
I will be the warlord

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Black_devil23 · Tranh châm biếm
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46 Chs

Scythe Squad

Stacks of dollar bills were once again placed on the coffee table.

Jin Mao pointed at Wang Zhen and said, "You do the math."

"Really?" Wang Zhen was a little hesitant.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up." The donkey poked Wang Zhen, "The takeaway will be delivered in a while, and you will be suspicious when you see so much money on the table."

"This is the rule, don't worry." The bayonet also said something.

"Business is business." This is a poet.

The shovel tapped on the table.

"Divide it up. You will need money in many places in the future, and this money is not enough." Golden Retriever smiled mysteriously.

"Okay!" Wang Zhen slapped his thigh with an excited expression on his face. Damn it, give him the money, or US dollars, it's decided!

"Thirty percent of the golden retriever boss is still 25,200, and the rest are 11,760 each." Wang Zhen said quickly after thinking about it.

"In terms of remuneration, after removing the middleman's commission, there is still 120,000 left, and I still get 30% of it. The rest of you each..." Jin Mao looked at Wang Zhen.


"OK, the money will arrive tomorrow. Their money is stored in foreign accounts. What about yours? What are you going to do with it?" Golden Retriever asked.

"Me?" Wang Zhen looked confused, "I don't know what to do?"

"This money is illegal income. Under normal circumstances, it can only be spent after being cleaned up. Do you need me to find someone to clean it up for you?"

"How much does it cost?"


"No, I'm Chinese, um, no one cares about us..." Wang Zhen's head shook like a rattle when he heard the number. The dividend plus commission was 28,560.

As soon as he catches up with his one-year salary, he will only agree to do the laundry when he is crazy.

The eyelids are so shallow, but I have never seen money, so I love it!

"Okay, we'll talk about it when the time comes." Jin Mao didn't say much, although he thought that Wang Zhen would have to clean up sooner or later, they were going to the United States, and the money would also enter the United States, so how could it be possible not to let the IRS have a hand, "Do you have an account?" ?"

"I have Lan Natai's account, but obviously it can't be used. Is it possible to call from domestic..." Wang Zhen asked.

"Uh... I don't know about this." Jin Mao shook his head, he had never dealt with Huaxia, so he didn't know at all, "If you trust me, then store it in my account first, and wait for me to find someone to help you You can reopen an account abroad."

"Okay, of course I trust you. Is it a Swiss bank to open an account abroad?" Wang Zhen asked curiously.

"Rookie, you're overthinking. Swiss banks don't open confidential accounts for customers with $20,000, hahahaha." The donkey took the conversation and laughed.

"One day, I believe, it's not far away!" Wang Zhen chuckled, people always have to be a little ambitious.

First set a small goal and open a protection account in a Swiss bank.

"Okay, you are now a member of our team, so let me introduce you, our team is called Scythe Squad, it is a subordinate team of the Imperial Barrier Security Service Company, I am Captain Barney Bourne, nicknamed Golden Retriever, The commando in the team, from the SEALs, you can call me Bourne." Barney Bourne shook his golden hair, "Remember, only my nickname Golden Retriever is allowed during the mission, and In everyday life, call me by my name, Bourne."

"My name is Neil Mountbatten. You can call me Mountbatten. I was born in the Navy Seals and is the most handsome commando in the team." Donkey introduced himself.

"My name is Jude Kenan, nicknamed Bayonet, Assaulter, you can call me Kenan, and I come from the 82nd Airborne Division." Bayonet pointed at the donkey and added. "He was nicknamed Donkey, because he talked a lot and was very noisy, so he used this nickname."

"Shut up, I don't need any additional explanation, you damn shorty." The donkey cursed angrily.

"Jasper Derek, nicknamed Poet, is a precision shooter. You can call me Derek. I was born in the 5th Special Operations Group of the Green Berets. I like Chinese Kung Fu. Do you know Chinese Kung Fu?" The poet said with a smile.

The poet smiled very gently, he looked a little thin, of course, compared with other people.

"Hello Derek, I'm sorry, but I don't know Chinese Kung Fu. I always thought your hobby was literature." Wang Zhen was so impressed with the poet, one of the biggest motivations for him to swear to learn English well.

"I graduated from the Department of Literature, University of California, Santa Cruz. Poetry and literature are just one of my hobbies."

"Graduated from the Department of Literature, embarked on the road of holding a gun. This... is very literary!" Wang Zhen didn't know how to evaluate it.

"When fate handed me a sour lemon, let us try to make it into sweet lemon juice." The poet said with a smile.

Wang Zhen: "..."

Sorry, goodbye!

"Joseph Joey, nicknamed Shovel, Machine Gunner, you can call me Joey, I was born in the Rangers." Joey patted Wang Zhen on the shoulder, leaned over and whispered: "Don't pay attention to them, they are mentally ill Very normal."

"Hello, Joey, is there a possibility that you spoke too loudly and they all heard you." Wang Zhen said dumbfounded.

"It's okay, they know about their condition." Joey shrugged.

"I'm very happy to join the scythe squad. Now it's my turn to introduce myself. My name is Wang Zhen. You can call me Wang. I am from the provincial shooting team. I have never been a soldier, and I don't know where I am suitable. I know this will bring you a lot of trouble, but I will learn as soon as possible and adapt as soon as possible, so as not to drag you down for a long time." Wang Zhen bowed slightly in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, I will need you a lot in the future I took care of it. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Wang Zhen really didn't expect that these guys are all from the US Special Forces. It's an exaggeration!

"Of course there is no problem." The Golden Retriever said with a smile, "Let... the donkey teach you some rules and precautions. As for what position you are suitable for, this matter will be discussed after you return to the United States. This requires a comprehensive assessment."

"Isn't the most important thing to give him a nickname?" The donkey stretched out his hand and interrupted.

In this line of work, one needs to have a nickname to be called in front of outsiders during the mission period, and it is always difficult to give one's real name.

"Do you have a nickname?" Golden Retriever asked.

"There is one, the river demon." Wang Zhen said with some embarrassment. As for why, he was tall and thin when he was a child, so the pagoda suppressed the river demon.

"The monster from the river?" The donkey repeated, "No, no, no, what kind of nickname is that, it's too long."

"I can't imagine that when I tell you to do something on the battlefield, it takes 2 seconds to call your nickname first."

"Then just call me Wang. This surname is very common among Chinese, so it won't reveal anything." Wang Zhen scratched his head embarrassingly.

"Okay, that's it for now. We'll talk about nicknames later. Believe me, I'll give you a nickname that absolutely suits you." Donkey patted his chest, as if you could leave it to me.

Wang Zhen: I'm even more worried!

"Okay, our king is in trouble now, so we can't go back directly. Everyone's air tickets will be refunded. I'll contact the middleman and ask him to take us to Malay first, and then transfer from there." The golden retriever clapped his hands and said. .

"Sorry for causing trouble to everyone." Wang Zhen said embarrassedly.

"You don't have to say sorry, we're in the same group, brother." The bayonet patted Wang Zhen on the shoulder and said.