
I will be the warlord

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Black_devil23 · Tranh châm biếm
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46 Chs

The new task that fell

What is your first impression of Wang Zhen?

See the way out in the crisis of doom, quickly analyze, and make precise choices.

Therefore, it is only natural that everyone suspects that he chose to save people because he saw the value of Green Booker.

Regarding this, Wang Zhen didn't bother to defend himself, it wasn't a bad thing.

I called Green and said that there were some problems with my identity. Green promised that the investigation would not involve Wang Zhen, and that the mall video would be deleted, and the police would not leak it.

In the evening, Green booked a dinner at the best nearby restaurant to express an agreement. Bourne and the others rejected Wang Zhen's request to go together, and only Mountbatten followed.

The only thing that makes Wang Zhen unhappy is that the novels and TV programs always talk about the crisis, the hero saves the beauty, the beauty falls in love, and the heart secretly promises it?

But what the hell is Green's daughter Catherine not even daring to see what the hell he is?

Is it because I am not handsome?

It shouldn't be. If you don't brag, you won't be black. At least an 80-point handsome man!

I don't even think about how scary his blood-stained appearance is after saving someone, the psychological shadow of the girl...

Wang Zhen: Hmph, women will only affect the speed at which I draw my gun!

Focus on eating. This is the most luxurious meal Wang Zhen has ever had in his life. He doesn't know how much it cost, but he knows that there are 5 times more on-site service staff than guests!

The steaks are all fried by the chef.

It's really delicious, but it's a little awkward to be served by someone next to him. He is a poor man, so he really can't enjoy the treatment of a rich man all of a sudden.

Green didn't look down on Wang Zhen because of this. After discovering the problem, he immediately asked the service staff to go down, treating it as an ordinary treat, and Wang Zhen finally relaxed.

Wang Zhen: Green can deal with this person!

Green is very good at communication. He chatted with Wang Zhen and Mountbatten who were completely different from different classes and industries, and he was very involved, and he didn't make anyone feel left out.

I ate a meal for more than an hour, and some desserts were served after the meal. At this time, Green took out a check from his bag and pushed it over, "Today, you two saved my life and Catherine's life. I don't know how to thank you two The best seat is the best, this is my little thought, please accept it."

Wang Zhen glanced at the check subconsciously. He didn't see the exact amount, but it was just a string of zeros. He tilted his head and looked at Mountbatten, who gave him a look that is up to you.

As for Mountbatten, he never thought of saving these two people. He killed the gunmen because after killing the Green father and daughter, there was a high probability that the other party would also kill the two witnesses.

No matter how likely those people are to do this, even if it's just a little bit, Mountbatten will strike first.

As an elite PMC, how many rotten shooters can be frightened by him?

Green obviously also saw this, so the check was pushed to Wang Zhen.

"No need, Mr. Green." Wang Zhen pushed the check back, he didn't dare to look at the money, "I didn't have time to think so much at that moment, I didn't save you for money, it was just a subconscious behavior, now if I After receiving the money, I feel... not good."

If he was still a food delivery man, he would definitely have collected the money, and this money would definitely solve most of his current difficulties.

The problem is that he is now a PMC. In just a few days, he has a net worth of 80,000... 70,000 dollars.

According to the current rate of making money, it is not a dream to be worth a million dollars, but just listening to Bourne and the others tell about the wars they have experienced in the past made him discover a problem. For a PMC or mercenary, luck is the most important thing!

Some people, who joined the Delta after many selections, signal flags, are the elite among the elite, but they were killed by a stray bullet when they went to the battlefield.

Some people, pure rookies, survived the missions that caused heavy losses to the elites, and the bullets couldn't find them no matter what.

The bullet that killed me hasn't been made yet!

This is the importance of luck.

Wang Zhen is a rookie now, and he also wants the bullet to avoid him.

Saving people without asking for anything in return is just accumulating luck for themselves. At this moment, that's what Wang Zhen thought.

Hearing what Wang Zhen said, Green was very surprised. Even Catherine, who was not daring to look at Wang Zhen, raised her head and stared at him, as if she had flowers on her face, but Mountbatten seemed to know it a long time ago.

Mountbatten: This kid has a big plan!

It can only be said that Wang Zhen's performance was very unwestern, and the tone of his refusal was too straightforward, and the reasons were also hard to refute.

At this time, if Green insisted on sending money, it would be insulting.

This made Green a little embarrassed. He wanted to use money to put an end to this favor. People like them hate being in debt the most, but now...

The point is that Wang Zhen's refusal didn't disgust him at all. On the contrary, he felt that this person was very sincere and sunny.

After pondering for a while, Green asked with a smile, "Didn't you ask what you two do before?"

Mountbatten gave Wang Zhen the look of making decisions, and just watched the performance quietly. This is the purpose of his coming.

"We are employees of PMC Company, Scythe Squad. There are 6 of us in total." Wang Zhen bit the bullet and pretended that he was already a PMC.

"That's it, very good, Wang, you know, I'm in trouble now, and it will take some time for my new security personnel to be in place. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com In the future, I need to greatly strengthen the security forces around me. I trust you a lot, so I want to hire you to protect me during this time." Green said while staring at Wang Zhen.

"Don't look at me, we need to talk to the golden retriever about this matter." Mountbatten shrugged.

"Then it looks like we have to go back and have a good talk." Green smiled and wiped his mouth with a napkin.


"He wants to hire us to protect him for a while?" Byrne frowned. "Bodyguard?"

Wang Zhen touched his nose. I never said anything about being a bodyguard!

"If we are taking private jobs, then I can say for sure. If we want to sign a formal contract, then we need the company to come forward." Byrne looked at Wang Zhen seriously, "My suggestion is to sign a formal contract with the company." contract."

"I don't know if this Green is a big shot, but this kind of opportunity to meet big shots is rare. This is an opportunity for what you can develop into in the future. Don't waste it so easily, it's not worth it."

Wang Zhen: I really don't want favors!

From this point of view, Bourne is really a good person, he really treats Wang Zhen as a brother.


A group of people changed into combat professional suits and went upstairs to Green's room. As soon as they entered the door, Green's eyes lit up.

Very imposing, two characters, elite!

"Mr. Green, let me introduce myself. My name is Barney Bourne, nicknamed the captain of the Scythe Squad under the Golden *National Fortress Defense Company. We have participated... Regarding your current situation, my suggestion is to sign a formal employment contract with our company contract."

"In this way, we can legally hold all weapons including body armor, better respond to possible dangers, and protect the personal safety of you and your family."

Green: This is called professionalism!