
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Fantasy
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323 Chs


  Chapter 444 - Golden Dan Cheng!

  If one didn't want to cause trouble, it would be best for one to sell the pills like they did previously.

  Walking through one Immortal City after another, and selling these pills in these Immortal Cities one at a time in a decentralized manner.

  In this way, he would not attract too many people's attention and would not expose himself as a result.

  Although He Song's cultivation had already reached the Jindan realm, even if he exposed himself, there would basically be no danger.


  As early as when He Song's cultivation had not yet reached the Jindan realm, he had discovered the existence of a secret tracking method from that Eight Veins Immortal City's Xu Jie.

  That Xu Jie was the owner of the Eight Veins Immortal City's Gathering Treasure Pavilion Branch Pavilion.

  After his death, the tracking technique in his body directly locked onto the nearest Gale Master.

  This secret tracking technique will be silently integrated into the body of the nearest cultivator at the time of the cultivator's death.

  Fortunately, He Song didn't do it himself at that time, otherwise I'm afraid that he would have been immediately targeted by the Jindan True Lord of the Treasure Pavilion.

  At that time, I am afraid that it would be difficult to die.

  Nowadays, although He Song's cultivation has already reached the Jindan realm, but if he recklessly shot at those Foundation Establishment real people, who knows those who were killed by He Song's hand?

  Who knows if those Foundation Establishment real people that He Song killed casually would have such a thing on their bodies?

  If they did, maybe He Song would be targeted by one, or even several Jindan True Lords who had lost their beloved disciples or sons.

  With He Song's strength, how could he have a good ending?

  If you really encounter such a situation, I am afraid that it is too late to regret.

  Thinking about this, He Song heart can not help but sigh.

  He Song could not help but sigh in his heart.

  "If only there was a thing, or a secret method, that could block out such tracking secret methods."

  Unfortunately, when he had traded with Realist Luo Jing in the state capital of Biyue Prefecture, he had not seen something that could shield these tracking secret methods, otherwise, why would he need to be concerned about this now.

  If he really encountered a greedy person, he could just send him to the sky with a slap, but would he be as careful as he is today?

  Sighing in his heart, He Song shook his head, and finally decided to follow his previous idea, to sell all the spirit pills in his body, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one.

  In this way, naturally, there would no longer be a need to worry about this.


  Just as He Song was maneuvering his lower grade spirit weapon flying boat, heading towards the distance.

  The transmission note that was hanging on his waist was flickering with a faint light at this moment.

  He Song naturally noticed the difference in the transmission note at the first moment.

  Therefore, He Song quickly opened the transmission note and took out a thin piece of paper from it.

  "How have you been lately, fellow Daoist?"

  "Seven years have passed in the blink of an eye, and when we first parted ways, it seems to be close at hand."

  "Since my youngest daughter returned to Yunzhou, she soon began to carefully prepare for the matter of ending the dan under the arrangement of her master."

  "Fortunately, master teacher had already prepared the Gold Condensation Pill long ago, just waiting for my little daughter to meditate and calm her mind, to regulate her breathing and nourish her spirit."

  "Finally, after two years of preparation, closed the door five years ago to try to break through the realm of the Golden Dan."

  "Now five years have passed in the blink of an eye."

  "The cultivation of the young woman has also broken through to the Jindan realm as expected."

  "Although due to the time, I have not yet practiced the Jindan secret method and my strength is weak, but with my master at my side, I am safe and secure."

  "I don't know where you are now, if you are still in Yunzhou, or if you are not far away, I still hope that you can come to the Yunzhou state capital."

  "Three months from now, my daughter will start a Golden Pill event within the Cloud State capital, as a way to show the power of my Treasure Pavilion."

  "This Jindan event, master has invited many Jindan True Lords, Foundation Establishment real people are also quite a few, at that time there will definitely be a small auction accompanied, if you are able to come, you will definitely reap a lot of benefits."

  "I also hope that you, Fellow Daoist, will give it some more thought."

  Sweeping his eyes over the lines of beautiful handwriting above the thin paper in front of him, He Song's brows subconsciously furrowed.

  A Jindan event?

  Cultivation breakthrough to the Jindan realm.

  Surprisingly, there was still a need to start a Jindan Extravaganza?

  Why didn't he know about it?

  Moreover, this time, Luo Jing's breakthrough to the Jindan realm, the Jindan event that he organized seemed to have a great deal of momentum.

  Luo Jing's master had invited many Jindan True Lords to the event, and many Foundation Establishment True Lords had also arrived.

  He Song had never attended such an event before.

  He had never even heard of it.

  When he himself broke through the Jindan realm, the outside world did not make a single wave.

  The same was true when Meng Guan broke through the Jindan realm.

