
I was Rifted, Homeworld Highschool D X D

Part of Crap I was Rifted series. Following a different User. No plot. Separation of Souls to other places. If you havent read the others, you wont know the way this one works.

FrozenTide · Khác
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37 Chs

Bleach Part 1 A different War

Noir was not ready for this in the least. Thrust in the battlefield against the Quincies was not the problem. His Fullbring locked in place keeping him as a Soul Reaper was. Everything else was blocked off as well. His healing abilities as a Cleric worked though. Made fighting a lot easier as he leveled up Emperor Fighter. But no Alter Power either. And his two guns were locked away. He didn't even get a chance to fire them once.

"Haaa.." Noir sighed. The war had been.. boring. Nothing really exciting about the old Quincies that couldn't be handled. The few problems that did arise, were from the lack of Unity amongst the Soul Reaper Clans. That was only because Yamato's forces had awakened swords the right way. Naturally unlike the others given by the shitty blacksmith. "A tradition of forging your Zanpakuto internally, definitely a way to form a great contribution Genryusai."

"Humph, be quiet brat." Grenryusai was a little miffed but happy nonetheless. "Going back to my roots is an amazing feeling. Founding the tenants of the Soul Academy early has helped. It would work a lot better if you didn't try to kill the Royal Guards that come around!" He looked at Noir who only shrugged.

"They are trash and you know it. Central 46 or Central 50 dogs too. How many Noble families will survive does not matter. Let me kill them and be done with it." Noir said only slightly joking. Genryusai did not agree in any way. "Fine. Just be careful, I feel a bad sense of Dread. Especially since I am a member of the Shiba Clan for some reason. Imagine that?"

Noir found that out after fighting for several months when a blur came up and grabbed him back to the Command tent. The timeline was extremely... out there. He thought it was Yorichi for a moment but the memories that assaulted him let him that was wrong on all accounts. Just a friend he grew up with. Her brother was somewhere fighting another battle. He kept forgetting her name so he just called her Pepper Cat.

The System refused to allow him to remember certain things. It was weird as hell.

"Oi, shitty Shiba come on," Pepper Cat said without any regard for customs or etiquette. Something that those in Noir's squad did. She did however greet Genryusai respectfully. "Commander, hope things are going well."

"Yes. Do your best out there. This is the end of it all. One final push." Genryusai left. A large number of forces following with. "Good day, Lieutenant Tsukabishi." A large man and a few very large women walked pass. They looked very much alike. All muscular and tall like Tessai Tsukabishi from Urahara's shop. Most likely the grandparent or something.

'Hmm, it will be a while before he is born. Kind of sucks that I was not allowed to alter anything here. Maybe I am just here as a User. But what all can I change?' Lost in thought, Noir missed the annoyed look on his force's faces. "Forget it! I will do something later."

Noir's entire disposition changed as he turned serious. The aura of an Emperor passing over the troops. They all snapped to and took their orders. While he was doing so a member of the Royal Guard looked on from a distance.

"Why does the Soul King put such importance on him? It is not like he is a Noble." The royal guard said. It was a young man by most appearances. Completely covered and hidden from sight by normal means. "What do you think?" He turned to his cohort.

"I think we obey the Soul King's orders and nothing more. Besides, his mother is a Shiba. Father is a commoner. Both are powerful nonetheless deserving of your respect. You are just mad that he refuses to use your cousin's swords." The other man was sick of his partner's whining. He prayed every day for a transfer. 'Maybe I just need to go and join the battle? Step down from this shitty post.'

"Damn right! He should be honored." The other Royal guard said arrogantly. "Maybe he will die in battle today!"

"Yah know, this suits him. Like he was born to lead." Tsukabishi said. His voice was stern but pleasant in a way. The others nodded agreeing. "If only he could learn some manners."

"He has them. Just hates to use them unless he feels like it." Pepper Cat lamented. "Oh well. Move out you slags! Time to end this war and go out for drinks!"

The others cheered and moved out.




"Noir, this way!" A lieutenant yelled.

"Right. Filthy Quincies!" Noir raised his hand and did a 0 chant of his own creation. "Requiem!"

*Ding!* A crystal like material made of spirit energy fired out and decimated the area. The shards go into the body of any Quincy and destroy their spirit network. Lodged inside, the spirit energy was gathered in the shards and then detonated.

"Ah!" One by one they screamed in agony. But the tide of Quincy was endless. Another of wave of Quincies arrived soon after the last group. Noir found it odd but it would have to be investigated later.

"Kill the filthy bastards!" A Quincy yelled. Before he could bark another command, Noir approached him. "It is you!"

"What up?!" Swinging his sword, Noir knocked back the volley of arrows. Sending them back. "Haven't learned yet it seems, I am going to end your life hear Kosen Ishida!"

