
I Will Restore Balance To This Other World With My Cheat Skill

In a realm on the brink of chaos, Mark faces an unexpected turn after his untimely demise. Granted a second chance by the enigmatic deity Izanami Sol, he gains the ultimate cheat skill a formidable advantage in a world ruled by magic. However, Mark's newfound power comes with a daunting task: restore balance by defeating the Great Fallen Angel Kamiel, whose malevolence threatens to plunge the world into darkness. As Mark embarks on his perilous quest, he must navigate treacherous landscapes, forge alliances, and confront his own demons.

Greyhawke · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 7

I woke up to a loud thud and something soft and furry on my face. Opening my eyes, I saw a squirrel sitting on my chest, staring at me like I was a complete idiot. "Ugh, seriously?" I mumbled, swiping at the squirrel. The little critter squeaked indignantly and ran off, leaving me to deal with the aftermath.

"Nice to see you're up," Kai said, chuckling as he rolled up his sleeping bag. "You were drooling all over the place. Pretty gross, man."

I wiped my face and groaned. "Perfect. As if my morning couldn't get any worse." My mind wandered back to Hernowa's visit and her ominous warning. Whoever was watching us, I had a feeling we were in for more trouble.

"Good morning," Eryndor greeted, looking way too chipper for someone who had just recently become human. "Are we ready to head to town?"

"Yeah, and let's hope today involves fewer drool incidents," I muttered, still trying to shake off the awkward start to the day. 

But right now, all I wanted was to explore a town in this world. Between all the training and chaos, I hadn't even gotten a chance to figure out my powers or really see what this place was like. Kai must have felt bad for keeping me cooped up, so he decided to take me and Eryndor to town as our tour guide.

Before we could leave, I had to ask, "Uh, Kai... buddy... how far away is this town? Because walking is not it for me right now."

Kai looked at me with a smirk and delivered the most savage line I've ever heard. "Mark... I like you... but maybe some exercise would be good right now for someone who looks like a poor malnourished specimen that's somehow looking viler than an undead skeleton."

Eryndor gasped dramatically, "Oh dear."

If looks could kill, Kai would be toast. But I decided to let it slide. I took a deep breath and said, "Okay, was not expecting violence, but since I look like a vile undead skeleton in the mornings, why don't we fix that?"

With some experimenting and my summoner powers, I could create outfits I liked, enhanced with a bit of magic. In an instant, I transformed my morning shorts into an adventurer's outfit, with sleek black and gold designs that were both stylish and functional.

"How do you like that, Kai?" I asked, striking a pose.

Eryndor added with a grin, "Oh Kai, you better eat your words."

Kai rolled his eyes and turned around. "Oh, shut up and get ready."

As we started walking, I noticed Eryndor trying to adjust to his new human form. He kept stumbling over small rocks and roots. I couldn't help but chuckle. "Hey Eryndor, you doing okay there? You look like a newborn deer."

Eryndor gave me a sheepish smile. "I'm not used to these... limbs yet. It feels so strange to walk on two legs."

Kai, ever the practical one, handed Eryndor a sturdy branch to use as a walking stick. "Here, use this. It'll help with balance until you get the hang of it."

"Thanks, Kai," Eryndor said, accepting the makeshift staff. "You know, for a guy who throws around insults like they're candy, you can be pretty helpful."

Kai shrugged, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Don't get used to it. I'm only doing this because we need to get to town without you face-planting every five minutes."

As we continued our journey, I couldn't help but feel a bit excited. This was the first real step into the world beyond our little forest. Plus, it was hilarious watching Eryndor try to navigate with his new human body. Every few steps, he'd stumble, catch himself, and give us a sheepish grin.

"So, Kai," I began, trying to make conversation, "what's this town like? Any cool spots we should check out?"

Kai thought for a moment. "Well, there's the local guild, which is a good place to start. You'll need to register if you want to take on any quests or jobs. There's also a market where you can find just about anything. And if you're looking for a place to rest, the inn's got pretty good food."

"Sounds like a plan," I said, already imagining the different places we could explore. "Maybe we'll even find someone who can help us understand my powers better."

"That's the spirit," Eryndor said, finally managing a few steps without tripping. "Who knows what kind of adventures await us?"

Kai just shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "Let's just hope we can make it there without any more incidents."

We walked on, laughter and banter filling the air. It was safe to say we had a third friend in our little group. The funny thing is, this is usually the part of the story where we stumble upon a town or ask questions and explore, but that's a later thing, I guess. Maybe we'll probably find some kind of guild. Who knows what this journey has in store for us?

So the trip wasn't that long—like 30 minutes. Kai could have just said the town was close, but no, he had to destroy me with that comment. But I digress. We finally arrived!

