
I Will Restore Balance To This Other World With My Cheat Skill

In a realm on the brink of chaos, Mark faces an unexpected turn after his untimely demise. Granted a second chance by the enigmatic deity Izanami Sol, he gains the ultimate cheat skill a formidable advantage in a world ruled by magic. However, Mark's newfound power comes with a daunting task: restore balance by defeating the Great Fallen Angel Kamiel, whose malevolence threatens to plunge the world into darkness. As Mark embarks on his perilous quest, he must navigate treacherous landscapes, forge alliances, and confront his own demons.

Greyhawke · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 8

Two days had passed since my flashy display of power at the guild. You know, the one where my stats lit up like a Christmas tree? Yeah, that one. Anyway, we'd knocked out a couple of quests since then, collecting loot and leveling up our skills. Today, though, we were back at it, standing in the midst of the Adventurer's Guildhouse, ready to dive into another job.

The place was buzzing with adventurers, the air thick with the smell of sweat, booze, and whatever concoction the kitchen was serving. Eryn was flipping through the quest board with a critical eye, while Kai stood by, arms crossed, looking all serious as usual.

"Hey, Mark, come check this one out!" Eryn called, his voice carrying that refined accent of his.

I strolled over, glancing at the parchment he held up. It was a job request to clear out some pesky goblins that had been raiding nearby farms. Seemed pretty standard, but then again, those goblins could be a real pain.

"Yeah, why not," I shrugged. "Goblins sound like fun."

Kai sighed, probably expecting something more challenging. "Let's just get this over with," he said, rolling his eyes.

We made our way to the front desk, where Dawn was sorting through some papers. She looked up, her face brightening when she saw us. "Hey, guys! Got another quest?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Yup, goblin duty this time," I said, handing her the request form.

She nodded and quickly stamped the parchment. "Good luck, and be careful out there. Those goblins have been getting bolder lately."

"Thanks, Dawn. We'll be back before you know it," I replied, giving her a wink. Eryn, of course, had to one-up me with a charming smile and a bow.

"Indeed, my lady, we shall return victorious," he said, causing Dawn to blush.

Kai just shook his head, muttering something about theatrics. We headed out of the guildhouse, ready to tackle whatever awaited us.

As we walked through the bustling streets of Moonshadow, I couldn't help but think about Jarvis. After our showdown, the guy had disappeared. Rumors had it that he was seen muttering to himself, looking more and more unhinged. And then there were those whispers about a mysterious figure in white, lurking around the edges of town. Something told me this wasn't over yet.

But for now, we had goblins to deal with...

Kai grabbed both Eryn and me by the arms and dragged us out of the guildhouse. "Come on, you two. We've got goblins to hunt," he said, his tone leaving no room for argument.

A couple of minutes had passed, and we were just about to leave town when we heard a commotion behind us. Turning around, we saw Jarvis stumbling into the guildhouse, looking completely unhinged. His eyes were lit with purple flames, and his face twisted in anger. The whole place fell silent as he stormed in.

He scanned the room with a crazed look before marching up to the front desk where Dawn was standing. "Give me a job. Work. Something," he growled, his voice menacing.

Dawn, who usually had a cheerful demeanor, looked genuinely scared. She glanced quickly at us, then back to Jarvis, trying to keep her composure. "I-I'm sorry, Jarvis, but there are no new quests available at the moment," she stammered, clearly trying to protect me from whatever wrath Jarvis had in store.

Jarvis leaned in closer, his face inches from hers. "Don't lie to me, girl. Where's the kid? The one who humiliated me?"

Just then, a new guild member, a tall guy with a rugged look, stepped forward. "Hey, back off. She said there's nothing available," he said, placing a firm hand on Jarvis's shoulder.

Jarvis whipped around, eyes blazing. "Who do you think you are, touching me?" he snarled, and in a split second, he shoved the guy back with such force that he crashed into a table, sending chairs and mugs flying.

The room erupted in chaos. Adventurers jumped up, weapons drawn, ready to intervene, but the sheer intensity of Jarvis's dark energy kept them at bay.

