
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
323 Chs


  Chapter 483 - Something Big Happens

  Under such circumstances, Meng Guan naturally realized.

  He Song's future cultivation resources, as well as the sources of various spells and secret techniques, would also be limited.

  As a loose cultivator, although He Song could live a bit more freely.

  However, he would not be able to obtain any help in the clan.

  Such as Jindan spells, Jindan secret techniques, Jindan spirit pills, Jindan spirit weapons, etc., all need to be solved by He Song himself.

  Now that He Song was alone, it was naturally extremely difficult for him to solve these things.

  Even, for a long period of time, He Song's strength would stagnate.

  In order to make He Song's strength a little stronger, Meng Guan had chosen to take out these two jade slips after thinking about it.

  The purpose, naturally, was to make He Song even stronger.

  At least he wouldn't be suddenly decapitated by other Jindan True Lords.

  There were many crises in the Immortal Cultivation World, and no one could be sure of what exactly would happen tomorrow.

  Even though He Song was now a Jindan True Lord, it was still the same.

  Meng Guan didn't want to see his good friend suddenly die at the hands of some Jindan True Lord.

  If that day really came, I'm afraid it would be too late to regret.

  Since this was the case, it would be better to give the Jindan spells that he couldn't use, as well as the Jindan secret methods, to He Song, so that he could improve his own strength.

  In this way, perhaps the probability of He Song being killed by other Jindan True Lords will also become a little smaller.

  And it was precisely because of this thought that Meng Guan took out those two jade slips and prepared to give them to He Song.

  To the side.

  Seeing Meng Guan suddenly take out the two jade slips and place them in front of him.

  He also heard Meng Guan's voice with a hint of anticipation.

  He Song's face moved.

  However, he did not put away the two jade slips in front of him.

  Instead, with a hint of eccentricity, he also took out six jade slips from his own storage pouch and split them evenly into two.

  He placed all three jade slips in front of Meng Guan and Wei Fan.

  "I have previously gained a great deal of chance, and in addition to the two Gold Condensation Pills, I have also obtained some Gold Pill secret methods."

  "Within these six jade slips, all of them are Golden Dan spells."

  "Although they may not be as powerful as the spells in the Yiyang Sect, but after all, they are Jindan spells, so they can be practiced with some additional means."

  "Don't worry, the Jindan spells recorded in the three jade slips in front of you all match your Jindan attributes, and are true Jindan spells."

  "Such spells, and my Jindan attributes do not match, stay in the storage bag is also a waste, it is better to hand over to you two friends, in the future may also be of some use."

  "I still hope that you two can accept it."

  "As for these two jade slips of Old Meng, I will also accept them."

  After saying that, He Song also didn't care how Meng Guan and the two of them reacted, and directly put the two jade slips that Meng Guan placed in front of him into his storage bag.

  After doing all this, He Song then looked at the two people in front of him.

  However, just as He Song raised his eyes, he saw a trace of joy flash across the faces of Meng Guan and Wei Fan.

  The duo glanced at each other.

  Then, without hesitation, they accepted the jade slips in front of each of them.

  The reason why Meng Guan had taken out the jade slips he had previously obtained and gifted all the two jade slips he had obtained to He Song.

  Wasn't its purpose still to allow He Song to have greater strength?

  But now.

  When He Song also took out several jade slips and gave them to Meng Guan and Wei Fan.

  Meng Guan and Wei Fan also understood at once.

  He Song's move, although it looked like it was to return Meng Guan's favor.

  Meng Guan had given He Song two jade slips, and He Song would naturally return the favor when he was able to.

  The six jade slips that He Song took out were the return gift.

  However, in reality, when He Song took out these six jade slips and gifted them to Meng Guan and Wei Fan.

  The first thought that appeared in Meng Guan's and Wei Fan's mind was not the joy of receiving a gift in return.

  Instead, it was the joy of seeing that He Song did not lack the Jindan secret method at all.

  He Song was able to casually take out six jade slips that recorded Jindan spells and Jindan secret methods, so He Song definitely did not lack Jindan spells and Jindan secret methods.

  According to common sense.

  To be able to casually take out six jade slips that recorded Jindan spells and Jindan secret methods and hand them over to the two of them.

  Then He Song must have more Jindan spells and Jindan secret methods in his possession.

  Thinking about it this way, at least He Song was definitely not lacking in this aspect of Jindan secret techniques, and Jindan spells.

  In other words.

  Meng Guan's previous thoughts were completely taken for granted.

  He had wanted to make He Song a little stronger, but he hadn't thought that He Song didn't lack these things at all.

  In such a situation, Meng Guan and Wei Fan, the two of them, were naturally even more delighted in their hearts.

