
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


  Chapter 510 - Technique Increases

  The first Jindan spirit talisman he comprehended was naturally a Jindan defense spirit talisman recorded in the Fu Hua Records.

  This talisman was called the Shou Yi Talisman.

  Once it was activated, it would immediately form a light curtain with extremely strong defense, enveloping the cultivator in it.

  The Shou Yi talisman, being a Jindan spirit talisman, was then drawn by He Song with the cultivation of an early Jindan stage and injected with a large amount of mana.

  Its defense ability was naturally not weak.

  According to He Song's estimation, even if he went all out, the light screen formed by this Shouyi Talisman would be able to resist for a tea time.

  In this tea time, the cultivator who was protected by the talisman of guarding the first, can feel free to boldly wield spells, without the need to defend themselves with mana.

  In addition to the little bit of mana consumed when the spirit talisman is activated, the cultivator almost does not need to spend too much mana on defense.

  This is also the significance of the existence of spiritual talismans.

  Cultivators fight, who can support the mana to the end, who will be able to laugh in the end.

  Therefore, all kinds of spiritual talismans and elixirs are so prevalent among cultivators.

  Even if it was just for precautionary purposes, there were a large number of cultivators who invested their own resources into these two items, in order to be able to have the last laugh in the unlikely event that something happened to them.

  As for the defensive ability of the Shou Yi talisman, He Song had tried it out when he first drew it out.

  In comparison, the defensive ability of the Shou Yi Symbol was indeed much stronger than that of an ordinary Jindan Defense Symbol.

  After all, the talisman paper and ink used to draw the Shou Yi Talisman were all very precious.

  The more mana it could hold, the more it would naturally be.

  The more mana that could be contained within the talisman, the greater the power that would be generated when the talisman was activated would naturally be.

  Under such circumstances, it was not surprising that the defensive ability of the Shou Yi Symbol was much stronger than that of an ordinary Jindan Defense Symbol.

  In addition to the Jindan Defense Spirit Symbol like the Shou Yi Symbol.

  The second type of spirit talisman that He Song had comprehended was naturally the Jindan attack spirit talisman.

  This talisman was called the Ten Thousand Swords Talisman.

  As the name suggests, once the Ten Thousand Swords Talisman is activated, a large amount of sword qi will come out from the talisman and indiscriminately bombard the direction that the talisman is pointing to.

  When using this talisman, the sword qi would also move with the heart, and would not stop until it hit the target or was destroyed.

  On top of that, this Ten Thousand Swords Talisman could also choose to condense the large amount of sword qi sealed within it into a huge sword qi when it was activated.

  When a sword was chopped out like this, the power was naturally also incomparably powerful.

  Of these two forms, the first one could be used to clear out stragglers, as well as to wear down large formations, or used for other scenarios.

  And the second one, naturally, is the common method used by ordinary cultivators when fighting with others.

  Ten Thousand Swords Talisman is a Jindan spirit talisman, using the first form to clean up Qi Practitioner, or Foundation Establishment realm cultivators, it can be said to be very useful.

  When only waving out a huge sword qi, it can pose a threat to Jindan cultivators.

  This kind of talisman can be said to be a must-have item for traveling at home.

  He Song also had several attempts on the power of the Ten Thousand Swords Talisman.

  He finally concluded that the power of the Ten Thousand Swords Talisman, compared to normal Jindan spiritual talismans, was also like the Shou Yi Talisman, which was much more powerful than ordinary Jindan spiritual talismans.

  Although its attack power is not up to the level of an early Jindan cultivator's full force, it is still a lot more powerful than an ordinary attack.

  Calculating like this, even if a Jindan cultivator wanted to take this talisman hard, he would still lose a lot of mana.

  After coming to such a conclusion, He Song was naturally very satisfied with the Ten Thousand Swords Talisman in his heart.


  Ten years had passed quietly, and He Song had also managed to master these two types of spirit talismans skillfully.

  Regardless of whether it was the Shou Yi Talisman or the Ten Thousand Swords Talisman, today's He Song was already able to skillfully draw them, and the success rate was already not low.

  However, apart from the Shou Yi Talisman and the Ten Thousand Swords Talisman, He Song had yet to master the other Jindan spirit talismans.

  In ten years' time, He Song practiced daily, but only managed to master the Shou Yi Talisman and the Ten Thousand Swords Talisman.

  Today, ten years later, He Song had not yet had the time to start studying the other spiritual talismans in the Talisman Huaru.

  Even the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman, He Song only had a superficial taste of it during the period.

  The White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman, as the only talisman recorded in the Talisman Huaru, He Song naturally would not be slow about it.

  On the contrary, He Song had always attached great importance to the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman.

