
I Wield Shadows

In a world ravaged by monstrous manarites, humanity clings to survival. A breakthrough discovery - the ability to harness manarite power within their genes - offers a glimmer of hope. However, this newfound strength comes at a cost, blurring the lines between human and beast. Kai is no stranger to loss. Scarred by the brutal murder of his family at the hands of a monstrous manarite, he is driven by an unrelenting vendetta to hunt down and kill the creature that took everything from him. On the day he is to receive his manarite core, Kai’s life takes a dark turn when he is bound to a shadow-shrouded core—a heretic power that twists the very fabric of light and darkness Now, thrust into the enigmatic NYX Academy, a place where shadows hold secrets and light is a weapon, Kai's quest for vengeance becomes even more perilous. The academy is a labyrinth of rivalries, secret factions, and ancient prophecies, where the powerful seek to manipulate Kai’s unique abilities for their own ends. As he struggles to master the shadows within, he discovers that his enemies are not just the monstrous beasts outside the academy, but the darkness lurking within the very walls—and his own heart.

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31 Chs

Into the Abyss

Darkness. Silence.

Kai floated in a void, weightless and untethered. His thoughts were scattered, fragments of memories flickering like dying embers. The academy, the core, Lysandra—all of it felt distant, as if it belonged to another world. He couldn't tell if he was dreaming or dead.

And then, a voice cut through the void.

"Wake up."

It was soft, barely more than a whisper, but it echoed in Kai's mind, tugging him back to reality. He tried to open his eyes, but his body felt heavy, like he was trapped beneath an ocean of shadows.

"Wake up."

The voice came again, stronger this time. He forced his eyelids open, and light flooded his vision, blinding him momentarily. Slowly, his surroundings came into focus.

Kai found himself lying on cold stone, the rough surface digging into his back. The cavern around him was in ruins, chunks of debris scattered everywhere. The air was thick with dust, and the faint glow of the shattered core still pulsed faintly in the distance.


Lysandra's voice jolted him fully awake. She was kneeling beside him, her face pale and streaked with dirt. Relief washed over her as he stirred, her hands gripping his shoulders tightly.

"You're alive," she breathed, her voice trembling. "I thought—" She cut herself off, shaking her head. "We need to move. The core's power… it's still unstable."

Kai groaned as he pushed himself upright, every muscle in his body protesting. His head throbbed, and his vision swam, but he forced himself to focus. The cavern was eerily quiet now, the previous chaos reduced to a haunting stillness. But there was something wrong. He could feel it in the air—an oppressive weight, a presence lurking just beyond his perception.

"The core," he muttered, glancing toward the shattered remains. "It didn't explode?"

"No," Lysandra replied, her voice tense. "Not completely. But whatever happened, it released something."

Kai's heart sank. He could feel it too—the shift in the shadows, the dark energy that now pulsed through the cavern like a living entity. The core hadn't just fractured. It had unleashed something far worse.

Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the cavern, sending chills down Kai's spine. He whipped around, his eyes scanning the shadows, but he couldn't see the source of the sound. The growl grew louder, deeper, reverberating off the walls.

"What was that?" Lysandra whispered, her voice barely audible.

Kai didn't answer. He didn't have to. His senses were on high alert, every instinct screaming that they were no longer alone. The air around them grew colder, and the shadows seemed to ripple, as if something was moving within them.

A figure emerged from the darkness, its form barely visible against the gloom. It was tall, humanoid, but its body was wreathed in shadow, its features obscured. Only its eyes were visible—two glowing orbs of pure white light, staring directly at Kai.

"Kai," Lysandra whispered, stepping back. "What is that?"

He didn't know. But whatever it was, it was connected to the core. He could feel the same dark energy radiating from it, an overwhelming sense of dread washing over him. The figure took a step forward, its movements slow and deliberate, as if testing the boundaries of its new freedom.

Kai instinctively reached for his shadows, calling them to him. But something was wrong. The shadows resisted, slipping through his fingers like water. His connection to them, once so strong, was now fractured, unstable. He could feel them, but they were distant, as if part of them had been severed.

The figure took another step, and Kai's heart raced. He needed to move, to act—but his powers were failing him. The creature raised a hand, shadows coiling around its fingers like tendrils. It was mocking him, mimicking his own abilities, but with far more control and precision.

"Run," Kai whispered to Lysandra.

"What? No, we"


Before Lysandra could argue, the creature lunged. It moved with terrifying speed, closing the distance between them in an instant. Kai barely had time to react. He threw himself to the side, narrowly avoiding the creature's shadowy strike. The force of its attack shattered the ground where he had just stood, sending shards of stone flying.

Lysandra screamed, scrambling backward as the creature advanced. Kai's mind raced, trying to piece together a plan. He needed his shadows. Without them, he was powerless against something like this.

He closed his eyes, forcing himself to focus. The shadows had always been a part of him—an extension of his will. But now they felt like something foreign, something distant. He had to reconnect, had to find that bond again.

The creature's footsteps echoed behind him, drawing closer. Kai's heartbeat thundered in his ears as he reached deep within himself, searching for the thread that linked him to the darkness. For a moment, he felt nothing but emptiness.

And then, a flicker.

It was faint, but it was there. The shadows responded, sluggishly at first, but growing stronger with each passing second. Kai latched onto that connection, pulling the shadows toward him with everything he had.

The creature was almost upon him. Kai's eyes snapped open, and with a surge of desperation, he flung his arm out. The shadows responded, coiling around him in a protective barrier just as the creature's attack slammed into him.

The force of the impact sent Kai sprawling, his back hitting the ground hard. But the shadows held, absorbing most of the blow. He gritted his teeth, pushing himself back to his feet as the creature reeled from the failed strike.

"Kai!" Lysandra's voice was frantic, her eyes wide with fear. She was crouched behind a fallen pillar, her hands trembling as she clutched a small dagger.

Kai didn't have time to respond. The creature was already recovering, its form shifting and warping as it prepared for another attack. But this time, Kai was ready. The shadows obeyed his call, swirling around him like a living cloak. He could feel their power, their hunger. And they were angry.

The creature lunged again, but Kai moved faster. The shadows surged forward, meeting the creature's attack head-on. For a moment, the two forces clashed—darkness against darkness, shadows against shadows. The air crackled with energy, the ground beneath them trembling from the sheer force of their power.

And then, with a deafening roar, the creature was thrown back, its form dissolving into a mass of swirling shadows. It howled in fury, but Kai didn't relent. He pushed forward, the shadows following his command as he drove the creature back.

Just as he was about to land the final blow, the cavern trembled violently. The ground beneath him buckled, and Kai staggered, losing his footing. The creature took advantage of his momentary distraction, retreating into the darkness with a guttural growl.

Kai cursed under his breath, but before he could pursue it, the entire cavern shook again. The ceiling began to crack, chunks of stone raining down around them.

"Kai!" Lysandra shouted, her voice filled with panic. "We need to get out of here!"

Kai nodded, his chest heaving as he fought to catch his breath. The creature was gone—for now—but the danger wasn't over. The cavern was collapsing around them, and they had only moments to escape.

He grabbed Lysandra's hand, pulling her to her feet as they sprinted toward the exit. The ground shook beneath them, the walls crumbling as they raced through the labyrinth of tunnels. Every step felt like a battle against time, the threat of being buried alive growing with each passing second.

Just as they reached the tunnel's mouth, a deafening crack echoed through the cavern, and the ground gave way beneath them.

Kai's heart stopped as he felt the floor collapse, and he and Lysandra plummeted into the darkness below.