  The joy was not He Song's return gift.

  Rather, if He Song did not lack these things, his strength must not be weak.

  He Song's strength is not weak, coupled with his cautious character, naturally, it is unlikely to suffer accidents, their previous worries, is completely over-anxious.

  This is the reason for the joy in the eyes of Meng Guan and Wei Fan.

  How pine general, in front of their own jade brief into the storage bag, Meng Guan and Wei Fan only then looked toward the place where He Song.

  "Many thanks, fellow Daoist, although the Jindan secret techniques in the Yi Yang Sect, as well as the Jindan spells are very powerful, they are not comparable to the friendship of fellow Daoist who gifted the treasure."

  "These secret spells and techniques, Brother Wei and I will practice them well, and we will not fail to live up to the good intentions of fellow Daoist."

  "Previously, I heard that in addition to finding the Jindan secret technique as well as the Jindan Condensation in that place of opportunity, Fellow Daoist has even already changed the Jindan technique."

  "It seems that this Jindan secret method, Jindan spells, and even Jindan feats, you are no longer lacking."

  "The previous approach was presumptuous on my part."

  Shaking his head, Meng Guan quickly pulled away from the topic, no longer worrying about He Song's safety.

  Instead, he continued to talk with He Song.

  Seeing this, He Song didn't say anything more, and just continued to talk freely with his two best friends in the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop.

  Meng Guan's worries were actually not without reason.

  According to common sense.

  Now that He Song was a casual cultivator, he was bound to be lacking all sorts of things.

  Without a clan as a backing, He Song was afraid that it would not be so easy for him to cultivate all the way in the Jindan Realm.

  However, the chances He Song had gotten over the years had narrowed the gap between casual cultivators and clan elders by a lot.

  Various subtle Jindan secret spells, if He Song really lacked them, he could inquire among the great immortal states to purchase them.

  Powerful Jindan spells, similar to Jindan secret methods, were all things that could be bought in the Immortal State Treasure Pavilion.

  The Jindan formation that protects the cave can be set up by He Song himself, and he can even set up a killing formation to enhance his combat power.

  The Jindan elixir that enhances the cultivation level can be refined by He Song himself, and he can even refine the precious elixir to take by himself or take it for bartering.

  Enhance their own lower-grade spiritual weapons, He Song now also has two pieces on his body, and also non-extraordinary goods, even the middle-grade spiritual weapons, He Song also has two pieces on his body.   

  As for the clan elders' channels for earning spirit stones, He Song, with the addition of a large number of medicinal gardens, was not too short of spirit stones.

  Apart from the fact that there was no backstage that would back him up when things went wrong.

  He Song was actually not much different compared to the Jindan elders of some YuanYing upper sects.

  After all, as a Jindan True Lord.

  Even if you are a loose cultivator of Jindan, the channels for obtaining various things are much more than when you are practicing qi, or when you are in the foundation building realm.

  And because of this, in such a situation, He Song's strength might even be better when compared to an unusual YuanYing Upper Sect Jindan Elder.

  Naturally, Meng Guan's worries fell flat.

  However, in the next few days, He Song did remember something.


  He Song had thought that if he were to tell the public that it was due to Meng Guan's help that he was able to step into the Jindan realm so quickly.

  Although it would keep himself hidden behind the curtain and prevent others from paying attention to his existence.

  But in doing so, it would actually allow Meng Guan to gain a better reputation.

  After all, after stepping onto the Jindan himself, he had also sought out the Gold Condensation Pill for each of his two best friends back then, helping his two best friends break through to the Jindan realm.

  Such a righteous person would inevitably be honored by many cultivators.

  The existence of this name might make Meng Guan's hands a bit tied when he went out to kill people in the future.

  But as He Song opened his mouth to ask Meng Guan.

  Although he wasn't sure why He Song would describe something that was unrelated to him as if it was because of his great help that He Song was able to set foot on the Jindan.

  However, after listening to He Song's explanation and realizing that He Song was trying to make himself obscure and didn't want more people to know about his existence, Meng Guan gave a reply that he didn't care.

  It was just some reputation.

  His name of True Monarch of Broken Souls had also been earned by relying on his own hands in the first place.

  It wouldn't hurt to have another reputation as a Benevolent True Lord.

  There might even be an unexpected good effect in a particular situation.

  Under such circumstances, Meng Guan put He Song at ease.

  Moreover, he had originally broken through to the Jindan realm and then quickly emerged to search for the Gold Condensation Pill for his two close friends.

  He Song said so, and although the results weren't quite the same, the process was actually exactly the same.