"Guys, welcome to MoonShadow, the town under the protection of the Goddess of the Moon and Stars," Kai said with excitement in his voice.

We continued down the main street, eyes wide with wonder. MoonShadow was bustling with activity. There were colorful shops lining the streets, each one more interesting than the last. Vendors called out, selling everything from fresh produce to mysterious trinkets. The smell of freshly baked bread and spices filled the air.

"Wow, this place is amazing," Eryndor said, his eyes sparkling. "I've never seen anything like it."

"I know, right?" I replied, equally impressed. "It's so lively. And look at that shop over there—it's selling enchanted weapons!"

We wandered into a shop that caught my eye. The sign read "Mystic Emporium." Inside, shelves were packed with magical items: potions, scrolls, and glowing crystals. A kindly old woman behind the counter greeted us.

"Welcome, travelers! Feel free to look around."

I picked up a small vial filled with shimmering blue liquid. "Hey, Kai, what do you think this does?"

"Probably a mana potion," Kai said, glancing at it. "Good for restoring energy when you're low on magic."

Eryndor was fascinated by a display of enchanted jewelry. "Look at this necklace, Mark. It says it can boost your magical abilities."

"That could be useful," I said, nodding. "But we should save our money for now."

We thanked the shopkeeper and stepped back outside, continuing our exploration. We passed a bakery with the most delicious-looking pastries in the window.

"Eryndor, check out those cakes," I said, pointing. "We have to come back here later."

"Definitely," Eryndor agreed, licking his lips.

As we made our way through the market, we heard a commotion up ahead. A group of rough-looking guys was harassing a street vendor.

"Hey, leave him alone!" I shouted before I even realized what I was doing.

The leader of the group turned to us, sneering. "And who are you supposed to be, kid?"

"Just someone who doesn't like bullies," I shot back, feeling a surge of bravery—or maybe stupidity.

Kai stepped forward, his expression serious. "We're not looking for trouble, but we won't stand by and let you harass innocent people."

The rogue adventurers laughed, clearly not taking us seriously. "Oh, really? And what are you gonna do about it?"

Eryndor, still getting used to his human form, stepped up beside us. "We don't want any trouble, but we're not afraid to fight if we have to."

The tension was thick, but I could feel the support from Kai and Eryndor beside me. It was clear we were in this together.

"Listen," I said, trying to keep my voice steady, "why don't you just move along and we can all go about our day?"

The leader's sneer turned into a snarl. "I don't think so. Let's teach these kids a lesson."

As they started to advance, I prepared myself for a fight, feeling the magic pulsing within me. This wasn't how I imagined our day in town would go, but hey, at least it wasn't boring.

AVA chimed in with some valuable info about our adversary. "Info: That adventurer is known as Jarvis Silvergrayn, an A* ranked adventurer, the highest-rated adventurer in Moonshadow."

From my knowledge of manga and anime, A* ranked adventurers are pretty strong but a step below S ranked, so he's no joke. "Notice: He may be a high-ranked adventurer, but his stats are significantly lower than yours or any of your allies," AVA added.

I cracked a smirk, looking at Jarvis and his gang. "What are you smiling at?" Jarvis growled, noticing my menacing smile. I patted Kai and Eyrn on their backs and walked forward to confront Jarvis.

"You know, for someone who looks tough, acts tough, and, oh? An A* ranked adventurer, you ain't actually all that. You're kinda weak," I taunted, watching as Jarvis turned red with anger.

"Do you want me to send you to the afterlife, kid!? Because you're cutting it a bit," Jarvis snapped, his followers holding him back to try and restrain him.

I stood my ground, unfazed by his threats. "Nah, I'm good. But if you wanna throw down, I'm more than ready," I said confidently, feeling a surge of adrenaline coursing through me. Kai and Eyrn stood beside me, ready to back me up if things got messy. It was time to show Jarvis and his gang that we weren't ones to be messed with.

"Men! Attack the two guys in the back, this brat is all mine!" Jarvis barked, signaling his cronies to go after Kai and Eryn.

Normally, I'd be worried if my friends were getting ganged up on, but not today. A bunch of mid-level adventurers against a Kitsune and a human with Dryad powers? Yeah, those guys were toast. My focus was all on Jarvis. Time to show this guy what happens when you mess with us.

"You're making a big mistake, Jarvis," I said, cracking my knuckles and stepping forward. "But if you wanna throw down, let's throw down."

Kai and Eryn were handling themselves just fine. Kai's movements were a blur, tails whipping around like some kind of crazy martial arts movie. He was dodging attacks left and right, making the goons look like amateurs. Eryn had summoned vines from the ground, tying up the attackers like a scene from a fantasy novel.

