
Blackwell Academy

If someone had told me a week ago that I'd be attending an elite school for the rich and spoiled; I'd laugh in your face and tell you to fuck off. Which is exactly what I did when an old bat for a woman stopped by my dad's house last Monday, claiming to be my grandmother. Of course, my dad didn't believe her— thought she was some fan of his trying to get close. She slapped him for his rude behavior before responding in an equally condescending tone. They were both so loud, I could hear them from the kitchen. I eventually got involved and suddenly the old lady starts demanding things from the both of us. I argued with her of course and as a result of winning a losing battle, ended up in front of the iron gates of Blackwell Academy. Dressed in my absolute best but knowing it wasn't good enough.

"Move out of the way freshie!" Some jerk yelled behind me. Turning around, I saw a pretty handsome guy with short blond hair, blue eyes and a little shorter than me; he looked like the poster-kid for American stereotypes. Worst part, he was a jock: no brains and all brawn. He was walking like he owned the place. His stride slow and relaxed as he neared the gates.

"Whatever." I commented, moving out of his path. Before he completely walked past though, he stopped to look at me. Meeting his gaze, blue against green, "What?"

"Have we met before?"

"No," I replied, adjusting my shoulder bag. "I'm new."

The jock just stood there, a hand under his chin in thought. "You look familiar though…are you famous?"

"No—" I hesitated, then thought better of it, "but my dad is. Teryion Grace, the famous skateboarder."

The guy looked incredulous, as if he touched a bug zapper.

"For real? A skateboarder?" He asked.

At first, I thought maybe the guy was a fan, but then he started laughing like a maniac. What the hell was wrong with him? Placing a hand on his shoulder, "Are you ok—"

Without warning, he slapped my hand away, his laughter dying. "Don't touch me loser." Pulling my hand back, he continued. "I thought maybe you were the son of a banker or something, but a skateboard pro…" Covering his face as if ashamed of me, "pathetic."

Right then and there, I wanted to deck him. Knock some sense into that thick skull of his, but as I was contemplating it, a girl appeared out of nowhere. About average height with a lean build, brunette curls that touched her shoulders and eyes dark like mahogany; she looked back and forth between me and the jerk. Settling her gaze on him, "What did you do this time Adrian Hawthorn?"

"Nothing, just having a little talk Kassandra." Putting an arm around the girl's shoulder, he leaned in closer to whisper into her ear. "Why baby? You worried?"

Clearly disgusted, Kassandra removes his arm and before Adrian notices, flashes a brilliant smile. "Not about you of course, but the new guy." Her gaze then turns to me, "Sorry about him, he can be such a pain."

Feeling the heat rise to my cheeks, "No worries."

Smiling still, "I'm Kassandra Yew, but you can call me Kassie." Offering her hand, I take it.

"Hi, I'm William Grace, but you can call me Will."

"Alright Will, it's nice meeting you, but not to be rude, Adrian and I have morning classes. Since you're new, just head to the announcement board in front of the main entrance and you'll find the campus map. There you'll see where the administration building is. Good luck and hope we can meet again soon." With a mischievous wink, Kassie pulls Adrian through the school gate and towards the academy.

Exhausted already from dealing with eccentric people, I trudge through the gates of my new life and straight into my new living hell.