
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


Chapter 443: Two Years Later


  "It's a pity that there are no ifs in everything... I wasted this Gold Condensation Pill, and my heart is filled with remorse, but there's nothing I can do about it."

  "Now that my injuries have healed, I have come to inform you, Fellow Daoist."

  "If Old Meng subsequently finds the Gold Condensation Pill, he will definitely use it for you, and I will have no complaints."

  "However, Old Meng has been in seclusion for the past ten years, and now that I have recovered from my injuries, there is no need for me to wait here."

  "Therefore, I have decided to take advantage of Old Meng's time in seclusion to go elsewhere to seek another opportunity."

  "In case I am able to find another place of opportunity, I might also be able to find a Gold Condensation Pill for fellow Daoist."

  "Wei Fan."

  As his eyes swept over the lines of writing above the paper in front of him, He Song was silent.

  As early as when Meng Guan managed to make a breakthrough, he knew that Wei Fan had failed to condense the Dan and had suffered a serious injury.

  Luckily, he had taken the Gold Condensation Pill and was able to stay alive.

  Now, after ten years, he has recovered from his injuries and wants to go out to look for opportunities, which is reasonable.

  Moreover, if Wei Fan could really find another Golden Pill cave during Meng Guan's years of seclusion, he might be able to find another Golden Pill cave when Meng Guan's seclusion ends.

  Maybe after Meng Guan's seclusion was over, he could even invite Meng Guan, and under the leadership of Meng Guan, an early stage Jindan cultivator, he could enter it to scavenge.

  In this way, it might be possible to obtain the Gold Condensation Dan from it again.

  Although the probability was not great.

  But there was still a glimmer of hope.

  As for Wei Fan's words, if he found the Gold Condensation Dan in the future, he would hand it over to himself so that he could try to condense it.

  He Song's eyes swept over, and his heart was immediately warmed.

  Nowadays, Meng Guan and Wei Fan did not know their true cultivation level.

  They still believed that He Song's cultivation if nothing more than a Foundation Establishment Great Circle.

  In such a situation, Wei Fan was able to say this, I am afraid that he also needed to go through a great psychological struggle.

  After all, this was the opportunity to condense the Dan.

  With one step, there was a world of difference from a Foundation Establishment realm cultivator.

  Not only will his lifespan increase from two hundred to five hundred, but his own strength and status will also see a huge increase.

  There was such a chance to change one's life against the heavens in front of one's heart, but one wanted to give this chance to someone else.

  One can imagine how much Wei Fan struggled in his heart when he made this decision.

  In this regard, although He Song no longer needed to condense Jindan for breaking through the Jindan realm, he had a few feelings in his heart for Wei Fan's idea.

  "Many thanks for brother Wei's thoughts."

  "I have been fine all these years."

  "Brother Wei failed to break through the Jindan this time, and although he suffered a serious injury, now that his injuries have recovered, I'm afraid that his understanding of the Jindan Avenue is also quite deep."

  "In that case, if Brother Wei goes out to look for a chance this time and is able to find a second Gold Condensation Dan, the probability of Brother Wei breaking through to the Jindan realm will also become much greater."

  "When that time comes, Brother Wei will definitely be able to make a successful breakthrough and step into the Golden Dan Realm."

  "Brother Wei doesn't need to feel remorseful, if Brother Wei or Old Meng really found the place of opportunity and obtained the Gold Condensation Pill from it, you can just take it."

  "Previously, as I said to Brother Wei, there is a great opportunity in my place, and I'm gradually getting a clearer picture of it."

  "Although I still haven't obtained that chance yet, I think it shouldn't be too long."

  "I have been wasting my time here for more than ten years, and the chance I am looking for must be extraordinary, and the probability of obtaining the Gold Condensation Dan is also quite high."

  "When the chance is taken out here, if I can really get some Gold Condensation Dan, I will also share it with Brother Wei, and the two of us will step into the realm of Gold Dan together, wouldn't it be beautiful?"

  He Song still did not tell Wei Fan that his own cultivation had already broken through to the Jindan realm.

  It was not that he did not trust Wei Fan.

  It was just that as an Elder, He Song had to be responsible for his own life and body.

  In the Immortal Cultivation World, the existence of the Soul Searching Technique was destined to make He Song have to hide himself.

  Especially when the time of the cultivation breakthrough is related to the speed of He Song's cultivation, it is even more necessary to have some reservations.

  After all, if He Song had publicized the news of his cultivation breakthrough to the Jindan realm early on, it would be nothing nowadays.

  But if someone was suddenly curious about where He Song's Gold Condensation Dan came from, how would He Song react?