"Looks like your friends are having a tough time back there," I taunted, keeping my eyes locked on Jarvis.

Jarvis's face contorted with anger as he lunged at me, swinging his sword like a madman. I sidestepped, feeling the rush of air as the blade missed me by inches. "Is that all you got?" I mocked, feeling my confidence surge.

Jarvis snarled and came at me again, but this time I was ready. Channeling my power, I felt the golden flames ignite in my hand. I struck back with a flaming punch that sent Jarvis reeling.

"What's the matter, Jarvis? Not used to someone who can actually fight back?" I said, grinning from ear to ear.

Jarvis struggled to stay on his feet, his eyes wide with a mix of shock and rage. "You'll regret this, kid!" he spat, but I could see the fear creeping in.

"Sorry, Jarvis, but it looks like you're the one who's out of your league," I replied, ready to end this fight once and for all.

"SWORD MASTERY!! 3 SLASH STRIKE 30% POWER!" Jarvis bellowed, his sword glowing with an intense yellow energy as he lunged at me with blinding speed. "Activating skill: Force Field, 180% potency," AVA chimed in. Before I could even react, a radiant barrier of golden light formed around me. Jarvis's sword clashed against the barrier and instantly shattered into countless pieces. He backflipped away, landing with a look of utter disbelief. "What the f..."

Time seemed to slow to a crawl. My senses heightened beyond comprehension. "Skill: Three Slash Strike acquired," AVA's voice echoed in my mind. I felt invincible, ready to take on anything. Using my summoner power, I conjured a sword made of pure golden energy, locking my gaze on Jarvis.

"Fortuna's Grace: Outcome, 100% Accuracy, Strike: True, Undodgable," AVA narrated. I shot out of my barrier like a lightning bolt, golden flames blazing in my eyes. Instinctively, I shouted, "SWORD MASTERY!! 3 SLASH STRIKE 130%!" Even though I declared three slashes, it felt like a single, perfect strike. I felt like an absolute legend. But I wasn't here to kill; instead, I obliterated all of his clothes and gear, leaving him in utter humiliation.

Jarvis stood there, naked and bewildered, as his followers were either entangled in vines or knocked out cold by Kai. The town folk began to gather, murmuring and whispering about the spectacle they had just witnessed.

Eryn, trying to stifle a laugh, walked over to me. "Well, that was... dramatic."

Kai nodded, a smirk playing on his lips. "I think we've made quite the impression."

Jarvis, still in shock, looked around, desperately trying to cover himself. "This isn't over," he growled, but it was clear his spirit was broken.

I shrugged, dismissing his threat with a wave. "Maybe next time, don't mess with people out of your league."

As we turned to leave, the town folk began to cheer, and a few even came up to thank us. It seemed like our little group was already becoming legendary in MoonShadow. 

Jarvis and his goons hobbled away in pain, their pride shattered, leaving behind a mix of snickers and cheers from the crowd. I won't lie, even though Jarvis is kinda hot,

Despite his looks, Jarvis is now the literal butt of the joke. The crowd erupted with shouts, "He defeated Jarvis!", "He blocked Jarvis's signature move!", "He beat the MoonShadow champion!" The townsfolk seemed ecstatic that I had bested their strongest adventurer. They must've really hated him.

Eryn reveled in the attention, waving grandly at the crowd. "Thank you! Thank you!" He was clearly getting accustomed to his new form.

"Come on, you two!" Kai grabbed our hands and started dragging us away. "It's getting too crowded here."

Side Narrative: An individual in a white robe watched us from the shadows, taking notes and smiling before disappearing into the darkness.

Back to Mark's perspective: Kai pulled us into the adventurers' guild, a bustling hub of activity. I've always dreamed of this isekai moment, and now I finally get to register as an adventurer! We made our way to the front desk and met an incredibly pretty girl. Her hair was like white silver, and her face was as cute as a teenage girl's. At that moment, I knew I had a crush on her.

Suddenly, the girl exclaimed, "Big brother Kai!!"

"Big brother Kai?" Eryn and I said together.

"Guys, this is my sister, Dawn."

Dawn winked at us as she introduced herself. "Yeah! I'm Kai's little sis, the one he seems to forget about!" She playfully punched Kai on the arm.

"Ouch! Hey, I've been busy lately, and it's their fault," Kai said, pointing at us.

I rolled my eyes and pushed Kai aside. "Anyway, my name is Mark, Mark Watanabe! It's a pleasure to meet you." I tried my best charm and winked at her.

"Oh my," she blushed and looked away. Kai's eyes turned blue with fury as he glared at me. Great, an overprotective brother.