  Because no one knew that He Song was able to find two Condensed Gold Pills in a chance, and even relied on these two Condensed Gold Pills to break through to the Jindan realm.

  As for the three Gold Condensation Pills that Meng Guan had gotten, two of them were actually meant for He Song to take.

  Under such circumstances, it wouldn't be wrong to say that after stepping into the Jindan Realm, Meng Guan had sought out the Gold Condensation Pills for his two best friends, helping them to step into the Jindan Realm.

  After getting the words out of their mouths, the three of them were still about to continue to meet and talk.

  But did not expect.

  After the trio had gathered for ten days.

  On a certain day, the three of them were sitting down to sip tea and look at the distant scenery.

  Meng Guan and Wei Fan's two people's transmitting notes, but at this moment suddenly lit up.

  The unusual movement of the transmission notes immediately caught the attention of the three people present.

  Although He Song's transmission note was not abnormal, a trace of curiosity was brought to his heart as he watched the scene of Meng Guan and Wei Fan's faces drastically changing after opening the transmission note.

  In these ten days of meeting, it was the first time He Song had seen such a drastic change in Meng Guan and Wei Fan's complexion.

  However, curiosity for curiosity's sake, He Song did not probe out his divine sense to peek or steal a glance or anything.

  If something big had happened.

  Meng Guan and Wei Fan would inevitably inform themselves.

  Instead of peeking or peeking, it would be better to wait for Meng Guan or Wei Fan to open their mouths and reveal the matter.

  With this thought in mind, He Song continued to sip tea in his old mind.

  However, the two beside him, Meng Guan and Wei Fan, after reading the letter within the sound transmission note, quickly glanced at each other.

  With just one glance.

  The two of them were certain that the content of the letter that the two of them had received should be the same.

  The two of them were in the Yi Yang Sect, and now that they had received the same letter, it naturally meant that the other Jindan Elders of the Yi Yang Sect must have also received such a letter.

  Something big has happened!

  After a moment of contemplation, Meng Guan put the letter paper in his hand into his storage bag, and his eyes also looked towards the place where He Song was.

  "Fellow Daoist, the Sect's Sect Leader True Lord personally sent a letter asking me to rush back to the mountain gate immediately without fail."

  "I'm sure Brother Wei has also received the same transmission."

  "It seems that the two of us need to depart immediately and rush to the place where the mountain gate of the Yi Yang Sect is located."

  "I hope that you will not be offended, I am afraid that we will have to part ways today after this gathering."

  "However, although I don't know what exactly happened within the One Sun Sect, but the Sect Master True Lord personally sent a message, I'm afraid that this matter is not small."

  "If Fellow Daoist doesn't want to get involved, I'm afraid it's better to leave this place as soon as possible."

  "Brother Wei and I, we will also be leaving soon."

  "Fellow Daoist, take care."

  Arching his hand towards He Song, a trace of helplessness flashed across Meng Guan's face.

  As a Jindan Elder of the Yi Yang Sect, the Sect Master True Lord personally sent a message for him to immediately rush back within the Yi Yang Sect, so Meng Guan naturally couldn't just ignore it.

  Therefore, even though the three of them had only been here for a dozen days or so, and had only been together for a dozen days or so, the time had come for them to part ways.

  This goodbye.

  The three do not know when they will be able to see each other again.

  Meng Guan heart helpless, naturally also from the heart.

  In this regard, Wei Fan, who was beside him, also had a helpless look on his face.

  He and Meng Guan received a letter from the Sect Sect Leader of the Yi Yang Sect together, and the letter said the same thing.

  He also needed to rush back to the Yi Yang Sect together with Meng Guan this time.

  However, he did not know what had happened within the Yiyang Sect that he was so eager to recall the Jindan Elders.

  In the face of Meng Guan and Wei Fan's sudden resignation, He Song did not stop anything.

  He just arched his hand towards the two of them, before saying.

  "Since the two of you have important matters to attend to, then you should quickly depart and rush back to the mountain gate."

  "This is a big matter, it is the Sect Leader True Lord who personally sent the message, if we return late, it is inevitable that we will also encounter some suspicion."

  "We meet for more than ten days, it is not short, in the future there will naturally be a time to meet again, the two of you do not need to be so mindful."

  "After the two of you leave, I'm afraid that I will also immediately leave this Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop and head to the Biyue Immortal State."

  "This place is too close to the place of the great battle between the righteous and the devils, so it's better not to stay much longer."

  "Both of you, take care!"

  After a farewell, the three of them left the small courtyard together and soon left the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop.

  Meng Guan and Wei Fan, naturally, headed towards the mountain gate of the Yi Yang Sect.

  (End of chapter)