
Immortal Life in a Cultivation World

Transmigrated to the Cultivation World. Initially, I thought I would have to fight those fierce cultivators to the death, struggling for the slim chance of obtaining immortality. Unexpectedly, I came equipped with an endless-lifespan panel. What should I do now that I've suddenly become ageless? "Countless living beings fight each other to the death in order to become immortal." "That's because their lifespans are limited, if they don't fight, they'll die!" "But I'm different." "If I go and fight, that's when I'll really die." "As long as I can endure and slowly cultivate, one day I'll become an immortal." This is a story of an everlasting being who endures his way to immortality in the Cultivation World.

Aiden_Cleary · Fantasy
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323 Chs


 Chapter 286 - Where the Opportunity Lies

  According to He Song's speculation, Lin Cong was afraid that he was still reluctant and wanted to find a person with spiritual roots from among his own descendants and personally escort him.

  In order to be able to step on top of the foundation, for the children and grandchildren to fight for a future.

  Unfortunately, in the end, day and night hope, but also only hope for an empty.

  Starting with Lin Cong.

  Among his children and grandchildren, there has not even been a person with a spiritual root.

  Under no choice but to take advantage of the situation that he still has a few years to live, ready to move the family, to go to the mundane, in order to protect the family business.

  Otherwise, continue to stay in this Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop, no cultivator protection, I am afraid that the danger of extinction of the family in the twinkling of an eye.

  Now, in this old age and then see the face with the previous completely the same self.

  I'm afraid it's impossible to say that I'm not envious.

  Time flies.

  Back then, that formidable young man, has also been dying.

  And the spirit plant husband who was originally beside him has not changed at all.

  In such a comparison, Lin Cong also only had slightly reddened eyes, which could already be considered tough-minded.

  If it was someone else who didn't have a very good mindset.

  I'm afraid that emotions would have gone out of control on the spot.

  In the face of this situation, He Song sighed in his heart, and had some feelings for his good friend from decades ago.

  After sighing in his heart, He Song did not slow down and also slightly arched his hand towards him.

  Only after that did he say.

  "I wanted to close the door, but just when I was about to close the door, the sound transmission paper crane fell from the sky."

  "It was only when I took a look that I realized it was an invitation from a fellow Daoist."

  "You and I know each other so far, I'm afraid it has been nearly a hundred years."

  "Now that you've been invited here, how could I not come."

  "It's just that . The preciousness of the Life Extension Pill is really unimaginable, I have searched the entire Immortal City, but I have not been able to find a Life Extension Pill for you."


  The things done for his friend, although not done, but this heart, He Song think still need to convey in place.

  Saying so, it was also good to let Lin Cong know that he had already made an effort for him, and it wasn't that he didn't want to help him.

  Being in the Immortal Cultivation World, how could Lin Cong not have heard of the Life Extension Dan.

  However, he thought that after hearing He Song say this, he would understand what He Song was doing.

  How precious was the Life Extension Pill that could be taken at the Qi Practicing Stage.

  I'm sure that Lin Cong, who was at the Qi Practicing Stage, was more aware of it than He Song.

  It was normal to not be able to find it.


  With He Song's words, Lin Cong would also be able to understand He Song's feelings and would not be able to harbor resentment towards him before his death.

  With these words, He Song had already done his best.

  After letting out a sigh, He Song obediently took out the jade slip he had made earlier from his storage bag.

  "However, even though I didn't find the Life Extension Pill, I have brought something else for Brother Lin."

  "This is a Transmission Jade Slip, which contains a technique that can successfully draw Qi into the body as long as one has a Spiritual Root, as well as a Broken Puppet Technique."

  "It was made by my own hands."

  "It will be given to Brother Lin as a gift."

  "I hope that Brother Lin will allow his descendants to take good care of it."

  "If in the future, Brother Lin's descendants have spiritual roots, they will also be able to use this Transmission Jade Slip to set foot in the Immortal Cultivation Realm once again."

  He Song did not change how he had addressed Lin Cong in the beginning.

  A good friend was about to die, so he naturally couldn't put on any airs.

  Placing the unobtrusive jade slip in his hand into Lin Cong's hand, He Song said, and then saw the Lin Cong in front of him look shocked.

  Originally, when he heard He Song say that he had searched through the entire Immortal City without finding a Life Extension Pill for him, Lin Cong, who was at a loss as to what to do, was shocked.

  When he heard that He Song had specially created a power transmission jade slip, wanting his descendant to set foot in the Immortal Cultivation Realm again, the expression on his face also changed.

  His eyes looked towards He Song in front of him.

  Lin Cong then lowered his head again and looked at the unobtrusive jade slip in his hand.

  He then raised his head again to look at He Song, whose face remained unchanged.

  After repeating this several times, Lin Cong opened his mouth.

  But in the end, nothing came out.

  Only when he looked at He Song again, he nodded fiercely, and with slightly trembling hands, he put the jade slip in his hand into his storage bag.

  After that, a smile was raised on his face.

  Pulling up He Song's hand, he led He Song with a big stride, towards his home.

  Just don't know when.

  A few drops of water fell on the ground, raising a trace of dust.

  Then it returned to silence.


  Lin Cong and He Song's figures stepped into a courtyard one after the other.

  Within the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop, all late stage Qi Practitioner cultivators would be assigned a courtyard to live in and cultivate.

  Now that Lin Cong's cultivation level was at the Great Perfection of Qi Practicing, his compound was naturally near the inner circle of the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop.

  The courtyards near the inner circle were larger than the average courtyards.

