
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


Chapter 408 - Breakthrough Mutation

He Song, on the other hand, now happened to have crossed this huge chasm, standing out from the countless Foundation Establishment Real People and successfully stepping into the ranks of the Jindan True Lords.

It could be said that He Song, who had now successfully broken through to the realm of Jindan, truly belonged to a step to heaven, instantly surpassing countless Foundation Establishment Real People.

After changing his legal name from Cangsong True Lord to Cangsong True Monarch.

He Song just wanted to feel the power of a Jindan True Lord.

However, he suddenly felt that his own Divine Sense also began to skyrocket the moment the Jindan was successfully condensed.

Originally, when his cultivation level was at the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection, He Song's Divine Sense had a range of about thirty-five miles.

This was the range of He Song's Divine Sense, not the range of other cultivators' Divine Sense.

Due to the fact that He Song's Divine Sense was stronger than other cultivators, he had taken a lot of precious Divine Protection Pills.

Therefore, the range of his divine sense was much stronger than that of other cultivators.

For a normal Foundation Establishment Round cultivator, his divine sense, after probing out, would basically only cover a range of about twenty miles.

Twenty miles.

Compared to He Song's thirty-five miles, the difference was not half a star.

Because of this, He Song has always been very confident in his own divine sense.

But now that he had just broken through to the Jindan realm, he realized that his own Divine Sense was becoming stronger at an extremely fast speed, but it also gave He Song a hint of anticipation in his heart.

His own divine sense was much stronger than other cultivators at the Foundation Establishment Realm.

If after reaching the Jindan Realm, the strength of divine sense was still much stronger than other Jindan cultivators.

Then in the Jindan realm, one might also be able to quickly gain a firm foothold.

After all, he possessed a divine sense attack method like the Yagami Thorn.

According to He Song's understanding of the other Jindan sects in the vicinity, he had never heard any news about the Divine Sense Attack Method from any of the Jindan sects.

In other words.

The Divine Sense Attack Method was something like this.

Either it was very precious, so precious that it did not exist in many Jindan forces.

Either it is very scarce, and those who have obtained it are hiding it from the public.


In short, something like the Divine Sense Attack Method must not be available to everyone.

And since that was the case.

When He Song possessed it, this thing naturally became He Song's advantage.

Especially when He Song's own divine sense was far more powerful than others, this advantage became even more prominent.

With this technique at his side, He Song didn't need to worry that he would appear helpless when facing other Jindan True Lords in the future.

After all.

The Divine Sense Attack plus the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation was already able to bring a lot of trouble to Jindan True Lords.

If he were to learn some more powerful Jindan spells, he thought that He Song's battle power would definitely not be weak.

Thinking like this, He Song felt the continuous expansion of his divine sense while also continuously meditating and absorbing the aura around him.

At this moment, He Song had completely broken through to the Jindan Realm.

The speed at which he absorbed the spiritual qi wasn't as terrifying as it had been when he had just broken through the Jindan Realm previously.

The speed at which the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Array absorbed the spiritual qi from the outside world was also rapidly slowing down, and it was no longer like before, when it was crazily returning all the spiritual qi in its surroundings into the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Array.

Instead, it turned into its original form, just quietly absorbing the surrounding spiritual qi and not forcibly extracting it.

In this way.

When He Song's speed of absorbing spiritual qi began to slow down.

After the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation's speed of absorbing the outside world's spiritual qi began to slow down as well.   

The original thinning of spiritual qi caused by the Sky Dipper Divine Thunder Array's constant absorption of spiritual qi was also quickly improved.

A steady stream of spiritual qi from afar filled in, quickly making the thin spiritual qi around them much denser.

In the area around the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation.

Whether it was amongst the mortals.

Or within the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Place.

All of the places, the aura quickly returned to its original concentration, never to change again.

At the same time.

The Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop's Zhen Guan real person, who was fretting over the matter of lowering the concentration of spiritual qi, was also relieved at this moment.

Although he didn't know why this place's aura had suddenly become incredibly thin.

And then why it suddenly became no different than usual.

However, as a Foundation Establishment Real Person, he was also aware that all sorts of abnormalities in the Immortal Cultivation World were actually usually caused by powerful cultivators.

Therefore, during these few days when the aura had become thin, he had already reported the abnormality of this place to the Thick Earth Sect's mountain gate.

He thought that it shouldn't be too long before someone would come to investigate this matter.

If there is really any chance here. Maybe he, the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop's township guardian, could also have a share in it?

Such thoughts flashed through his mind, at this moment, the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop's guardian real person, a Foundation Establishment real person with the legal name of Alexandria real person's heart also surged with a trace of fire.

  ''Alexandrian Realist, if this legal name was known to He Song, He Song would definitely instantly guess that this person was a Foundation Establishment Realist of True Lord Yan Shan's lineage.

  And from this, he would deduce that Realist Alexandrite would definitely inform the higher-ups of True Lord Yan Shan's lineage about this matter.

  In this way.

  The people who came to this place to explore the opportunity must also be from True Lord Yan Shan's lineage.

  However, I just don't know what the cultivation level of the person coming is, and whether or not it will be True Lord Yan Shan himself.

  What was in the heart of the real mountain man.

  There was no way for others to know.

  However, after He Song had successfully broken through to the Jindan realm in his cultivation, the impact he had caused had not been cut off by this.

  In addition to Realist Alexandrite.

  The other cultivators, whether it was the cultivators in the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop, the scattered cultivators, or the cultivators amongst the mortals, all quickly noticed the rebound of the aura concentration.

  After the aura concentration quickly rebounded to a concentration that was no different from the usual, a thought flashed through the minds of almost all the cultivators.

  "It seems that the matter of the abnormally thin aura has passed."

  However, although such a thought flashed through all of their hearts, they had their own individual guesses as to why this matter had occurred.

  Even though the matter seemed to have passed, there were still some people who still wanted to continue pursuing the cause.

  In case there was such a big commotion, was it because which heavenly material treasure had come out of the world and absorbed a large amount of spiritual qi for its growth?

  Or perhaps, there was some other reason?

  If he really found the thing that triggered all of this, I'm afraid that the next cultivator to soar into the sky would be himself.

  With all these thoughts, some cultivators continued to pursue the cause of this matter.

  At the same time, among those cultivators who hurriedly left the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop and traveled elsewhere to avoid trouble, there were also some disagreements.

  Some immediately set off back to the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop after the aura concentration returned to normal.

  Some decided to wait and see before making plans.

  There were also those whose faces changed drastically after seeing the aura concentration return to normal and hurriedly left.