
My Rival

Let me tell you, I'm good at directions, honestly. I looked at the map, saw where I was and where the administrative building should be. Yet somehow, I ended up by a large domed structure that was pretty far from the main building and across the street, to boot. Slightly curious though, I go through the main doors. Inside, I see a couple of ticket booths both sitting empty. I continue right on through and after passing several corridors, found myself inside the biggest ice rink I've ever seen. With stands surrounding at least a sixty-by-thirty meters rink and a domed ceiling almost equally as high, I stared in awe. It was huge!

Striding down the aisle nearest me, I settle into one of the chairs. The place was quiet and feeling tired, the idea of a nap was enticing. Closing my eyes, I immediately drifted off…

"Hey, wake up." A voice whispers, somewhere close to me.

"Why?" I mumble, irritated that someone was disturbing me. New school, new life; it seemed to suck everything out of you. Why not get some rest to recuperate?

"Because—" The speaker paused. "You're not supposed to be here yet. Orientation starts in thirty minutes."

Groaning, "Fine." I tell them. Sitting up from my leaning position, I open my eyes and am startled by a beauty. Better-looking than even that jock Adrian, was a man about my age— twenty perhaps-or older—with long jet black hair that was tied into intricate braids and piercing hazel eyes. Compared to myself, we were actually quite similar. Both of us were lean yet muscular, about the same height and maybe even weighed the same. The main difference was my pasty skin and platinum blond hair versus his own warm toned skin and silken hair. From what I could see under his black t-shirt, he also had a tribal tattoo that circled around his right bicep.

"Um…" The man looks at me, then averts his eyes. "Sorry for waking you. It's just that the first half of orientation has ended and everyone will be heading here soon. If you could, would you move to at least the twelfth seat on your left?"

Recovering from the shock of his natural beauty and the slight pitter-patter of my heart, I look down the row and count out twelve. "Sure." I told him. Getting out of the chair, I almost fall over like a drunk from the numbness in my legs. Luckily, the stranger catches me and helps carry me down the row. "Thanks for the help," I tell him, "I'm William by the way. William Grace. I'm new here, so sorry if I broke any rules."

The guy smiles then sits down in the seat next to mine. "Nice to meet you William. I'm Dakotah Blackwell."