
Immersion :- Darkness Seeks Light

Void - An Existence Born to Plunge Everything in to Total Nothingness This is the Story of a Child, Who Will Become the Personification of Evil Abomination. The Deviant Who no Entity was able to Foresee the Incarnation Off. Let the Chaos that Brought All Material into Existence Commence. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planet Earth - The Birth Place of Science This is How the Universe Perceives the Couldn't be more Ordinary Black Star-Among the Endless Stars Yes, Because of an Unknown Phenomenal that happened 7,000 years ago, the Mesmerizing Blue tint of Earth turned Pitch Black. But That aside, Now in the Present - An Utter Silence Decended in the Ever-Changing Universe, Making Everyone feel as if the Void itself Camouflaged Materialization of Theory. Unbeknownst to All Life forms, Something that shouldn't have Existed had been Birthed into Realization. Not even Knowing that the Coloress of Myriad Possibilities will soon Faded into Nill. Watch as 'IT' Make it's Accession in the Realm of Understanding.

Negative_Contrast · Kỳ huyễn
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57 Chs

4•1 : Taboos

The one who appeared at the entrance was the platinum lady - Sarah Pristine

Seeing her mom appear, Sora came out of her daze and instantly shot back to make distance from Void. Leaving to only see him shrug his shoulders as if nothing happened & returned to his seat at the desk.

Which angered her at seeing his indeference to the earlier scenario. 

She suffered yet another defeat in their verbal sarcasm, which only irritated her more. 

Seeing her mom walking towards them, Sora used the opportunity to make her protests. 

(Mom! Did you see how onii-chan sneaked into the library without your constant, and he even tried to shut me up using coercion). 

Sora complained with her sweet voice, while jumping into her mother's embrace. 

Clutching her sleeves with tears in her eyes. 

(My precious! You misunderstood, I am the one who told him to learn about the outside world since he is old enough) . 

Her mom admonished her complaint with helplessness in her voice, as if she is already used to this arguments. 


(No, buts) 

While they were talking? Void watched them with interest before chiming his own protest. 

(Unlike you, I'm not bored enough to entangle myself in adult matters) 

(What did you say?) 

Sora's eyes sharpened, piercing into void. 

("Scoff"..Can't you understand the simple inclination of 'A child like you shouldn't interfere in adults like us') 

Void mercilessly disdained her grievance, not even taking his own age into account. 

As for 'Sarah', she speechlessly watched their verbal argument start again. With a sigh, she reached out toward Sora to stop their escalating {Sarcastic Battle}.

(Alright, alright! Enough is enough, anymore and I will be forced to take drastic measures - Got it!) 

 Wilth Sarah's voice turning cold from gentle. Both of them felt chills down their back and have no choice but gave in, otherwise something 'scary' might happen. 

(Now then, Void! Didn't you imply something about doing adult work. Show me the result of your accumulated knowledge uptill now. Otherwise°) 

While saying that, Sarah's smiling but no one in their right mind would think that's a smile. 

Even Sora left her embrace because of her palpable aura. 

Of course, not before shooting a gaze of schadenfreude towards void. 

[So scary! 

As for you little sister, aren't you rejoicing too soon? ].

Void cursed in his mind, while not forgetting to shot a dark glare towards Sora. 

But of course! on the outside, he put on a cute smile as if finally admitting his childish age. 

(Of course aunt, in such a short time - I was able to gloss over both info about material code & basic history.) 

(Oh! Being able to cover two important books in a an hour is indeed quite exceptional. 

So, do you have any questions?) 

(Yes! I have a lot of questions? But of course I know better than to divulge into 'Taboo Secrets'). 

(My prince truly's a understanding child to know his limits. But void, you do know why taboos are deemed 'Taboo' right?) 

To Sarah's inquiry, Void nodded. 

Of course, it's common sense to not probe into secrets that are only available in {Material Immersion} en route in reality. Otherwise, the code particles in the air might unleash a backlash upon

your being, that may not be in your favor. In worst cases - there's a possibility to get infected by {Virus} that may potentially devastate your mind and leave you in retardedness. 

This is to ensure unrelated beings wouldn't get involved in the struggles of {Material Immersion}.

Not only that, Those who aren't attuend to code theorization might die on the spot. 

Taboos are the correlation of realm-encompassing

mysteries. Tapping into them was no different from touching upon {Karmic Data} - which might elude the {Destiny Course} of a person or even a 


Especially, since its substantial impact on {Material Immersion}'s convolutions. Essentially implicating Eons of Cosmic Tragedies and Ancients. 

To obtain the qualifications to even pertain in this confidentiality, one has to have affinity to material code. Which can only be accessible to potential {Ability Users} - who were compelled to interwoven in the fabrics of {Material Immersion}.

(Taboos are forbidden to even speak of before the formulation of your own {Source} , which is the essence of one's uniqueness and biologicality. 

Consequently, As individuals attempting to process the frequency of {Data} or Seeking to connect one's self to material code without their initiation of {Source} are courting death). 

Void clarified his thoughts on the subject. 

(Approximately yes, without interlinking yourself

 with the {System of Material immersion} - Hazardously trying to overreach oneself will only spell in their doom. Albeit, there's exceptions to everything. So don't go fixating on one certainty). 

Sarah impressed by the child's notion of contemplation over such deep subtleties. 

Corrected his stance on the matter. Ultimately, reaching the main point of her sudden intervention. 

(Informally, since you're aware of the primary inclinations of {Taboos}.

Let's proceed to the crucial topic. 

So, what are your queries on the subject of {Metamorphical Cognition}?) 


While they were immersed in the insight of knowledge , 

Sora watched them with bewilderment, only partially comprehending the depth of wisdom. 

Meanwhile, void re-processed the accumulated knowledge one more time. 

Stemming the pivotal questions to ask. 

(Tell me more about the interlines of {Material Immersion}~~...