

"And now ladies, I will get to my pasta which is already finished." I said as I looked down at my plate which was now empty, "Hey, Matthew, another serving man, this tastes like heaven."


"Hey Trace, did you look into the islands? How much does it cost to buy one?" I asked Tracy after we had eaten our breakfast.

"I did, and surprisingly, it doesn't cost much. (It's 2007, so the economy is different from now.) It should cost around 10 million to buy one of the biggest private islands." Tracy answered.

"Great. Look for a good one, it should be developed, but should have nature vibes too. Make sure that the island is not that easily accessible to others. It is going to become our first headquarters after all. I want it to be ready for use in a month's time because the black widows will soon arrive and we would need a place to welcome them." I told her.

"Sir, yes sir." She smiled. While I was the main killer and planner in Nemesis, Tracy was the manager and secretary.

"What is Elektra doing?" I asked Tracy.

"She is training, for the mission. She was worried, she is an assassin after all. And this time she needs to protect someone. Though she was delighted after I told her what all goes in the halls of Red Room and who all she needs to rescue." Tracy exclaimed.

"Great, I will leave you to work then, oh also you can hire assistants for yourself. Don't exhaust yourself while working, ok."

Having said that I left to visit Elektra, I had a certain lawyer to talk about with her.


"So, how's life here," I asked Elektra as she stopped massacring the dummies in the room.

"Better than before, you could say. It has been pretty monotonic until now. Train, kill, sleep, repeat. Relaxing lazily, and rescuing someone for a change is great. I like the feeling I get when I think about how I would rescue those girls, or when I will cut the throat of that bastard Dreykov. Thanks for inviting me, you know. Living as a tool for the Hand wasn't pleasant and killing innocents took a toll on me, I ignored the heaviness in my chest at that time. But after I escaped them, I couldn't sleep without getting glimpses, of the screams, of the tears, of the people I had to kill. So, this is a chance at redemption for me. And I have you to thank for that." She acknowledged as she was lamenting her past.

'Damn, I did not see that coming?', I thought as I went beside her and put an arm around her shoulders.

"I don't know how that feels, I have never faced such things before. "

"Are you kidding me? Remember Fisk, you finished more than half of the entire industry. (I let the ones who surrendered go) So you do kill, obviously." She interjected.

"They shot at me first, so I didn't view them as innocents anymore. In a war there are casualties, so no, I am not regretting killing them. You can't save everyone in a war, if two people fight, they will get injuries. If a thousand fight, some will die. You can't change that, I didn't ask those men to join Fisk, they did so of their own volition. They made their choice when they attacked me. I can try not hurting people, but I will retaliate if the situation demands me to. In your case, yes your past might have been a bit horrifying to you. But again you can't change that. You took the chance to escape that past, so don't dwell on it anymore. I understand that you are sad, and that's what me and Tracy are here for. Whenever you feel lonely, sad, happy, angry, whatever, come to us. You don't need a reason to talk to me. Ok." I hugged her, and she hugged me back.

"Thanks" She chuckled. "Oh, I can help you remove those memories," I said, remembering that I have Charle's mind powers.

"What? You have mind powers too now." She started bickering. "Ugh, whatever. The answer to that question though is no, I don't want you to remove those memories. They might be sad, but they will keep me from repeating my past mistakes. Thanks for the offer though." She smirked.

"Your choice. By the way, what about Daredevil? It's fine if you left him or not. I don't care, but I don't want him to intrude in the workings of Nemesis." I stated.

"I, I see. Just so you know, I have left him. He didn't want me to become an assassin working for Fisk, but I am an assassin and money was tight." She said, sighing as she punched another dummy on the nose.

"You are saying you left him, but are you sure he knows that? Also, Kingpin just died and so did his industries. He will come to investigate, you know."

"I didn't consider that. Yup, he is going to come and probe." She huffed.

"I don't care, really. I just don't want him to interfere with the Moscow mission. See to it. By the way, I am going to visit Lucy, wanna come along?" I asked her, knowing that our talks would've been a little stressful for her, and believe it or not, Lucy was the best stress relief, I knew of. (Lucy is the pet ocelot from Ch 2)

"Sure, I guess."


"Lucy, daddy is here." I took Lucy in my arms as she rubbed her face with mine. She was currently in her room, yup Lucy has a room. Though she slept with me in the night. Actually, the whole house was her's to roam in. She also had an attendant all to herself. I had even created a playhouse for her. It was actually a room filled with a lot of rats and some activities for her to figure out like slides, and a small pool filled with milk. There were also a lot of plushies, balls, etc for her to play with. And the whole place was filled with cat grass. So yeah, her life was bliss.

"So how's my little ocelot doing," I exclaimed, and she jumped out of my hands and started leading me around the playhouse showing me all the things in there.

"Meow, meow, meow." She went all the way, we stopped near the pool and she started tugging on my clothes, so I had to enter the pool, Elektra also joined us and we started playing, throwing milk at each other, while Lucy was complaining about how we were not drinking the milk and wasting it.

It was a very invigorating period of time, we had a lot of fun. Lucy even gifted me a rat she killed, it was gross, really gross. But Elektra was happier than before and so was I, hence mission accomplished.