Kai, Eryn, and I were just about to leave town, discussing our strategy for the goblin hunt, when we heard a commotion coming from the direction of the guildhouse. Kai's eyes widened, and he spun around. "Something's wrong. We need to go back."

Before we could take a step, I felt a strange surge of energy within me. "Notice: New skill detected – Teleportation," AVA chimed in. Without thinking, I focused on the guildhouse, and in a flash of golden light, we were back inside, witnessing the chaos unfolding.

Kai, Eryn, and I rushed back into town, teleporting just in time to see the chaos erupting.

Jarvis, now a twisted, monstrous version of himself, was wreaking havoc in the streets, his eyes blazing with purple flames. Citizens screamed and scattered, and the guild was in shambles.

"Kai, Eryn, we need to split up! Kai, protect the civilians. Eryn, provide support and healing. I'll handle Jarvis!" I shouted, trying to keep the panic from my voice.

Kai, already in his two-tailed Kitsune form, darted through the chaos, guiding people to safety with his swift movements and magical barriers. Eryn stayed close, casting protective spells and healing the injured with his nature magic.

I squared off against Jarvis, my heart pounding. "Jarvis, you need to stop this! You're not yourself!"

Jarvis roared, his voice distorted by the dark energy coursing through him. "You did this to me, kid! I'll destroy everything you care about!"

He lunged at me with terrifying speed, but I was ready. "Summoner's Blade!" A sword of golden energy materialized in my hand, and I parried his attack, sparks flying.

The fight was brutal. Jarvis's strength was immense, each of his blows sending shockwaves through the ground. I dodged and countered, but his relentless assault was overwhelming. Every time I thought I had an opening, he would unleash another burst of dark energy, forcing me back.

Kai managed to pull a family to safety, but not without taking a heavy hit. He collapsed, clutching his side, and Eryn rushed to his aid, casting healing spells as quickly as he could.

Seeing my friends in danger fueled my determination. I had to end this. "AVA, activate cleansing protocol!" I commanded, focusing all my energy.

"Notice: Activating cleansing protocol at 150% potency."

Golden light enveloped my body, and I charged at Jarvis. He swung his massive fist at me, but I sidestepped and plunged my sword into his chest, channeling the cleansing energy directly into him.

"Mark! It's working!" Eryn shouted, but I could feel the resistance. The dark energy was deeply embedded, fighting back with a vengeance.

The golden light intensified, but Jarvis's roar of dark energy grew even stronger. His monstrous form shuddered, and it seemed like the darkness within him was trying to consume him entirely. I had to act fast before it was too late.

"Kai, Eryn, keep the civilians safe!" I shouted, feeling the strain of maintaining the cleansing energy. "I'm going to try and purify him, just like I did with you, Eryn."

Kai and Eryn nodded, their faces grim but determined. They continued to protect the townspeople, while I focused all my attention on Jarvis. His eyes, now wild with dark flames, locked onto mine, and for a brief moment, I saw the man he used to be—a proud and strong adventurer, now twisted by corruption.

"Jarvis, hold on! I'm going to help you!" I shouted, trying to reach the part of him that was still human.

I channeled more power into my summoner's blade, the golden light growing brighter. "AVA, boost purification protocol to maximum potency!" I commanded, feeling the energy surge through me.

"Notice: Boosting purification protocol to 200% potency," AVA responded, her voice echoing in my mind.

I stepped closer to Jarvis, my blade piercing deeper into his chest. The dark energy fought back viciously, but I could feel the purification starting to take effect. Jarvis's monstrous form began to waver, his eyes flickering between purple flames and his natural color.

"Come on, Jarvis, fight it! You can do this!" I urged, pushing harder against the dark energy. I could feel the strain on my body, the immense power threatening to overwhelm me, but I couldn't give up.

Eryn and Kai, seeing my struggle, lent their support. Eryn focused his nature magic, sending waves of healing energy towards Jarvis, while Kai used his Kitsune powers to create a barrier, containing the dark energy.

