
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
323 Chs


 Chapter 364: Ten Years Later

  And it was precisely because of this.

  It was only then that He Song had a hint of misgivings about whether or not he wanted to make a trip back to Heavenly Power Immortal City.

  If it was someone else who wanted to see He Song again at this time, He Song would definitely refuse without hesitation.

  Going back at this time would simply be a no-brainer.

  Wasn't this clearly telling others that he had a problem?


  This person who wanted to see He Song once was Luo Jing Zhen, yet it also created a hint of hesitation in He Song's heart.

  "Going back is definitely impossible to go back, it's time to find a more reliable reason to turn this down."

  He Song's hesitation wasn't a hesitation to go back to Tian Quan Immortal City to meet Luo Jing Zhen Zhen.

  Rather, he was hesitating on what kind of reason he should find to reject it.

  As a Jindan disciple.

  Luo Jing Zhenren had seen a lot of things, so he was afraid that if he made up a random reason, he would be seen through.

  That was why He Song needed to use his brain to think of a reason that could hide Luo Jing Zhenzi from him.

  After some pondering, He Song soon had an answer in his mind.

  Putting the paper in his hand into his storage bag, He Song casually took out another thin piece of paper from his storage bag.

With the surge of mana at the tip of his finger, a line of writing immediately appeared on top of the thin paper.  

"Fellow Daoist has finished his training and is about to leave, I should have seen you off, but I have no choice but to be far away from Tianquan Immortal City, so I'm afraid I won't be able to rush back for a while."

  "Moreover, there is also a big event happening in the place where I am now, so if I leave at this time, I'm afraid that I will attract suspicion and even be hunted down.

  "In that case, I'm afraid that I won't be able to rush back to Heavenly Power Immortal City as soon as possible to meet with fellow Daoist."

  "But don't worry, once this matter is resolved, when I have some free time, I will definitely make a trip to the Yunzhou state capital to talk freely with you in person."

  "He Song."

  He Song did not state where he was now.

  He also didn't explain what was going on in his place.

  He only said that he would not be able to return for a while, and that if he left at this time, he was afraid that he would attract suspicion and be hunted down.

  In this way, Luo Jing must not have any doubts about where He Song is now, and may even worry about his own safety because of He Song's words.

  As for the idea of seeing He Song in Tianquan Immortal City, I'm afraid that it would be put to rest.

  After all, He Song's words had already been made very clear, and Luo Jing naturally wouldn't make things difficult for anyone.

  Although the relationship between her and He Song was already very good.

  However, it must not have reached a level that would allow He Song to risk life and death to rush back just to see her.

  This was something that Luo Jingzhen must have known only too well.

  Naturally, He Song had left this matter behind after sending a message to Luo Jing.

  However, due to the interruption of Luo Jing's message, He Song had no interest in continuing his cultivation at the moment.

  After counting with his fingers and realizing that ten years had already passed, He Song pondered briefly and immediately rose up, arriving outside the cave.

  Outside the cave, within the valley.

  He Song's eyes looked at the ripe white jade beads around him, and a trace of trance flashed in the bottom of his eyes.

  Without realizing it, another ten years had passed.

  During these ten years, He Song had never stepped out of the cave.

  And because of this, He Song's cultivation continued to grow during these ten years.

  Until now, the mana in He Song's body was naturally more powerful than ten years ago.

  In ten years' time, with He Song's cultivation speed, the mana within his body had naturally grown rapidly.   

  His late Foundation Establishment realm had also taken a huge step forward, and he was getting closer and closer to the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection.

  And due to the rapid growth of his own mana, He Song's strength, naturally, had also received a rather large boost.

  If the current He Song faced the He Song of ten years ago, and relied solely on his own mana to fight, then the current He Song would definitely be slightly better.

  In addition to the fact that his cultivation had been greatly improved in the past ten years, He Song's knowledge of the Great Circumstantial Exhalation had been greatly improved.

  He Song's practice of the Great Peripatetic Vomiting Technique, as well as the Wind and Cloud Change Technique, had also made great progress in these ten years.

  The Great Peripatetic Exhalation Technique, a Jindan secret technique, had long since been fully skilled and could be performed at any time.

  The Wind and Cloud Change Illusion Technique that he had obtained from True Lord Silvermoon's memories, He Song had also tried to learn it.

  Now that ten years had passed, the Wind and Cloud Change Illusion Technique had been practiced by He Song in a decent manner.

  The Wind and Cloud Transformation Illusion Technique was a spell that He Song had obtained together with the Great Peripatetic Vomiting Technique and had decided to practice it.

  In the beginning, the Wind and Cloud Transformation Art was obtained by the Silver Moon True Lord from a Jindan cave.

  The Great Peripatetic Vomiting Technique was also obtained from that Jindan Cave Mansion.

  At the same time, there was also a Spirit Detecting Secret Technique.

  However, He Song had already fully skilled the Spirit Detecting Secret Technique, so naturally, he didn't need to practice it again now.

  Wind and Cloud Transformation Art.

  It could change one's own breath into everything in heaven and earth, but the cultivation time needed to be very long.

  This long time was not because the Wind and Cloud Transformation Art was difficult.

  It was simply because if one wanted to change one's breath into something else, one naturally had to be incredibly familiar with that kind of thing.

  It was as if He Song wanted to transform his breath into a stone.

  He would then need to know exactly what the stone's breath was like before he could manipulate the Wind and Cloud Transformation Technique to transform his own breath to match that of the stone.

  In this way, he would be able to make his own breath disguise itself as that of a stone when he performed the Wind and Cloud Transformation Technique again in the future.

  However, if he wanted to transform his own breath into something else, then he would have to go back to knowing exactly what the breath of the other thing was like.

  If one wanted to change into another thing, he would have to familiarize himself with the breath of that thing first.

  In this way, the time it took to cultivate this spell would, naturally, be longer.

  However, if one is able to cultivate it to the point of proficiency, I'm afraid that it is also an excellent life-saving technique.

  He Song is still far from practicing this technique to the state of proficiency, he has only just been able to change his breath into a stone.

  As for the other things, he had not yet gone to make an attempt.

  In addition to that.

  He Song's study of alchemy had not slowed down at all during these ten years.

  There was an alchemy room built in the cave of this place.

  Although the previous owner, True Lord Silvermoon's alchemy wasn't very good, the alchemy room that he had set up was considered extremely helpful to He Song nowadays.

  With the help of that Extremely Fine Artifact Alchemy Furnace, as well as the other things in the alchemy room.

  He Song's gains in the Dao of Dan could be much faster than before.

  And because of this, He Song's success rate in refining the Foundation Establishment Spirit Pill was also soaring.

  As early as ten years ago, He Song had begun to set his sights on the mid-grade Foundation Establishment Spirit Pill.

  After thoroughly mastering the method of refining the Lower Grade Foundation Establishment Spirit Pill that he had learned.

  And after raising the success rate to over fifty percent, He Song naturally began to try to refine a mid-grade Foundation Establishment Spirit Pill.

  (End of chapter)