I left the playhouse and went to my room, I took out my laptop and went to the mercenary to put up missions in search of exotic animals. I put up missions for finding immortal jellyfishes, green basilisk lizards, pit vipers, hammerhead sharks, bark spiders, etc.

After doing this, I took one of my cars and went for a drive.


"Damn it," I yelled as I stopped my car and stepped out. This was the fifth time, I had already stopped a r*pe attempt, two robberies, and a shootout. 'What the hell is wrong with these people?' I wondered as I flew towards the group of people who were going to do something to the two young girls in front of them. Now you may ask why I am preventing all of this, well because I didn't have anything better to do. Actually, that's what this drive is all about, me having nothing else to do. There were no more missions because we were waiting for SHIELD to contact us, and damn, they were taking their time.

"And they say they are not a government organisation, fucking hypocrites," I yelled as I got closer to the dark alley.


"Now what are you going to do little girl, you broke my friend's hand and we want compensation." said mob character 1, licking his lips, to a black-haired girl who was standing in front of a group of thugs, all wielding knives, with hands in her pockets, without a care in the world.

"Ugh, literally. I really don't want to beat you all up, so be good boys and let us sisters go." the girl advised them, while her sister, a blonde stood behind her snickering, thinking about what was going to happen to the bastards who dared to criticise her.

"Oh, someone's got an attitude, what are you going to do against all of us alone, bitch." shouted mob character 2 as he ran towards the girl with a knife in hand.

Suddenly a man wearing black attire jumped down from the sky and landed in front of the girl.

"I am Batman." I shouted as the thug drove the dagger into me, which led to the dagger curving in a backwards direction on impact, 'sorry mob character 2.' I thought as I took hold of his wrist and broke it.

"Ahhhhhhh...." mob character 2 shouted, but I just covered his mouth with my hand and picked him up.

"So what are all of you waiting for?" I smirked as I there him to a bike which was parked nearby.


In the dark alley lay 7 men or boys, who can tell the difference. But one thing they all had in common, was broken ribs, broken wrists, and all types of different broken bones.

"That was fun." I chuckled after I had made quick work of all the thugs. I looked at their bodies again, 'Hmmm', I might've let my frustration take control, oh well. They all were alive, just a little disassembled.

I looked back at the girls, "They are alive." I clarified.

"You could've fooled me." The black-haired girl said sarcastically. "Also we didn't need your help." she asserted.

"Well, I can see that from the metal pipe you have been punishing for the past two minutes," I smirked. "So who are you?" I asked, I already knew who they were but I didn't want to look suspicious.

"Trish, Trish Walker." shouted the blonde rather enthusiastically.

"Are you a vigilante?" she asked me, "or a hero? No, heroes don't break stuff up, they are more into no hurting, only arresting." Then she started talking to herself.

"Jessica Jones." the black-haired girl said her eyebrows twitching as she listened to her sister.

"I see your bike has broken down, want a lift."

"By the way, thanks for that and no, we can manage," Jessica stated.

Ignoring Jessica, Trish shouted, "Yeah sure." and then she started murmuring, "Yes, I will travel with a vigilante. Partay!!!"

"Great, let's go."


"Can you give me directions to your home, I am new to the city," I told them.

"Sure, take left from the next intersection...."

The ride was very irritating, Trish was a chatterbox while Jessica was silent throughout the whole journey.

"So what do you do?" I asked them as I was currently driving towards their home.

"Unemployed at the moment, why, you have work for me to do?" Jessica scoffed.

"I am the host to a radio talk show Trish Talk on WNEX station, have you ever listened to it?" Trish asked with bright eyes.

"Sorry, I am new to the city, so no I haven't," I replied.

"Oh, well that's sad, but try to listen to it, ok." She said.


"Our house is just around the corner," Jessica stated.



I parked the car in front of the house and both of the sisters exited. Trish took my number and started giggling while staring at it, while Jessica sighed as she saw all this happening. Trish still giggling, entered the house.

"Thanks for the ride, also I, had insurance on the bike so it's fine," Jessica said to me.

"No probs, by the way, here take this," I told her as I handed her a card.

"Nemesis, what's that?" She looked at me, puzzled.

"It's the card of my organisation, I have a job for you, I saw some extent of your powers earlier, and I would love to have you as a part of Nemesis."

"It's a hero company or something?"

"No, I am not a hero, nor am I a vigilante. This world has a lot of people like you and me in it, some are evil, some are good, and I am neutral. I don't care who kills who, the only reason I helped you today, not that you needed any help, is because I was free. I understand it if you are a hero wannabe, but you alone can't change the world, you can't even change New York. We have our morals, we don't hurt innocents. According to me, the government is fucked up, so why should I save their asses? Yes, if I see a crime happening in front of me, I might interfere. But in the end, I am human, and my well-being is my main priority. What I love is a big house, a cruise all to myself, and that requires money. You could say that we are mercs, honourable ones though."

"Yup, no. Not interested. Thank you for the offer."

"Contact me if you change your mind. You have powers and a nine to seven job doesn't suit you. In the end, it is your choice though. All I can do is suggest."