*Ching!* Kosen's bow switched to a greatsword. He was part of the Quincy King's Highguard. But he and Noir clashed several times in each Connecting World. Hell, Hueco Mundo, Soul Society, and the Human World. At one point they almost became friends during peace talks. But that was not going to happen.

"You will pay for killling her!" Kosen broke the clash and stepped away. Little 2-inch capsules were dropped by Noir. "She would still be alive if not for you!"

*Kaboom!" The resulting explosion sent dust covering the area. The others were forced to retreat when arrows fired from behind it. Noir was alone in the enemy's lines.

*Scatter!* Reappearing behind the firing line, Noir cut the arms of the Quincy as he moved. They were too complacent in thinking he wouldn't advance and try to fall back.

"Ahhh! Kosen!" A female Quincy cried out. Noir was about to behead her when he felt the Will of the World wrap around her. He looked her dead in the eyes before turning away. "He spared me.. Why?!"

"Ahhh!" Another Quincy screamed in pain. The spared female immediately moved to help. She was able to stop the blood loss for most of them. "Thank you lady Katagiri." The other Quincy's moved to protect her while still attacking.

"Damn you!" Kosen raged. Stabbing his greatsword forward, a light shot out stabbing Noir and another Quincy.

Health - 87

Noir kicked the Quincy away from. Pulling the sword free, he slashed three times sending two other Quincy away. A glance around he used Sacred Flame to prevent one that wanted to attack Pepper cat. She made it through and was doing some serious damage. The spear in her hand cut down several Quincy in her wake.

"Look out!" She yelled. Noir turned as a Quincy with chains grabbed him. They wrapped around keeping him in place.

"Tch!" Noir clicked his teeth as he cast Firestorm on himself. "Ahhh, get wrecked!"

*Fwish!* The flames wrapped around as the flaming cubes spun. In between each of the cubes, a vortex pushed rocks around. From the intense heat, the rocks burned and brutalized those nearby.

Health -121

'Cure Wounds Level 9!' Noir healed himself as soon as he could. Right on time as he gets out of the way of a stab. The smoke and charred flesh was not without a problem.

Health +85

The stab that was meant for him, hit a charred Quincy. After using Second Wind, Noir was fit to fight again.

"Koff!" Noir was surprised by the man's willingness to stab a comrade. It was worth praise. "Now you are getting into it! See, no difference between us Kosen! Willing to chop or butcher to get what you want! Absolutely beautiful!"

System: Persuasion Check 20 Pass

Kosen looked around and watched the mayhem. His will to fight slowly broke. Seeing the next set of Quincy fire at Noir, he wanted to scream. But it was too late. Noir broke away. The arrows pierced several others nearby.

'The King... he is sending us into a slaughterhouse!' Kosen dropped his weapon and ordered a retreat. "Fall back!" Hearing the commander yell, they started to move. The dead were unfortunately left behind. "I am sorry." Kosen said before grabbing a few injured.

Noir was going to pursue before a Quest appeared.

System: Soul King has issued a quest along with the ruler of Hell. Allow Quincy to escape. Move to the SouthEast. Unable to Reject Quest. Rewards: ????

"Tch!" Noir looked up seeing the flare in the SouthEast. No time to check the battle area. "Pepper Cat, you are in charge!" Noir teleported away in blinding speed. The bad feeling was coming back.

Pepper Cat looked at the Quincy struggling to move. The soul chains linking their spirits to the body appear. Looking at their forces that took heavy injuries, she pushed the urge to kill them down.

"Secure the prisoners!" The order was firm and the right move per the laws of the Soul King. However, the troops were not happy to follow them. They want to kill them like the Quincy weapons did to them and the Hollows. "They are still human! Do not disgrace yourselves!"

"Yes, mam!" A few answered out. Keeping their guard up as they moved. Pepper Cat kept her eye for any suicide members. 'Do not need that incident repeating itself. Drove the members of the Kusamongji group insane.'


-South East-


The Southeast battle area was a mess. The amount of forces Genryusai had was not enough. A large portion was moved elsewhere it seemed. A quick check of the map revealed they were near a city guarding it. Even a member of the Royal Guard was there. Some weird ritual was taking place.

Lead by a member of the Ise family know doubt. Their rituals were necessary but caused to many problems for their people.

*Boom!* An explosion caused Noir to look back towards the place he was heading. A large white hand was striking out. It hit the ground knocking everyone away. Heading straight towards the ritual site next.

The arm was Pernida Parnkgjas. The arm of the Soul King that escaped for a lack of a better word. The odd thing, it always had Quincy abilities. Which made sense with the Soul King being Yhwach, the Quincy King's father. Lots of unanswered questions over there.

Noir finally found where his sense of Dread was coming from. He cursed not having his Hollow powers. It would be easy to kill this thing by making it sick. But the next best thing was better for him.

"You will not make it past me!" Noir raised his sword up high. Slowly it broke off into particles and entered his body. "Return to Origin... Goodbye for now.."