Eryn cleared his throat. "My name is Eryndor. Pleasure to meet you, darling." With his accent, he took her hand and kissed it.

"OH MY," Dawn's face turned redder than a tomato.

Kai grabbed Eryn's hand and pulled him into a bear hug. "ANYWAY! We've come to register these two knuckleheads as adventurers," he said to Dawn.

"Oh, well alright!" Dawn pointed to a spherical device next to her. "Place your hand on this orb. It will measure your stats and assign you a starting rank."

"I'll go first," Eryn said, confidently stepping up to the orb. He placed his hand on it, and instantly, the orb illuminated with a bright green light. Energy began to surge, and the whole guild turned their attention to the reception area.

"UHHH," Dawn stuttered, clearly panicking. Suddenly, the orb cracked, and Eryn's status board appeared, floating in mid-air.

Remember when Eryn was a mighty Dryad spirit? Yeah, his status board still shows that power:

Eryndor - Level 50

HP: 3000

MP: 5000

Strength: 450

Agility: 600

Intelligence: 700

Endurance: 500

Magic Affinity: 800

Skills: Nature's Wrath, Spirit Bond, Elemental Mastery, Flora Manipulation

The guild collectively gasped, awestruck by the sheer magnitude of Eryn's stats. Whispers filled the room as everyone marveled at his incredible abilities. It was clear that despite his transformation, Eryn still held a significant portion of his Dryad power.

"Notice: Eryndor is the direct spawn of Hernowa, the Ancient Dryad of Nature. Although becoming human may have made him weaker, his power still far surpasses that of any mere mortal," AVA chimed in.

Yup, that explains it. Damn, I have more respect for him now. Sigh, anyway, the status board displayed his starting rank next, which was very surprising: A*. Dawn was too stunned to speak, her face pale.

"This isn't even the exciting part, sis. Mark," Kai signaled for me to try. How the heck am I supposed to compete with that?

"Notice: Status sensory orb detected, amplifying stats," AVA said. Amplifying stats? Wait, what does that mean?

"Mark! Don't waste time!" Kai grabbed my hand and placed it on the orb. What happened next was, uh, well, chaotic. Almost immediately, a surge of golden light erupted from the orb, shining brightly. It threw everyone back except for us, standing strong. As the energy surged, it displayed stats that not only surpassed Eryn's but did so by a landslide:

Mark Watanabe - Level 15

HP: 3500 +

MP: 7000 +

Strength: 550 +

Agility: 700 +

Intelligence: 800 + 

Endurance: 600 +

Magic Affinity: 4000 +

Skills: Golden Flames, Summoner's Grace, Fortuna's Grace, Force Field, Nature's Will, Sword Mastery, 3 Slash Strike, Healing Light, Mana Shield, Elemental Burst, Spirit Link, Telekinesis, Elemental Manipulation, Arcane Blast, Flight, Enhanced Vision, Lightning Strike, Earthquake, Water Manipulation, Wind Slash, Fireball, Ice Spike, Dark Pulse, Holy Shield, Time Manipulation, Spatial Rift, Gravity Control..............

The entire guild stared in shock and disbelief. Whispers of awe and amazement spread like wildfire. Dawn, regaining her composure, blinked rapidly.

The numbers on my stats board kept increasing, then glitched. It displayed my starting rank before the orb shattered. And as you probably guessed, yes, it's S rank. The guild went silent, and Dawn was stunned.

"Well, I did say it was gonna be exciting," Kai chuckled.

Well, I just made things awkward for myself now, didn't I?

Side narrative:

Jarvis sat in his quarters, fuming. He couldn't believe he had lost to a kid in mere minutes. The great adventurer of Moonshadow, humiliated in front of everyone. He roared in frustration, smashing everything in sight. His men tried to calm him down, but he shoved them away with a snarl.

"Boss, calm down, please!" one of them pleaded.

"Get out of my sight!" Jarvis bellowed, sending a table flying across the room.

As he stood there, seething, a cold, echoing voice filled the room. "You have been put to shame by a mere child adventurer..."

Jarvis froze, looking around wildly. "Who's there?"

The voice continued, "You seek power, do you not? You desire vengeance."

Before he could respond, a surge of purple energy burst from the shadows, engulfing him. Jarvis screamed in pain as the energy coursed through his body, warping and twisting his form. His eyes glowed with a sinister light as he fell to his knees, trembling.

His men watched in horror as their leader was consumed by the dark energy. The room fell silent, save for Jarvis's ragged breathing. When he finally stood, a malevolent grin spread across his face.

"Now," the voice whispered, "go and reclaim your honor."