
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Kỳ huyễn
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323 Chs


 Chapter 287 - Mysterious Valley

  "There might be some kind of chance hidden in that valley, if there really is a chance, you can take it yourself."

  "This is a strange place, I have only told you about it, so you don't need to worry about being preempted by others."

  "But if there is no chance in it, I can only let you make a trip for nothing."

  As he spoke, Lin Cong took out a thin piece of paper from his storage bag and handed it to He Song.

  He Song received the thin paper.

  He looked down at it.

  His heart suddenly dawned.

  On top of this thin paper, there was a simple map drawn.

  Its final destination was a valley hundreds of miles away from the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop.

  The terrain around the valley was also all drawn out, appearing exquisite.

  On this thin paper, He Song even saw a lot of writing and drawing.

  Looking at the handwriting, it should be Lin Cong's various discoveries while exploring on his own, as well as his despondency of not being able to enter.

  Reflecting all the various information on the map in front of him into his mind, He Song nodded and then put it into his storage bag.

  "This is a trivial matter, what chance can compare to the friendship between you and I."

  "We won't talk about this today, but yet I wonder where Brother Lin is planning to take this large family to?"

  "I see that the surrounding mundane cities and pools seem to be quite good."

  For this chance that Lin Cong treasured, He Song did not place too much importance on it.

  It was just a strange place that a Qi Practicing Stage cultivator had found by chance.

  Whether or not what was in that valley was a chance or not, was still a matter of opinion.

  If it was the hidden cave of a Foundation Establishment real person, I was afraid that if I rashly went to investigate, I would cause some trouble.

  Or perhaps, there was some kind of crisis hidden in it that just wasn't triggered for a while.

  Or, there is something else in that valley.

  With He Song's cautious nature.

  In the case of not being very sure, it was impossible to go exploring this kind of place rashly.

  In such a situation, He Song was naturally not interested in the records on this map.

  Even though Lin Cong had gone to explore it many times, and although he had found nothing each time, he had not found any danger.

  However, He Song remained firm in his beliefs.

  In a place like this, although there might be opportunities that existed, perhaps there would be hidden crises in it as well.

  "I am prepared to bring them farther away."

  "If they are farther away, the probability of encountering a cultivator will be lower, and it will be less likely to lead to killing."

  "Anyway, no matter how they fare in the future, as long as there's still someone alive, and with Fellow Daoist's Transmission Jade Slip, there's always a chance that they'll return to this place."

  "But it's just that I don't know how far they'll be able to go in this Immortal Cultivation World."


  Letting out a sigh, Lin Cong gazed at He Song, a strange color flashing in his eyes.

  Then he arched his hand and said.

  "I'm afraid I won't be able to see that day."

  "On the contrary, fellow Daoist, it is still possible to see that day."

  "But it's just that I don't know if the fellow Daoist at that time will also be like me today, dying of old age."

  "Just . I'm really envious that you were able to successfully break through the Foundation Establishment realm, and have a life span of two hundred years."

  He Song could see that at this moment, Lin Cong's gaze towards himself was already filled with envy.

  The lifespan of a human being had a limit.

  Just like Lin Cong.

  He, like Meng Guan, was also about to turn sixty when he used the Vein Protecting Pill as a base to try to impact Foundation Establishment.

  Unfortunately, Meng Guan fought to the death and succeeded in building the foundation.

  Lin Cong similarly fought to the death, but ultimately failed and passed by the Foundation Establishment realm.

  As a result, the lives of the two of them changed drastically.

  After Meng Guan succeeded in establishing the foundation, he joined the Thick Earth Sect and became one of its elders, and even brought He Song and Wei Fan with him into the Thick Earth Sect.

  After Lin Cong's failure to establish the foundation, he was disillusioned and went back to Bamboo Mountain Immortal Square to marry and have children and spend his twilight years in peace, until now.

  After Meng Guan successfully built the foundation, the life span of two hundred years, now the cultivation has reached the late stage of the foundation, is toward the jindan road to strive forward.

  After Lin Cong's failure to establish the foundation, he was already over one hundred and ten years old, and now had only a few years left in his lifespan, and was already preparing for his own afterlife.

  One became a towering Foundation Establishment Realist, with a greatly increased lifespan and great strength.

  A lifetime stop at the qi cultivation round, can only little by little to watch their own life expectancy continues to become less and less.

  Under the comparison of the two, it can be seen that the word "Foundation Establishment", for the change of life, exactly how huge.


  That is inevitable.

  If you say you don't envy, I'm afraid it's just self-deception.

  In Lin Cong's envious gaze, He Song's expression did not change, but in his heart, he also sighed.

  This matter was finalized decades ago.

  It was too late to think about it now.

  He Song then changed the topic, not wanting to say anything more to Lin Cong on this matter.

  Instead, he changed the topic to where Lin Cong and his family would go.

  According to what Lin Cong had said.

  He would be taking his family to the mundane world in a few days, away from the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop.

  In this way, it would be possible to maximize the protection of his descendants.   