  However, just five years ago, when He Song mastered the Shou Yi talisman and began to study the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman.

  However, he had no choice but to discover.

  Even though he had already skillfully mastered a Jindan spirit talisman, he still did not have much of a grasp on the refining of the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman.

  At that time, although He Song had already mastered the Shou Yi talisman, he was still only able to skillfully draw one Jindan spirit talisman.

  The White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman was extremely difficult to create and the materials used were extremely precious.

  Under the combination of the two, the degree of difficulty naturally skyrocketed.

  He Song, who could only skillfully draw one type of Jindan spirit talisman, naturally didn't dare to attempt it.

  In order to keep himself from losing a lot of money due to the failure of refining the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman, He Song pondered for a long time before finally putting it aside for the time being, and instead began to study the Ten Thousand Swords Talisman.

  According to He Song's thoughts.

  As long as he was able to skillfully master the method of drawing several types of Jindan Spirit Symbols, and continuously draw Jindan Spirit Symbols.

  Then he would become more and more skillful at drawing Jindan Spirit Symbols.

  When one had reached a certain level of proficiency, and then attempted to refine the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman, the success rate would naturally increase greatly.

  At that time, perhaps he would be able to attempt to refine his first talisman treasure.

  Until now.

  He Song had already mastered the Shou Yi Talisman and the Ten Thousand Swords Talisman, and had continued to draw Jindan Spirit Talismans for nearly ten years.

  Under such circumstances, the opportunity to try refining the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman, which He Song had previously envisioned, was naturally close at hand.

  He Song, who had been in seclusion for ten years, had also set his sights on the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman after completely mastering the Shou Yi Talisman and the Ten Thousand Swords Talisman.


  All that was needed was for He Song to gather together the materials needed to refine the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman.

  Then he would deduce all the precautions for refining the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman in his mind over and over again until he was thoroughly familiar with it.

  Then you can start refining the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman.

  However, nowadays, the time is still early, He Song did not immediately leave the cave to collect these materials as soon as he left the gate.

  In addition to the improvement in his own cultivation and skills.

  He Song had also heard a lot of news from the outside world from Meng Guan and Luo Jing Zhen Jun's mouths during these ten years.   

  It was worth mentioning.

  During these ten years, An Lemon also continued to still send letters to He Song every month, informing him of all the things that had happened around the Golden Sands Immortal Place where she was.

  Although during this period, there were many things that were actually not too useful to He Song.

  However, occasionally, he was able to see something from An Lemon's letters that could brighten his eyes.

  For example, as early as ten years ago, He Song had wondered what kind of ability that True Lord You Yun had to be able to take charge of the main pavilion of the Treasure Pavilion with a cultivation of the early Jindan stage in the state capital of Hulu Prefecture.

  At that time, He Song was not familiar with True Lord You Yun, so he didn't open his mouth to ask.

  Even in terms of guessing, He Song didn't guess too much.

  But as a result, the subsequent An Lemon once spoke to He Song about this True Lord You Yun when he was sending a monthly message to him.

  True Monarch Yo Yun is the newly promoted Jindan True Monarch of the Treasure Pavilion.

  According to the time projection, the time when True Monarch You Yun stepped into the realm of Jindan was exactly a few years later than True Monarch Luo Jing.

  This should also be the reason why True Monarch Luo Jing was able to address True Monarch You Yun as his senior sister.

  As for how True Monarch You Yun was able to be in charge of the main pavilion of a Treasure Pavilion with an early Jindan cultivation, He Song also got the answer from An Lemon's letter.

  True Monarch You Yun was not actually in charge of the Treasure Pavilion's main pavilion in the state capital of Hulu.

  It was just that her master, a late Jindan Jubilee Pavilion cultivator, happened to be traveling to another place as a guest during the time that He Song visited.

  Therefore, when He Song visited the main pavilion of the Gathering Treasure Pavilion in the state capital of Hulun Prefecture, he did not find any other Jindan True Lord's aura in it.

  True Monarch You Yun's current situation should be extremely similar to the two sisters, True Monarch Luo Jing and True Monarch Yun Jing.

  Both of them had successfully broken through to the Jindan realm, but due to their cultivation being too low, they hadn't yet been assigned to other Immortal State Prefectures to sit on one side.

  However, once their cultivation level had broken through, I'm afraid that they would soon be sent to other places to sit on one side.

  It was just like the Foundation Establishment Realist in the Jindan Sect.

  Within ten years of breaking through the Foundation Establishment realm, they would definitely be left in the sect's mountain gate to enhance their strength.

  When their strength was almost upgraded, they would naturally be sent to guard the Immortal Place.

  An Lemon, who had previously joined the Wind and Snow Palace, was now in this situation.