  Could it be that when he was in the Foundation Establishment realm, he had obtained all the belongings of a late Jindan True Lord, and had also gained a great deal of benefits from it.

  Even amongst this large amount of benefits, there was also the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree, as well as the existence of the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit?

  If He Song had said so, I am afraid that what would greet him next would be the pursuit of countless Jindan and even YuanYing cultivators.

  In that case, it would be better to hide his cultivation.

  It would be better to hide his cultivation.

  Wait until Meng Guan has successfully stepped into the Jindan realm and started searching for Jindan condensation, and then follow up by revealing his own cultivation.

  In this way, even if He Song relies on his own chances to form the dan, I am afraid that in the eyes of outsiders, there must also be Meng Guan's help.

  With the help of a Jindan buddy, the probability of obtaining a Jindan condensation, or even successfully forming a Jindan, would naturally increase greatly.

  In the eyes of outsiders, He Song's conjugation of the dan naturally also had its most important rationality.

  And this.

  That was the reason why He Song delayed informing others of his cultivation.

  After writing back to Wei Fan.

  He Song soon started alchemizing pills again and again.

  Inside the alchemy room.

  The incomparably rich Dan fragrance continued continuously, filling He Song's entire cave with a faintly rich Dan fragrance.

  And time.

  It also passed quietly in the midst of He Song's continuous alchemy.


  Time flies.

  The years flew by like a shuttle.

  In the blink of an eye, He Song had once again spent two years in his cave.

  During these two years, He Song was basically in a state of daily alchemy.

  This time, the number of spirit medicines that He Song had harvested was really somewhat huge.

  Even though He Song was on fire and accelerated his alchemy, it took him two years to refine it.

  Although during these two years, He Song's own cultivation basically didn't fall, but due to the fact that two short years had passed, He Song's cultivation had only taken a small step in the Jindan realm.

  This small step, although not big, but for the strength of He Song, but has some enhancement.

  With the increase in mana, He Song was able to control a larger amount of mana, and the power of the various spells he performed would naturally become stronger as well.

  Compared to two years ago, He Song felt that his strength had increased some more.

  Although it wasn't much, it was a real improvement.

  At the same time, due to the two years of intense alchemy, He Song's mastery of the art of alchemy had also risen.

  As early as two years ago, He Song had a guess.

  If he were to refine all of the spiritual medicines he had harvested this time into dans, his mastery of the art of alchemy would once again increase.

  During these two years of alchemy, He Song was just as he thought.   

  While he was frantically refining medium grade five system spirit pills, he would also refine a few top grade five system spirit pills from time to time.

  After two years of continuous attempts, and after consuming a lot of spirit pills, He Song had also gained a considerable amount of insight into the refining of top grade five system spirit pills.

  The refining of a top-grade five system spirit pill required more spirit pills and a more subtle refining method, but after two years of trying, He Song had also gained quite a bit of insight into the refining of top-grade five system spirit pills.

  But these, after two years of constant experimentation, began to be solved.


  Two years had passed, and He Song's success rate in refining the top-grade five system spirit pills had gradually begun to increase.

  Although it hadn't yet reached the point where he could earn a large amount of spirit stones with it, the success rate of refining top-grade five system spirit pills appeared to be considerable.

  It was certain that after the next harvest, He Song would be able to rely on the large amount of spirit medicines harvested to increase his success rate of refining top-grade five system spirit pills to more than fifty percent.

  In this way, the Top Grade Five System Spirit Pill would become He Song's newest weapon for earning spirit stones in the future.

  By that time.

  He Song could already refine top-grade spirit pills, and the success rate was already not low.

  If he is able to obtain the refining method of the Golden Dan Realm Spirit Pill, He Song will also be able to make an impact on it.

  The price difference between the Foundation Establishment Spirit Pills, and the Spirit Pills taken by Jindan Realm cultivators, was still relatively large.

  Moreover, it could also be taken in barter, and its value was naturally not expensive.

  In addition to the tremendous growth in the art of alchemy, He Song had also dabbled a little in talisman making and weapon refining during these two years.

  Although the time was too short and most of the time was spent in alchemy.

  However, during the rest of the time, He Song had also studied the artifact making and talisman making techniques.

  Although the time spent wasn't much.

  However, because He Song had accumulated enough for the talisman making and weapon making, he had gained quite a lot.

  In terms of talisman making, after so many years of continuous study, He Song was already able to skillfully draw all the lower-grade Foundation Establishment Spirit Talismans that he had mastered.

  Moreover, with the passage of time.

  Nowadays, He Song had also made some gains in the refining of mid-grade Foundation Establishment Spirit Symbols.

