
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Fantasy
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323 Chs


 Chapter 511 - Surrounding Golden Dan

  As the Immortal Workshop Guardian, An Lemon's information channels were no longer the same as when she was in the Flying Cloud Immortal Workshop.

  The accuracy of the news that could reach her ears was also much stronger than back then.

  In such a situation, when listening to the news of the Purple Cloud Sect, if there are still mistakes and omissions, He Song's heart is not quite convinced.

  Unless, An Lemon did not take the matter of sending a message to himself to heart, otherwise, there should not be such a thing.

  As for whether or not An Lemon would still take He Song's instructions to heart after he built his foundation.

  After more than ten years of observation, He Song had an answer in his heart.

  Since Su Qian's death, An Lemon took over Su Qian and became the person who works for He Song, An Lemon's attitude towards He Song has remained unchanged.

  Perhaps, it was because Su Qian's teaching by example that An Lemon had a great affection for He Song.

  Perhaps, it was because He Song had bestowed the Foundation Establishment Pill, which allowed An Lemon to successfully establish her foundation, and she had developed a great appreciation for He Song.

  Or perhaps, it was both.

  In these ten years or so, An Lemon's attitude towards He Song remained unchanged, and she had always been very respectful towards He Song.

  That monthly letter transmission with He Song, unless it is closed to death, to the outside world of the passage of time no sense, or basically every month will be on time on time.

  But even so, before closing his eyes to death, An Lime will also say a word with He Song, and will never suddenly cut off contact.

  So, after more than ten years of observation, He Song's trust in An Lime had naturally risen a lot.

  Today, ten years later, An Lemon has been in charge of the Golden Sands Immortal Workshop for more than ten years.

  During these ten years, the contact between An Lemon and He Song had never ceased.

  This was also the reason why He Song had grown to trust him more and more.

  During these ten years, the various news that An Lemon had passed on to He Song was indeed quite a lot, and there were also some that He Song was quite interested in.

  In this regard, after learning about He Song's idea, An Lemon also did her best to help He Song inquire about the follow-up of those messages.

  Generally speaking, they were able to satisfy He Song.

  In addition to that.

  He Song's exchanges with Meng Guan and True Lord Luo Jing during these ten years were actually quite frequent.

  Although they were in a state of seclusion, whenever there was a great war between the Yi Yang Sect and the God Locking Sect, He Song would basically receive a message from the two of them.

  The content of the message was basically the process and results of the war and such things.

  It can be said.

  Even though He Song is now in the Golden Snake Sect's sphere of influence, he knows more about the war between the One Sun Sect and the God-locking Sect than he does about the war between the two.

  I'm afraid that the level of detail he understood was deeper than most people.

  There was a close friend who was participating in this battle who constantly informed himself of what he had seen and heard.

  There was also the various news that True Lord Luo Jing had gotten by relying on the Treasure Pavilion.

  When these two things were added together, He Song was even able to deduce the follow-up of this battle in his mind.

  Although this follow-up might not be so accurate, and even the victory or defeat of both sides was difficult for He Song to deduce, he was able to deduce a generalization.

  This was the case for the past ten years.

  During these ten years, the Yi Yang Sect and the God Locking Sect had fought one battle after another, with each side winning and losing.

  However, because the battle line was too close to the mountain gate of the Yiyang Sect, the Yiyang Sect had a slight advantage.

  With this advantage, the cultivators of the Yiyang Sect were naturally able to rely on this advantage to launch one battle after another, gradually eating away at the territory occupied by the God-locking Sect.

  During the past ten years, the Yi Yang Sect had recaptured quite a few Immortal Cities from the hands of the God-locking Sect.

  It even recaptured the Yunzhou state capital in one go.

  With the state capital of Yunzhou occupied, the morale of the Yi Yang Sect naturally soared.

  Even during the continuous battles with the God Locking Sect in the place where the Yun Prefecture state capital was located, the morale of the Yi Yang Sect remained intact.

  Under such circumstances, the God Locking Sect was still able to remain firmly nailed to the outside of the Yunzhou state capital, eyeing it with great interest.

  From this, it could be seen that the battle power of the God Locking Sect was also quite not weak.

  If it wasn't for the fact that it was too close to the mountain gate and thus had a lot of advantages, I'm afraid that it was still unknown whether or not the Yi Yang Sect would have succeeded in taking down the Yunzhou state capital in these ten years.

  It was worth mentioning.

  Meng Guan and Wei Fan, the two of them, had also reaped a lot of benefits in this battle.

  With Meng Guan's formidable strength, plus Wei Fan's support at the back, and with the help of the other cultivators of the Yiyang Sect, the two of them combined with others and had already killed more than one of the early Jindan cultivators of the God-locking Sect.

  The relics of these early Jindan cultivators of the God Locking Sect were naturally divided amongst the crowd.

  As the resources obtained above the battlefield became more and more numerous.

