
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Fantasy
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323 Chs


  Chapter 484 - A Great War Will Begin

  He Song, on the other hand, was heading towards the Biyue Immortal State, the place where his cave was located.

  Since then, the three of them parted ways once again.

  However, just as He Song was heading south towards his own cave.

  Sitting within his own top-grade artifact flying boat, two jade slips quietly appeared in He Song's hand.

  These two jade slips were the two jade slips that Meng Guan had previously gifted to He Song.

  Before this, He Song had never seen what was recorded in these two jade slips.

  Now that the three of them had separated, He Song was naturally curious about the information in the two jade slips when he had his own time alone.

  He Song was inside the extremely high-grade magic weapon flying boat.

  He Song's mind moved.

  His divine sense immediately probed out, wrapped one of the jade slips, and quickly read the information within it.

  A moment later.

  He Song, who had already read all the information in the jade slip, opened his eyes.

  However, when he opened his eyes and looked at the jade slip in front of him, the expression on his face imperceptibly took on a trace of oddness.

  "Blood-burning Transportation Technique? Burning essence blood to enhance one's recluse speed, which can be used to escape at critical moments."

  "This Jindan Transportation Technique doesn't seem to be too different from the Blood Transportation Technique that I obtained when I was in the Foundation Establishment Realm before."

  "To say that there is, it's only the addition of the word burn."

  "The changes in other aspects are close to nothing."

  "At most, the most is that the amount of mana used to perform this Burning Blood Transportation Technique is quite a bit more than that used to perform the Blood Transportation Technique, and the speed of transportation is usually better, and has been labeled as a Jindan Transportation Technique."

  "However, I don't know whether the speed of this Blood Burning Transportation Technique is the same as that of the Blood Transportation Technique when it burns essence blood."

  "In addition to that, such things as the trajectory of energy transportation, the technique of casting spells, and even the consumption when burning essence blood, are all completely consistent."

  "If I didn't know that this Blood Burning Transportation Technique was a Jindan secret technique, I'm afraid that after removing the word "burn", it would be another Blood Transportation Technique, right?"

  In his mind, he kept comparing the Blood Burning Transportation Technique with the Blood Transportation Technique.

  The strange look on He Song's face quickly dissipated.

  After some comparisons, He Song's understanding of the Blood Burning Transportation Technique and the Blood Transportation Technique had naturally gone up a level.

  And it is also because of this comparison, He Song's mind for the original idea of the blood-burning recluse art, also gradually produced a hint of deviation.

  The Blood Transportation Technique is a Jindan Transportation Technique.

  Compared to the Blood Transportation Technique, not only is the mana consumed more when it is performed, but the flight speed is also much faster than the previous Blood Transportation Technique.

  In addition, according to the records of the Blood Burning Transportation Technique, after the Blood Burning Transportation Technique has become proficient, the speed of burning essence blood will also be increased.

  The more essence blood burned, the more extreme speed it could bring to the cultivator, and naturally, the faster it would be.

  In short.

  As a Jindan Transportation Technique, the effect of the Blood Burning Transportation Technique was indeed more powerful than the Blood Transportation Technique.

  When used to escape, it is also faster than the Blood Escape Technique.

  After realizing this point, He Song's original idea of the Blood Escape Technique has naturally changed.

  At first, He Song thought that the Blood Burning Transportation Technique and the Blood Transportation Technique were the same recluse technique, which is why he put the two together with an odd expression on his face to make a comparison.

  But now, since he realized the difference between the two, how can He Song still have the original idea of the blood recluse?

  This is a Jindan Transportation Art.

  Compared to the Blood Transportation Technique that he still uses today, it is still much more powerful.

  Not only the flight speed, but also the ability to escape, has also been greatly strengthened.

  With this Blood Escape Technique, He Song would definitely be safer in the future.

  Carving the Blood Burning Transportation Technique into his memory.

  He Song's gaze soon rested on the other jade slip in front of him.

  According to what Meng Guan had said, one of these two jade slips contained a secret Jindan technique, which was presumably the Blood Burning Transportation Technique.

  There is also a jade slip that records an earth-based Jindan technique.

  This is the jade slip in front of He Song now.

  Within the extremely high-grade magic weapon flying boat.

  He Song's mind moved, and he quickly probed out his divine sense towards the second jade slip.

  In this way.

  A few moments later, He Song, who had read all the information in the second jade slip completely once, then withdrew his divine sense.

  However, when he withdrew his divine sense, a trace of eccentricity flashed through He Song's gaze towards the second jade slip.

  "Eight Desolate Returning Art, Earth-based Jindan Defense Spell."

  "After casting it, it can gather the power of the Eight Desolations and condense a barrier to protect itself, with an extremely strong defensive ability."

  "Compared to the previous Earth Spirit Body Protecting Technique, the defensive ability of this Eight Desolate Returning Technique shouldn't be any worse."