  How did it come to Luo Jing's place that there was some kind of Golden Dan event?

  Could it be that this Golden Dan event is only run by people with great power behind them?

  With a thousand thoughts in his mind, He Song quickly searched his mind for memories of the Golden Dan Festival.


  A trace of realization flashed through He Song's eyes.

  The Golden Dan Festival could only be organized by someone with a great power behind them.

  At the very least, there had to be an older generation of Jindan True Lords in the power to be able to organize it.

  After all, if there was no older generation Jindan True Monarch to invite many of his peers to come and support the event, then a newly promoted Jindan True Monarch would not be able to organize it.

  If a newly promoted Jindan True Monarch wanted to organize such an event, I'm afraid that even the news could not be passed out, and I'm afraid that the majority of those who were invited were only foundation builders.

  Like He Song, Meng Guan and other casual Jindan cultivators who have long since left their clans and have not joined other YuanYing Sect, I am afraid that if they want to organize a Jindan event, they will not be able to get the word out.

  I'm afraid that if you want to organize a Jindan event, no one will come to support the event.

  In He Song's memory, when the Silver Moon True Lord stepped into the realm of Jindan, the Yiyang Sect had organized a Jindan event.

  That Golden Dan event was unprecedented, and the number of Golden Dan True Monarchs who came to congratulate him was in the hundreds.

  The fact that so many Jindan True Monarchs had come to congratulate him showed just how terrifying the influence of the Yiyang Sect was as a Yuanying Upper Sect.

  And it was also from the Silver Moon True Lord's memories that He Song also knew about this.

  The reason why it was not clear before was also because He Song had previously treated these memories as useless and had not consulted them.

  However, the pomp and circumstance of when True Lord Silvermoon organized the Jindan event flashed in his mind.

  He Song's heart then flashed with a trace of concern.

  This Golden Dan event was organized by the people of the Treasure Pavilion.

  It was organized by the people of the Treasure Pavilion, and the Treasure Pavilion, in He Song's impression, was immensely powerful.

  At that time, there will definitely be many Jindan True Monarchs present, and there are even many Foundation Establishment real people coming, and even more so, it is organized within the state capital of Yunzhou, and there will definitely be many cultivators coming.

  If you want to participate in it, suddenly appeared in such an event, He Song just think about it, feel quite a bit uncomfortable.

  Previously, he has been living simply, and where has he participated in this kind of event?

  According to He Song's idea.

  As a long-life person, he should stay away from the outside world's disturbances and cultivate at ease.

  Such an event is full of people, so I am afraid that I have to be careful with everything.

  However, after thinking about it, the concern in He Song's heart soon dissipated.

  Since it was a Jindan event, its main character must be Luo Jing, as well as those Jindan True Lords.   

  With his current revealed Foundation Establishment cultivation, I'm afraid that even if he went to this Jindan Festival, he wouldn't be noticed by too many people.

  At most, it would be Luo Jing who would introduce herself to her elders and friends, other than that, basically no one would pay special attention to herself as a small Foundation Establishment Great Circle cultivator.

  For the other cultivators, their eyes were locked onto Luo Jing and the Jindan True Lords she had invited.

  Basically, no one would put their eyes on themselves.

  Moreover, even if there were people who had their eyes on them and were even prepared to make a move against them.

  With his current strength at the early Jindan stage, I'm afraid that he wouldn't be afraid of those Foundation Establishment realm cultivators.

  Even if a Jindan True Lord had his eyes on him.

  And if one could not defeat them.

  With the lower-grade spirit weapon flying boat in his hand and the Blood Escape Technique in his body, He Song felt that it would still be relatively simple for him to run away if he wanted to.

  What's more, what attracted He Song's attention to this Jindan event wasn't just Realist Luo Jing's invitation.

  There was also what Realist Luo Jing had said, that this Golden Dan Event would definitely be accompanied by a small auction.

  In True Lord Silvermoon's memories, the Golden Dan Festival might even have other small gatherings such as bartering.

  In the midst of that small auction, as well as that small gathering where goods could be exchanged for goods, who knew if there would be any goodies waiting for him in it.

  After all, He Song had just stepped into the Golden Dan realm now, and he did need a bit too many things.

  This Golden Dan event might be able to enrich He Song's base and allow him to reap a great harvest.

  With this thought, He Song's heart was certain.

  He also had an answer as to whether or not he would go to this Golden Dan Event.


  This Golden Dan Event, one must go!

  Moreover, before going, he also needed to prepare a large amount of spirit stones to buy what he needed at the Golden Dan Festival.

  Maybe even prepare some treasures to bring to the event for bartering.

  Just in case, in case there was something that he wanted to appear in this Golden Dan Festival, what would happen?

