
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


  Chapter 378 - Exposing the Undercard

  "The other things have already been said before, if there are any who do not wish to participate in this matter, they can leave by all means."

  Among the crowd, the highest cultivated Gale Realist opened his mouth and spoke towards the other three late stage Foundation Establishment Realists in front of him.

  However, despite saying this.

  However, Realist Gale did not feel that anyone would leave.

  The three late Foundation Establishment cultivators in the Eight Veins Immortal City were all family cultivators, each operating a Foundation Establishment family in the Eight Veins Immortal City.

  These three Foundation Establishment families were either inherited from their ancestors or started on their own.

  The fighting strength of the three of them was definitely not comparable to that of a clan disciple, however, it was definitely much stronger than an ordinary loose cultivator.

  It would definitely be no problem to block a late Foundation Establishment Sect disciple for some time.

  Adding to that, with a Foundation Establishment Great Perfection cultivator like him as the main attacker, the late Foundation Establishment cultivator that Xu Jie spoke of would definitely not be able to escape once he was surrounded.

  And it was precisely because these three people's strength was quite passable that he remembered these three people after receiving Xu Jie's message, and quickly invited them here to discuss the matter this time.

  Now, the matter had been discussed more or less, and the distribution of benefits had also been clarified.

  Next, it was also time to set off and go in search of that late stage Foundation Establishment cultivator who was carrying a huge sum of money.

  Seeing that the other three Foundation Establishment real people beside him had no intention of leaving, Realist Gale then nodded his head in satisfaction.

  Thereupon, he stood up and turned into a recluse and headed off into the distance.

  And behind him.

  The remaining three Foundation Establishment Truly Human beings also quickly followed his silhouette, transforming into a recluse and leaving the Eight Veins Immortal City.

  Eight Veins Immortal City.

  Seeing the five reclining lights leaving Eight Veins Immortal City one after another.

  Xu Jie, who had been observing all of this, also had a happy face at this moment, stroking his palm and saying a good word.

  Not long ago, He Song left.

  Turning into a recluse, he rushed up into the sky and headed towards the distance.

  And now, led by Gale real person, a total of four cultivators whose cultivation level was at least in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, also followed the direction that He Song left.

  It seemed that the next thing was already nine out of ten.

  With a glint in his eyes, Xu Jie couldn't stop the smile on his face, as if he had already seen Gale's victory.

  In the Eight Veins Immortal City, Xu Jie felt that this time must be stable.

  But a hundred miles away from the Eight Veins Immortal City, He Song, who was in the valley, also felt that this time it must be stable.

  After arriving at the valley where he had placed the Jindan Formation, He Song had already released all four Golden Armored Guards as a way to ensure his own safety.

  In addition to that, He Song had even set up an additional Sea Fixing Chaoyuan Formation with a wide range of coverage outside of the Jindan Formation.

  The existence of this Sea Fixing Chaoyuan Formation was not to help He Song withstand attacks from the outside world.

  Rather, it was used as a means to attract enemies.

  As a Foundation Establishment Realist, and a Foundation Establishment Realist who had cultivated all the way from the lowest level to such a realm.

  He Song still had a better understanding of the psychology of cultivators.

  If a cultivator knew that he had been targeted but still stayed put and did not move, then there was only one possibility.

  He had a card on him.

  The Fixed Sea Morning Glory Formation that He Song had laid down was the card that he had displayed for others to see.   

  The Fixed Sea Morning Glory Formation was not a Luo Smoke Formation, and it did not have the effect of concealment.

  Therefore, when the Sea Defining Morning Glory Formation was raised, everyone in the surrounding area could see the light emanating from the Sea Defining Morning Glory Formation.

  And soon enough, they were able to know the specific effects of the Sea Defining Morning Glory Formation.

  It was a defense formation that covered a wide area, but did not have any offensive capabilities.

  With the Sea-Defining Morning Glory Formation at their side, I'm afraid that the subsequent attacking Foundation Establishment real people would subconsciously think that this Sea-Defining Morning Glory Formation was He Song's bottom card.

  At the same time, it would also dawn on them.

  It turned out that the reason why He Song had stayed here was because he had placed a wide-area defense formation here long ago.

  With such an extensive defense formation, He Song would naturally be able to stand invincible.

  Even if there is an enemy attacking, He Song will not be in any danger until he runs out of spirit stones.

  Who knew how long it would take to exhaust the spirit stones on He Song's body?

  However, He Song hadn't sold even one bottle of medium grade earth spirit pills in the Eight Veins Immortal City.

  And looking at He Song's behavior of coming here to sell medium grade earth spirit pills, he must have been in seclusion for a long time and only recently came out of seclusion to sell the spirit pills in his hand.

  In other words.

  He Song should not have too many spirit stones on his body.

  It could even be guessed that the number of spirit stones on He Song's body might have already bottomed out and urgently needed to be replenished.

  Otherwise, why would He Song be in a hurry to sell the mid-grade earth spirit pills in his hands? And also took out so many at once?

  In that case, without the spirit stones being replenished, the amount of spirit stones on He Song's body, I'm afraid, wouldn't be enough to support him for too long as he hid behind this defense array.

  That's why.

  When He Song pretended that he didn't have enough spirit stones on him, and that the Fixed Sea Morning Glory Formation suddenly dissipated after being attacked for a few moments, it shouldn't attract suspicion.

  And when those enemies were ecstatic due to the sudden dissipation of the Sea Defining Morning Glory Formation, they entered the valley where He Song was located, or launched an attack on He Song outside the valley.

  The Jindan Grand Formation that had already been set up in this place would be able to instantly unfold, enveloping everyone in the formation.

  At that time. Won't it be stable?

  Such a play, not only can make those attacking Foundation Establishment people feel that they have seen through their own cards, so that their vigilance falls into the trap.

  And also can let those attacking Foundation Establishment people not to see He Song standing here, be scared to turn away, or carry out more than one test.

  The Jindan Grand Formation, too, had its limitations.

  Although it covered quite a wide area, if the enemy didn't even enter, it naturally lost its usefulness.

  Therefore, after coming up with an excellent method of inviting the king into the jar, He Song also felt that this time, it was bound to be stable.

  There was no letting He Song wait for too long.

  The Gale Realist who had left the city in the latter step, as well as the other three Foundation Establishment Realists behind him, soon secretly arrived at He Song's place under Xu Jie's command.

  He Song's previous guess was not wrong, Xu Jie had already left a tracking mark on He Song's body without realizing it.

  Just as He Song also left a tracking mark on him without Xu Jie realizing it, He Song is now in this valley.

  Now, the fact that He Song had stayed in the valley for a long time had already been told by Xu Jie to Gale Real.

  That was precisely why.

  In the event that he felt that there must be something strange about this matter, Gale Real Person would bring the other three Foundation Establishment Real Persons behind him to arrive here in secret, rather than coming directly in the open.

  Knowing that there was something fishy about this matter, True Lord Gale naturally wouldn't foolishly rush forward.

  (End of chapter)