
I Wield Shadows

In a world ravaged by monstrous manarites, humanity clings to survival. A breakthrough discovery - the ability to harness manarite power within their genes - offers a glimmer of hope. However, this newfound strength comes at a cost, blurring the lines between human and beast. Kai is no stranger to loss. Scarred by the brutal murder of his family at the hands of a monstrous manarite, he is driven by an unrelenting vendetta to hunt down and kill the creature that took everything from him. On the day he is to receive his manarite core, Kai’s life takes a dark turn when he is bound to a shadow-shrouded core—a heretic power that twists the very fabric of light and darkness Now, thrust into the enigmatic NYX Academy, a place where shadows hold secrets and light is a weapon, Kai's quest for vengeance becomes even more perilous. The academy is a labyrinth of rivalries, secret factions, and ancient prophecies, where the powerful seek to manipulate Kai’s unique abilities for their own ends. As he struggles to master the shadows within, he discovers that his enemies are not just the monstrous beasts outside the academy, but the darkness lurking within the very walls—and his own heart.

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31 Chs

The Awakening of Shadows

The shadows enveloped Kai, swirling around him like a living cloak. He could feel their cold touch against his skin, coursing through his veins, igniting something deep within him. Time seemed to slow as the manarite hesitated, its blood-red eyes darting between Kai and the dark mass swirling at his feet.

"What is this?" the creature seemed to think, its instinctive bravado faltering in the face of the unknown.

In that moment of hesitation, Kai was no longer just a scared boy standing before a monstrous beast. He was a conduit, a vessel through which the shadows could flow. The darkness whispered in his mind, urging him to unleash its power.

"Focus," he thought, trying to harness the chaotic energy. The shadows pulsed with anticipation, responding to his will. He clenched his fists, feeling the darkness sharpen into something more tangible.

"I can control you," he told himself, though uncertainty gnawed at his confidence. The darkness had once terrified him, but now, it felt almost… comforting.

With a swift motion, he raised his hands, palms facing the manarite. The shadows coalesced into tendrils, snaking outwards like serpents, each one whispering promises of strength and power.

"What are you doing?" Lysandra shouted from the sidelines, her voice cutting through the haze. "*Kai, focus! You need to fight it, not let it consume you!"

But the words felt distant, muffled beneath the roar of the shadows and the primal instinct to dominate the beast. The manarite snarled, breaking the moment of stillness as it regained its composure.

Kai's concentration wavered. The shadows flickered, losing form. In a desperate attempt to regain control, he thrust his hands forward. The tendrils surged, striking the manarite squarely in the chest.

A shockwave rippled through the arena, sending dust and debris flying. The manarite roared in fury, stumbling back as the shadows latched onto its form, pulling it closer to Kai.

"No!" he shouted, fighting to release his grip. The shadows resisted, tightening their hold on the creature. It struggled against the onslaught, its claws scraping the ground as it fought to break free.

With a final effort, the manarite turned its glowing gaze toward Kai, and in that instant, the air thickened with an ominous energy. It let out a bone-chilling scream that echoed through the arena.

"Kai, snap out of it!" Lysandra yelled, urgency lacing her voice.

"I can't! It's too strong!" he shouted back, panic creeping into his chest. He could feel the shadows growing bolder, feeding off his fear and the manarite's wrath. They were becoming something else entirely—hungry, insatiable.

Just as Kai thought he might lose himself in the darkness, the ground beneath him shuddered violently. The shadows recoiled, releasing the manarite, and he stumbled backward, gasping for breath.

"What's happening?" he managed to say, looking around in confusion. The air crackled with an energy that felt both foreign and familiar.

Lysandra's face paled. "The arena—it's unstable! We need to get out!"

But before Kai could respond, the ground exploded beneath them. A chasm opened, consuming the arena in a wave of shadow and flame.

"Get back!" Kai yelled, but it was too late. The force of the explosion sent him flying, and he hit the ground hard, the breath knocked from his lungs.

When he regained his senses, he found himself sprawled at the edge of the chasm. The arena was gone, replaced by a swirling vortex of shadows that danced above the gaping maw. Panic surged through him, and he scrambled to his feet, looking around for Lysandra.

"Lysandra!" he shouted, his voice barely cutting through the chaos.

"Here!" she called back, her figure appearing from the haze. She was breathless, eyes wide with fear, but she was alive.

"We need to get out of here!" he said, rushing to her side.

The chasm pulsed ominously, shadows writhing at the edges as if trying to escape. "We can't let it expand any further!"

Lysandra nodded, her gaze darting around, taking in the devastation. "*We have to seal it, but I don't know how! The shadows are wild—like they're rebelling against us."

Kai swallowed hard, the weight of his past pressing down on him. This power is mine, he thought. I can control it. I have to control it.

"I'll try to call them back," he said, stepping toward the edge. "*You find a way to help me!*"

"Wait—don't!" Lysandra shouted, but he was already reaching out, willing the shadows to respond.

"Come to me!*" he commanded, his voice steady. "*I'm not afraid of you! I am your master!"

The shadows hesitated, swirling as if contemplating his command. Kai pushed through the fear that threatened to overwhelm him, letting the darkness seep into his being.

"You belong to me!" he shouted, and the shadows surged forward, responding to his will. They wrapped around him, coiling tightly, ready to be molded.

The ground beneath him trembled as he felt the shadows consolidating, forming a wall against the chasm. But it was a delicate balance, and he could sense the manarite's remnants trying to break free, the creature's rage mixing with the shadows he commanded.

"Kai, hurry!*" Lysandra called, her voice pulling him back to reality. "*It's getting worse!"

He gritted his teeth, pouring everything he had into sealing the rift. The shadows responded, morphing into a solid barrier, but it wasn't enough.

"I need more power!" he shouted, desperation creeping into his voice.

"Focus! Remember why you're doing this!" Lysandra urged, and her words pierced through the fog of his fear.

He thought of his parents, the love they had shown him, and the promise he made to protect those he cared about. The shadows roared in response, a wild storm of darkness and power, begging to be unleashed.

"I won't let you take anyone else!" Kai yelled, pouring every ounce of his will into the barrier.

With a final surge, the shadows exploded outward, enveloping the chasm in a shimmering veil. The force of it sent a shockwave through the arena, forcing the darkness to retreat.

But as the shadows pushed back, a blinding light erupted from the depths of the chasm.

Kai staggered, shielded his eyes, and felt the ground shift beneath him once more. "What is happening?!"

The light pulsed, and he felt a pull from the depths of the shadows—a call that resonated deep within him, intertwining with the darkness. It was both alluring and terrifying.

"Kai!" Lysandra screamed, her voice strained as she fought to hold onto the edge of the chasm. "Don't give in to it!"

"I can't…" he gasped, feeling himself drawn toward the light. It was a force of power he had never experienced, promising everything he had ever wanted, but at what cost?

As the light reached its zenith, blinding and overwhelming, Kai felt the shadows within him waver, caught between the light and the darkness. He struggled to hold on, but the call of the light was intoxicating, whispering secrets and truths he could barely comprehend. Just as he thought he might succumb, the ground beneath him gave way entirely, plunging him into a void of uncertainty where shadows and light collided in a catastrophic storm.

"No!" he screamed, reaching out for Lysandra, but her figure vanished into the brightness as he fell deeper into the abyss. The last thing he heard was her desperate cry, echoing into the unknown.