  "Now, with the Earth Spirit Body Protecting Technique, as well as the defensive capabilities of this Eight Desolate Reverting Technique, I'm afraid there's no need to prepare other defensive spells."

  "With these two spells protecting us, plus the Star Meteor Bead, and the Purple Electricity Spirit Snake Seal's body protection, if we add the protection of the Earth Spirit Divine Light Formation, I'm afraid that it would be a thousand times more difficult for an ordinary Jindan to break through these things."

  "From now on, it seems that it is necessary to go and learn spells such as attacking, or else with empty defenses and no attacking power, I'm afraid that when facing other Jindan True Lords, I'm afraid that I'll be powerless as well."

  "However . The two Jindan secret methods given by this old Meng, why are they all such life-saving escape methods?"

  His eyes swept over the jade slip that recorded the Blood Burning Escape Technique.

  He also looked at the jade slip that recorded the Eight Desolate Returning Technique.

  In his heart, He Song even wondered if the appearance of these two secret techniques was deliberate on Meng Guan's part.

  He was doing it on purpose, wanting He Song to go all the way on the Gou Dao.

  Only then would he give these Eight Desolate Returning Arts, as well as the Blood Burning Transportation Art to He Song, allowing him to practice them.

  In that case, when He Song encountered the kind of enemy that he couldn't defeat, he could still withstand the opponent's attack and execute the Blood Burning Transportation Technique to escape.

  However, after thinking about it, He Song cast this idea away in his mind.

  The reason why these two Jindan secret techniques that Meng Guan had gifted to himself were all life-preserving techniques, and escape techniques, should be nothing more than coincidence.

  Meng Guan had obtained too few Golden Dan chances to have the ability to purposely select chances to gift to He Song.

  These two jade slips that he gifted to He Song, I'm afraid that they are the only two jade slips that He Song can use on him.

  Thinking of this, He Song closed his eyes and quickly began to comprehend these two Jindan secret methods.

  In this way.

  Not long after.

  He Song quietly returned to his cave.

  Within the cave, He Song continued to comprehend these two Golden Dan secret methods.

  However, just as He Song continued to comprehend these two Golden Dan Secret Methods, and also began to continuously cultivate and study his own skills.

  A letter from Meng Guan quietly appeared in He Song's hands.

  "Fellow Daoist, it has been half a month since we last parted ways, have you left the Thick Earth Sect and left the Cloud State?"   

  "Half a month ago, I and Brother Wei received a message from the Sect's Sect Leader True Lord and rushed back to the middle of the mountain gate."

  "It wasn't until today that all the Jindan elders finally gathered together to take orders under the seat of the Sect's Sectmaster True Lord."

  "Other things, it's not good for me to say more."

  "However, if Fellow Daoist has yet to leave the Thick Earth Sect and leave the Cloud State, it would be better to leave before it's too late."

  "If you are unable to leave, I would also like to ask you to find a hidden place to hide, so as not to be caught up in this."

  "This matter is very big, I still hope that fellow Daoist will not spread it out."

  "I also hope that fellow Daoist will quickly leave the Thick Earth Sect, or even the boundaries of the Cloud State."

  "Remember to remember."

  As his eyes swept over the thin paper strewn with pale handwriting in front of him, He Song's face twitched.

  The appearance of this transmission letter was half a month after He Song and Meng Guan had parted ways.

  Now, He Song had already returned to his cave, and was immersed in his own improvement.

  At first, when He Song and Meng Guan and Wei Fan parted ways, they each left separately, and He Song also clearly said that he would leave the sphere of influence of the Thick Earth Sect.

  When Meng Guan and Wei Fan heard this, they also nodded their heads, but did not say anything else.

  However, in just half a month's time, Meng Guan sent another letter informing himself that he wanted to leave the Thick Earth Sect and even the Cloud State boundary as soon as possible.

  Leaving the Thick Earth Sect was not a problem.

  After all, this place was close to the battlefield of the war between the righteous and the devils, so there was no harm in staying away from this place.

  But. Why should we stay away from the boundaries of Yunzhou?

  Yunzhou was so huge, could it be that the entire Yunzhou would be caught up in this war between the YuanYing Upper Sect?

  He Song's mind flashed back to the part of the road he had traveled when he was in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, spending several months, starting from the Thick Earth Sect, passing through the Pure Yin Sect, Yunzhou, Qiong Hua Sect, Golden Sword Sect, and finally returning to the Thick Earth Sect.

  That part of the road, with He Song's mid Foundation Establishment cultivation, but it took several months to walk.

  Moreover, he had spent such a long time without going deeper into Yunzhou, but only took a small stroll around Yunzhou's territory.

  Then how big should the entire Yunzhou be?

  One must know that Cloud State was under the jurisdiction of more than twenty Immortal Cities.

  If a Foundation Establishment Realm cultivator wanted to walk in a circle, I'm afraid it would be normal to walk for a year or two, or even longer, right?

