
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


 Chapter 365 - Huge Harvest

  The refinement of a mid-grade Foundation Establishment Spirit Pill.

  There was no essential difference between the refinement of a lower grade Foundation Establishment Spirit Pill.


  When He Song started refining, there was nothing that he needed to learn separately.

  It was just that when he first started refining the Middle Grade Foundation Establishment Spirit Pill, the success rate would be very low.

  However, as a Master Alchemist, He Song's alchemy skills had all been improved step by step from the very beginning.

  His understanding of the Dao of Dan had also become far superior to normal people because he had studied many lower-grade Foundation Establishment Spirit Pill formulas.

  Under such a premise, when He Song had first refined a mid-grade Foundation Establishment Spirit Pill, it wasn't as difficult as he had imagined.

  Now, after ten years of continuous refining, He Song had even mastered the method of refining two medium grade Foundation Establishment Spirit Pills.

  And he could already skillfully refine these two types of Medium Grade Foundation Establishment Spirit Pills.

  Medium Grade Earth Spirit Pill.

  As well as the Middle Grade Stasis Removal Pill.

  The Medium Grade Earth Spirit Pill, after taking it, could provide a cultivator with more concentrated medicinal power than the Lower Grade Earth Spirit Pill, and when it was refined and absorbed, the poison in it would be less.

  If a cultivator replaced the lower grade Earth Spirit Pill he was taking with a middle grade Earth Spirit Pill, his cultivation speed would naturally increase.

  Moreover, for the refining of the Medium Grade Earth Spirit Pill, the required medicines were only ten years of mature Earth Spirit Ginseng, plus some auxiliary medicines.

It was just that the earth spirit ginseng required was a bit more than the earth spirit ginseng required for the lower grade earth spirit pills, and there was also a higher requirement for the vintage of the auxiliary medicines.  

Other than that, there wasn't much of a difference between this Middle Grade Earth Spirit Pill and the Lower Grade Earth Spirit Pill.

  In this regard, He Song did not care.

  Because the Earth Spirit Pills he took during his cultivation had long since ceased to be Lower Grade and Middle Grade Earth Spirit Pills.

  After his cultivation had reached the late Foundation Establishment stage, the Earth Spirit Pill that He Song had taken had been replaced with a Upper Grade Earth Spirit Pill.

  And this top-grade earth spirit pills, as well as some other cultivation resources, were where the large amount of spirit stones he consumed during his cultivation went.

  The Earth Spirit Pills that he had refined himself, whether they were lower grade Earth Spirit Pills or middle grade Earth Spirit Pills, were all placed in his storage bag, and after saving up many of them, he would then sell them together out of the gate.

  In this way, the many spirit pills he had consumed in refining the pills were naturally replenished.

  As for the Medium Grade Stasis Removal Dan.

  On the other hand, it was a kind of elixir used to remove dan poison from a cultivator's body.

  Like the Earth Spirit Pill, an elixir that increased cultivation, the Stasis Removal Pill that He Song had been taking had been replaced by a better top-grade Stasis Removal Pill early on.

  In this way, although He Song had already mastered the method of refining the mid-grade Earth Spirit Pill, as well as the mid-grade Stasis Removal Pill.

  However, there was no reduction in the amount of spirit stones he needed to spend each year.

  Of course.

  In addition to having mastered the refining methods of these two types of pills, He Song also had an understanding of the refining methods of each of the five system spirit pills.

  The five system spirit pills, although the cultivators who took them were different, their refining method was almost the same.

  Whether it is the earth spirit dan, or fire spirit dan, or water spirit dan, in fact, the refining method, are the main drug and auxiliary drugs mixed, and then step by step refining can be.

  Since He Song had already mastered the refining method of the Middle Grade Earth Spirit Pill.

  If he wanted to refine the other four types of spirit pills, naturally, it would not be a problem.

  However, what made He Song a little bit upset was that he hadn't mastered the upper grade spirit pills yet.

  Nowadays, he had not mastered the refining method of the top-grade Earth Spirit Pill.

  Even after harvesting the five lineage spirit ginseng in his medicinal garden, he could only refine a mid-grade five lineage spirit pill.

  If he had mastered the refining method of the top-grade Earth Spirit Pill, he would be able to refine a top-grade Five System Spirit Pill, and would be able to sell it for a higher price, and the amount of Spirit Stones he would be able to earn would naturally be a bit more.   

  At this, He Song sighed a little and put it behind him.

  One has to eat one bite at a time, and one has to take the road one step at a time.

  The idea of trying to attempt to refine a top-grade Foundation Establishment Spirit Pill after having only skillfully mastered the refining methods of two middle-grade Foundation Establishment Spirit Pills was a dangerous idea.

  If one was not careful, one would be stuck in a bottleneck, and then one would have to reverse back and master more of the middle grade Foundation Establishment Spirit Pill refining methods in order to break the bottleneck.

  In that case, it would be better to work steadily like before, maximizing one's advantages as an Eldritch.

  In this way, even if the gains seemed to be reduced in the short term.

  But in the long run, it was a path that best suited one's needs.

  It was just a matter of spending a little more time.


  For oneself.

  It was never enough.

  In addition to the huge progress in the Dan Dao, He Song's progress in the Rune Dao, as well as the Weapon Dao, was also visible to the naked eye.

  In these ten years, although He Song hadn't studied too deeply on the talisman path, he had gradually brought up the success rate of the Foundation Establishment Spirit Talismans that he had mastered.

  According to He Song's estimation, it shouldn't be long before he was able to skillfully master the drawing methods of several types of Foundation Establishment Spirit Symbols.

  At that time, his own achievements in the talisman path would be considered to be able to meet people.

  The Foundation Establishment Spirit Symbols that he drew would no longer be like before, where only the Thick Earth Spirit Symbols could be taken out.

  To know.

  Previously, He Song had not been particularly diligent in his study of the talisman path.

  He had only drawn some Thick Earth Spirit Symbols in his spare time to improve his success rate in drawing Thick Earth Spirit Symbols.

  But now, after ten years, He Song had also begun to focus his attention on other Foundation Establishment Spirit Symbols.

  As the number of Foundation Establishment Spirit Symbols he had mastered gradually increased.

  His achievements above the talisman path would naturally be evident for all to see.

  Of course.

  Although his achievements in the Symbol Dao were also quite large, they were not as large as He Song's progress in the Artifact Dao.

  He Song had never studied the Dao of Weaponry before.

  It was only after using the Soul Searching Technique to see from True Lord Silvermoon's memories, that as a Jindan True Lord's Artifact Dao master, he had seen the formidable combat power of the artifacts that he had refined when using them.

  That was why the idea of learning to refine artifacts and refining the artifacts he needed himself was born.

  And since True Lord Silvermoon's achievements in the Dao of Weapons were extremely high, He Song had also obtained his memories.

  Naturally, He Song's speed of study on the Dao of Weapons was far beyond normal.

  In addition, True Lord Silvermoon had set up an extremely high specification refining room in this cave, which was of great help to He Song's study of the artifact refining way.

  In this way, He Song in the study of artifacts, naturally, twice the effort, fast progress.

  Previously, He Song's first taste of weapon refining lasted only three years, but he was already able to refine lower-grade artifacts, and he was also able to earn spirit stones from it.

  Now ten years have passed, plus the previous two years, a full twelve years of time has passed, He Song in the artifacts on top of the progress, naturally, is also extremely huge.

  Until now, He Song has been able to skillfully refine some medium-grade magic weapons, and the medium-grade magic weapons that came from his hands, no matter whether they are powerful or strong, have been recognized by many cultivators.

  (End of chapter)