you don't look old?!" Marcus says, tilting his head.

"This old man takes care of himself unlike your father, look at his belly" i say, making the two laugh as well as Helena.

"I can work this weight off whenever I want" Alexander says, rubbing his belly.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say boy, you see boys" I say.

"Your just like he said you would be" helena, moving to the pouting Alexander.

"Quit your acting, I have a gift and much too talk about" I say to him, giving William and Marcus rings of gold that had a language they did not know with a symbol on a black stone at its center.

"This is for us?" Marcus says, looking at the rings I held out.

"It's pretty" William says, reaching for it.

"Yes, now leave us I must talk too your father, I will see you later" I say, looking at Helena who nods.

"Let's go boys, we will see him later" Helena says to the boys.

"Ok, bye grandpa" they both say.

Watching them walk too the door, I wait for it to close. Walking too a seat near a Cathedral style window grabbing a bottle of wine pouring for both of us and gesturing him too come.

"So you have told her atleast?" I said too him, spitting the wine.

"She knows enough, being cursed with life is a hard thing too come out with" Alexander says taking a seat.

"You are far too young too worry about this, either way, I heard you have become a force in these years I have been away" I say going to a chair.

"You could say that with your teachings, I have built something I can be proud of, you have been gone a long time lothric, you have missed much, will you be leaving again?" Alexander said, looking at the night sky.

"There is much you do not know, take this when the time comes, go too the north the land place of endless snow when you think it is time, now I will go play with my grand children, remembering my words though boy, the closer you put your heart the more people will die, when a tough call should be made will you sit back or do what needs too be done" i say, moving too the hall too see the children, after handing him a necklace.

"Can you speak clearly for once lothric" Alexander said, shaking his head his blue eyes shining.

I talked and played with the kids, stay for a few weeks too teach them how too fight, telling them about the world, soon I left too wander again.

[time passed]

I watched the world, seeing the world saving those i those were worthy and they joined my clan. Finding those Loyal too me and blessing them. My network grew as the word of the monster willam had become spread. Reaching my ears first, as well as helena death.

"Christina, what is the word from the boy?" I say talking to one of my most loyal. Resting in a play throne, leaning on my arm.

"He has moved as you said he would, the hinir föllnu are watching as William destroys everything in his path" she says bowing.

"What of Marcus?" I question the ones infront of me.

"Lord, he follows hoping to save him, changing that dying warlord into a upír, they grow in number now" one of my trusted man borko said.

"It does not matter.." I was going too say, sniffing the air.

"Why not kill them and be done with it lord, you have the strength yet you sit by.." a new born said, behind the back of lela.

Soon shutting up as all the eyes in the room locked on him expect mines.

"Lela, does he wet your thighs so much you still keep him as a pet" Alexa said, with anger in her voice.

"It is not like that! I am only my lords.." lela tried too say as I stood up.

"Yet you let him speak too our lord, bringing him too this place that he has no say in or should be" seva said, glaring at her.

"Leave her alone!, I grow tired of the talks of ancients, following a man who does.." the boy tried to say before getting his neck grabbed by me.

"Your scent is all over this boy lela, it matters not I saved you I asked you too be mine alone yet I fainted ignorance, even after knowing, both of you out of my sight" I say dropping the boy.

"Lord please!" Lela says.

"You are a weak old man who even would let us go too not..." the boy yelled trying too change as I dropped my fur coat on the floor, my skin fell of as my bones broke, growing large, turning around too see the boy changing.

"pathetic lela" grabbing the boys face, looked at lela for help as she turned her head, I tore His jaw off biting and twisting his head. A sick cracking sound could be heard as he's head was twisted off.

Lookin down at the faces of my servants as well as there new borns, blood dripping from my black fur around my mouth.

"Rwaaahhhh!, Is there any one else! If your new borns step out of line I expect them too be dead before I see them!, lela leave this place you are nothing too me, you can go too carthus, you are no longer welcome my home!" I say, raising up standing tall.

"Lord!, we all serve you, our lives are yours!" All of them say as lela held her heart.

"Lord, please forgive me!" She says trying too get close too me, bowing.

"You heard the lord take her, now!" Christina said, lookin at the new borns.

They move taking her from the room, as she yelled.

"Leave me!, clean up Williams mess and kill ever creature you find!, as for the pathetic boy viktor I will handle it, Christina wait I have a task for you" i say, changing back.