  And yet, Meng Guan told himself to leave as soon as possible in such a huge Cloud State.

  This couldn't help but make He Song ponder in his mind.

  What exactly had Meng Guan heard in this half month's time?

  It was only then that he was able to change his purpose from letting He Song leave the Thick Earth Sect to letting He Song leave the Cloud State Boundary in just half a month's time.

  This Cloud State Realm, but what big event is going to happen?

  After thinking about it, He Song's gaze, along with it, looked towards the north from afar.

  If he remembered correctly, in the north, the war between the Righteous Alliance and the Devil's Alliance had not yet ended.

  Now that the two sides were in full swing, Meng Guan, after receiving a message from the Sect Leader and rushing back to the mountain gate of the Yi Yang Sect, spoke to himself about this matter.

  I'm afraid that . The war in the north is about to usher in a drastic change!

  Thinking of this possibility in his heart, He Song's gaze towards the northward direction changed instantly.

  However, very quickly, the gaze in He Song's eyes became calm again.

  Lin Cong's descendants, the people of An Lemon's family, had now long been brought by He Song to settle down near Blue Moon Immortal City.

  Even if Yunzhou became a pot of porridge, I'm afraid it wouldn't affect them.

  As for True Lord Luo Jing, she was someone from the Treasure Gathering Pavilion.

  As a Jindan True Monarch of the Treasure Gathering Pavilion, True Monarch Luo Jing's safety was bound to be guaranteed even if war came.

  What's more, True Monarch Luo Jing had a lineage of teachers.

  Her master, uncle, and even ancestor were the most solid backing behind her.

  It could be said like this.

  Other Jindan True Lords might encounter various crises within the Cloud State.

  However, True Lord Luo Jing would never encounter any crises within the Cloud State.

  After all, she was originally a Jindan True Lord, and her strength was not weak.

  Moreover, behind her were several figures whose cultivation levels were at least in the late Jindan stage, and even, True Monarch Luo Jing's master's master might even be a YuanYing Ancestor.

  With such a backstage situation, I'm afraid that anyone who wanted to make a move against True Monarch Luo Jing would have to weigh it up.

  Even if it was someone from the devilish path like the God Locking Sect, it was bound to be impossible for them to risk offending a YuanYing Ancestor to make a move against Luo Jing ZhenJun.

  They were currently at war with the Yiyang Sect, and it would be unwise to provoke another YuanYing Ancestor at this time.

  Other than Lin Cong's descendants, An Lemon's family people, and True Lord Luo Jing.

  He Song didn't have any other acquaintances in Yunzhou.

  Thinking of this, He Song's heart let out a sigh of relief.

  But then, He Song took out a thin piece of paper from his storage pouch and used his mana to wave words on top of it.

  "Thank you for reminding me, fellow Daoist, I have now returned to my cave in the Biyue Immortal State and am not in the territory of the Thick Earth Sect or the Cloud State."

  "Although I don't know what is about to happen within the Thick Earth Sect or even the Cloud State, it should already be irrelevant to me as well."

  "Rather, it's Fellow Daoist, as well as Brother Wei, who should still be more cautious when facing great events."

  "Fellow Daoist, remember that there is only one life, and nothing is as important as one's own life."

  "In addition to that, before acting, prioritize your own safety, don't act recklessly."

  "Although I know that you have extraordinary strength, but when it comes to being cautious, you still need to be more cautious."

  "Remember to remember."

  After placing this thin paper into the Transmission Note and transmitting it to Meng Guan, He Song shook his head and sighed in his heart.

  At first, He Song had advised Meng Guan that he could just join the Golden Snake Sect nearby.

  Never join the One Sun Sect that had long been preparing to go to war with the God Locking Sect.

  But unexpectedly, He Song had said so.

  However, Meng Guan had his own ideas.

  In the end, not only did Meng Guan join the Yiyang Sect, even Wei Fan joined the Yiyang Sect and became a Jindan Elder of the Yiyang Sect.

  In such a situation, although He Song did not say much, he was always concerned about the safety of Meng Guan and Wei Fan.

  Now, Meng Guan suddenly sent a letter, and he was afraid that a big war would start between Yi Yang Sect and God Locking Sect.

  He Song now had no other way but to advise the two of them to be more cautious and not to be reckless.

  After writing back to Meng Guan.

  He Song sighed once again.

  In his heart, however, the figure of True Lord Luo Jing also flashed through.

  True Lord Luo Jing, after all, was within the state capital of Yunzhou, and this great battle between the Yi Yang Sect and the God Locking Sect was naturally unrelated to Yunzhou, as well as the state capital of Yunzhou.

  In such a situation, if he had gotten the news in advance, shouldn't he also inform her?

  But after thinking about it, He Song shook his head.

  If he himself could get the news, True Lord Luo Jing, who was a member of the Treasure Gathering Pavilion, was afraid that he would have already known about it as well.

  (End of chapter)