  After determining the idea in his heart, He Song continued to maneuver the lower-grade spirit weapon flying boat forward, but also sent a reply to Luo Jing at the same time.

  No, nowadays, Realist Luo Jing had already stepped into the Jindan realm.

  He Song's address to her naturally needed to be changed to True Lord Luo Jing as well.

  "Congratulations to True Monarch for breaking through the Jindan realm, and from now on, you will gain a life span of five hundred years and a great advancement in strength."

  "Many thanks for True Lord's thoughts."

  "Everything has been fine for the past few years under me."

  "Previously, I returned to the Thick Earth Sect, and everything went well."

  "Don't worry, True Lord, I am still in Yunzhou, and I will definitely be able to arrive in time for this Jindan event."

  There was a huge difference in status between a Foundation Establishment True Lord and a Jindan True Lord.

  Although He Song's cultivation had already reached the Jindan realm, True Lord Luo Jing didn't know about it.

  Therefore, He Song did not say anything more in the letter, but only congratulated him and then stated that he would definitely be able to arrive in time.

  Other than that, He Song did not mention anything else.

  Because He Song wasn't sure how a Foundation Establishment True Lord needed to communicate with a Jindan True Lord.

  Nowadays, he didn't have the kind of respect that other Foundation Establishment Real People had when facing a Jindan True Lord, because he himself was a Jindan True Lord.

  Since he couldn't fake that feeling, he would just talk about things.

  After replying to the letter.

  He Song continued to maneuver the flying boat all the way forward, preparing to sell all the spirit pills he had in his possession within this three-month period of time and rush to the state capital of Yunzhou.

  This time, on the premise that He Song possessed a lower-grade spirit weapon flying boat, was still relatively spare.

  He Song even felt that after selling all the spirit pills he had on him, he still had a lot of time to spend on rushing.

  With this thought in mind, He Song quickly began to sell a large number of pills he had concocted in one of the Immortal Cities in Biyue Prefecture.

  Along the way, he walked through an immortal city in the Bi Yue State.

  He Song even subconsciously headed towards the Cloud State.

  Just as He Song passed through an immortal city, his own place was also getting closer and closer to Yunzhou.

  Outside an immortal city that was only 10,000 miles away from Yunzhou.

  He Song maneuvered his lower-grade spiritual weapon flying boat and drifted here.

  This immortal city.

  It was located at the border between Biyue State and Yun State.

  It is called Green Mountain Immortal City.

  To the north of Castle Peak Immortal City is the border of Yun State, and to the south is the border of Biyue State.

  Castle Peak Immortal City was named after a high mountain in the place where the Immortal City was located.

  This mountain was called Castle Peak, and Castle Peak Immortal City was built on top of Castle Peak, hence the name Castle Peak Immortal City.

  Tens of miles away from the Castle Peak Immortal City, He Song left a Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation tens of miles away from the city as usual.

  Although his own cultivation has reached the realm of Jindan, but He Song's usual prudence has not been lost, still habitually leave a back road for themselves.

  After leaving a back road, and changing his appearance, as well as his cultivation breath.

  He Song's silhouette also blended into the team entering the city, and then entered the Castle Peak Immortal City.

  However, just as He Song had stepped into Castle Peak Immortal City, several figures had already gathered on top of a high mountain in the distance.

  As He Song entered Castle Peak Immortal City, he also placed his gaze on the Castle Peak Immortal City in the distance at the same time.

  One of the people who appeared to be the leader then spoke.

  "Since half a month ago, this seat has heard news constantly coming from afar."

  "There is a Foundation Establishment Great Perfection cultivator who has been selling large quantities of Foundation Establishment Spirit Pills in one of the Immortal Cities, earning countless amounts of spirit stones."

  "This matter didn't catch my attention until the people under my command reported that that person seemed to have been moving towards Yunzhou, and the Castle Peak Immortal City where we are located is the place he must pass through."

  "According to the deduction of my men, from the trajectory of that person's sale of spirit pills, he should come to my Castle Peak Immortal City today."

  "Today, the four of us are gathered here, so I won't say any more about the rest of the words."

  "The Foundation Establishment Great Perfection cultivator who just entered Castle Peak Immortal City is our target today."

  "There is no room for error, this person entered Castle Peak Immortal City today, and most likely, he is the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection Cultivator who keeps selling large quantities of Foundation Establishment Spirit Pills."

  "After he leaves Castle Peak Immortal City, we will immediately strike and kill him."


  The mountain wind whistled, and the voice of the leader grew colder and colder.

  The gazes of the three people standing behind him looked distantly towards the distant Castle Peak Immortal City, and a touch of intense killing intent was brought to their eyes.

  When the leader's voice fell, the bodies of the four people also disappeared above the mountain peaks, not knowing where they had gone.

  (End of chapter)