
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Fantasy
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323 Chs


  Chapter 409 - Strength Surge

All the living beings were in full view.

He Song was unaware of all this caused by his breakthrough to Jindan.

At this moment, he was still immersed in the process of his Divine Sense rapidly growing and constantly absorbing the external aura and transforming it into his own mana.

The growth of his divine sense mesmerized He Song.

This feeling of divine sense power skyrocketing was something he had experienced before though.

However, it was the first time that He Song had experienced a feeling like this one, which directly caused his own divine sense to rapidly skyrocket and last for a long time.

Like when he broke through Foundation Establishment, the rapid growth of his Divine Sense at the time of its birth.

As well as breaking through the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and even the growth of Divine Consciousness when the Foundation Establishment Grand Circle was reached, the growth of Divine Consciousness when breaking through the Jindan this time around was not in the same class at all.

And it was precisely because after breaking through from the Foundation Establishment Realm to the Jindan Realm, the power of divine sense also received a surge with it.

It resulted in He Song's divine sense power quickly being able to encompass tens of miles.

Moreover, with the passage of time, this range was still growing rapidly.

Forty miles.

Fifty miles.

Eighty miles.

Ninety miles.

As time passed, the range that He Song's divine sense was able to cover became wider and wider.

Soon, the range that He Song's divine sense could cover was already hundreds of miles, and it was still growing.

Until finally.

He Song explored his Divine Sense and scanned the surrounding area of one hundred and fifty miles, and a trace of consternation quickly flashed through his heart.

The one hundred and fifty mile range of divine sense was the end result of He Song's divine sense skyrocketing after he broke through the Jindan realm.

And it was also right after he had probed out his divine sense and included everything within a radius of one hundred and fifty miles in the scope of his divine sense sweep.

Originally, He Song, who was still concentrating on his seclusion and preparing to continue his cultivation to consolidate his own cultivation, discovered a hint of abnormality within the one hundred and fifty mile area covered by his divine sense.

The cultivators in this place.

There seems to be too few.

One hundred and fifty miles in circumference.

This distance has already been able to include the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop, which is a hundred miles away, within He Song's Divine Sense.

Because He Song's cultivation has now reached the Jindan realm, those Qi Practitioner cultivators, as well as the Foundation Establishment real person within the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop, are simply unable to realize that He Song's divine sense has already sensed them completely once.

Just like before, He Song's divine sense had sensed the entire fairy workshop and did not allow anyone to notice it.

Nowadays, He Song was doing the same thing.

Even more so, his cultivation had reached the Jindan realm.

After probing out his divine sense, he didn't even need to sweep his divine sense, he only needed to probe his divine sense to hundreds of meters around him, and then he could sense the cultivators in the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop.

Compared to the previous situation of only being able to sense a dozen meters, it was much better.

In this way, it also allowed He Song to quickly sense everyone within this range after probing his divine sense and covering a range of about 150 miles around him.

Divine sense induction.

Not quite the same as divine sense scanning.

Divine sense scanning was more precise, yet it would also be detected by others.

Divine sense sensing, on the other hand, although less precise, would not be detected by others.

In the Immortal Cultivation World, if you scan each other with your divine sense, you will be killed, so divine sense induction has become the first choice of the majority of cultivators.

What He Song was using now was naturally of this kind.

Under the premise of no one noticing, He Song had already checked the surroundings, as well as the number of cultivators and even their cultivation levels.

However, it was just after He Song had summarized these things in his mind.

However, he had keenly realized.

The number of cultivators in the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop was much, much smaller than before.   

Moreover, there were still many cultivators who were roaming around the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop looking for something.

Seeing this kind of situation, although He Song's heart was unclear, but after thinking about it, he still felt that he should pay some attention to it.

After all.

This place is where one's foundation is located, in case something big happens and one is unaware of it, I am afraid that one will most likely bury oneself here.

As an Everlasting, He Song is naturally extremely important to his own life.

Because of this, He Song quickly began to use his divine sense to listen to the conversation between those cultivators after a little thought.

A few moments later.

After hearing from many cultivators that the concentration of aura had abnormally decreased and then returned to normal, and that the time was similar to when he broke through the Jindan, He Song sighed with a helpless sigh.

He Song let out a sigh with a helpless face.

As expected.

During the period of time when he was in seclusion to break through the Jindan realm, many things had indeed happened in the outside world.

  Moreover, one of the things that was most associated with himself was still caused by himself.

The Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation had absorbed the spiritual qi, causing the concentration of spiritual qi in the surroundings to rapidly decrease.

  Then he had successfully broken through to the Jindan realm, and his need for spiritual qi was greatly reduced, allowing the surrounding spiritual qi to rapidly recover.

  Once this matter came out, I'm afraid that any person would be able to detect something strange in it.

  As for why the Big Dipper Thunder Formation would happen like this, He Song also had some guesses in his heart.

  The Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation, after all, had too many different functions, and there was a big gap between the effect of spirit gathering compared to spirit gathering formations of the same level.

  This gap was not obvious in normal times.

  The big deal was that the concentration of spirit qi within the formation was a bit lower, and the speed of cultivation was a bit slower.

  However, when a cultivator breaks through and needs a large amount of spiritual qi supply, I am afraid that this gap is the key to whether or not the movement of the breakthrough can be concealed.

  According to He Song's guess, a higher level of Spirit Gathering Formation than the Small Spirit Gathering Formation would be enough to allow a cultivator to break through to Jindan without being detected by the outside world.

  Because the Spirit Gathering Formation had enough concentration of Spirit Qi, there was no need to temporarily absorb a large amount of outside Spirit Qi.

  Naturally, it wouldn't produce a scene like the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation, which temporarily absorbed a large amount of spiritual qi from the outside world.

  Unfortunately, however, He Song had not acquired the Spirit Gathering Formation, so he could only use the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation instead.

  The resulting unexpected situation.

  Although He Song did not want it to happen, there was nothing he could do about it.

  Of course.

  Since the situation had already happened, He Song would naturally respond immediately after learning about it.

  To know.

  This place was the territory of the Thick Earth Sect.

  And in the Thick Earth Sect, there were still two Jindan Realm cultivators present.

  Although there would not necessarily be a Jindan True Lord coming this time, it would certainly be rare for a Foundation Establishment cultivator to come and investigate.

  He Song could even think of a scenario where the Thick Earth Sect would send out cultivators to check out the abnormalities of this place.

  After all, if you want the concentration of spiritual qi in a place to decrease without warning, and then return to its original state without warning, there must be a reason for it.

  Whether it was the Thick Earth Sect or any other Jindan force.

  As long as this matter appeared in their own territory, will certainly send cultivators to check.

  As for whether they can find out something.

  Or can you find some clues.

  I'm afraid that only heaven knows.

(End of chapter)