*Schning!* A large spirit energy enveloped him. His ears elongated as his armor from when he was an Emperor of the Underdark Empire overlayed his body. A Warhammer gripped in hands as he struck out with every drop of his power. He was not foolish enough to deal with the hand half-cocked.

"Stop!" Genryusai yelled. "You do not have to do this!" Noir gave him a smile and mouthed something before the light enveloped him completely. 'The Soul King is sending you away for a bit? Why?' Seeing the opening that was given to him, Genryusai double-gripped his Sword. He didn't want to reveal his Bankai since no one during the current time had it. But that was thrown out the window to critically wound the monstrosity. "Reduce the World to Ashes!"

With a strike, the Quincy King was no more. Intense flames burning away at his soul harsher than his original defeat.


-Returning to the Back Lines-


"They are back!" A soul reaper yelled.

*Fwoosh!* A woman ran pass the lot of people to the front. She searched all around for one person in particular.

"Commander... where is he!?"

"He.. sacrificed himself to end it." Genryusai said. In his hand was a sword sheath. Placing it in the woman's hand, he walked pass. "I am sorry.. there was nothing I could do." More than a few of the Quincies had been spared. Their ability to fight was taken from them outright. The good members of the first families that were saved. 'I showed my ability more than necessary. But no matter. Change is what we are about. A few centuries to change things even further to circumvent undesired outcomes. I need to meet with the Soul King. He is one of the Grand Pillars of the World. Maybe insights he can share will lead to heights unlike before.'

Normally he wouldn't be able to visit the Soul King. But, a few purchases from the System allowed Genryusai to do a lot of things he shouldn't. Like visiting the Soul Palace and infiltrating the Central members.

The woman was a member of the Shiba clan. Something that Noir's grandson set up for him. Teze was really invested in what he wanted to see his grandpa accomplish. So far he was really happy with the reports. The Shiba member was actually his own daughter's soul sent there. It was better than her dying. Last-ditch effort at a new life.

"Kuk!" A bit of spiritual blood left her mouth as she fainted. The healers rushed over to tend. "I feel so tired!" Once stabilized, the members of her clan, returned her back. "Noir.. damn you for leaving me behind!"

Her eyes looked to the other clans. Doubt and anger flashed at them. They would fail and most likely consume the Shiba clan without Noir leading them. Unless Genryusai interferes of course.

"Lady Shihoin, orders?" A member turned to Pepper Cat.

"We will return home. Too tired for anything else. Too many friends lost today." Lady Shion balled her fist tightly. 'I am so beating your ass in the next life! Karasu is going to bitch so much now that you are gone.' Despite her anger, she still looked sad. "Grab Suna, make sure she gets the best treatment!"

"Yes, mam!" The Shihoin members went to help the Shiba members. None of them would be most likely alive to see Noir again. But their descendants would be.


-Royal Guards-


"I can not believe that fool sacrificed himself. He did not seem like the type." The male royal guard said. A look of disappointment in his eyes. "We should head back to report."

"Yeah yeah. I am voting in favor of this Soul Academy. Also voting in favor of the different ways to obtain Zanpakuto. Your cousins' method... is not for everyone. They should have a choice in the matter." Despite the protest the second Royal Guard left.

"Humph, whatever. Better hope the other Noble Houses don't crush them first." He spit on the ground in disgust. Then vanished.

Health 285 Level 20/5 Ac 16 Proficiency Bonus: 6

Age: 804 Cantrips Known: 10 Domain Spells:10

Spell Slots: 1st Slot X 2nd V 3rd III 4th III 5th III 6th III 7th III 8th II 9th II

Spell Save: 19 Spell Attack 11 Initiative 5(5 )

Strength:18 Dexterity: 20 Constitution: 20

Intelligence:20 Wisdom: 20 Charisma: 20

Athletics: 4 Acrobatics: 5 Sleight of Hand: 5

Stealth: 5 Arcana: 5 History: 5 Investigation: 5*

Nature: 5* Religion:5* Deception:5* Intimidation:4*

Performance:5* Insight:5* Medicine:5* Persuasion:5*

Titles: Emperor of Underdark II, Lamenting Soul, Broken Dreamer VII, Twisted, Widow 9x, God Slayer, Devil Slayer, Mercy Killer, Devil-God, Conqueror VIII, Saint/Dark Saint, Resident Evil Survivor

Features: Spellcasting, Divine Domain IV, Destroy Undead IV, Channel Divinity III, Divine Intervention, Alert, Actor, Keen Mind, Firearm Specialist

Traits: Alter User, Vas Lordes, Master to the House of Mystery

Class Features: Disciple of Life, Channel Divinity Preserve Life, Blessed Healer, Divine Strike, Supreme Healing, Fighting Style-Defense, Second Wind, Action Surge, Martial Archetype-Champion

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