  Ever since An Lemon had occasionally gotten some news that could make He Song's eyes light up, He Song was disappointed with his previous decision to send An Lemon to the Immortal Workshop.

  In his heart, He Song was also very satisfied with the way he had sent An Lemon to the Wind and Snow Palace.

  If he hadn't taken An Lime away from the Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop and given him the Foundation Establishment Pill, I'm afraid that he would have no way of knowing about these news today.

  Now, although the news of the Purple Cloud Sect was slightly distant for He Song.

  But there was no harm in knowing more.

  Perhaps, waiting until the future would also have many benefits.

  He Song's heart was naturally satisfied with An Lemon's existence.

  Moreover, He Song was also able to hear from An Lemon about the great war between the Yi Yang Sect and the God Locking Sect.

  The war between the two major YuanYing Sects had a wide range of implications.

  Even An Lemon, who was far away from the Purple Cloud Sect, was able to constantly bring some things about the war between the two sides to He Song's ears.

  However, He Song was only looking at the various war news from An Lime for fun.

  I don't know if the rumors have changed as they spread.

  Anyway, every time He Song heard news from An Lime, it was almost always quite different from what he heard from Meng Guan and Luo Jing Zhenjun.

  For example, during these ten years, the Yi Yang Sect had managed to snatch the state capital of Yunzhou back from the hands of the God-locking Sect.

  According to Meng Guan and True Monarch Luo Jing's news, the battle had cost the Yi Yang Sect a great deal of money, and it was only after a narrow victory that the Yunzhou state capital had finally been snatched back.

  Afterwards, the two sides even fought a huge battle in the Yunzhou state capital.

  A tug-of-war was staged in the cloud state capital.

  Let the original scenery is quite good cloud state state capital peripheral area, also in the successive battles after, become full of devastation.

  If it wasn't for the large formation covering the state capital, I'm afraid that the situation within the Yunzhou state capital would have turned out to be the same.

  Under such circumstances, both sides fought endlessly, and it was only after a long time that the Yi Yang Sect finally reoccupied the Yunzhou state capital and drove the cultivators of the God-locking Sect out of the Yunzhou state capital.

  However, the God-locking Sect was still eyeing the Yunzhou state capital and wanted to attack again at any time to take it back.

  In this battle, Meng Guan and Wei Fan had made a lot of gains, but they had encountered a lot of crises, but all of them were dodged by Meng Guan and the two of them.

  The two of them were also considered to have gained a lot of opportunities in this battle.


  When the news about this battle came to He Song's ears again from An Lemon's mouth, the version of events changed quite a bit.

  According to the news that An Lemon had heard, this time, the battle between the Yi Yang Sect and the God-locking Sect, the Yi Yang Sect had devastated the God-locking Sect and driven it out of the state capital of Yunzhou.

  It even chased them for tens of thousands of miles, causing countless Locked God Sect cultivators to lose their armor and flee in a mess.

  Afterwards, the Yiyang Sect even took the entire Yunzhou territory with the momentum of sweeping across the eight wastelands and six regions, driving the cultivators of the God-locking Sect out of the territory completely.

  After experiencing such a great victory, the Yi Yang Sect had already begun to prepare for a counterattack on the God-locking Sect's homeland.

  At first.

  After hearing about this matter from An Lemon, He Song had an odd expression on his face.

  However, after thinking about it, he ultimately did not tell the truth.

  According to He Song's speculation, this news that An Lemon had heard from elsewhere should have been purposely spread by the people of the Yi Yang Sect.

  Their purpose was naturally to publicize the power of the One Sun Sect.

  As for the subsequent reversal, the School of One Sun can also say that the previous rumors are rumors and directly deny it.

  Anyway, this matter was passed around, in the end, it was impossible for anyone to know that in the beginning, it was from the mouth of the people of the School of One Sun.

  Moreover, perhaps when the One Sun Sect first spread this news, it wasn't so exaggerated.

  Perhaps, the subsequent people who got this news also exaggerated it a bit, and then it was passed around and became what He Song had heard.

  However, although the news from An Lemon about the war between the One Sun Sect and the God Locking Sect was not that accurate, He Song still trusted the other news that came from his mouth.

  The matter of the great battle between the Yi Yang Sect and the God Locking Sect was far away from the Hulun State where An Lemon was located.

  As a cultivator who had just broken through to the Foundation Establishment Realm, it was only normal for her to hear some rumors.

  Some of the mistakes and omissions were justifiable.

  However, it was unlikely that such a situation would arise when she was able to inquire about the various news about the Purple Cloud Sect.

  She was originally in the Purple Cloud Sect's sphere of influence, and if the accuracy of this information could not be grasped, then this Immortal Workshop town guard would be too incompetent.

  (End of chapter)