
I will be the warlord

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Black_devil23 · Tranh châm biếm
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46 Chs

Ghost... Thunder

Red side: Golden Retriever, Bayonet, Donkey, Wang Zhen.

Blue Fang: 10 people from the local gang.

One side is an experienced special soldier, and the other side is a gang member. There is no suspense at all.

"Wang, follow me on the right, and pay attention to my weak side and behind me!" The donkey elbowed Wang Zhen, and Wang Zhen nodded quickly.

The donkey is teaching him.

The donkey carried the AKM on its shoulders, and moved cautiously but quickly. Wang Zhen held a 54 step behind and pointed the muzzle to the right all the time.

After the shovel opened fire, they had to clear the perimeter in the shortest possible time and then outflank it.

Just as the donkey turned around a corner of a container, he saw a black figure running forward in the darkness. Without a word, he pulled the trigger and fired two "bang" and "bang". The figure staggered forward and fell directly on the ground. land.

Trotting forward a few steps, "bang" "bang" "bang" several gunshots, only the muzzle flame was seen, but no one was seen.

The container above his head was hit with crackling noises and sparks splashed everywhere, Wang Zhen shrank his head like a conditioned reflex.

The drug offenders were in groups of two. The one in front was beaten to death, and the one behind was terrified. He stretched out his hand and shot blindly at the crack between the containers.

It was pitch black, and the donkey couldn't see the protruding muzzle, but he could see the muzzle flash. He could judge the current situation simply from the position and angle of the muzzle flash.

The muzzle of the AKM was slightly adjusted, and the trigger was pulled directly at the possible position of the criminal. This time, it was continuous short bursts, "bang bang bang" and "bang bang bang".

After the M43 intermediate bullet penetrated two layers of thin iron sheets in the container, its ballistic trajectory was unstable. The two bullets rolled over and hit the drug criminal, directly opening two large holes in his abdomen. When he came out, he fell on the aisle as soon as his body was crooked.

"Rookie, didn't you pee your pants because you were scared?" Donkey turned his head and looked playfully at Wang Zhen who stood up straight again.

The corner of Wang Zhen's mouth twitched, "Go and support!"

The donkey grinned and quickened his pace, but he didn't stop talking, "I'm afraid, in this environment, if you shoot him head-on, he might not be able to hit him. If you shoot blindly, you don't even know where the gun is pointing!"

"You can't be afraid on the battlefield. The more you are afraid of death, the faster you will die. In this case, you should fight back immediately. As long as the opponent is dead, you will be safe!"

"Thank you." Wang Zhen whispered as he trotted behind him.

After turning two turns, we arrived at the place where the drug criminals traded. The car lights that were originally on had already been turned off, and the shovel used the RPD to suppress the remaining drug criminals firmly under the front of the car. They could only fight back from time to time.

Bayonet, Golden Retriever and others also completed the peripheral kill task and surrounded them. The remaining few drug criminals were no longer a concern.

"Can grenades work?" the donkey asked in a low voice.

"Of course." Wang Zhen nodded, took one from his waist and shook it in his hand.

The donkey tilted its head, meaning to throw Wang Zhen out. He was ready to charge.

What surprised the donkey was that Wang Zhen didn't pull out the insurance at all, but just yelled, "Grenade!"

Then he took two steps and threw it directly behind a car.

Before the donkey could yell, Wang Zhen rushed out like flying.

Here, the grenade landed behind the car, and the two drug criminals were so frightened that they fell to the ground without saying a word.

It's just that the sound of explosions around me didn't arrive, but the sound of hurried footsteps instead.

When Wang Zhen rushed to the rear of the car, he saw a person rushing out, hugging his head and laying in front of his eyes. Subconsciously, he slammed on the brakes, lowered the muzzle of his gun, aimed at the head one meter away and pulled the trigger. "Bang", blood spattered!

Stepping, turning around, aiming, the guy lying on the other side was within 3 meters away, and with a 'bang' it was another headshot.

Double Kill!

Putting down the panic buying, Wang Zhen gasped for breath, and the donkey didn't catch up until now, "You f*ck... Fake!"

Pulling Wang Zhen to squat down, the donkey looked at the two guys lying on the ground until they died without knowing how they died, and asked in a tone full of surprise, "Did you do it on purpose?"

Wang Zhen climbed a few steps to pick up the grenade on the ground, and then said in a low voice, "Yes."

"Fake, what do you think?" The donkey looked incredible.

"Won't you fall down when you see the grenade being thrown?" Wang Zhen asked back.

Donkey: "..."

"You dare to stand up before the grenade exploded?" Wang Zhen asked again.

Donkey: "..."

"It's just a drug criminal, can you beat me to death while lying on the ground?" Wang Zhen asked again.

Donkey: "..."

After so many years of fighting, this is the first time I have encountered someone with such a dirty heart.

The instructor has never taught this.

Unconvinced from the bottom of his heart, the donkey tilted his neck, "Seeing that the safety of the grenade is not pulled out, any fool would know it won't go off."

"Brother, are you sure you can see clearly today?"

The donkey stood up with a dark face, and continued to search with a gun in his hand.

Wang Zhen pursed his lips and stood up to follow. He had no choice but to do it with his heart because he was not skilled enough.


It may not be possible to carry forward it, such as a delayed grenade that can explode without removing the fuse... Imagine the enemy lying down and discovering that the grenade thrown over has not been removed, so he picked it up...

True or false, presumably future enemies will like it.

There are a total of 16 people on both sides of the trading area here. In the first wave, 6 were swept down by machine guns with shovels, and 2 were killed by poets. The donkey Wang Zhen and the two quickly met the golden retriever who had searched, "There are no survivors. "

"There are no survivors."

"Very good, the poet is alert, the shovel is going to pick up the car to pick us up, now, it's time to see the harvest!" After the Golden Retriever gave the order, the four of them walked towards the middle excitedly.

There were six corpses that had been swept away by M43 intermediate bullets for two rounds. This kind of bullet was obviously too powerful to hit an unarmored human body at about 100 meters. The scene was a bit too bloody. I'm used to the smell of blood, but looking at the broken human body is somewhat... Shocking.

Thinking about the pork knuckle, lamb leg, and sheep scorpion silently in his heart, he adjusted his gaze and landed on the six black leather boxes on the ground.

The Golden Retrievers had already picked it up, and regardless of the blood on the ground, they put it on the ground and were about to open the box.

It is always exciting to open a blind box, but it makes people uncomfortable if the blind box has a password!

Guessing the password does not exist. Point the gun at the combination lock of the suitcase and pull the trigger directly, "bang", "bang", "bang"...

The six lockboxes were immediately opened. First of all, the three boxes on the left were filled with bags of white powder. There was a sound of air-conditioning at the scene.

Although the Golden Retriever and the others have seen poisonous scorpions more than once, this is the first time they have seen so many!

This is especially true for Wang Zhen. Apart from the TV and movies, this is the first time he has seen a poisonous coffin in real life!

Everyone knows that poisonous cocoons are worth a lot of money. It's normal to breathe heavily when seeing so many poisonous cocoons all of a sudden.

"Hurry up, what are you doing in a daze, the other thing should be money!" The poet's urging voice sounded in the headset, and it was obviously not so shocking through the scope, the poet cared more about dollars!

The power of US dollars is infinite, and it makes artists fall with them!

After being reminded by the poet, the three of them immediately turned their heads to look at the other box. Damn, I got rich, UU reading www. uukanshu. com made a fortune!