"You're not alone, Jarvis. We're here with you," Eryn said, his voice steady and comforting.

Slowly, the dark energy began to recede, the golden light of purification spreading through Jarvis's body. His monstrous form shrank, and his human features started to reappear. The roar of dark energy turned into a pained cry, and finally, Jarvis collapsed to the ground, his body reverting to its normal state.

I fell to my knees, panting and exhausted. "We did it... we actually did it," I muttered, looking at Jarvis, who was now unconscious but no longer consumed by darkness.

Kai and Eryn rushed to my side, helping me up. "You did great, Mark," Kai said, his voice filled with pride.

Eryn smiled, his eyes shining with relief. "Jarvis is going to be okay, thanks to you."

But as we caught our breath, a chilling realization hit me. The dark energy had been purged, but it had left a mark, pun intended.

I staggered over to the unconscious Jarvis and plopped down beside him, shaking my head with a smirk. "You know, Jarvis," I started, loud enough for everyone around to hear, "I really didn't mean to beat you so badly that you'd transform into a monster. Seriously, if I'd known that knocking you around a bit would make you go full Hulk on us, I might've held back."

Kai and Eryn chuckled, and some of the townspeople who were watching cautiously began to relax.

"I mean, who would've guessed, right?" I continued, laying it on thick. "You, the big, bad A-rank adventurer, reduced to a raging beast because I, a newbie, gave you a little spanking. Honestly, you should thank me for the free therapy session. Clearly, you had some anger issues to work out."

Eryn grinned. "You're a real saint, Mark. Always thinking of others."

I nodded sagely. "It's a curse, really. But hey, Jarvis, anytime you want another round, just let me know. I'll be happy to help you work through your feelings again. Maybe next time, you can try not turning into a monster, though. It's a bit much, even for you."

The tension in the air finally eased as people laughed, the fear and worry beginning to dissipate.

Kai clapped me on the back, shaking his head. "You never fail to lighten the mood, do you?"

"Just doing my part," I replied with a grin.

But as we caught our breath, a chilling realization hit me. The dark energy had been purged, but it had left a mark. "We need to find out who's behind this," I said, determination in my voice. "If someone can corrupt an adventurer like Jarvis, they can do it to anyone."

We had our work cut out for us, but at least we could laugh along the way. And hey, maybe the next time I beat up an A-rank adventurer, I'll be a little more careful. Just kidding. I'll still kick ass.

Side Narrative.

In a distant realm, far removed from the struggles and triumphs of the mortal world, a colossal, ominous eyeball floated in the dark void. This eye, ever-watchful, observed everything that transpired below. This was Kamiel's vigilant gaze, a manifestation of his corrupted power, forever watching and plotting.

As the eye focused on the scene of Jarvis's defeat, a sense of disbelief and growing interest radiated from it. Kamiel's voice, dripping with malice and curiosity, echoed through the void.

"Interesting… This mere human, this Mark, has defeated one of my most promising corrupted subjects. How fascinating."

The eye narrowed as it zoomed in on Mark, who was now standing over the unconscious Jarvis, his friends by his side. Kamiel's voice grew darker, filled with a blend of irritation and intrigue.

"Mark Watanabe... You've proven to be quite the anomaly. No ordinary adventurer could have handled the power I bestowed upon Jarvis. Yet, you not only withstood it but managed to purify it. Your potential is vast, untapped, and oh so tantalizing."

A sinister chuckle echoed in the void, filled with malevolent anticipation.

"You've caught my attention, Mark. I wonder how you will fare against the true depths of my power. More of my minions will be coming for you, stronger and more relentless. And when the time is right, I will capture you. Your strength, your spirit… They will become mine. You will serve me, willingly or not."

The eye's gaze shifted, its focus now spread across the realm, looking for new pawns to corrupt, new plans to set into motion. But its thoughts remained anchored to the image of Mark, the young adventurer who had become an unexpected variable in Kamiel's grand scheme.

"This world will soon know the true meaning of despair," Kamiel mused, his voice a chilling whisper in the darkness. "And it will start with you, Mark Watanabe."