  This was something that He Song naturally understood, and at the same time, he also strongly agreed with Lin Cong's idea.

  It didn't matter what Lin Cong would leave behind for his descendants, or what Lin Cong would do for his descendants before he died.

  He Song didn't care.

  The things that Lin Cong did and left behind were just things that were not that far off from other cultivators.

  There were many cultivators in the world, and the number of cultivators like Lin Cong who had left behind descendants was even greater.

  Naturally, whether or not the descendants of Lin Cong's lineage would be able to set foot in the Immortal Cultivation world again, He Song didn't hold out much hope.

  In the world of mortals, it was common for heirs to become extinct.

  This is something that Lin Cong himself must be aware of.

  And He Song.

  He Song is only familiar with Lin Cong, and this is only the first time he has met his descendants.

  What's more, Lin Cong's descendants are all mortals, and there is no one who attracts He Song's attention.

  In this way, when He Song left and Lin Cong died, the fate of these people will have nothing to do with He Song.

  As for whether Lin Cong's descendants will rise again with the jade slip that He Song sent out, I am afraid no one knows.

  I'm afraid no one knows.

  Even He Song, when he sent out that piece of Transmission Jade Slip, he only wanted to let Lin Cong's heart save a hope.

  After coming here to send Lin Cong off, he would rush back to Tianquan Immortal City and continue his closed-door cultivation, striving to have his cultivation break through to the late Foundation Establishment stage as soon as possible.

  In this matter, Lin Cong naturally knew it all too well.

  This was also the reason why Lin Cong did not open his mouth and let He Song take care of his descendants.

  After all, He Song was only familiar with him.

  His descendants had never met him.

  It was already very good that a Foundation Establishment real person could come to see Lin Cong before he died and send a gift that might allow his descendants to embark on the path of Immortality again.

  If he asked for more, Lin Cong would not even think about it.

  He wasn't a person who gave an inch.

  In order to repay the favor, he even told He Song about the hidden place that he had searched for a long time without being able to find anything.

  In order to do so, he still wanted to return this favor.

  In the end.

  Although Lin Cong was already dying, he was still very measured.

  He knew what things could be done and what things could not be done.

  The next time, the two continue to sit and sip tea, but between the words, but more a trace of relaxation.

  Just like decades ago, when the two of them drank freely in the Osmanthus House.

  Several days later.

  When Lin Cong brought his family out of the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop, He Song also took this opportunity to bid farewell to him outside the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop.

  He Song was not worried about Lin Cong and his family's whereabouts.

  With Lin Cong's current strength of qi cultivation, not to mention in the mundane kingdom, even in this Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop, I'm afraid that there are not many people who can pose a threat to him.

  Even if Lin Cong was now dying of old age.

  But He Song had never forgotten that when he first met Lin Cong, the origin of that pugnacious aura on Lin Cong's body.

  Lin Cong was a loose cultivator, and if a loose cultivator wanted to successfully cultivate to the great circle of qi cultivation, he must have come out from a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood.

  A cultivator from the mountain of blood out of the sea of blood, ordinary cultivators if you dare to mess with, I'm afraid that in a moment will be divided into winners and losers.

  Perhaps, Lin Cong would have another human life in his hands.

  Instead of worrying about the safety of Lin Cong and his family, it would be better to worry about the safety of those robbing cultivators.

  With such thoughts flashing through his mind, after bidding farewell to Lin Cong, He Song moved his body and performed the Lianshan Royal Wind Technique to turn around and leave.

  Only after he could no longer see where the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop was located, nor could he see the figures of Lin Cong and the others.

  Only then did He Song stop in a hidden corner.

  From his storage pouch, he took out the map that Lin Cong had handed over to him a few days ago.

  There might be something fishy in that valley recorded on this map.

  After several days of pondering, He Song finally decided that he would go and test the waters before leaving this place.

  Of course.

  It was only a test.

  If you want He Song to disregard his own safety and personally go to that region to search for the chance that does not know whether it exists or not, it is not realistic.

  The valley recorded on the map was only a hundred miles away from the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop.

  Therefore, after determining the location of the valley, He Song immediately began his actions.

  First, He Song enveloped his divine sense in the surroundings and searched around the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Place for a long time.

  It was only after several days that he finally, by chance, allowed him to seek out the presence of an evil cultivator.

  Since He Song had been using his Divine Sense to cover the surroundings for several days, he was constantly sensing the various movements of the surrounding cultivators.

  Therefore, within the range of He Song's divine sense, an area of seven to eight miles in circumference was all under He Song's observation.

  Under the cover of divine sense, everyone in such a large area could not escape He Song's divine sense probing.

  Of course, in order not to cause others to be wary, He Song didn't directly use his divine sense to probe, but rather used his divine sense to sense the surrounding area for the purpose of monitoring others.

  According to He Song's experience of living in the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop for a long time.

  Around the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop, there were definitely evil cultivators.

  And what He Song is looking for now is the evil cultivator.

  After a few days of searching, the Emperor's Heaven was not disappointed, He Song finally, today, found an evil cultivator.

  (End of chapter)