  Along with the consumption of a large amount of resources, Meng Guan had also exchanged quite a few good things from the Yi Yang Sect.

  When all of these good things were converted into Meng Guan's own strength.

  Meng Guan's own strength, naturally, began to grow along with it.

  From the beginning, Meng Guan and Wei Fan still needed to unite with others to be able to kill an early Jindan cultivator of the God Locking Sect.

  Later on, with just the two of them, Meng Guan and Wei Fan, along with some other strange schemes, they were able to surround and kill an early Jindan cultivator of the God Locking Sect.

  Up to this point, Meng Guan's strength growth became more and more rapid.

  The resources in the hands of the two of them also continued to become larger and larger with the passage of time.

  With more resources, they were naturally able to exchange them for more things that could be used to enhance their strength in the treasury of the Yi Yang Sect.

  And after these things were turned into the duo's own strength, their strength, naturally, would also be greatly enhanced.

  In this way, it went on and on.

  Nowadays, He Song wasn't even too sure to what extent the strength of his two best friends had expanded.

  Meng Guan was not to be mentioned.

  He was already powerful, and fighting was even more of a family affair, with all sorts of killing moves coming out.

  He had become even more powerful, and was even able to surround and kill an early Jindan cultivator just by cooperating with Wei Fan, all without surprising He Song.

  The name of the Soul Severing True Monarch really wasn't blown out of proportion.

  Rather, it was actually piled up with the lives of cultivators.

  However, Wei Fan's increase in strength was something that made He Song slightly less able to see.

  It was not true that Meng Guan was powerful, and he had previously been able to fight two early Jindan cultivators one against the other.

  But even if the strength has grown a lot, I'm afraid it's still difficult to fight one against three, right?

  If you want to kill an early Jindan cultivator with two people, you need four early Jindan cultivators to win.

  In such a situation, even if Meng Guan was compared to two people, or even two and a half people, it would still require another two people, or one and a half people to cooperate with each other, in order to achieve the feat of surrounding and killing a cultivator of the same rank with the strength of two people ah.

  He Song naturally understood Wei Fan's strength.

  Compared to an ordinary cultivator, although Wei Fan was only strong, but he had just broken through to the early Jindan stage, I'm afraid that he could hardly be used as two people.

  Even just one and a half people would be extremely bare, right?

  In such a situation, how did the duo manage to surround and kill the early Jindan cultivator with just two people?

  However, although He Song had doubts in his mind.

  However, he quickly figured out one thing.

  The one who is close to Zhu is red, and the one who is close to ink is black.

  Wei Fan had been following Meng Guan for many years, and when Meng Guan was fighting, he was also fighting with others.

  In their spare time, the two of them would definitely discuss the art of fighting with each other as well.   

  In this way, Wei Fan's experience in fighting with others would surely continue to improve as well.

  After settling down for many years.

  Although Wei Fan might not be able to do the feat of fighting one against two as easily as Meng Guan did, but with more experience in fighting people, fighting one against two might be under a lot of pressure, but he should be able to hold on for a few moments.

  Being able to hold out for a few moments in a one-against-two situation, then Wei Fan would certainly be able to suppress an enemy of the same rank with relative ease when fighting with others.

  In other words, Wei Fan who was able to easily suppress an enemy of the same rank could actually be counted as a demi-human.

  His strength, after years of cooperation with Meng Guan, as well as the large amount of resources he had subsequently received, would also grow.

  Under such circumstances.

  A Meng Guan who was so strong that he could easily fight one against two, and whose subsequent strength had risen even further by a wave, might have been able to do so even more easily.

  Coupled with a Wei Fan who was not weak and was able to easily suppress the enemy when fighting with cultivators of the same rank.

  The situation of the two together, surrounding and killing an early Jindan cultivator, naturally became no longer so difficult to accept.

  After all, killing an enemy on top of a battlefield could be a lot simpler than surrounding a Jindan cultivator at other times.

  On top of the battlefield, although not to the point of fighting to the death, even if they were injured, they would basically choose to hold on for a bit.

  Waiting to realize that something is wrong, want to escape, and then surrounded by the two, unable to escape, naturally, this is also the Jindan true monarch fall time.

  When the two of them combined their efforts and successfully surrounded and killed the first early Jindan cultivator.

  The large amount of resources that the two of them harvested would also make them even more powerful.

  In this way, the two of them would naturally have a higher chance of success.

  Furthermore, the duo of He Song and Meng Guan had not seen each other for many years, and perhaps their cultivation levels, too, had grown tremendously.

  Perhaps, Meng Guan had even managed to break through his cultivation to the middle Jindan stage because of the treasures in his body.

  At the middle Jindan stage, strength skyrocketed.

  Naturally, Meng Guan's strength was not what it used to be.

  Surrounding an early Jindan cultivator together with Wei Fan would be much more possible by doing the math.

  After realizing this point, He Song's heart was able to count on Meng Guan and Wei Fan being able to surround and kill an early Jindan cultivator.