  However, since Lin Cong had married and had a family after he came here, there were quite a few people in the courtyard.

  After entering the courtyard with He Song, Lin Cong quickly introduced He Song.

  Lin Cong had three wives.

  All of them were mortals.   

  These three wives had given birth to a total of six heirs for him.

  His six heirs, in turn, each took wives and had children.

  Those grandchildren of his were now at the point where they were about to marry and have children as well.

  Today, under Lin Cong, there were already dozens of children and grandchildren.

  Dozens of people crowded into this compound, and although the compound was large enough, it seemed quite crowded.

  However, from He Song's point of view, this place was quite popular.

  However, if it wasn't for Lin Cong's presence here, this large family wouldn't be able to survive in this Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop.

  And this, perhaps, was also the reason why Lin Cong, in his message with He Song, had talked about leaving the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop with the people of his family.

  Lin Cong also knew that after he died, these descendants of his would have no cultivator to shelter them.

  If they didn't leave, they were afraid that it would be difficult to survive in the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Place.

  When the people in Lin Cong's family saw He Song, who was dressed in black robes and entered the courtyard with Lin Cong, they soon performed the salute of juniors towards He Song under Lin Cong's gesture.

  Seeing this, He Song also casually gave some meeting gifts.

  It was just a few spirit stones.

  He Song hadn't put it on his mind.

  After meeting all of Lin Cong's family members, Lin Cong immediately decided to host a banquet at home to celebrate He Song's arrival.

  In this way.

  For the next few days, He Song spent time in Lin Cong's courtyard.

  During this period of time, nothing major happened, and even less people who didn't know what to do came to look for trouble.

  Until several days later.


  Lin Cong and He Song were sitting on top of the attic in the courtyard sipping tea.

  "In a few more days, I will have to take these family members and go to live among the mortals."

  "But this time, I don't know when my uncontested descendants will be able to return here again."

  "Fellow Daoist's high righteousness, that power transmission jade slip has truly solved the pain in my heart."

  "Unfortunately, I think that after this farewell, you and I are afraid that we will never see each other again."

  Gazing fixedly at He Song, Lin Cong said, the twilight in his gaze, but how could he not hide it.

  Now, he was about to turn one hundred and twenty years old.

  Mortal life, sixty would have been considered a fluke of luck.

  The early stage of practicing qi, get life eighty.

  The middle stage of qi cultivation, life expectancy of one hundred.

  Late-stage Qi Practitioner, one hundred and twenty years of life.

  Now, Lin Cong was only a few years away from the life expectancy of one hundred and twenty years.

  A few years passed in the blink of an eye, and Lin Cong was able to fulfill a great regret in his heart at this moment, but it also made him extremely grateful to He Song at this moment.

  When he had first made friends with He Song, he had really made the right choice.

  When they were still in the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop, He Song had saved his life with a piece of news.

  Now, when he was about to pass away, He Song came from afar to fulfill a great regret in his heart.

  In these two incidents, He Song had never sought to return the favor.

  With such a favor, Lin Cong naturally remembered it.

  "I wonder friend, is there a way to prevent others from eavesdropping?"

  "There are some things that I want to inform you, fellow Daoist."

  Sweeping his eyes over the surroundings, Lin Cong seemed to have made a certain decision in his mind and asked in a low voice.

  Seeing this, He Song's heart stirred.

  Could it be that Lin Cong had some secret to inform himself?

  However, he was a Qi Practicing Stage small cultivator, even if he really had any secrets.

  It shouldn't be of much use to himself, a Foundation Establishment real person, right?

  Such thoughts flashed through his mind, and after thinking about it, He Song finally decided to listen first.

  After making the decision, He Song explored his divine sense and enveloped the surrounding area of tens of meters under his divine sense.

  With He Song's divine sense covering the area, there was no need to worry about anyone being able to overhear the conversation between the two.

  Only after all this was done did He Song nod his head, signaling that Lin Cong could continue speaking.

  There was no movement from He Song.

  But seeing that He Song had nodded his head, Lin Cong, although he had doubts in his heart, also believed that He Song would not swindle himself.

  At the same time, it also occurred to him that He Song's cultivation now had already built the foundation, and it was normal for him not to understand the foundation building means.

  Therefore, after seeing He Song nod his head in a gesture, Lin Cong spoke directly.

  "In the beginning, thanks to the information from fellow Daoist, I was lucky enough to escape from the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop and not die in that great calamity of the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop."

  "After that, I went to the middle of Qingguan Immortal City and took root in it until I failed to build my foundation before returning here again."

  "But in fact, after leaving the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop in the first place, my subordinate did not head towards the Qingguan Immortal City in the first place."

  "At that time, I had just broken through the middle stage of Qi cultivation, and I hadn't even had time to fully consolidate my cultivation before I was told by fellow Daoist to leave the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop immediately."

  "As a last resort, after leaving the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop, I traveled all the way east, and after realizing that I was already hundreds of miles away from the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Workshop, I drilled into a valley."

  "After consolidating my cultivation in that valley, I continued on my way to Qingguan Immortal City."

  "When I first consolidated my cultivation, I didn't feel anything, but when I thought about it carefully, I realized that there was something vaguely wrong with that valley."

  "However, when I subsequently went to investigate after my cultivation had reached the Great Perfection of Qi Practicing, I never found out anything, which is really a strange thing."

  "Subsequently, I occasionally went to explore some, but I was never able to find out anything."

  "Alas, perhaps it is because of my shallow cultivation that I have no chance to see the truth."

  "But if you, Taoist friend, have the heart, you can go there and take a look."

  (End of chapter)