  Although the success rate was still far from being able to earn Spirit Stones from it, it was after all a gain, and there was a certain chance that it could be drawn.

  According to He Song's guess, when some more years passed, he would be able to draw a mid-grade Foundation Establishment Spirit Symbol and use it to earn spirit stones.

  And on the weapon refining course.

  After so many years of continuous study, He Song had also occasionally gained insights in the past two years, and had successfully created a top-grade magic weapon.

  Although nowadays He Song's cultivation has already reached the realm of Jindan, for the top-grade magic weapon this specification of magic weapon is no longer in the eyes.

  However, this was the first top-grade magic weapon that He Song had created with his own hands.

  For He Song, it was considered to be of great significance.

  It represented that He Song had since stepped into the realm of a master refiner, and was able to create a top-grade magic weapon that was only used by real people at the Foundation Establishment Realm.

  Although today's He Song had only just created a top-grade magic weapon, his own accumulation had not yet reached the level of proficiency.

  But having such a top-grade magic weapon being built by He Song meant that his identity as a master refiner would be realized.

  And it also meant the same.

  He Song would begin to achieve something in the future in the artifact refining course, and would be able to utilize the artifact refining course to earn a large amount of spirit stones.

  If he was able to successfully create a lower grade spirit weapon in the future, I'm afraid that He Song would also personally create the most suitable spirit weapon for himself to protect himself.

  Regardless of whether it is weapon refining or talisman making, all of them are He Song's previous accumulation of thin hair, only to be able to break through one after another in these two years' time.

  He Song was also very satisfied with the breakthroughs in his skills.

  Whether it was alchemy, talisman making, weapon making, or even formation, they were all extremely useful to He Song.

  Whichever skill had a breakthrough, it meant that He Song's strength had also increased.

  For He Song, it was all good.

  And today.

  When He Song put the last furnace of spirit pills into the jade bottle, all the spirit pills harvested two years ago were refined into pills by He Song.

  Standing in the alchemy room, He Song, who didn't know how many furnaces of pills he had already refined, also gently breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

  "Two years."

  "Two years of focusing on alchemy, although all the other skills have made a breakthrough, this time spent is indeed also a bit long."

  "The amount of spirit medicines harvested this time is unheard of, and the number of spirit pills refined is also quite a bit more than before."

  "With such a large number of pills, once they are all sold, I'm afraid that they will be able to obtain tens of thousands of medium grade spirit stones."

  "It seems that in the future, I'm afraid that I won't be as strapped for cash as I was before."

  "I just don't know if Brother Wei has found anything since he went out to look for opportunities two years ago, these two years have passed."

  "That seven years ago returned to the Yunzhou state capital, Luo Jing real person, in the seven years time passed, has he succeeded in breaking through to the Jindan realm."

  "Old Meng has been in seclusion in True Lord Xingyan's cave for twelve long years, have those two spiritual artifacts he spoke of when he was in seclusion, as well as those two spells been cultivated to the point of proficiency."


  Leaving the alchemy room, He Song's mind flashed with thoughts, but his feet did not stop.

  Since the spirit medicine from the harvest had already been consumed, a large number of pills had also been refined by himself.

  Then, naturally, it was time to leave the gate and go to other places to sell pills.

  Only by selling all of his newly refined pills would He Song be able to obtain a large amount of spirit stones to enrich his own reserves.

  Only with a large amount of spirit stones to supply the consumption of the Jindan Grand Formation would He Song be able to maximize his strength.

  In this way.

  He Song naturally chose to leave the cave immediately after refining the pills, preparing to go to other immortal cities to sell the pills.

  There was nothing in the cave that He Song needed to take away.

  Whether it was Yu'er or the Mixed Gold Spirit Fruit Tree, all of them were safe under the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation.

  Under such circumstances, He Song's figure quickly disappeared into the ground after leaving the alchemy room, quickly heading towards the distance underground.

  He Song's figure did not appear until he had left his cave for hundreds of miles.

  Only then did He Song's figure appear in the sky.

  Above the sky.

  He Song released his lower-grade spiritual weapon flying boat and quickly sped away.

  In the middle of the road, seated within the flying boat, He Song's mind flashed through the names of the many immortal cities around him, but he quickly shook his head and threw the names of these immortal cities out of his mind.

  Although He Song's cultivation had already reached the Jindan realm, and the tens of thousands of medium-grade spirit stones worth of pills on his body had not been a huge sum of money for He Song.

  However, He Song knows that the price of these pills, although not a huge sum of money for himself.

  However, for those Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators, they were unquestionably huge sums of money.

  (End of chapter)