  With the strength of the two of them nowadays, it was really very likely that they would be able to accomplish this.

  Although the success rate should not be high, there was always a chance.

  Moreover, as their strength continued to increase, the probability of the two of them making this matter would also rise.

  Perhaps, in the future, when the battlefield between the Yi Yang Sect and the God Locking Sect was in progress, the reputation of the two of them would also be spread out.

  With such thoughts flashing through his mind, a hint of envy flashed through He Song's eyes regarding the change in strength of Meng Guan and Wei Fan.

  Being able to kill the enemy as a pig on top of the battlefield and still make oneself stronger.

  I'm afraid that such things would be very envied by all individuals.

  Even He Song would find it hard to resist the temptation of increased strength.

  But even though he was envious in his heart.

  However, He Song did not have the idea of going to participate in this battle.

  As a long-life person, it is impossible for He Song to go and participate in the battle.

  It was impossible for He Song to go and participate in this battle.

  This was something that He Song had already figured out long ago.

  Naturally, it was impossible for him to give up what he had been insisting on because of this.

  However, even so, besides envy, He Song was quite pleased in his heart.

  The stronger Meng Guan and Wei Fan were, the more benefits he, as their close friend, would naturally receive.

  Moreover, although he himself was far away from the battlefield and was now practicing in seclusion within the Golden Snake Sect's sphere of influence, his own improvement was not exactly slow.

  After ten years of constant cultivation, He Song's own strength, compared to what he was ten years ago, had also improved greatly.

  His skills, too, had become more profound with the passage of time.

  The speed of earning spirit stones had also increased quite a bit from before.

  The more Spirit Stones he had, the more things He Song was able to exchange for to enhance his cultivation, and naturally, the more he had.

  If this continued, even if He Song remained in seclusion, the speed of his strength increase would not be much worse than Meng Guan and Wei Fan.

  In this way, why would He Song envy Meng Guan and Wei Fan for risking their lives to bring about the increase in strength?

  It was just like a sentence that He Song had said long ago.

  "Other cultivators fight and die for the sake of chance, that's because their lives are short and they will die if they don't fight."

  "But one's self, who is an Everlasting, is completely different."

  "If one's self goes and fights for it, that's when one will truly die."

  As long as he didn't risk his life to compete with other cultivators for anything, He Song's strength would naturally continue to grow stronger.

  Since that was the case, then why would He Song bother to risk his life to compete with other cultivators for resources?

  After realizing this point in his heart, He Song's heart was quickly filled with joy at the increase in strength of Meng Guan and Wei Fan.

  However, He Song also urged the two of them to act carefully.

  If their behavior was detected by the God Locking Sect, he was afraid that they would be targeted.

  At that time, not to mention continuing to earn a large amount of resources to make themselves even more powerful.

  Even their lives would be under great threat.

  In response, Meng Guan and Wei Fan naturally listened and thanked He Song at the same time.

  According to the two of them, when the two of them were able to successfully surround and kill the early Jindan cultivator of the God Locking Sect, the Jindan Spirit Pill that He Song had sent over for the two of them, as well as the Jindan Spirit Talisman, had actually contributed greatly.

  If not for the power of the Jindan Spiritual Elixir and Jindan Spiritual Symbol transmitted by He Song, it was still unknown whether the two of them would have been able to successfully encircle and kill the early Jindan cultivator of the God-locking Sect.

  However, when He Song heard about this claim, his heart was somewhat unconvinced.

  Before acquiring the Ten Thousand Swords Talisman and the Shou Yi Talisman, the Jindan Spirit Talismans that He Song passed on to the two of them were basically purchased.

  In terms of power, although it was also quite powerful, compared to the Ten Thousand Swords Talisman and the Shou Yi Talisman, it was still a little bit worse.

  Such spirit talismans that could be purchased, even if they were a bit more powerful than the spirit talismans issued by the Yi Yang Sect, they shouldn't be much stronger.

  Meng Guan's words were probably just an attempt to make He Song feel more involved as well.

  Therefore, He Song did not take this matter to heart.

  It wasn't until afterward that He Song skillfully mastered the Shou Yi talisman and drew some Ten Thousand Sword Talismans and passed them to the two of them.

  Meng Guan still opened his mouth and said so.

  It was only then that He Song was slightly convinced.

  However, he did not take credit for it, but instead asked Meng Guan to relax and not to care about it.

  In this way, when ten years passed quietly, He Song also finally came out, left the quiet room, came outside the quiet room, under the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree.

  Under the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree, the fragrance of tea filled the air.

  He Song swept his eyes over the cave as usual, and the various materials needed to refine the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman flashed through his mind.

  After ten years of seclusion, He Song's attainments in spirit talisman techniques were already enough for him to successfully refine the White Rainbow Mountain Opening Talisman.

  Under such circumstances, the first thing He Song wanted to do when he came out of seclusion was naturally to try and make himself even stronger.

  (End of chapter)