
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Fantasy
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323 Chs


Chapter 377 - Chasing and Killing

  What's more, it was still a question as to whether or not someone would come to check.


  Just as Xu Jie stayed in the Treasure Gathering Pavilion, waiting for Gale Realist to get his hands on him.

  He Song, who had just left the Treasure Gathering Pavilion, turned his feet and quickly arrived at an inn in Immortal City.

  Inside the inn, He Song just wanted to change his appearance, then use magic power to wash himself, and then quietly leave.

  However, he suddenly remembered something.

  Since even the Seven Fragrance Tracking Technique, a Qi Practicing Stage secret technique, was able to make a strange fragrance stay on another person for seven days after the tracking mark dissipated.

  Once the Spirit Detecting Secret Technique was released, after its tracking mark dissipated, it was even able to allow others to exist in He Song's perception for a full month.

  Then, wasn't this act of using one's mana to flush oneself out a waste of time?

  After all, even if the mark dissipated, I'm afraid that no one could guarantee how long the other party would still be able to perceive their existence after the mark dissipated.

  The Seven Incense Tracking Technique would be able to sense within seven days.

  The Spirit Detecting Secret Art was even more capable of sensing it within a month's time.

  In case there was a stronger secret technique, it would be able to increase the time limit to one year.

  Thoughts flashed through his mind, and after pondering, He Song realized that in the future, he still needed to look for a secret art that could isolate other people's perceptions.

  Only then, in the case that the other party had already cast a tracking technique on him, would he have the means to counteract it.

  Like now, even if the imprint dissipated, one would still be able to be perceived by others, a situation that must not happen again in the future.

  Although He Song had left a tracking imprint condensed by the Spirit Detecting Mysterious Art on Xu Jie's body before he left the Gathering Treasure Pavilion.

  However, he was not quite sure if Xu Jie had also left a tracking imprint on himself.

  Something like a tracking mark was actually very difficult to detect without a method of targeting it.

  Because of this, after entering the inn and suddenly realizing this, He Song immediately decided in his heart that he must go looking for a secret art that specifically targets tracking techniques in the future.

  At the same time, after thinking about it, He Song also quickly and directly left the inn.

  However, he didn't even bother to do the most basic things such as changing his clothes and flushing himself with magic power.

  It was because He Song realized that even if he did all of these, I was afraid that he would still be targeted if he should be.

  Since that was the case.

  It would be better to be a bit more spontaneous and directly introduce the person who was going to attack into the Heavenly Dipper Divine Thunder Formation that he had set up in advance.

  In the middle of this tiny Eight Veins Immortal City, the Heavenly Dipper Divine Thunder Formation that He Song had laid out in advance could be described as a ceiling of combat power.

  Even if all the Foundation Establishment Real People in the Eight Veins Immortal City came to attack at the same time, the existence of the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation would still allow them to have no return.

  In such a situation, then why sneak away?

  It wasn't like one had done anything wrong.


  Those who killed people would always kill them.

  If someone really came after him or her, beheading them would be just that.

  Although He Song has always upheld the path of the Gou Dao, since people have already bullied his way in.

  However, since people had already bullied his way to the door, He Song naturally wouldn't stick out his neck to be slaughtered.

  As an Eternal Being.

  Although there is no need to take life to compete with other cultivators for any chance.

  But there was also no need to be timid and fearful.

  Four golden-armored guards whose battle strength had reached the Foundation Establishment Great Circle, as well as a Heavenly Dipper Divine Thunder Formation that could allow He Song to walk horizontally in the Foundation Establishment Realm, gave He Song enough backbone to deal with this matter.

  And this.

  It was also the reason why He Song didn't choose to go to the Cloud State, or any other Immortal State state capital to dispose of these spirit pills.

  Selling spirit pills in any immortal city.   

  As long as He Song was careful, it would be impossible for him to encounter any danger to his life.

  After all, with the protection of the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation, even if all the Foundation Establishment Real People in the Immortal City came after He Song, I'm afraid that He Song would be able to rely on the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation to kill all of them one by one.

  However, if he went to the Yunzhou state capital, or other immortal state capitals.

  There were Jindan True Lords in the state capitals.

  If He Song was targeted by a Jindan True Lord, I'm afraid that even if he had the Big Dipper Divine Thunder Formation, the consequences would be unpredictable.

  As such, He Song had already set his destination in an immortal city when he left the gate this time.

  Only in this way would He Song be able to guarantee his own safety.

  As for those Foundation Establishment True People who were overwhelmed by benefits and wanted to strike at He Song.

  He Song could only mourn for them for a moment and inform them that they had messed with the wrong people after their deaths.

  With such thoughts, He Song's figure soon left the Eight Veins Immortal City.

  And it quickly headed towards the far side, the valley where he had laid the Heavenly Dipper Divine Thunder Formation.

  However, before leaving the Eight Veins Immortal City.

  He Song finally swept a glance at the Eight Veins Immortal City behind him.

  Only then did he turn into a recluse and go far away.

  If He Song hadn't guessed wrong.

  The time he had spent after leaving the Treasure Pavilion, going to the inn, and then leaving the Eight Veins Immortal City should have been enough for those who were staring at him to make a move.

  In that case, He Song didn't need to worry about them losing him when he left at this moment.


  What made He Song slightly puzzled was.

  Why had Xu Jie never left the Treasure Pavilion in his own senses.

  Could it be that this Xu Jie did not intend to make a move against himself?

  Of course.

  Although there was some doubt in his heart, He Song did not look too deeply into it.

  Even if he guessed wrongly that Xu Jie did not intend to strike at himself, He Song would still enter the Heavenly Dipper Divine Thunder Formation that he had laid down earlier and would not leave until several days later.

  After all, previously, He Song would do the same thing every time he left an Immortal City.

  Doing so was rather time-consuming, but it also allowed He Song's own safety to be guaranteed tremendously.

  As a formation master, it was naturally normal to utilize formations to ensure one's own safety and to decimate those who had set their sights on him.

  In such a situation.

  Although He Song had doubts in his heart, his figure quickly fell into a valley a hundred miles away from the Eight Veins Immortal City.

  Moreover, due to the fact that the Jindan Grand Formation already had a concealment effect.

  Even if He Song entered the valley, other people in the outside world wouldn't know that He Song had already placed a Jindan Grand Formation in the valley.

  However, just as He Song stepped into the valley and stayed there.

  At this moment.

  Within the Eight Veins Immortal City.

  There were also already several Foundation Establishment real people gathered together and were ready to depart.

  "Everyone, let's get the ugly words out of the way, this person's cultivation is at the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and he seems to be of clan origin and is powerful."

  "Although everyone's cultivation is at the late stage of Foundation Establishment, they are all casual cultivators, so I'm afraid that we won't be able to gain any benefits from a hard fight with him, and it's really unwise."

  "In this case, this seat as the main attacker, all of you just need to assist from the side, and after winning, what this person has on his body, this seat also needs a larger share."

  (End of chapter)